"The Best of the 90's - Pay Per Views"

Best Pay Per View of the 90's?

  • Royal Rumble 1992

  • Summerslam 1992

  • Wrestlemania 8

  • Wrestlemania 10

  • Wrestlemania 15

  • Bash at the Beach 1994

  • Bash at the Beach 1996

  • Heatwave 1998

  • November 2 Remember 1999

  • Other

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Survivor Series 96' was one of the most significant events of the 90s. For starters, we saw Hitman and Austin clash for the first time. In my humble opinion it was one of the top 20 matches in WWE history. Second, we say the pay-per-view debut of the Rock. Third, we saw an interesting world title match between Shawn Michaels and Sid. It was one of the first times that we saw a heel get cheered over a face. The match was way ahead of its time.

It was a show that put Austin on the map as a top 5 worker, introduced us to the Great One, and demonstrated that fans will cheer for whoever they want.
Halloween Havoc 96- Savage v.s. Hogan it was a great match Tag Team Title Match: Outsiders vs. Harlem Heat was a great match for the tag divison in WCW Cruiserweight Title Match: Dean Malenko vs. Rey Mysterio Jr-they opened the show and it made the card a whole lot better

My Second Thought of Best PPV.

SuperBrawl VIII - Sting v.s. Hogan 2, Tag Team Title Match: The Outsiders vs. The Steiner Brothers, Chris Benoit vs. Diamond Dallas Page, Cruiserweight Title Match: Juventud Guerrera vs. Chris Jericho.
Bash at the Beach 1996 - Rey Mysterio Jr vs Psychosis / Chris Benoit vs Kevin Sullivan (falls count anywhere match) / Outsiders vs Luger, Sting and Savage with Hogan joining the NWO.

Waiting to find out who the 3rd man would be was the most exciting thing in wrestling history and then when Hogan turned heel it was just awesome... after the show ended i had it taped so i just kept replaying the ending and could not wait for Nitro to start. The single biggest "heel" turn in the history of wrestling!

Starrcade 97 was also good until the main event when they fucked up the ending.
It has to be ECW Heatwave 98, with WrestleMania 10 not far behind. What ECW did that night was simply amazing. I was lucky enough to pick up a copy of that DVD when it was still in print. Check Amazon.com, they're selling it for 200% of the MSRP through private sellers.

However, in terms of the 1990s wrestling boom, you can't leave out the great shows of the 2000s and 2001s. WrestleMania 17 was qutie possibly the greatest PPV of ALL TIME.

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