Who's better - Orton or Edge?

I'm torn on this one, cause this is quite a decision.

On mic work, I'd have to go with Orton. I'm well aware that this is the area where Orton tends to be most criticised due to his robotic monotone and crap like that, but that doesn't both me. When Orton talks, I find myself hanging on every word. Edge has more energy, but for some reason I find myself occasionally getting bored during Edge promos. I think it's because he does these pretty energetic promos, designed to keep people hooked. But the irony is, those energetic promos are most boring because we've seen them so much. From The Rock to Cena to Face Jericho, the energetic, funny promos are so common. Say what you want about Orton, but his promo style is quite unique. I like that about him.

In the ring... This is where it's toughest. Obviously, Edge is far superior when it comes to gimmick matches. But in standard matches, it's tough to decide. On the one hand, Edge can pull great matches out of average performers and he always has great spots and excitement. But Orton can use psychology and tell a story so much better. He uses his slow, methodic style to his advantage. Orton certainly has a 'less is more' approach, plus the RKO is always great and gets a loud reaction from the crowd.

But if there's one way that Edge stands head and shoulders above Orton, it's how he's booked and his angles. His Ultimate Opportunist stuff is always awesome to watch and you can count on him for a crazy twist during a boring show. I know how he's booked has nothing to do with him as a performer, but he plays the gimmick so well, so that's points for Edge. Although, Orton plays his charater beautifully too. His little fits in the middle of the ring and the creepy, slimy way he plays the Viper character is just fantastic.

So I'm gonna have to go with Orton on this one. But who knows what the future might hold.
no question about it, edge is much better than orton.
-edge has experience. hes been here since 98 (even before that) and hes worked his way up for longer. Lets see. Hes held almost every title in the wwe, due to his extended period of time in the company. Hes done what theyve wanted, and has been in the tag team and intercontinental division for more than enough time to ready him for the big belt. edge has the most title reigns out of anyone. hes great all around and can adapt easily to being a face or heel. even though in my opinion he is better as a heel.

this question is like asking who is better out of triple h and hornswaggle. Not that orton is hornswaggle. orton is one of the best in the game right now. his heel character is the best in wwe in my opinion. the way he plays a snake, his promos, his look. all of it. look at orton when he was part of rated rko. his look has changed and his attitude. the dudes a beast in the ring and has had spectacular moments. but still, its the veteran edge who will always pull out the punch. hes just legendary. there can be no man who would say edge doesnt deserve to be in the hall of fame. orton will one day, but not now.

we gotta put our biases aside and look at the facts. both draw, both are amazing heels, both have great wrestling skills.
Randy Orton is the better out of the two. I hope he stays a "Bad Guy" and goes back in the run for the Heavyweight Championship. Or atleast the US Championship.
Randy is all flash and charisma. His character intensity makes him so valuable randy has had one heel since he entered "A paraniod volatile maniac" so until I see something more i'd say Edge is more unique.

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