Better heel EDGE or ORTON


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I just finished watching Edge as he became the new World Heavyweight Champion on Smackdown and I think it's a great move. THere were only really two people that I legitimately hate (in the right way) and it's Egde and Orton. I think it's a great move because they now have 2 of their best heels on seperate rosters. Supposedly Orton isin't going to be pushed anymore but if he can stay healthy he'll eventually get pushed.

Anyway I think both are their best when they are able to be full on heels. To me it seems that they're the only 2 that can get the whole crowd booing louder than most of the faces get cheered.

So.... Your 2 cents.
Edge by a country mile. Edge make's a better heel because he can pull of many different types of heel. He was amazing as a comedy heel when he was with Christian. During 2000/2001 thos two constantly cracked me up. They were even better when they were with Mick Foley. I doubt Orton could pull of being a comedy heel. His interview and promo style are all the same. Whereas Edge can mix it up if he wants.
No contest what so ever. We're starting to witness the beginning of something special with Edge. We've seen the potential that this guy has had the last few years, and he is starting to get White Hot. The pop he got when facing the Undertaker speaks volumes. People are ready for this man to have his title run. He's one of those guys that people love to hate. I'll catch some heat for this, but this guy is HBK 97 all over again. He's that good in the ring, and he knows how to piss the crowd off.

Randy Orton on the other hand is just a big baby. His backstage antics will keep alot of the smart fans from ever taking the guy seriously. Destroying a hotel room because you get sent home is not away to get anyones respect. Sure edge has had personal demons, but nothing like a spoiled brat like Orton has. Orton has had his career handed to him on a silver platter. He burst onto the scene and was immediatly pushed as a main eventer. Edge on the other hand is a guy that has busted his ass the last 9 years in the WWE, and people realize that.

Edge can play any character he does so well, that's why he is not only bettre then Orton, but I'm willing to say, he is the best in the business today as an overall wrestler. He has the best mic skills, he is capable of putting on a match everynight that is going to steal the crowd, and he has insane heat.
Yeah the answer to that question has got to be Edge. I don't even think Orton is the 2nd best heel right now. I actually think Carlito is a much better heel than Orton. Like Edge, he seems to be able to do the comedy heel ( I can't think of a specific example, although I wanna say he was playing the funny guy to Chris Masters' big dumb idiot when they were a tag team) and the evil heel (apples spitting and more recently the attempted Flair call-out/dumping Torrie). He's got some pretty good moves and athleticism and I think his intensity level has improved ever since the Flair semi-shoot promo on him. I'm not saying he's on Edge's level, but given time and the chance to develop, I think he could become Raw's #1 heel, especially if Orton gets buried by HHH.
Edge is the better heel. Randy Orton is good but Edge has perfected being a heel since comming in with Christian Cage. From the funny parody's he did with Cage to him cheating his way up the ladder. The fans hate him. You could tell during the Orton/Edge match, not many were on Edge's side. Edge is also a more creative heel imo. When Jeff Hardy returned Edge told him, ''Didn't you die 3 years ago''? I thought that was pretty funny. Orton on the mic always is repetitive. He always says he wants this, he wants that and etc but Edge actually demands it and switches it up where he feels needed.
Edge is by far the better heel, just look back at the Edge/Cena feud last year for example, they wetre in Toronto and when Edge came out everybody started cheering then he got on the mic and in about 15 seconds managed to turn his entire hometown against him, and that was with Cena in the ring too, anybody that is able to do that has got to be a danm good heel, Randy Orton just whines and crys about what he desevers and how it's his destiny and crap, with Orton you always get the same kind of crap, if Orton took the time to study the great heels of the past and learn from them he could potentially be one of the greatest heels of all time, he's got the talent just needs the rest, and needs to stop getting his ass in trouble, the best thing Orton has done as a heel so far is when he spit in the face of Mick Foley
You know the reason why I think Orton is a great heel pretty much has nothing to do with his in rings stuff or promos. I hate Orton for all the wrong reasons but I like the fact that he's somehow able to get away with it without much dicipline. If someone like Masters or Carlito did half the crap Orton did they would be in TNA by now. I think Orton realized that he's a historic champion and there's no way WWE want's to give that away to any other company.

I completely agree with the Edge / HBK '97 comparson. People want to see him, people want ot hate him and people want to love him at the same time. Edge is money! He's been there for the past 9 years and has always delivered. He's got his character down and it IS his time.
What makes Edge the better heel than RKO?...........TALENT!!!! I'm not saying Orton's a bad heel or doesn't have any talent, I'm saying that Edge can do it in or out the ring. Hell, it's safe to say that Edge is a better heel than HBK was back in the day and he was the biggest asshole i've ever seen!!!!:lol2:
Both guys are natural heel which is why they can generate heat with every appearance without saying a word. However, Edge is miles ahead of Orton with his mic skills and using the in ring psychology of a heel. Edge may be one of the best heels we have ever seen in the business as he is very reminiscent of Ric Flair in the 80's.
Im going to have to go with Edge as the Better Heel, Id have to say that he may be one of the top 5 singles Heels in the History of Wrestling, I mean I know there are guys like Killer Kowalski, Ernie Ladd so many others, but I think Edge is one of the Top 5. Orton is number 2 or 3 depending on whether Triple H is playing Face or Heel. But Edge has that IT factor that elevates people to the level that people say Ric Flair has, that Shawn Michaels had in 97, that the Dudleys had in ECW. Edge has the ability in Ring, he has the Mic skills, he has the Total Package (apologies to Lex Luger for using his Nickname). Orton is good but Edge can get himself booed in his hometown, that is a hard thing to do.
i think the two best heels are edge and mr.kennedy 9even though they might turn him to a face0 with orton a close 3rd i ,mean edge and ken mic skills are (dair i say) the new austin and rock of this genenration i mean when those guys were heel the crown hated them and wanted to lovethem at the same thime. they made ever one laugh like kennedy and edge do ....................orton plz get ur head straight
Right now its clearly Edge.But I remeber last year when Randy made the "Eddie's in Hell" promo,he got more heat than any heel in recent history.
I agree with the last statement of Mabuzua but I honestly believe Orton can be a good heel when he is a stable heel like when he was evolution and he was an even better face when he was champion I think as Cena has held the title to long that:

Cena and Orton team up become friends then be put in like a fatal four way for the title and all through that month Orton will say I don't want the title then Cena will knock everyone out he turns around bamn RKO 123 new champ new rivalry and Orton wins the rivalry Cena isn't champion anymore as he has held that tiel for basically two years!
Edge is on top of his game at he moment. If Randy Orton sorted his life out and stopped messing up behind the scenes, then Randy Orton would be the top heel right now. Because Edge has kept his head down and studied the game he has mastered the ring psychology which most wrestlers don't. However, nobody can deny that Randy Orton has the potential to be the biggest heel since HHH (in the McMahon-Helmsley era). The Evolution Randy Orton was quite simply one of the best heels that the companies has produced. He was arrogance personaified and everybody hated him for the right reasons (unlike today).
Randy Orton's problem is that the nonchalant heel seems to be the only character that he can play on a mainevent level. When he tries to show a range of emotion it doesn't work as well (it will come with practise).
So yeah, Edge is the man right now (and he deserves to be) but Randy Orton has the potential to catch or even surpass him if he sorts his attitude out. Think of how green Edge was when he was 27. It took Edge 7-9 years to put his character together, it took HHH approx. 6 years, it took HBK about 5 years to reach his 1997 character and it took Stone Cold 7 years to get his characters right.
I know Randy causes his own problems, but when he hits his 30's & HHH, HBK & Undertaker finally go away and let the younger talent have there time, Randy Orton will take over professional wrestling.
Edge by a country mile. Edge make's a better heel because he can pull of many different types of heel. He was amazing as a comedy heel when he was with Christian. During 2000/2001 thos two constantly cracked me up. They were even better when they were with Mick Foley. I doubt Orton could pull of being a comedy heel. His interview and promo style are all the same. Whereas Edge can mix it up if he wants.

Very true. Hopefully, Edge will have a lengthy title reign, and keep his excellent heel attributes. Perhaps Orton could again become a serious contender for the WWE Championship, but unfortunately, I can't see this happening for a number of reasons. One being the recent hotel incident, the other being that would mean two heel Champions.
WHOA, vipjr! People are always lookin for "the next" this or that. Edge is great in his own right, Kennedy is good in his own right. But Austin and Rock? Man, those guys had the crowd in THE PALM OF THEIR HANDS!! But I digress. E&K are very good. Edge kinda reminds me of Y2J when he hit his groove. The fans are really behind him. I know this won't happen, but Edge could swindle his way to a long title run, only to lose the belt to Hardy based on passion/hatred alone. OR they could pull the old Raven/Dreamer deal where no matter what, Hardy can't beat Edge until one fateful match. But then I KNOW that won't happen. Oh, yeah, Edge is better.
I agree with everything that has been posted regarding Edge. He has great mic skills, a wide range of chraracter and emotion, and he can put on a decent match. I do have to disagree with those who say Randy Orton is the superstar of the future. While some might say he plays a great arrogant heel, I find it hard to say he's playing any character at all. Randy Orton is an arrogant, immature, spoiled brat. While that might give him some degree of heel heat, some day (posibly very soon), his persona's going to grow stale. With his lack of acting skills, I don't think there's any other character he can pull off. While some say he's young and will develop, let's not forget that Randy Orton isn't a rookie. He's been around for a good 4 years on the main WWE roster and we've yet to see him break any ground as far as his character goes. Also, I know many will disagree, but I find him a bore in the ring. He's got a great dropkick and he's developing his finisher, but besides that, he's got nothing to offer in the ring. He's going to have to study hard to get anywhere near Edge's ability. I personally think releasing him would be a great move by the WWE. The recent defections to TNA haven't hurt the WWE ratings wise or earnings wise, and I highly doubt Randy would have many fans follow him to TNA. I highly concur with an earlier post saying Carlito has far more potential than Orton, and while he might have his owns issues, between his mic skills and in ring ability, with some more experience, he could be a great asset to the company.
at this point in time, Edge is the best heel. He's perfect in every single way. he got great mic skills, great wrestling skills, super hateable, and most importaintly beatable... a great heel has to be beatable but some how keeps winning by there own shifty ways.

Now with that being said... Orton has the potential to be just as good if not better. if orton can get his stuff together in his personal life he could be "The Guy". the guy already gets tuns of real-life heat... my suggestion is to take all what he's been getting in trouble for they should funnel that into his character... thus being a comedy heel... they should turn him into the company prick that cant be beat... im talking show him pulling pranks on the divas, being sexist, a vinnette of him trashing a hotell room..etc.. i think i could put him over in a big big way...

i also think that for a couple of months they let him work that angle and then if god forbid Cena is still champ, he challenges orton cus he's stick of all the pranks... i think i could be really entertaining.

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