What do you think is going to be the better fued Orton/HHH or Cena/Edge?

Id say the cumlitive mic work of Edge and Cena will be better overall, but Trips and Orton have the better storyline angle to work with. Between Cena and Edge, its merely down to "you have the big gold belt, and I wants it" which is ALL fine and dandy by me, it just may grow a little long in the tooth over the course of 7 weeks. There just isnt that many ways to say it.

On the other hand, Orton and Trips have the family involvement, the personal issues, the fact that Trips mentored Orton, Orton possibly wanting revenge on Triple H knocking him out of action (remember, it was in a match with Triple H were Orton broke his collar bone) AND the belt involved. It just seems to me they have far more to work with, and neither are slouches when it comes to pushing an angle. I have to call it a draw for now, becuase while Trips and Orton have more material to work with, Edge is the top heel in the buisness, and Cena is the best face in the buisness, so their overall talents may shine through limited working material.
Orton/HHH. Orton's character is a whole new evolution, undeniable. The HHH-Stephanie storylines have been done but thanks to that evolution of Orton, together it will bring a whole new taste to it. People must've been longing for a storyline wherein HHH and Steph are acknowledged as one, anyway. They've produced a great start as far as I think.

Anything/Everything with Cena's boring anyway. Even his own father is more entertaining than him (referring to when Edge assaulted him).

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