Best and Worst Hell in a Cell Match ever

What is the most Brutal Hell in a Cell Match ever?

  • Shawn Michaels vs Taker at Badd Blood 1997

  • Taker vs Mankind at King of the Ring 1998

  • Triple H (c) vs Cactus Jack at No Way Out 2000

  • Triple H vs Rikishi vs Kurt Angle vs Taker vs The Rock vs Steve Austin at Armageddon 2000

  • Triple H vs Chris Jericho at Judgement Day 2002

  • Brock Lesnar (c) vs Taker at No Mercy 2002

  • Triple H vs Shawn Michaels at Badd Blood 2004

  • Taker vs Edge at SummerSlam 2008

  • DX vs The Legacy at Hell in a Cell ppv 2009

  • Other

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Well for me the most brutal was Taker VS Mankind, damn Foley was almost made of steel, that SOB was resciliant as Hell, two freaking falls from the cage and he still got up. The tumbtacks were a great touch and even Taker got a few on the arm.

As for the worst, well I thing for me it was Orton VS Cena, you can say whatever you want about Punk and Taker but the one with those two was plain aweful, neither guy mesh well with the Cell.
Taker vs HBK = 5 star match, need any other reasons?

Taker vs Big Boss Man = Vince hoping Taker to carry an aging nobody for life to a Wrestlemania classic was plain foolish.
Best HIAC of All-Time has to be the 1st, HBK v Taker. Used to think it was the 6-man HIAC but think i was just caught up in the whole "6-man" unique thing at the time and have since watched it back and it aint really got any major spots that could make it the best, even the Rikishi (yes who?) spot off the top was annoying in that you could see it coming a mile off and the fact they actually done it showed abit of weakness on the booking side of things as it was expected in those days somebody had to cheat death by flying off the top (god bless mick foley). Anyway back to best match, original match once again always better as the combatants have nothing to base the match on so are using their own mind to create spots and i like that. Taker's chairshot to HBK square between the eyes was simply breathtaking. Mite be the only person who thinks Kane's involvement (and the fact he nearly killed Taker with a clumsy tombstone) hurt the match overall but even still this match tops the foley/taker and HHH/HBK matches imo. 2nd place you ask? HHH vs HBK bad blood 04, tremendous show of effort to give the fans something special to end the feud, the use of blood in this match was off the charts!! anybody else think they should scrap the whole HIAC ppv idea? its making HIAC not mean anything in terms of feuds, more like "hey, its a HIAC ppv show even Rodney Mack vs Mordecai must take place in the cell, pointless!
honestly the taker mankind match wasnt even that great, everyone just likes it cuz of the spots in it. clearly taker was going to win. the best one was hbk and hhh almost an hour long, violent and u didnt know who was gunna win, thats a good match
honestly the taker mankind match wasnt even that great, everyone just likes it cuz of the spots in it. clearly taker was going to win. the best one was hbk and hhh almost an hour long, violent and u didnt know who was gunna win, thats a good match

First of all this thread is over a month old and you didn't have to bump it.

But of course they like it because the spots in the match they revolutionized Hell in a Cell history. Those two spots are some of the most if not the most played moment on WWE TV. My favorite besides that match would be Shawn/Taker or Michaels/HHH. I liked the Punk/Taker one. It wasn't all a sqaush match:blush:. Lesnar/Taker was very bloody and Taker lost an insane amount of blood in that match.

The worst Bossman and Taker, It just had no reason to be at Wrestlemania and it still didn't really deliver.
i just watched the orton and taker one again and that was a pretty solid match itself, almost resembles the taker hbk one, taker was on a rampage throughout, but of course, crazier has been seen since hbk and taker so the orton and taker seemed overlooked
My favourite is HHH/Cactus Jack. That match had a ridiculous amount of hype to live up to, and it totally succeeded. Was the perfect way to end that brutal feud, shame Foley had to stain the legacy of the match somewhat by showing up for that lame Wrestlemania main event.

Close second is HBK/Taker. Was the perfect way to debut the Hell In A Cell, two of the all-time greats telling a great story.

It's just a shame that two of the guys in my favourite HIAC matches were also involved with the shittiest one - DX vs McMahons. Massive disappointment, with HBK and Trips' history with the match I was expecting something great - and I was sure Shane O' Mac would be involved in some kind of crazy spot off the top of the cell. But no, the biggest spot in the match was the McMahons getting their heads shoved up Big Show's fucking ass.
The best HIAC is a hard choice between the very first HIAC and the infamous Mankind/Taker match. Both have impacted on wrestling the HBK/Taker match being the first ever aswell as the debut of Kane, it was the last wwe match to get 5 stars and the Mankind/Taker match being probably the most hardcore match in WWF/E history, certainly top 3. In the end I will have to go with Mankind/Taker that match was just brutal.

As for worst while it is probably either Punk/Taker or Taker/Bossman I'm gonna go a different route and go for the most dissapointing and say HHH/HBK. That match should have been great considering the classics they have previously had, this should have been the epic match that ended the fued once and for all however there where two things wrong with it.

1. It went for f**king 47 minutes, take 20-25 mins off this and it would be pretty good, but 47 mins is too long, there is way too much time just spent lying around doing nothing and setting up spots.

2. And more importantly it should NOT have been the last match, Benoit/Kane should have end of story, that match was better anyway. The reason that this match was 47 minutes long is so that the spotlight was taken firmly off Benoit (this match was in the middle of his title reign) and onto themselves as usual. There are rare occasions such as HBK/Taker where a World Title match shouldnt be the main event, and this wasnt one of them.

So what should have been an epic fued ender turns into a boring 47 minuite match specifically designed to show the world that these two are better than Benoit even though he had pulled double duty that night and his match with Kane was probably the best of Kanes career certainly his best match of the past 8 or nine years.
In a sick twist of irony i'm currenly watching the HIAC DVD while finding this thread and while i'm typing this i'm at the HHH vs Y2J match.

I was at Hell In a Cell last year, and as far as that night, the DX vs Legacy was the best. Overall in the cell's history, the best is Taker-Foley no doubt with the worst being WM 15. It was sloppy, it was a waste of a gimmick, and the hanging was stupid. If you don't believe me, check out KB's review of it.
The best one is Taker-Mankind, that match was brutal and is the reason they call it Hell in a Cell, because for Mick Foley, that match had to have been hell, between being thrown off the cage into the announce table and being accidentally chokeslammed through the top of the cell, that match had me marking out the whole time.

The worst had to have been Punk vs. Taker at Hell in a Cell last year, because Punk got squashed in 10 minutes in a terrible match. I would say Taker vs. Bossman at Mania 15, but I was there for that and it gets a pass because of that, even though it wasn't a very good match at all.
The most brutal one is Taker-Mankind match. That match was something else, its not comparable to any other HIAC matches. Its one of a kind in the history of WWE.
But thinking as a classic HIAC i would go with Michaels-Taker. That match was not only a good HIAC but also a great wrestling match, the buildup, the action, the ending was all so great.
The worst would be Taker-Bossman and Taker-Punk. In both matches you wouldn't need them to be Hell in a Cell, both of them were standard matches happened to be in a cell, could be better on both occasions.
I think that the first match has been the best match, with Shawn being a chickenshit trying to avoid Undertaker at all costs and Kane debuting, but my favorite is Triple H/Batista at Vengeance. Triple H was trying to make everyone know that (along with Orton) his Evolution protege's weren't going to beat him again, while Batista wanted to break out of his Evolution shell and show his mentor that he was better then him. The history b/w the two were there, and the action in the match was great as well.
The HIAC match is my fav and it disturbs me since seeing 52 people voted for Mankind/Taker. Foley even said it on one of his dvds he didn't want to be remembered just for that single moment, but sadly that one moment defined his career and this match. On to my opinion, the best one is Brock Lesnar v. the Undertaker. This match was just total choas and hell for them and Paul Heyman. Both men put up a good fight and Lesnar kept the title and Taker put him over well. The worst in my opinion is CM Punk v. The Undertaker. All it was is a 10 min squash of Punk as discipline for arguing w/ WWE officials and Taker himself, but I guess it worked out well seeing we have the SES now. Still Punk's 3rd reign ended in a squash and hasn't been champ since.
My opinion is a little bias on this pick seeing how it's my favorite but I think Taker/Edge at Summerslam was the best HIAC. I think the fued is underrated and I thought the story behind it was perfect with Edge basically insane at this point in proving that he was the most feared man on Smackdown and the Undertaker looking for revenge over what Edge and La Familia had done to him the past few months. The match main evented Summerslam which gave it one of the biggest big match feel to a HIAC imo and the fact that it didn't disappont in delivering action makes it all the better. While it's probably the most disappointing, I don't think Punk/Taker is the worse; that honor goes to Taker/Bossman at Wrestlemania XV. I don't think it should have been Bossman in the first place nor should the hanging have occured and the match on a whole was just awful from the fact that it was a HIAC.
o guys how can u forget the truelly most pitiful hell in a cell match ever? the kennel from hell with big boss man and al snow. there is no question that was the worst. the whole match is a joke
I have loved most all the HIAC matches and my favorite, simply because I love both competitors and love to see them work (especially because you can tell how much they love the business) was Taker vs Edge. It was very destructive (actually ending up outside the cell after Edge speared Taker through the cage) and the end of a great rivalry in my opinion. I also saw some live videos from friends and from the nosebleeds the end was just as amazing, when Edge went through the ring!
I loved the Taker/Foley one but it was just so cringe worthy it's hard to watch, especially knowing the physical problems it caused Mick.
Now, I noticed alot of people hating on CM Punk and Taker but really, it was a good match. Now should it have been a HITC Match? No, but it wasnt horrible.
As much as I absolutely loved the ending of Taker/Bossman, with the Brood making their first (but not last, at least for Edge and Christian) WM appearance and furthering the ministry, we are talking the match itself and it was really a means to an end... a match to set up the hanging (which wasnt all that great, I mean the idea was but it came off weird)! That is why it gets my worst vote
i think edge vs taker was the best and taker vs mankind the worst...just hear me out! Taker vs Mankind was so over the top and so ridiculously dangerous that even Vince told Mankind not to do anything so stupid again. And although it forever cemented both men's careers and everything it did mean that no-one since has been able to make that match look so amazingly dangerous because whatever they've done we as fans would always just say, 'yeah but it wasn't like the time taker fought mankind' and therefore it basically ruined the match for everyone else coz basically if you didn't have someone fall or at least go to the top of the cell, then you were a pussy.

Anyway, then comes edge's turn against taker in the cell and instead of trying to do a load of stupid high spots and risky things like that (which we know he could have done) he instead fused his own legacy into the match by having weapons in there. No-one really did this before and i thought it was brilliant addition to the match and finally something new. So that's my opinion anyway.
Yeah, I agree, there was something different about the Edge/Taker match (plus I found it great that he was in a cell against undertaker when his first WM involved helping Taker, even if the match itself was bad lol)
Best: Taker vs. Mankind - It delivered on all expectations and lived up to the matches' name.

Worst: All the ones with the new Hell in a Cell cage - And I believe this started off with DX vs. McMahons & Big Show which was nothing but a joke, the only highlight of the match was Vince's head going up Show's ass. The rest of the HIAC matches after that, was just plain wrestling inside a large silver cage, may aswell have just been a normal cage match. Every HIAC match before with the old cage had some hardcore action in there and the cage was more hellish looking with all the holes cut in the cage walls.
The best Hell in A Cell Match was the very first. There was excellent build for the feud between HbK and Undertaker, and a great side storyline of Undertaker's brother Kane being alive. Great storytelling in the match, and an awesome visual of Undertaker stepping on HbK's hands to make him crash threw the table below. That combined with the visual of Kane ripping the door off its hinges, which was supposedly reinforced to stop interference, made for an awesome sight.

I didn't like the CM-Punk/Undertaker Hell in A Cell Match in 2009. It had zero heat heading into it, and while it was well wrestled, it was too short and really buried CM Punk by having him get little offense in. It was the first Hell in A Cell match with no blood, so it really set the standard for the PG version of Hell in A Cell, which isn't a good thing.

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