Best Roll-Up Victories

One of my favorites, a perfect positioned roll up was from HBK/Y2J Match at Wrestlemania 19. The near ending of the match, Jericho had it won until HBK Rolled him up.
My favorite is Owen Hart beating Bret at WrestleMania X. Mostly because I honestly don't think ANYONE saw it coming, and there wasn't any foul play or anything like that, it was simply the heel being better than the babyface in that one moment. just like Monsoon used to say, "anyone can win on any given night" and that night Owen proved it.

Respectfully disagree.. I saw it coming a mile away.. why else would WWE book Luger vs Yokozuna.. the winner to face Bret Hart no matter how he fared in the Owen Hart match earlier that night... That showed me right there they were going to let Owen upset Bret.. but they wanted the strap on Bret so they made that stipulation.. This stuff really is predictable when you think about it haha...

My favorite roll up has to be when Hogan defeated the Undertaker after throwing ashes from the Urn in his eyes haha
Kurt angle had some awesome roll up victories.... I just cant remember them and its bugging the shit out of me because i know he did a couple awesome ones.

Kurt Vs Undertaker 1 or 2? He copied Bret hart's finish from years ago but it was unexpected and awesome. He got the pin after pushing off from the corner and flipping over to pin taker....but i think kurt tapped at the same time? God that was so long ago.

I can only pray for Kurt/Taker 3 to settle the score. I can only hope for a Mania match.
My favourite roll up, well it's a small package really if we're going to get all fussy about it, is Sting vs Ric Flair from the Great American Bash in I believe 1990.

I loved Sting back then (still do really) and I popped almost as big for this as the crowd did. The arena erupted that night. Sting and Ric went through all those what are now classic spots for one of the first times. Flair goes to put the figure four on Sting, but Sting rolls him up into a small package for the three. By the end of that match, Sting was made. He was set. And the rest as they say is history. I think it was Sting's only NWA title as well which makes it more special. It was just a good finish to a good match that has now become a legendary rivalry.
Naitch again as he puts over the Man Called Sting. What was great was the way it was done, Ric about to lock in the infamous Figure Four and caught by surprise with the Roll Up as he turns into it. Birth of an Icon.


Personally I miss the surprise pin, especially amongst the top WWe stars. Even finishers are losing their legacies now, so how do roll ups get a look in? Bring them back, what better way to give the AA or the GTS an element of risk than someone sliding off their shoulders into a roll up and a quick 1-2-3?
Good thread. I love roll up victories more than normal finishes where one guy hits his finisher to win the match. They catch the opponent & viewers by suprise and it goes to show you can win a match anyway, anyhow, at anytime. Some of my favourites in this thread have already been named like Owen/Bret, Bulldog/Bret, Piper/Hart, Diesel/Hart, so I'll be original and name 4 more that haven't been mentioned.

Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker at No Way Out 2006 - Just when he looks to be fading away and losing his title, he pulls off a flip over Taker while still locked in his Triangle and hangs on for more 3 seconds in the submission for the pin to steal the match. I think of it like the Rocky 2 ending but just with a submission/pin.

Macho Man vs. Ric Flair at Wrestlemania 8 - Macho's leg is injured and when he attempts a kick, his foot gets caught and Flair holds it up until he goes for a punch which Savage catches just in time then Savage delivers a hard punch of his own that gets Flair twisting around and Savage rolls him up with a schoolboy for the win.

Ricky Steamboat vs. Macho Man - Wrestlemania 3 - Steamboat counters an attempted scoop slam into a rollup pin and it looked fantastic.

AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe at Unbreakable - I'm not sure if people would count it as a roll up since he backdropped him & lied on top of him backfirst for the pin but in some way his backdrop was like a roll up pin since he rolled him up above his head & behind him then onto the floor backfirst and stayed on top of him for the cover. Just see the match to judge yourself. Anyway it was a great match and I never seen a counter like that in a match before.

I also like matches that end with Jacknife Pins, Jacknife Pins are cool. And I was a fan of Marc Mero's pins like his Sunset Flip off the top rope and that Japanese Bridging Roll Up pin he used to beat Owen Hart with in the Quarter-Finals of the King Of The Ring 96 on Raw.
Summerslam 97.... Austin vs Hart..... he did it with a broken neck the toughness that he went through is unreal cause you knew something was wrong watching it but was still shocked by the outcome.
The best matches that I have seen ending with rollup wins are HBK v Y2J at WrestleMania 19 and Kurt vs Eddie at WrestleMania 20. In both the matches I feel that the roll up added something to the match and without those matches ending in a roll up, those matches would have felt somewhat incomplete.

Take HBK vs Y2J for example. The story was that Y2J wanted to show to the world that he was better than his childhood hero and he was able to do that fo the majority of the match. He outwrestled HBK but Shawn was able to pull off the victory just because he was more ring savvy and experienced than Chris. You could almost feel Chris' anguish at the end of the match as he had been so close but yet so far once again. It really would not have felt the same had the match ended in a Superkick or something else.

Same deal with Eddie and Kurt. Kurt was outwrestling Eddie but Eddie wanted to keep the title so bad that you could almost taste it. And why wouldn't you especially if you had won one after 18 years. Eddie tried outwresting Kurt at the beginning of the match but failed and even his Frog Splash could not put him away. So he did it the smart way. He loosened up his boots and when Kurt was distracted when his boot came off he rolled him up. That, as Michael Cole would say, was vintage Eddie Guerrero.

Good thread, Hamler.
Another that just came to mind was Rey Mysterio's Springboard Hurricarana into a rollup on Randy Orton to win the World Title at WM 22. It was awesome and who of all people thought he could pull that off with Orton since he isn't a cruiserweight and doesn't flip or fly around the ring.

I also liked the Hurricarana into a rollup Rey beat Eddie with at WM 21. And I'm also a fan of matches that end with Crucifix Pins like the Rey/Eddie match at Great American Bash 05 and Bulldog & Sting/Vader & Sid match at Slamboree 93.
simple, a sunset flip is a dive over the other wrestler and hooking his legs and pinning him. A roll up is where both guys are not connected and one guy is standing and the other comes from behind and "rolss him up". A sunset flip is a sunset flip, a roll up is clearly a roll up. Austin had to do a roll up as it was the only way they could finish the match. It wasnt the planned finish.
My favourite roll up, well it's a small package really if we're going to get all fussy about it, is Sting vs Ric Flair from the Great American Bash in I believe 1990.

I loved Sting back then (still do really) and I popped almost as big for this as the crowd did. The arena erupted that night. Sting and Ric went through all those what are now classic spots for one of the first times. Flair goes to put the figure four on Sting, but Sting rolls him up into a small package for the three. By the end of that match, Sting was made. He was set. And the rest as they say is history. I think it was Sting's only NWA title as well which makes it more special. It was just a good finish to a good match that has now become a legendary rivalry.

Part of what made that match special was the storyline with STing on the sidelines or several months with a knee injury (the worked the injury into the sotoryines but it was legit). This was Sting's 1'st match back, on pay per view, and in the story Flair had been the one who injured the knee in the first place. They really promoted the idea Sting's career might be ruined if Flair could get him in the figure four.

What made the almost identical finish to his SuperBrawl 89 Match vs Steamboat special was the anger among fans at the "Dusty Finish" being tooo prominent, fan favorite pins heel but the decission is reveresed on a technicality. It really appeared after the original ref was knocked out, second ref comes in and counts the pin, and then the original ref wakes up that you were going too see another screw job ending, instead the original ref looks around, seemingly confused for a moment to play to the crowd, then raises Steamboat's arm, meaning no screw job, a legit ending to a great match, definatley made that ending special
Does anyone remember the Shelton Benjamin roll victory over Triple H. It was totally unexpected. Especially since Trips isn't known for putting too many people over.

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