Better wrestler: Cena or HHH

Who is the better entertainer in wrestling matches?

  • Cena

  • HHH

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My vote certainly went towards Triple H. He is one of the best of all time, and knows how to put on five star classic matches. His move-set may be very limited but he has more than five moves, and he sells his openets very well. He hardly ever has any botched spots, in his matches, whereas John Cena, does. Plus, it's a lot more easier to read the story in the ring when Triple H is wrestling, compared to Cena. Although Cena does sometimes know how to put on good matches, as long as the person who is wreslting is on his level, and not anything lower than that.
Hard to say. Triple H has the edge over Cena with the simple fact that he's been around for a lot longer. Therefore he's wrestled with virtually every single big name in modern wrestling. Foley, Rock, Austin... Cena just hasn't had the same wide range in opponents and just doesn't have the same number of classic matches under his belt as Trips does.

Saying that, the better wrestler in 2010? It's gotta be Cena. People talk about Cena's 5 moves of doom, but there's few wrestlers today that are more formulaic than Haitch. Obviously injuries and age play their part, but for years now Triple H has phoned in his matches. This doesn't matter so much with random TV matches, but even the big-time matches Trips has been known to disappoint. Look at his Wrestlemania 25, even in the main event of the biggest show of the year he refused to stray from the formula.

That's one thing you can't say about Cena - there's a guy that you know is giving his all in every match. So for that reason, I'd hand it to him.
Poll needs a "both of them suck" option. Once upon a time John Cena was pretty entertaining in the ring and no, not when he was a wigger. Back when he debuted against Kurt Angle in 02, the guy was fast, he had a solid move set and he actually seemed pretty pissed off so his ring work was entertaining. HHH has never been worth watching to me, all of his best matches were against people who had a knack for having classic matches. When HHH wrestled hardcore against Foley, it was Foley who was entertaining. When HHH wrestled Austin, it was Austin who was entertaining, same with the Rock.

Neither Cena nor HHH are what you'd call technicians, but they're also nowhere near as physical as your Steve Austins, as charismatic as your Hogans and Rocks. And certainly not as willing to take bumps as guys like Foley. They're both awful, they're also heavily reliant on the people they're wrestling with to carry the match, that's why HHH's matches with Orton suck so much, because both of them need to be carried. It's the same reason Cena's matches are boring, it's not solely because of the 5 move formula, if he hasn't got an outstanding opponent his matches are terrible, again Orton springs to mind, those two together are a snooze fest. So I'll say it one last time, HHH and Cena are as bad as eachother.
I like John Cena way better but HHH is way better in the ring. So I have to go with Triple H. John cena is awesome and so as Triple H. I wish Shawn michauls did not retire because there were still be DX. John cena would be in a hanicap match probaly vs HBK and HHH. It would be awesome! Like I was saying triple H is better in the ring but I like John Cena way better.

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