I now have time to properly flesh out my previous post. Two page essays that you have to cut down to one page ftl.
48.7-- Yeah. He knows the awesome that is Razorback. ..and he's pretty cool as well. He can also tell when I'm bullshitting, which apparently eludes some people. Oh well. I hereby state that if I'm ever pissy or mean, it's most likely me kidding around. Or me not liking you. Ask 48, he'll probably know.
Tenta-- We're like kindred college spirits, if you can figure out what that means. Hell, I probably don't even know what that means. So don't press me on it.
Xfear-- He's me, only a mod. And a bit more knowledgeable in some areas. Like Punk music.
fromthesouth-- I disagree with his stance in politics. and most other things. but we got the same understanding that he has with Xfear. We basically both agree to disagree, and tear each other apart in the Cigar Lounge.
Norcs-- We're buds. We joke around in his thread and bounce ideas off each other every once in a while. He says he likes my almost "childlike optimism" when it comes to the WWE. It's because I thought that Trips might actually lose cleanly to Rhodes on Monday after an entire match of working on that leg that got attacked by Dibiase. Of course, I was wrong.
and anyone else that's in the clique. You know who you are.