Team Jake vs. Team Jonny

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...5, 6, 7 and Jake stirs before slowly sliding over towards Jonny. DC is willing him on. Jake drapes an arm over Jonny. DC quickly bounds into the cover as Spiral looks on shocked from the top of the ramp. The crowd is wild. 1, 2 and Jonny just rolls a shoulder out. DC looks a little angry as Jake falls back panting. DC helps Jake up a little and asks him if he is all right. Jake quickly shrugs him off and starts stomping on Jonny while holding the back of his head. He lifts Jonny up by the hair slowly and lays the punches into him. DC is counting with the crowd before Jonny thuds Jake in the eye. Jonny stumbles a bit as DC runs behind him and nails a chop block onto Jonny. DC gets up and gives a sheepish shrug to the crowd.

DC steps back into the turnbuckles and watches as Jake runs back into the ropes and charges forward at Spiral and hits a spear on him. Jake goes for the cover, but DC stops him. Jake looks puzzled before telling him not to finish it now. Both start smiling and grin at Jonny. Jake looks out at a roaring crowd before lifting up Jonny into a firemans carry. He is going for his signature TKO and nails it! DC claps near the ropes as Spiral starts running down and trips DC over as Jake covers Jonny. Jake looks around to see DC on the ground and gets up and looks pissed as he is glaring out at Spiral who is backing away.

As Jake steps back to check on DC, who is getting up, Big Ace slowly crawls out from under the ring. He rolls into the ring and kicks Jake fair in the groin. As DC gets up a little shakily, Spiral gets on the apron and hits a neckbreaker over the ropes as DC slumps down. The crowd is angry as Spiral and Ace raise their arms in the air. The two come towards Jake and look at eachother and nod. Ace picks up Jake and holds him there before smashing him with a DDT. Ace lifts him up again and Spiral runs back to the ropes and charges at Jake, hitting him with a running DDT. Ace and Spiral are laughing as they notice DC stirring. They both run over and start stomping on him. They drag him into the middle of the ring and pick him up. Spiral runs one way as Big Ace runs the other and both come flying back at DC with the High-Low which knocks DC senseless. They come back and high 5 eachother, as Spiral lifts DC's head up and points at him angrily before telling Ace he knows what to do. As Ace runs to the ropes, Spiral hits an inverted atomic drop and Ace comes flying into DC with Sweet Chin Music. They both dust off their hands as the crowd boos.

Ace picks up DC's lifeless body and tosses it out to the floor. Spiral checks on Jonny, as Ace goes outside and brings a chair and table into the ring. Spiral looks up and helps Ace set up the table. They both throw Jake onto it and wrap the chair around his neck. Ace tells Spiral to go up to the top rope. Spiral runs up the buckles and turns around and nails a leg drop right through the table on Jake! Spiral rolls around a little bit as Ace looks out at the crowd, and gestures for a referee to come down. The crowd is booing as Ace drags Jonny over to Jake, but before he can drape the arm across, Abyss and kfowlkes run out and get in the ring as Spiral and Ace begin to lay the punches in. A brawl begins as the 4 are going at it, but Abyss and kfowlkes get the better of it, and hit synchronised clotheslines on the two. They pick up Ace and Spiral and toss both of them out and raise their arms to the crowd, who are roaring in appreciation. Abyss checks on Jake as kfowlkes picks up Jonny and nails a swinging neckbreaker on him, but Luther Hull and UVI run down the ramp with chairs and smash the two in the back. Abyss and kfowlkes slump to the ground as Hull and UVI continue to bash them with the chairs. They kick Abyss and kfowlkes out of the ring, and UVI looks at Hull, before placing his chair underneath Jake's head. Hull quickly slams the chair down on him as Jake starts squirming on the ground. Ace and Spiral are back up and they pick up DC and throw him into the stairs. Ace hits a quick Shining Wizard on DC against the steps and steps back smiling. Ace and Spiral join UVI and Hull in the ring as they lift Jonny up. UVI steps behind Jake and locks in a camel clutch on him. Jonny slowly limps over and spits in Jake's face. Jonny slaps him right across the face and UVI slams his head down into the mat. Team Jonny raise their arms to the hatred of the crowd as they look out with smirks on their face.

Ace rolls out of the ring and brings another table into the ring. Jonny lifts Jake's head up and points to it before slamming his head into it. UVI and Hull lift Jake up into the snapshot position, and run forward and smash Jake face first through the table. Spiral rolls out of the ring and grabs DC and shoves him into the ring.

Jonny covers Jake as Spiral, UVI and Hull place boots over Jake's throat. Ace picks up DC's arm and begins to count with it. 1, 2, 3.

Here is your winner: Jonny B

Team Jonny stand over a bloody Jake and raise their arms together. Jonny notices that they didn't ring the bell. He tells Spiral to do something about it. Spiral laughs and nods and steps out of the ring and down to the timekeeper. He grabs him by the throat and yells at him to ring the bell, which he does quickly. Spiral glares at him some more before snatching the bell away. Spiral studies it for a bit before smashing it across the timekeepers face. Team Jonny are all laughing as they step out of the ring together and begin to walk up the ramp. Jonny stops and the rest of Team Jonny look at him. Jonny smiles and they walk back and throw Abyss and kfowlkes into the ring, where they lay against Jake. Big Ace pulls a can of spraypaint out of his tights, and holds it in the air as the crowd are booing incessantly. They roll in the ring as Ace spraypaints the words Team Jonny over the backs of DC, Jake, Abyss and Kfowlkes. They all raise their hands together as Ace throws the can down. The camera fades out....
^^^dont know.

*Backstage Team Jonny has champagne bottles and his celebrating Jonnys win.
*Jonny: I told Jake I could beat him 1,2,3. right in that ring. And I did. But now its time for the biggest match of my mens careers. At WZMania you will practically murder Team Jake right in the center of that ring. UVI you are going to bash echelons head in with anything you can find. Ace you are to going to kick Enforcers teeth right down his throat. Spiral after you get done with Abyss hes going to haave to unzip his pants to brush his teeth. And <Luther after the match you are going leave Jake lying in a pool of his f**king blood! And D.C. dont think I forgot about you.WZMania ,after Team Jake is destroyed, you too will be left lying in that ring defeated by ME! Your career will be over. Your dignity stripped. And tears rolling down you face. Because nobody and I mean NOBODY challenges me and wins! After WZMania, Jake will be defeated and I will still be the Wrestle Zone Heavyweight Champion! Now get ready because it all comes to an end. At Wrestle...Zone....Mania.
*Camera fades*
(Admin's music hits as he walks out to the ring, which is set up with a table in the middle of the ring. He is carrying a clipboard, which looks to be a contract. Admin walks up the stairs and looks over the crowd before smiling and climbing in the ring. Admin receives a microphone off the ring announcer and proceeds to raise it to his mouth in the middle of the ring.)

"Wrestlemania is a week away from now, and can you all feel it? (Crowd cheers loudly.) As you can see here, I have a contract in my hand, and this contract is for the Team Jake vs Team Jonny match at WZMania! Now since I am the only one that calls the shots, I am going to make a little change to the match. It's not just going to be a normal tag match, because Admin hates seeing matches like that, especially on the greatest night of them all, and so that's not going to happen. What will happen, is that the match will be a Survivor Series style, elimination match where the team that has eliminated all other members of the opposing team, will claim victory."

"So now without further ado, let me introduc-"

(Admin is cut off by Jonny B's music as Team Jonny hits the arena. They all form a line and smirk out towards the crowd and raise their hands together. They walk down the ramp shaking their heads at the fans, as the crowd boos loudly. They all jump in the ring from all sides, with Jonny climbing the stairs and hopping in first. They all crowd around Admin and get in his face, while Admin stays still looking out at the crowd. Admin shrugs them off as he raises the mic again.)

"And now, let me introduce, Team Jake!"

(Team Jonny all focus their attention on the top of the ramp as Team Jake's music hits. Eventually, Team Jake run out to a huge pop from the crowd. They waste no time as they all head down to the ring and climb in, as they come face to face with Team Jonny as they are seething at eachother.)

"Woah, woah, guys. I forgot to mention one thing. If any of you lay a hand on one another, you will automatically lose your WZMania match and will be fired, and that goes from right now, to WZMania."

(Crowd boos a little as all team members look at Admin and slowly step back.)

"Now you probably all realise that I've brought you out here to sign this contract for your match at WZMania, and that's all we are going to do. I want to save the action for WZMania because that's the night you tear eachother apart. So you sign this, and it's official. Team Jonny vs Team Jake in an elimination tag match at WZMania! (Crowd pops.) So Team Jake, I'm going to hand it over for you to sign first."

(Admin places the contract on the table and slides it towards Team Jake. Jake looks at it, before asking for the microphone from Admin.)

"That's all well and good Admin, but I have a few words for Team Jonny before I sign it. Listen up Team Jonny. Don't think we've forgotten all the crap we have had to go through to get this match. Don't think we have forgotten every thing you have done. At WZMania, you get what's coming to you and it's something you'll wish you never got. Whether it comes from me or anyone else on Team Jake, it's going to hurt. Elimination, hardcore, table, ladder, Steel Cage or a Hell in a bloody Cell, it doesn't matter whatever match we would be put in against you because the fans all just want to see you get your asses handed to you at WZMania, and we'll be glad to eliminate every last one of you in that match and leave you in a bloody, twisted heap. Team Jonny, at WZMania, you are going to be known as Team Jake's BITCH!"

(Team Jonny look a little surprised as Jake slams the microphone down and signs the contract. He picks it up and shoves it into Jonny's chest as Team Jake doesn't take their eyes off them. Admin receives another microphone and raises it, while smiling a little.)

"Well Team Jonny, it's now your time to sign it, so go ah-"

(Jonny picks up the microphone and quickly cuts Admin off.)

"Shut your mouth Admin because we have something important to say! (Crowd boos.) And all of you can cram it as well because Team Jonny is sick of hearing what you people think! (Looking at Admin.) We've heard enough out of you, you pencil necked geek, so Team Jonny are going to say something now. Team Jake, we do not give a damn what you have to say. We are Team Jonny damnit! The greatest most talented faction in this industry, and you comments are nothing but bull crap because everyone knows that WE are the ones who will be beating your asses all over the ring and that's the end of that! We epitomise the name indestructible, and you are all going to see a wrestling showcase courtesy of us...(looks in disgust at Team Jake) and a wrestling JOKE, courtesy of "Team Jake". It doesn't matter what time of day, where it is or anything else, because Team Jonny could kick your asses whenever they please and you all know it! Who's the team that's come out on top in everything in this feud and who's going to be the winners this Sunday? US, whether you like it or not! We aren't scared of you and it's going to show at WZMania when Team Jake learns that Team Jonny is not to be messed with and we will reign as your rightful superiors. Let me sign this stupid contract."

(He snatches a pen off the table and quickly signs on the dotted line as Team Jonny pats his back. Jake quickly takes the microphone off the table and raises it.)

"Woah woah Team Jonny, keep that physical stuff for your shower together later tonight, no one wants to see that stuff."

(The crowd laughs as Team Jonny get up fuming and again get in Team Jake's face.)

"Remember what I said guys, you can't lay a hand on either team, no matter how much Team Jonny would like to touch Team Jake, and if that's it guys, I think this contract signing is over."

(The teams step back a bit, as Team Jake laughs and points to an angry Team Jonny. Team Jake ducks out of the ring as they slowly walk backwards pointing at Team Jonny and laughing. They change laughter into looks of intensity as kfowlkes taps his watch towards them. Team Jake turns around and heads up the ramp, leaving an angry Team Jonny in the ring glaring out at Jake. They turn their attention to a laughing Admin who is staring after Team Jake shaking his head. Jonny and Luther get into Admin's face, as UVI heads behind Admin and hits a low blow on him. Spiral and Ace get ready to hit Dead Sexy on Admin over the table. Spiral and Ace lift Admin up onto the table and Spiral lifts him onto his shoulders. Spiral swings him around in a TKO, as Ace grabs Admin's head and hits an RKO onto him, sending Admin crashing through the table! Team Jonny are laughing at Admin as Ace and Spiral get up slowly, as Jonny starts stomping on Admin. Team Jake turns around on the top of the ramp and starts running down angrily as they slide into the ring as Team Jonny steps back a bit. Team Jake run up face to face with Team Jonny, who look like they are about to hit Team Jake, but quickly slide out under the ring. St Joe and Abyss check on Admin as Jake just shakes his head and glares out after Team Jonny, who are escaping through the crowd and patting eachother on the back. The scene cuts out to Team Jake on the ropes glaring out at a laughing Team Jonny, standing together in the crowd.)
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