Best Endings to a Match


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, this might be an odd topic but I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys thought were the best endings to a match. I'm not talking about who won the match, I mean, the best finish to it.

Example: Montreal Screwjob with Hebner ringing the bell early with Michaels putting Hart in the Sharpshooter. (If you liked it)

Here are some of my favorites:

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle - WM 20
Eddie used his "Lying, Cheating and Stealing" gimmick to use here by taking off his boat to escape the Ankle Lock and schoolboy Angle for the 1-2-3.

Batista vs. Triple H - Vengeance 2005
Batista hoisted Triple H in the air for the Batista Bomb but Triple H was about to pound his head in with the sledgehammer, but Batista pulled the trigger before Triple H could and Batista hit him with the Batista Bomb to win the match.

Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels - WM 21
Angle locked Michaels in the Ankle Lock and Michaels just wouldn't give up and he tried EVERYTHING he could to get out of it but Angle grapevined the lock to make Michaels tap. The most intense minute of my life.

Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker - No Way Out 2006
Undertaker put Angle in a Triangle Choke and just as soon as you thought that 'Taker was going to make Angle tap out, Angle reversed it and bridge covered him, awesome ending!

Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels - No Mercy 2008
In one of my favorite matches that I've ever seen, the two ended the match on top of the ladder with both holding onto the title belt. Eventually, Jericho brought Michaels down and retrieved the title for the victory.
I have one in particular that I'd like to mention under this one.

Jeff Hardy vs. The Undertaker, Undisputed Title Ladder Match
This match had one of the greatest endings I've ever seen. A great back and forth match between these two with The Undertaker eventually ending up with the title. However, Jeff Hardy refused to stay down. I believe The Undertaker returned to the ring twice to knock him down again, but on the last time, 'Taker lined up a punch to the helpless Jeff...and didn't land it, shaking his head in astonishment and with some measure of respect. 'Taker then raised Jeff's hand in a form of victory. That was probably the most satisfying end to a match I've ever seen.
I think my top favorites are

Bret Hart vs Steve Austin @ WM13: Bret and Austin beat the living hell out of each other in one of the top five mania matches of all time. But the thing that made this special has always been the image of Austin in the sharpshooter screaming in pain...blood streaming down his face and refusing to tap out until he passed out in a pool of his own blood.

Shawn Michaels vs Ric Flair @ WM24: I think this was probably the most emotional ending to a match in WWE history. Shawn reluctantly tuning up the band.. Ric Flair slowly standing up with tears in his eyes as he knows what is about to happen.. A teary HBK mouths "Im sorry..I love you" and then BOOM sweet chin music and the final 1-2-3 of arguably the greatest of all time...amazing ending..
Batista Vs Jericho Raw in 2008, right after Batista won the title from Chris at the PPV where the odds were stacked againest him. It was a cage match and my dorm mates and i were watching, and i left cause i said Batista would win, and it was a waste of time, because hes a waste of time. i walk back in the room and i see both guys on top of the cage and jericho hitting Dave with a part of the cage, he falls and jericho escapes. last time the title changed hands on Raw im pretty sure. and wat a way to end the match,u just dont expect something like that to happen.
Another on i like was the barb wire cage match, in which JBL was put threw the ring and crawled out frm under it to win. gotta love all the ways he kept his title, and this was one of the best ones.
wm 24 which was my first wm to watch live. so i just get back into wrestling since the attitude era and you know i do the whole cheer for the face boo for the heel thing. but ne ways i hated randy orton cause the begining of his second/third reign was when i started up again. i hated him for the ways he won matchs but at wm 24 i was siting there just waiting for cena or hhh to win the triple threat. trips pedegrees cena 1 2 punt orton pins cena 1 2 3 and my heart droped i was so mad that i could not belive how mad i was that he won but that all changed the next night when orton did his speech and i just sat there a laughed at my self for being the way i was cause what i saw that night on raw was the best wrestler overall since triple h and since then i have entered the iwc and went to the dark side of wrestling
The first Hell in a Cell at Bad Blood 1997 had my favourite ending with HBK beating Undertaker after taking an absolute beating and winning because of the unforgettable debut of Kane

Austin vs Rock at Wrestlemania 17 just for the shock value of Austin joining VKM and Also Austin vs Rock at Wrestmania 19 as this had The Rock finally going over Austin at Wrestlemania and that it took three Rock Bottoms.
A ending that still to this day that stands out in my mind is from WrestleMania VIII, Piper vs. Hart for the IC Title. The match kept going back and forth, Hart got busted open and it looked as if The Hitman wasn't going to be able to recapture the Intercontinental Title from The Hot Rod. I remember the ref got knocked out and Rowdy Roddy Piper got that look in his eyes, like what the hell do I have to do to beat Bret. He went and got the time keepers bell, the crowd really had mixed emotions towards Piper at this point. Piper thought twice about nailing The Hitman with the bell and decided to toss the bell to the outside. Bret came to his feet with blood pouring from his head, Piper locked in the sleeper hold as the ref came to his feet, it looked as if Piper had this one in the bag, until Bret kicked his feet into the top turnbuckle, forcing Piper to his back. Unable to unlock the sleeper hold, Bret was able to cover Piper for the 1-2-3 and recapture the Intercontinental Championship for the 2nd time. Great ending to a classic wrestling match.
One of the best endings to a match was with Flair and Steamboat from their match in New Orleans. I can't think of the name of the event off hand, but it was in the Superdome, and it was the finish where Flair was in the double armed chicken wing, and was submitting, but at the same time, pinned Steamboat with his shoulders down. NO one had an idea what happened at the end of that epic match. It had me freaking out, seeing Flair get pinned and all. It was a RARITY those days. Of course, it was a false finish, which came to be known as the 'Dusty Finish'.
Great thread!

#1-Summerslam '97..Bret Hart vs the Undertaker with Shawn Michaels as Guest ref.
The finish came when Bret had a chair and was about to hit 'Taker..but Shawn grabbed it off him. Bret and Shawn argued, then Bret spat in Shawns face. Shawn swung the chair..but Bret ducked, and Shawn hit the Undertaker, K.O'ing him. Shawn, as special ref, was forced to count the 1-2-3 as his bitter rival Bret won the championship.
Gonna probably get some crap for this but the montreal screwjob is my favorite match ending of all time. It had my favorite wrestler against a guy who I've always thought to be greatly over rated. It was shocking to me watching it and it made Shawn Michaels champion again so all in all a good ending.

Can't forget the finish at WM12 with the iron man match going to overtime and than seeing HBK fulfill a childhood dream and become champion was cool.

And an honorable mention goes to Rock/austin at WM 19. Austin gave it his all and to see the rock and austin have a little conversation in the ring after was something. I'd give anything to see those 2 go at it again one more time..
In no particular order:

Shawn Michaels d. Ric Flair @ WrestleMania 24 - The match itself was very good, and the ending sold the entire spectacle. Everyone knew Flair was leaving, and the way Shawn did the whole "I love you" with the superkick was epic.

Royal Rumble Match 1994 - I understand that Luger and Bret tying for the win is, in essence, a joke, but it led to a decent storyline, and eventually Bret winning the title at WrestleMania X. To my knowledge, and I'm probably wrong, it was the first time it ended with anything other than one man standing in the ring.

Rob Van Dam d. Sabu - Stretcher Match on Hardcore TV - This was in the early stages of their feud, and was one of my favorites from them. Everyone wanted Sabu to win, but they also knoew exactly how big RVD could become with a win. When he set up for the Frogsplash to the outside onSabu, on the stretcher, it marked the beginning of things to come for RVD, ECW, and extreme wrestling in general.
I am going to use this match as an example of all the other matches with this exact match ending:

SummerSlam 2009: Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio [IC Title]

The reason for this pick as the ending was long & drawn out. It was Ziggler going all out for the victory with Mysterio still kicking out. Every knockout type move would not put the opponent away. It gets to the point in the match where every move is deemed as the winning move... simple punches get the people to go absolutely nuts. Whoever wins the match, it does not matter. Both wrestlers show what they are capable of & gain credibility.
I changed my pick my pick would be stonecold sold his soul. When vince came in the ring I thought he was giving the Rock the chair but he gave it to Austin and i couldnt beleive my eyes what happen . I was 11 at the time when that happen and when austin did that i couldnt believe it. Austin is better as a face.
Legacy vs. Triple H, Batista and Shane McMahon for the WWE Title
I loved it, was unexpected, thought Hunter was done with the RKO but no, Orton gets pissed and punts him for the win. Liked the added distraction from Big Dave aswell with the chair.

Shawn Michaels vs. Ric Flair Career Threatening Match
Emotional ending, one of the greatest finishes to not only a WrestleMania match but a match PERIOD. Shawn with those five words 'I'm Sorry, I Love You', epic ending.

Undertaker vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship
Once Edge nailed 'Taker with the spear people thought that was it, before he could pin him 'Taker applies Devil's Gate, making Edge tap out.

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy I Quit Match
One of my favourite matches from their short lived but epic feud, the sight of Jeff towering over his bro whilst tied to a table with his hands taped up, uttering the words 'I Quit' hoping to avoid disaster but we all knew Jeff wasn't going to leave it at that.

Jeff Hardy vs. Edge Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
They put on one of my favourite matches of the year (perhaps all time) and perhaps one of their greatest matches of their careers, the site of Edge in a Jesus-like pose while Jeff climbed the ladder of success was a great ending.

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
The perfect match, this had everything a wrestling fan could have asked for, tombstones, superkicks, devil's gate, the way it finished was amazing, Michaels going for the moonsault but Undertaker ultimately catching him in mid air into a tombstone to keep the streak alive.
WM24: Ric Flair V Shawn Micheals The best match on the WM24 card possibly the two best performers of all time on the biggest stage of all and what was Flairs final match. Seeing HBK mouth Im Sorry I Love You to Flair before he gives him Sweet Chin Music plays with your emotions just a great way to end a great match

Armegedon 1999 HHH V Vince McMahon: How to end a match were HHH dominates and if he wins remains married to the boss's daughter you have the daughter turn on her father. Seeing this man it was awsome it further pushed HHH in his Heel form and Steph went from daddys little girl to the well we all know what came from this.

WMX7 Rock V SCSA: The 2nd time these two met at WM with Austin walking away winner but with the biggest surprise in WWE ever VINCE MCMAHON siding with AUSTIN. We never thought wed see Austin and Mcmahon on the same page yet alone Vince costing Rock his Championship just spills out greatness.
Bret Hart vs Diesel at Survivor Series, 1995. Diesel, the defending champion, was dominant throughout the match, including at one point knocking Bret off the ring apron, through a table. I could be mistaken, but I believe this was the first time anyone went through a table on WWF TV. In the end, Bret appeared so beaten that Diesel was having trouble even picking him up off the ground to put him in Jacknife position, when out of nowhere, Hart rolled Big Daddy Cool up in a small package for the three count, to win his third World Title. A PO'd Diesel sat up and clearly mouthed the words "mother f**ker!" which, at that pre-Attitude, New Generation-era, was pretty damn shocking to see.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, Wrestlemania X. After an incredible back-and-forth match, the Hitman ended up sitting on his brother's shoulders for a Victory-Roll pin attempt, but in mid roll, Owen abruptly sat down on Bret to get the upset three count, and the then-biggest win of his career. After the match Owen looked perhaps even more shocked than his brother.

And I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned: Bash at the Beach 95. Main event. The Outsiders and their mystery third member vs Sting, Luger and Savage. Outsiders enter alone, and Luger is taken out of the match early, setting up suspicions that he may return as the third member. Then as the Outsiders have the upper hand, the crowd pops for a returning Hulk Hogan. The moment is spoiled only by Heenan screaming "who's side is he on?!" The Outsiders clear the ring, then Hogan drops the leg on a prone Macho Man, tosses the ref out of the ring, and one (the first of many to come) garbage-filled-ring promo later, the nWo is born!
idk im still sprung by the 17-0 match...the finish is hard to say being good without the rest of the match...hence i think it all depends on the build-up that anticipates the finish of a match...
but i also love controversial match endings...such as
when Kurt pinned the Undertaker while in the traingle hold or
or when a 3-count lands simultaneously with a tap out
or when 4 feet touch the floor at the same time
[i'd love to see atleast 6] :scratchchin: lol
i love how the results of a match come to play outside of the ring
such v. career haha
one of my favorite [mini] eras was survivor series where each of the 4 team winners of the main event took over raw consecutively for 4 weeks while E.Bischoff was on vacation
another good ending was when Kurt angle and Sting made some1 tap out at the same time.
[i forgot wat match that was]
i like unpredictable ones like at WMXX when Christian def. Y2J and Stratus had a change of heart
or when Lita first assisted Edge to defeat Kane:Edge was going to use the breifcase, but lita snatched it to protect Kane, when Kane noticed what Lita did, Lita did something totally mindblowing and handed the MitB breifcase right back to Edge to win the match
i think the 2 match types to have a garunteed awesome finish is
the royal rumble match and the ultimate sacrifice
BUT last but not least
the unforgivable/career shortening HARDCORE endings: :shooter:
Sabu v. R.Mysterio World Championship (1NS) :sabu2: :eek2:
Jeff v. Umaga (1NS) [ONLY if actually landed on Umaga and i saw]
Cena v. Edge TLC
Edge v. 'taker TLC
Kane v. Shane LMStanding@unforgiven
'Taker v. Mankind KingoftheRing Hell in a Cell :beatup:
Cena v. Edge LMStanding (chokeslam through spotlight)
Cena v. King Booker v. Big Show (K-Federline)
[any match thats not PPV quality, and THEN a run in makes i worse]
Bret DiBiase's run in at SummerSlam
Jeff v. Umaga (1NS) FAKE swanton bomb!!!
BTW..not a Cena an edgehead [ i love villians ] :evil3:
Bret - Owen, Cage Match, SummerSlam 94.

The feud was epic at this point, and this, I believe was the climax, not the Backlund match as Survivor Series. Seeing both men ascend the cage and both fighting on top and coming down, heads slamming of the cage, I remember jumping up and down screaming at the top of my lungs, and then Owen falling and getting hung and Bret jumping down to the floor.

Then the aftermath, The Anvil turning heel, the Hart Family climbing like monkeys all over the cage to rescue Bret.

BTW, I still miss the big blue cage... I wish they would bring it back.
Here are some of my favorite match endings:

RAW 500th Episode Anniversary
Steel Cage Match...Jericho regains the WORLD TITLE

Shawn FINALLY taps

The ULTIMATE MATCH in my opinion
My 2 all-time favorites one-on-one
The Rock won, but the flexing with Hulk afterwards was a great ending
I love this post. This hasn't been said yet, but the best ending had to be Starrcade 1996. It wasn't the best match in the world but tell me you weren't shocked when Piper locked in the sleeper and Hogan's hand fell for the third time. Heck even the ref was shocked:) It was just unreal to watch.

Also Hogan joining the nWo at Bash at the Beach was also a close 2nd in best endings. It started up something great in wrestling.
This is a really cool thread. It also really makes me aware of how much wrestling I've really watched over the years.

In no particular order.

Michaels vs. Hart WM XII

The boyhood dream realized. This was a huge deal for me being a Michaels mark since seeing the Rockers debut the first time before getting fired. Going into the match I thought it would end 2-1 or even 3-2, it wasn't until the first 1/2 hour that I realized it would be a sudden death finish. It was awesome, and completely plausible that these two all time greats couldn't get it done in a whole hour. The drama at the time limit and HBK finally getting the win at the end was just amazing.

Hart Vs. Backlund Survivor Series 94'

It was a throw in the towel submission match, where Backlund had Owen to throw in the towel should he want to quit and Bret had Davey Boy doing the same. Davey Boy gets KO'd and Backlund has Bret in the chicken wing and there is nobody there to throw in the towel for him. Owen, although feuding with Bret, seems convincingly concerned about his brothers health because Backlund won't let go. He pleads with his parents, who are in attendance to throw in the towel on Bret's behalf. Once they do Owen laughs, rejoices and hands Backlund the belt. Classic Owen Hart, he was always so good at being the bratty heel brother. God, I miss Owen Hart.

Royal Rumble match 95'

"Only one of Shawn Michaels feet hit the floor." So f'n clever. I was livid when HBK drew #1 in the rumble. I was even more livid when he was seemingly the last man eliminated. A stand up & cheer moment if there ever was one was when he was announced the winner.

HBK vs. Shelton Benjammin Raw Gold Rush Tournament

Shelton springboards from the top rop to be met with some sweet chin music. It was perfectly timed on both guys parts and looked absolutely devastating. The crowd popped huge and Shelton sold it all the way into the commercial break. I could watch this over and over again.

RVD. Vs. John Cena. One night Stand 06'

The ending was great but this entire match is somewhere in my top 10. I loved that had it been anywhere else RVD would have been the underdog, but not in front of an ECW audience @ the Hammerstein ballroom in NYC. The amount the crowd booed Cena was the equivalent of what he gets in 3 weeks worth of Raw audiences. He throws his t-shirt into the crowd...everytime they throw it back at him. There is a sign in the crowd that nails the general consencus of the audience's feelings "If Cena wins, we riot." The ending comes when Edge in a motorcycle helmet spears Cena allowing RVD to hit the frog splash, classic ECW finish. When the three gets counted I actually felt vindicated for RVD, a world title run was a long time coming.
My personal favourite ending was The Rock versus HHH at Backlash 2000. Having HHH, the chairman, and two "referees" who were biased beating down on The Rock with the special guest referee getting back to his feet after being Rock Bottomed through a table and everything looked lost for the good guys.

Then the next 30 seconds I don't think I stopped marking out. Austin makes a long awaited return, hits HHH, Patterson and Brisco (one of the funniest chair shots ever) then hits Shane and Vince. THEN Linda brings down the reinstated Earl Hebner as The Rock hits the spinebuster and the People's Elbow and gets the 1-2-3. The post match toasting of the WWE Championship from The Rock and Stone Cold was also a pretty good moment.
My favorite is from I think Unbreakable 2005, the Ultimate X match between AJ vs. Petey vs. Sabin. Sabin and Petey both have a hold of the X-division title and are having a tug-o-war over it, when out of no where AJ springboards off the rope flies 1/2 way across the ring to knock the belt down and win the match. I just love this ending because it was so original and unexpected, and it came from nowhere.
The one that comes to mind right away is Eddie vs Angle, WM XX. Eddie in such *agonizing pain* from the ankle lock that he has to loosen his boot. Angle see's the opportunity and gets the ankle lock in again, only for Eddie to slip outta the boot and roll him up for the win. I remember that part just made me go CRAZY, major surprise, laughin my ass off. Ending that i'll never forget!
Instead of repeating what everyone else has said, I'll mention a forgotten favourite of mine.

Eddie Guerrero Vs Mr Kennedy

Referee distracted

Eddie picks up chair

Eddie smacks chair against the mat

Eddie throws the chair to Kennedy

Eddie falls down

Ref turns around, sees Kennedy holding the chair

Eddie wins by DQ

His last match I believe.

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