Best (Overall) Poster: (Non-Mod)

Best Overall Poster: (Non-Mod/Former Mod)

  • Slyfox

  • F.R.E.E.

  • Mr. Friday Afternoon (Brian)

  • Derf

  • HBK-aholic

  • Brahama

  • NoFate007

  • SlimPickins

  • Mighty NorCal

  • OTHER!

Results are only viewable after voting.
I dont know if im on his good side? i think i am because he treats me with respect. i like Norcal as i do most of the posters on this site. Hopefully im on most peoples good side
Oh now. Monkey. when did that happen??? I dont recall. And I really try my best not to smash newbs unless they say something that baltantly needs to be addressed LOL.

The only time a newb will get a garunteed attack from me, is if they come in here being disrespectfull to the older, better guys. Two dudes, one who disrespected will, and one who disrespected Shocky got SMOKED by me LOL
i think i was being a noob. you set me straight as did the rest of the upper echelon. I cant pinpoint when it was but im sure it happend and if it didnt i apoligize i have a horrible memory hopefully im a better poster now (at least in the wrestling sections) than i was when i started out
Hells yea. your actually one of the better young guys. And you and KB are both badass because your respectfull and dont disrespect others. Thatll get you far in my book
If it means anything Monkey, you're on my good side.

I thoguht I was in the upper tier and not still grouped with the young ones (no offense meant to you monkey, or any other)
Yeah i hate disrespectful people. I will banter back and forth with everyone but theres a line you can cross most def.

Joking around > Being Disrepectful
I see NorCal has created several alters and voted for himself. Good job NorCal. Way to be a cheater.

The best poster on this forum is not in this poll.

I'm officially writing in my support for Glenn Gilbertti. Best poster on the board.
I see NorCal has created several alters and voted for himself. Good job NorCal. Way to be a cheater.

The best poster on this forum is not in this poll.

I'm officially writing in my support for Glenn Gilbertti. Best poster on the board.

dammit sly. I snuck it past the mods and admins, but not you

Sly and NorCal are close, as is Polley and Derf. I went for Sly in the end, because - like him or not - some of the threads he creates spawn some of the best debates on the board, and I respect that an awful lot.
I voted for Slyfox. Because wether you love him or hate him, you can't deny the energy and passion he puts into many of his posts. Right or wrong, he really wants to get his points across.

Without naming names, some of the folks on that list do a little too much derogatory name calling when they argue with others for my tastes. Slyfox will take the arguement and club you over the head with it. If he uses a name, its usually an afterthought.
you know something, you right. He may have been an even bigger NorCal mark, since never ONCE did I refer ANY post towards him, and he would reply to them...
My vote went to slyfox. That guy could run circles around everyone else up there, and then even alot of the mods. I'm surprised the guy ain't a mod yet as it is with all he's contributed, he creates some of the best debate I have ever seen. Hands Down, Slyfox.
PeteRosesHaircut is one of our more underrated posters. Guy is smart and funny to boot, and he's my only other New England sports fan here.

Norcal is good. I love Free's posts. Precip666 has some good stuff. I feel like I'm missing someone here. Sly is probably our most regular poster who isn't now or was at one time a mod.

I went with Free, cool dude.

Just to spite Sly. He's gonna get his votes anyways, I'm supportin' an underdog.
Lawlz, someone get the violin and start playing the sad song for Slim Pickns, the guy is so hated by the IWC, waaa, waaa waaa.


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