Edge and Orton....I don't understand.

Edge was over huge as a face when he returned at the Royal Rumble, and continued to be for a while. Losing at Wrestlemania may of slowed him down a bit, but he was still getting huge pops after he speared Orton. Christian even got booed for saying he hated the fans. I'm sure we all new it was a matter of time before he turned heel cause that is what he does best.

As far as Orton the guy is gold he's probably the best all around performer today. He don't even have to speak and the crowd eats it up. Wrestling needed another guy like Austin to shake things up again. Orton has cemented his own legacy that he's not the new Austin. He's his own unique character that can't be duplicated.
Originally Posted by justjustinjacobs
Idioteque555 is right on the money, the fans cheer for Orton because they weren't forced to. As Idioteque555 said it was clear to the fans that they should cheer for Rhodes and DiBiase, I mean the way he treated them, but they simply felt they did not deserve it.

First of all, thank you for agreeing with me. I was extremely surprised that I was the first to post something about Legacy in this thread, as it's the obvious reason why Orton is more over than Edge (as a face). I'm actually surprised to see that no one else mentioned it besides you & I.

Originally Posted by justjustinjacobs
However some of you people need to join the real world it has nothing to do with Orton being better than Edge it is all a matter of circumstance. In my own opinion Edge is more talented than Orton, he is more charismatic, more cerebral, has a better flow in his matches and cuts waay better promos. Plus Edge had to get over with the fans as a face or a heel on his own not through who his father was, as Orton did for many years. But at the end of the day both are talented, tested individuals.

Agreed, I love Edge's work too. As others have already mentioned, Edge's "Ultimate Opportunist" character is just too hard to like, because the fans have a good memory for things like that. The things that character did are too fresh in the fan's minds to get over (completely) as a babyface/tweener like Orton.

justjustinjacobs summed it up extremely well: "it is all a matter of circumstance". The circumstance being that the fans didn't want to cheer for Dibiase & Rhodes. Edge didn't have a program like that to get him over, and make them forget about all the "nasty" things Edge did as a heel.
I think Orton has more charisma than Edge.Edge's character was kinda a chickenshit who really made people annoy.But Orton had some cockiness back to legend killer days , and behaves like Austin in Viper days , so he's damn way more appealing.

Also don't forget some factors that female audience pays attention to , needless to say.

I exactly remember the Rated-RKO broke up match , Where Orton was cheered over Edge , While both were heels.It seems Orton has the " IT " factor , but Edge doesn't.
Wow that was a mature, educated response.

But as for Orton being cheered over Edge the last time they had a match. That point actually makes Edge look better, as a heel your job should be to get heat no matter what. That was something Orton never did enough of, he would never really do anything to stop the small pockets of cheers he would get and as the years went by those cheers got bigger. Edge as a heel would usually try to cut those people down in order to diminish it from occurring, unless of course they were in Canada where people would cheer for Edge no matter what . Orton let himself become the "cool" heel before his face turn and that is something that should never be done as a heel. So that argument makes Edge look better since he was getting the response he was supposed to.
Wow that was a mature, educated response.

But as for Orton being cheered over Edge the last time they had a match. That point actually makes Edge look better, as a heel your job should be to get heat no matter what. That was something Orton never did enough of, he would never really do anything to stop the small pockets of cheers he would get and as the years went by those cheers got bigger. Edge as a heel would usually try to cut those people down in order to diminish it from occurring, unless of course they were in Canada where people would cheer for Edge no matter what . Orton let himself become the "cool" heel before his face turn and that is something that should never be done as a heel. So that argument makes Edge look better since he was getting the response he was supposed to.

that doesnt even make sense , randy orton is a monster heel or face , he reached a level that nobody can obtain.. he doesnt stop until he gets what he wants he just doin it the smart way .. why not let john cena take out the competition? when batista finally gives up on gettin the title back and he eats edge alive he'll strike cena down .. but imagine if randy gets the title and him and randy form an alliance ?

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