Best/Worst stables ever

The worst? Easy 1 for me The Alliance To End Hulkamania.What a letdown this was,you had the dungeon of doom AND The Four Horsemen.One of the top factions of all time.Ok you had half of the horsemen but Flair and Anderson were the horsemen.Then you throw in Lex Luger along with Meng and The Barbarian surely this means you have a legitimate stable to threaten the all conquering Hulkamania right? Wrong.

This shitty stable in my eyes is the biggest letdown in pro wrestling history,other posters have named midcard stables as the worst but they do the job they are supposed to do,but this stable had star power and name value and what did it achieve?
The worst PPV Main Event i have ever seen in my life.Go check out Uncensored 96 if you ever feel suicidal,this match will show you that there are worse things in life than the problems you are having.
Best - Kaientai, Because they attempted to remove Val's Penis.

Worst - UNION, Because they had Mankind, Bigshow, Test and Ken Shamrock and didnt do anything.
I ran a poll on the best faction a while back and Evolution just edged the nWo who in turn just edged out the 4 Horsemen.

As far as I'm concerned my favorite group was the Dangerous Alliance (Paul E Dangerously, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude, 'Stunning' Steve Austin, 'Double A' Arn Anderson, 'The Living Legend' Larry Zbyszko, 'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton and Medusa). While they never held the top belt (these where held my heels Lex Luger and the Big Van Vader - and they had working relationships with both), they dominated all the remaining belts (US, TV and World Tag) and IMO where the blueprint for the nWo.

Worst has to be the Frontline - at no stage during the feud with the MEM could I tell you who their members actually where (seriously, where the MCMG members or not?). Sheesh, it took them several weeks to come up with a bloody name! Worse still, the homegrown talent wasn't deemed strong enough and they had to write in people like 3D to strengthen them. Put this in perspective - this feud was built on rookies not showing their top stars respect and the most successful tag team ever sides with the rookies, fast forward to today and TNA are running a storyline where Brother Ray is feuding with a rookie over lack of respect:wtf:
The best in my personal opinion is Evolution. They dominated Raw, had a ton of great segments and had the star power with Triple H and Ric Flair and created two of the top stars of the decade with Orton and Batista. They were dominant as well, at one point holding every Championship a male could hold.

Worst stable goes to Spirit Squad. Male cheerleaders? Seriously? And a team of 5 destroyed Kane and Big Show as a tag team yet DX decimated them on more than one occasion? I know Kane and Show were set to split and go their seperate ways for Kane to turn heel but they could have had them split up in a more credible way rather than have Spirit Squad win the tag team belts and do virtually nothing with them. If they didn't have the male cheerleader gimmick and did something more than be Vince's lackeys they could have done so much more.

Honourary mentions:

Best Stable-StraightEdge Society. I'm not Straightedge myself but I've been a huge fan of Punk since his debut, I recognised him as well since I used to watch TNA and when he debuted in WWE in '06 I thought sweet. The promos they've cut have been great and the way Gallows has been used as a dominant enforcer type has been good. Plus the recent mystery man appearances have been interesting, obviously a new members joining but good build-up.

Worst stable-Three great atheletes but wasted potential. Legacy. When Priceless started out, great, a tag team who was holding the tag team belts, then Orton returns from injury and begins a storyline with them which was red hot but then from out of nowhere their momentum started to fade out. They were just Orton's lackeys and a different way to get the title on him or a cheap way for him to retain. Good to see DiBiase is still being featured though, hope the dumb segments stop soon enough and hopefully now Cody is on NXT we see more of him on SD since he put on a great match with Morrison a while back.
Best would be a toss-up between the Horsemen and the nWo – both of which accomplished very different things in the business. The Horsemen were probably the most successful and decorated natural stable in history, while the nWo was primarily designed as a take-over that was actually scripted into becoming it's own show.

Worst is hands-down the Spirit Squad. The only purpose of having a stable of five male-cheerleaders jumping around on stage like they were competing at some national cheerleading competition was to fuel DX with gay-jokes left-and-right. Not a single one of them made a thing of it, and Nick Nemeth needed to completely reinvent himself as a means to get away from having ever been associated with such a ridiculous concept.
This is one of my first replies to no hating and tell me if i violated any codes..

Anyways, The Best Stables were probably ...

DX - They were extremely funny during the Attitude Era and i was a fan of Chyna. Even though i didn't watch WWE back then, i have seen them on youtube and i loved every second of it.

Evalution - Whoa. Though i liked DX more than them, it was a perfect combination of amazing athletes. First we got Ric Flair, he has the in ring ability and the experience. Next we have Triple H, he has the power and strength. Then theirs Batista, he's the body of the group and is built to intimidate. Lastly theirs Randy Orton, he has all the cockiness and arrogance and is also a pretty good wrestler. Overall the group was amazing.

As far as the worst stables....

Legacy - Though Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes are pretty good in the ring, i dont believe they had that good of mic skills and to put it this way, people wouldnt buy a ppv to watch them fight. They were never really that dominant IMO and didn't make a big impact. Of course we have Orton who had all the mic and ring skills for all 3 of them. But without Orton by their side, they werent that breath taking.
Like most of you there's NO way I can pick just one stable, that's like asking me to pick between Afghan Kush, Skunk 101, and Purple Nurple, I can't pick just one. It's like Pringles "once you pop you can't stop". So with weed and munchies on the brain, lets put in the third piece of this temptuous trifecta: Wrestling.

Stables have always been cool to me. I like the idea of a group of people saying "FTW, get out my way HO!" and taking opportunity by the horns and skull fucking it. I was pretty surprised by some of the responses that ended up in peoples favorites and worst to say the least. Most were obvious, some were clever, all were at least interesting to read to a degree.

Top of my list goes to Evolution, The Hart Foundation, NWO, and DX, ya know, the usual suspects. There isn't much else I can say that everyone else hasn't said about these groups. We all know why they kicked ass, we know what made them great, and their positions in the annals of history are cemented for all time.

This one you might not agree with or expect. While I am sure great arguments could be made against this choice, might I add this is just a personal favorite of mine, and has no real bearing on their placement. One of if not my favorite stables/factions by far is The Flock/The Nest/The Gathering/Serotonin/Ravens Cult/The Necro Ward/The Deadpool/The Dark Carnival/Ravens Brood/etc... I always liked Raven and the groups he formed around himself. He is one of my favorite wrestlers PERIOD. The Flock is probably his best known group in WCW, but his work outside of that is at least as good or better. I guess some of it comes from me being an Edgar Allan Poe fan as well. Nonetheless, this is a very overlooked group and a very overlooked wrestler in Raven as is. If I didn't mention this, I would be doing a great disservice to myself and all of you.

When I get to the worst, this list could go on for a while. Being a fan of stables means I am also very critical of them. Not just any old stable is going to do it. You need to have something really going on and have some real success to make it in my book of great stables. So, since none of these make it, here is the list.

The Dungeon of Doom

Nation of Domination - I am going to take a second to talk about this one because some people put this one in their favorites list but I just don't agree. I thought this was a very stupid stable and I really didn't like the whole "Black Militant, Black Panther, Nation of Islam" thing they had going on. That completely turned me away from it as it was a purely race driven gimmick and stable. Although it produced The Rock, nobody else was worth a shit in the group, no one else went on to anything good, and in my eyes at least it made the WWE look bad. So, this is why for all intents and purposes NOD goes on the worst of all time list.

Faces of Fear
Filthy Animals
Mean Street Posse
The Mexicools
Los Boricuas

And to finish this off, I have a group NO ONE mentioned, and that I feel takes the cake or at least shares quite a bit of it with the rest of these groups.

DOA(Disciples of the Apocalypse) Hands down, worst group in my eyes next to NOD. This group for those of you who don't know or remember was basically a bunch of guys who acted like they were all apart of some "Biker Gang" and let me tell you, I can't stand those type of people so this group really pissed me off. I thought it was stupid, I wanted to hit all of them with a freight train, and I couldn't stand the gimmick in any way shape or form. DOA, you take the top spot in the worst stable of all time.
Best - nWo. Obviously, they were a turning point in pro-wrestling, and even though it ended with the angle growing quite stale, it's still legendary and produced some awesome moments.

Worst - 3 Count. Worst ever! Stupid music video vignettes, little portable dancing pads, and lots of pink glitter. I would throw West Hollywood Blondes in this same category, btw (even though I love Lodi when he was in the Flock).
Best- Nexus, I know it is to early to tell but Nexus is fun to watch and a nice change of pace.

Worst-The alliance more due to the bad storyline then to the group lacked starpower. Should have waited until the NWO debuted,
Let's see...I'm a fan of stables as long as they can get across and get over.

The good:
1. The original DX. By original I mean Trips, HBK, Rude and Chyna. The humor was a little crude but not at the level or raunchiness attained when the NAO and X-pac joined up.
2. 4 Horsemen (not the incarnation with Paul Roma!). Notice how a small group struck fear and hatred into the hearts of everyone they came across. Had it not been for these guys in the 80s, we may have never had evolution.
3. NWO 1996-1998. Hall and Nash show up to challenge, Hogan shocks the world by joining, held most of the titles at one point. This group had everything going for it until the split to B&W and Wolfpac.
4. Natural Born Thrillers: I put them here because these guys had the full natural talent. O'Haire, Jindrak, Stasiak, Palumbo, and Johnny the Bull (aka Stamboli) made it as wrestlers after WCW was bought out. Sanders, who was a pretty decent mouthpiece, lasted a short while and was canned. one knows or cares seeing as he was the weak link. The 5 real wrestlers in the group pretty much deserve a spot in the Wasted Gimmicks thread.

The bad:
1. Oddities as a heel group: Let's be honest here. No one took these guys seriously enough to actually give a shit. But it got worse. Keep reading.
2. Corporate Ministry: If you're going to complain about the NWO in 1999-2000, you have to count this faction in the worst. The corporation and the Ministry were over stables separately but combining the two led to a great big clusterfuck!
3. New Brood: The stable itself was a bad idea, but it was a relief to see the Hardyz launch away and into history as the greatest brother tag-team since the Steiners and harlem heat.
4. Truth Commission: Words can't explain how bad this was.
5: ECWCW alliance: Say it with me: Epic. Clusterfuck. Had they kept all 3 (WWE, WCW, ECW) separate THEN I could see the brand split.

The ugly. These aren't even worthy of being bad:
1. Blue world order: Very few parodies go over well but this wasn't one of them. EITHER time.
2. Oddities as face: Wrestling fans, this is the main reason why creative thinks it's entertaining to trot out Hornswoggle the way they have!
3. 4 horsemen with Paul Roma: What in the holy blue hell was Roma doing in this group?
4. West Texas Rednecks/No Limit Soldiers/Filthy Animals: These 3 go together because it sounds an awful like the DOA/NOD/Los Boricuas in WWF doesn't it? Why am I putting them here? Simple: See why the bWo went here.
2. Corporate Ministry: If you're going to complain about the NWO in 1999-2000, you have to count this faction in the worst. The corporation and the Ministry were over stables separately but combining the two led to a great big clusterfuck!

The Ministry consisted of:

Taker w/ Paul Bearer
The Acolytes
The Brood

9 members total.

The Corporation consisted of:

The Rock
Kane/HHH (switched with each other at WM15)
Big Show

Again, 9 members

The Corporate Ministry consisted of:

Taker w/ Paul

And then later


Which is 10. So in fact, by the end of the whole 'Greater Power' stuff, the stable had one more member in it compared to either of the separate stables that merged together to make it. How exactly does that equate to a clusterfuck? Ok, you could argue that the Mean Street Posse were part of the CM as well, but then you'd have to admit they were in the Corporation also, so my point would still stand.


Best stable: Evolution. This stable did exactly as it said ont he tin. It featured the best of the past, the best of the present and the best of the future. You could see that Randy and 'Deacon' Batista were going to struggle trying to get over on their own, but with Flair and HHH hyping them, you were forced to pay attention. Didn't really like the fact that HHH turned on both his proteges though. He starts out by saying he's going to mold the future of the business, and then as soon as they step up he slaps them back down. Surely that completely contradicts the reason he started the stable in the first place, but whatever.....


So many, so little time.....

J.O.B. Squad Someone said earlier, why would anyone consider these guys seriously? Well that was the whole point dude, you weren't supposed to take them seriously. The sad thing is though, is that both Scorpio and Snow were decent wrestlers and Holly must have had fans somewhere, only the Meanie was a waste of space, yet they were all made to look pathetic.

Mexicools Let's take 3 talented hispanic wrestlers, and make reduce them to nothing more than racial stereotypes. I can only imagine the looks on their faces when they were told what they'd be doing on SD.

X Factor Everyone hates X-Pac, for seemingly no reason. They're even willing to cheer wrestlers from rival promotions over him. People don't really like Albert all that much either, and no one seems to give a monkey crap about Justin Credible, so sticking them all together is the right answer yes? WRONG!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't matter who's in this group, if X-Pac's in it, IT WILL FAIL!

The UnAmericans 4 Canadian dudes led mainly by Lance Storm, when Jericho and Christian are two of the other members and are both far better on the mic than Storm. Another great idea.

La Resistance Who the fuck did these guys resist? They even let an American join for god sake!

Spirit Squad 5 male cheerleaders. I'd be put off based on that premise alone, regardless of who's in it and what they can do in the ring.

JBL's Cabinet No one can really stand JBL or understand why he ever became the champion, let alone why he's still the champion, so let's take the Bondage Boys and Orlando Jordan and make a stable. OR you could use 3 guys people actually care about and want to watch on TV instead of the ex-Boxer with no charisma and the bald tag team that downright suck in just about every aspect. And of course, we'll add some random eye candy in there for a little while and see how that goes........

..... turns out, not that well.

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