Best WWE July Pay Per View of this Decade

Best WWE July PPV of the 2000's

  • Fully Loaded 2000

  • InVasion 2001

  • Vengeance 2002

  • Vengeance 2003

  • Vengeance 2004

  • The Great American Bash 2005

  • The Great American Bash 2006

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Well on the Eve of what is sure to be another 2007 lackluster WWE pay per view, I was thinking of the good ole days again, which i guess to some is blasphemy remembering how good the company once was.

So I pose to you, which July WWE pay per view has been the best so far of this decade, and give reasons. I'll give a generic overview of each pay per view with 3 marquee matchups to stir the memory.

Fully Loaded 2000:
Triple Main Event.
WWE Champion the Rock vs. Chris Benoit
Last Man Standing: Triple H vs. Chris Jericho
The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle

Team WWE: (Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker and Kane) vs. Team WCW (Booker T. Diamond Dallas Page, Rhyno, Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley)
WWE Hardcore Championship: Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam
Edge and Christian vs. Lance Storm and Mike Awesome

Vengeance 2002:
WWE Title Match: The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock
WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Unamericans vs. Hulk Hogan and Edge
IC Title Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Brock Lesnar

Vengeance 2003:
WWE Title Match: Brock Lesnar vs. The Big Show vs. Kurt Angle
Mr. McMahon vs. Zach Gowen
The Undertaker vs. John Cena

Vengeance 2004:
World Title Match: Chris Benoit vs. Triple H
IC Title Match: Randy Orton vs. Edge
No DQ: Matt Hardy vs. Kane

The Great American Bash 2005:
WHC: Batista vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero
The Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan

The Great American Bash 2006:
WHC: Rey Mysterio vs. King Booka
Punjabi Prison: The Undertaker vs. the Big Show
Mr. Kennedy vs. Batista

That's the quick run down of the past July Pay Per Views of this decade.
I voted Fully Loaded 2000. To me that event lived up to it's name, it was fully loaded. This was the PPV that brought Kurt Angle into the main event scene, Solidified Triple H's main event status, and showed that even as a former WCW star you can be pushed into main events. All three main events delivered big time! And the undercard wasn't bad either! You had a six person intergender tag match between the Hardys and Lita against T & A and Trish.
As well as a steel cage match between Val Venis and Rikishi for the IC Title.

All in all a great show! The other PPV's on this list, not named G.A.B. of course, aren't bad either.
My favorite is Invasion 2001 maybe for the star studded main event and the backstage promos<---freakin amazing!!, those were the god ol' days.
I voted for Fully Loaded 2000. That pay per view was fucking stacked from top to bottom. The Triple Main Event certainly lived up to the hype.

Angle vs. Undertaker, especially with Angle only 9 months into his WWE stint, was awesome. Angle certainly elevated himself, and was given a main event match at Summerslam the next month.

Last Man Standing with Triple H and Jericho was probably the best Last Man Standing match to date. This match was a lot better with all of the backstage heat between the two leading up to it. The rumors were running rampant that Triple H was holding Chris Jericho down as a favor to Kevin Nash. This match delivered.

The Title match: Benoit fucking won the WWE title, lets not forget that. Not only 7 months after his arrival, he won the belt off of the Rock. I was going nuts, I loved it, then we got some reverse Dusty Booking, and the match was restarted, bull shit. Nevertheless, this match propelled Benoit as a legit Star in the WWE.

Now I loved InVasion, because at this point, the Invasion angle was still good. The Match of the Night was easily Rob Van Dam and a still watchable Jeff Hardy. You can tell, no matter how over Hardy was, he was completely outmatched by RVD in that match, and it showed.

The Invasion match was good itself, but I thought the Austin re-heel turn was kinda lame myself.

Vengeance 02:
The only good match of the night was the Triple Threat main event with Angle, Rock and Undertaker. This is sure to start shit with TNA fans, but this is a real triple threat match, purely badass.

Vengeance 03: Memorable as well for the main event, but that's it. Another solid Triple Threat match, with the Big Show. McMahon vs. Gowen got meticulously boring about midway through, and Sable vs. Stephanie was just stupid.

Vengeance 04:
Very good pay per view. Anyone that has said Edge can't wrestle a match without gimmicks, this right here is awesome. Edge vs. Orton was amazing, and one of the best matchups I have seen. It went a solid 20+ minutes, and solidified Edge on his main event path.

Benoit vs. Triple H was damn good, but the involvement of Eugene got, well, ******ed. It only was meant to set up Summerslam. Nice to see Benoit get over on Triple H again.

GAB 05:
Boring pay per view, with a horrible main event. JBL vs. Batista was one of the worst main events ever. How JBL became a main eventer is beyond me.

GAB 06:
First of all, we get a gimmick match built around one guy, then he's not good enough to even be involved in it. Blah.

And what should have been an amazing main event with Mysterio and Booka, was incredibly average, and yes, predictable with Chavo's involvement.

So easily, Fully Loaded 2000 wins hands down.
Was Vengence 06 a July PPV? Because that PPV was a good one simply because it was the only PPV since Cena first became WWE Champ that he did NOT Main Event, although it's also the only PPV since he became champ that he wasn't champ, or even fighting for it!
Vengeance of 06 was at the end of June. GAB and Vengenace swapped spots in 2005.

I know the Cena hate runs rampant, but honestly, I could have watched Cena and Sabu in the main event instead of 40 year old D-Generation X vs. the Male Cheerleaders in an absolute shit fest of a main event.
my vote is for invasion but i wanna break down all the ppv's listed first.

fully loaded 2000- i want to say this one because from what I understand the matches were phenominal and I never got to actually see fully loaded....I was at summer camp.(gimme a break i was only 12)I wish I could have seen it or some way I could see it. Damn.
invasion 2001- freakin loved this ppv. I enjoyed the entire invasion saga from start to finish. This opening ppv in the saga couldn't have been pulled off better imo. The inaugural brawl was great, austin goin heel was great(set up perfectly for the Rock to come back as wwe's savior). RVD vs Jeff Hardy was excellent. At this point I hadnt ever seen ECW so I had no idea who RVD was. At this point I thought essai rioss was still the greatest high flyer n jeff was second. RVD showed me a new side of high flying and innovation.
vengeance 2002-that triple threat was incredible, rvd vs brock was very good...the rest sucked
vengeance 2003-terrible ppv (i did have a few cheap laughs as the handicap guy was getting his ass kicked)
vengeance 2004- didnt care to order
GAB 05-undertaker vs the terrorist was good....that last ride was amazing through that hole ....nice job
GAB 06-second favorite next to invasion bcuz king booka finally won th gonna miss him(i kno he goin to tna but he cant keep the king character so to hell with booker t)

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