Best Endings to a Match

Steve Austin vs. Vince in the steel cage at St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1999. Everyone knew Austin had but then this huge guy comes out of the ring, big show, and then I was starting to second guess myself until he threw Steve threw the wall, which was totally unscripted and Steve one. Just seeing Austin's face after he landed on the floor made that match spectacular.
Money in the Bank ladder matches of 2007 and 2009, I still can't believe Kennedy had beaten both Hardys, Edge, and Orton. And Punk winning it again a second was pretty incredible.
For me personally, Jeff Hardy v. Undertaker for the Undisputed Title. Loved the ending with Hardy not staying down. I've watched Jeff since he debuted, so he'll always be a favorite.

Another would be the first Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series 2002. HHH and Shawn were battling until Shawn reversed a pedigree, I believe, turned around, hit Sweet Chin Music, and basically fainting on HHH for the win.
The best ending I ever saw was Summerslam 1997 Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker for the WWE title with Shawn Michaels as the Special Referee. This had all the classic interactions between Michaels & Hart, The Undertaker and Michaels and of course Hart and Taker. In the end, Shawn goes to hit Bret with the chair after Bret intentionally spits on him, only for Bret to duck, Shawn "accidently" hits The Undertaker, Bret covers him, and we see Shawn basically say "fuck" as he's forced to count the 1-2-3. Great ending and pretty much started the ball rolling, IMO, for DX's beginnings.
3 of my favorite match endings are Fall Brawl 1997 when Hennig got the horsemen to quit yet Hennig still crushed Flair's head with the door.

The ladder match earlier in 09 between edge and Hardy, there was great symbolism in Edge's pose, then of course Punk came in.

Last ending was the submission match between Stone Cold and Bret Hart, the ultimate display of masculinity by Austin
I may not remeber the year this happen but the best ending to a match had to be when shawn micheals collapsed in the ring after he was jumped the night before, then another great ending to a match had to be watching rick flair in a barb wire tacks and no dq match with the big show. But the ultimate ending to a match(personnal favorite) was seeing the great Mick Foley finally get his just due by becoming champion.
Wrestlemania 3 Andre versus Hogan.
The Hulkster slams the Giant and gives him the leg drop. 93000 fans in the Pontiac Silverdome going wild for the three count!
a good one i think is john cena vs edge tlc match, unforgiven 2006, a great match with a brilliant finish with john cena f-u ing edge through two tables such a great ending :)
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper WrestleMania VIII: Great psychology in this match. The finish saw Piper standing over Hart with the ring bell in his hand. He looked at the crowd trying to decide whether or not to use it. Finally Piper, a man known to do anything to win, tossed the bell aside and pulled Hart into a sleeper. Hart countered and turned the sleeper into a pin by kicking off the ropes and flipping backwards. Piper, not regretting his decision pulled Hart up and congratulated him.

Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin WrestleMania 13: We all know how this one ended and helped bring the WWF into the attitude era. Awesome.

Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker Survivor Series 2000: Very funny finish involving Kurt's brother. Unique and original.

Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero WrestleMania XX: Guerrero slips out of his boot during the ankle lock to roll up a suprised Angle. Funny, clever, and origianl.

Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker No Way Out 2006: Angle turns triangle cholk into pin. Looked better on tv than I can describe here.

I also like when a long back and forth match ends with a surprise pin such as Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog from SummerSlam 92 or Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H from SummerSlam 2002. This works in a long match that has already had a good climax. Always gets a good pop from the crowd.

I'm sure there are plenty more, but this if off the top of my head. Maybe I'll post again after thinking about it.
Don't know if you really want to call it an ending but when Cena and Orton teamed up for the first time, the ending part was sick. With all the RKO's on everyone and finally the double team one on Cody. Pretty sick. One of my fav Raw moments....well fav post-attitude era
MY first one would have to be Dustin Rhodes vs Rick Rude from Great American Bash. I forget the year but Rhodes hit the german suplex but his shoulders were down as Rude's shoulder popped up at the last second. That was trumped by the Daniels/Angle match earlier this year in which Daniels rolled up angle but it was Daniels shoulder that went down for the 3 plus the controversy with Jarrett awarding the match to Angle was wrestling gold.

Also honorable mention to the Royal Rumble 2007 finish which saw Michaels and UT as the last 2. Michaels doing his jump move while UT sat up. Classic. Those two seem to have magical endings in all their matches.

Also Honorable mention to the Backlash 2007 main event of HBK/Cena/Edge/Orton which saw HBK superkick Cena but Cena landed on Orton for the Victory

Also the Benoit/HBK/HHH match from WM 20 with Benoit having the crippler locked on HHH as he rolls around the ring and HHH finally taps. Just thought another match from WM 20 needed to be mentioned since everyone wanted to mention the SD match instead.
IDK if alot of people are familiar with this match, but here it goes:

Shawn Michaels vs. HHH Raw 2003 World Heavyweight Championship

This was a really good match to have on Raw. It had everything you could ask for. Some good back and forth action and it had drama. Earlier in the night Eric Bicshoff got reamed from McMahon about putting on a better product so he made the match. In the match the ref got knocked out so Bischoff came down and officiated and he did a good job mind you. HBK hit the sweet chin music and landed on HHH, 1....2....3! Oh my god, HBK is the champ! Yay! Then Bicshoff announces, "Your winner and still Champion is HHH!" Come to find out, HBK's shoulders were down as well so it was a draw and the title can't change hands on a draw. I was pissed off, however, SCSA came out and made the last man standing match for RR '04!

This was a great match.
1. Steve Austin def. The Rock (Wrestlemania X-Seven)

-The ending was shocking to me, as I never expected Stone Cold to sell out like that. But the effort Austin put into defeat the resilient People's Champion gave you hope that The Rock would overcome.

2. Eddie Guerrero def. Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania XX)

-Man, I was laughing non-stop because of the sheer genius. When Eddie unlaced his shoe I never expected that he was up to no-good, lol. And not only did his shoe come off, he held onto the ropes after the roll up!! What a cheater, LOL, R.I.P. Eddie!!!
the end of the royal rumble 2008. no one saw cena comming. he wasent supposed to be back until after wrestlemania. and the fatal four way at backlash 2007 where cena landed on orton after getting superkicked by hbk. and judgement day 2007. i dont think any one saw khali tapping out that night
Wrestlemania 20: every match was anticipated and the ending with chris benoit and eddie guerrano was memorable. The undertaker return was awesome and I mark out for the entrance completely, I was glad the deadman was back. Of course the triple threat was great because of who was involved (benoit, triple h, and hbk). Even though goldberg and brock sucked the rest of the ppv was done perfectly.

Wrestlemania 12: the iron man match set the standard for epic matches by the two best all around wrestlers in the business bret hart and hbk. It was the first of its kind and the last iron man match done at mania. The ending was good but would have been better if hbk pulled the win within 10 secs of the match ending.

Raw dec 28 2003: I pick this raw because it was triple h vs shawn michaels in his hometown for the world title. The match itself had everything great wrestling interference false finishs and in the it look like hbk won the title because he superkicks triple h and falls out on him and the ref counts the pin fall. I watched it from home and was junping out my seat cuz I though after that raw benoit would fight hbk at mania but brisoff the general manager at the time screws hbk but saying both hbks and triple hs shoulders were on the mat so triple h retains. I like the finish because of the swerve and crowd boos him out the building
Judgment Day 2000...Rock vs HHH in an Ironman match with Shawn Michaels as the guest the end, the match is tied 5-5...Michaels is out and DX and The Corporation hit the ring and are putting boots to the Rock...then that creepy video with the little girls in white comes on, and the Undertaker comes out on the motorcycle and runs through everyone...I've never seen anything like it to this day, the way he dominated every single person at finally ended with him picking up HHH for the Tombstone and Michaels is trying to stop him...he delivers the Tombstone after the match officially ended, but Michaels still dq's the Rock and HHH wins the match 6 falls to 5, and the title
Other than all the obvious ones (that have already been mentioned ad nauseum), the match ending that made me mark was during the Hardcore Championship Match between Shane-O-Mac and Steve Blackman at Summerslam 2000.

Living in Australia (and not yet having stumbled across the IWC!) I had never really knew much about ECW. I mention this because the spot by Shane and Blackman off the structure around the side of the Titantron was epically larger than anything I'd ever seen before (which may not be the case if I had seen any ECW).

Anyway, when Shane threw himself BACKWARDS 20+ft into that dumpster my mates and I were totally blown away!
Brock Lesnar vs the big show on smackdown when the ring breaks. Greatest Finish to a match in WWE history. Total pandemonium everywhere!
My personal favourite is Steve Blackman vs. Shane McMahon for the Hardcore Championship at SummerSlam in 2000.

I loved that match and the ending was absolutely special in my opinion. In all the time I have been a wrestling fan, I had never seen anything like that and to see Shane fall off of the titantron onto the things below was a real treat as a young wrestling fan. When it happened it was completely believable and I completely marked out because of it. Now, when I watch it, it still has the same magic about it. I know it is fake and staged but I still love it and it impresses me every time.
When Eddie beat Brock for the WWE title watch that match and tell me you don't get chills and goosebumps all over it was incredible.
Stone cold vs. Dude love
Unforgiven '98 for wwe title
This is actually one of my favorite Mick Foley matches.(Hard to say while hes Dude Love). Anyways, Mcmahon did whatever he could to get Love the title, making himself referee, the stooges involvement, but couldnt get it done.
In the end, Love accidently knocks out mcmahon with a chair. With no referee available(one run in but he was gone quickly), both Patterson and brisco try to make the count for Love, but the law and order The Undertaker yank them out and puts them both through the announcement tables. Stone cold recovers, hits the stunner and takes the unconscious Mcmahon's hand and counts for the pin.
One I don't think anyone's mentioned is Steamboat vs. Savage from Wrestlemania III. Savage goes to body slam Steamboat, and Steamboat rolls him in the small package for the 3, I remember I was about 8 years old the first time I saw that, and had never seen anything like it. To this day, I think Bret Hart is the only one to try it, other than Steamboat.

Also, what about the 1997 Royal Rumble? When Austin gets eliminated by Bret Hart, but the refs don't see it, because they're trying to separate Terry Funk and Mankind, who are outside the ring fighting, after they just eliminated eachother. Austin runs back in, throws out Vader and the Undertaker and then Bret Hart to win, leading to that fatal 4 way match at No Way Out, or whatever the In Your House was called at the time.

Also Wrestlemania XX, Benoit making Triple H tap to the Crossface is up there for me. The Montreal Screwjob. Wrestlemania XIX when HBK rolls up Jericho for the win. Wrestlemania XXIV when HBK superkicks Flair. Austin passing out at 'Mania XIII was pretty cool. So many great endings. Wrestling is just great.
One match that hasn't been mentioned yet that I thought had a great ending was the War Games match at Fall Brawl '96. The NWO had only been around for two months and this was the ppv right before they started adding a bunch of new members and became a huge faction. The fans hated Sting when they thought he was in the NWO but then when he showed up and cleaned house the fans were going crazy. Then he just walked out and left Flair, Luger, and Anderson to fend for themselves and the crowd was in shock. There was just a huge swing in emotions in a matter of a few minutes.
Bash at the Beach 96

Hulk Hogan came out and no one had a clue. Everyone thought he was going to save WCW and he did the unthinkable and turned heel. Instead he did the leg drop on Savage and the rest is history. Look at the amount of garbage that was thrown in the ring. The promo afterwards. It was the creation of the nWo and the real start for the Monday Night Wars.

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