Best Comedic Character in a Dramatic Series

FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
As you can tell from this title, this thread will be all about those characters who bring light to the ever dark world of drama. A dramatic series will maintain a serious outlook on it's plot, whether it be someone’s life at stake or someone having an affair, dramas aren't exactly fun & games. However, a lot of drama series have characters who bring comedy to the series and make things seem better. My Pick is very simple:

Hercule Satan - Dragon Ball Z

Hercule was introduced in the Cell Games Saga as Earth's Reigning Martial Arts World Champion. He was hyped beyond belief as Earth's Defender against the evil of Cell. When the day of the Cell Games finally arrived, Hercule was the first in the ring...and the first out.


Hercule was beaten with a simple slap. Satan would spend the majority of the Saga then making up excuses over why he couldn't fight Cell (Stomach Bugs, His Shoelaces were Untied etc...). Hercule did actually help in the effort by kicking the severed (but still operational) head of Android #16 back into the ring area, which lead to Gohan's eventual transformation into Super Saiyan 2.

Because the cameras were broken during the Cell Games, no one knew who actually saved the Earth, so Hercule took the credit. It would boost his popularity to new heights over the course of the next seven years. He became a fan favourite the world over.

Because a distinct lack of competition, Hercule had begun training less, believing he would win his matches with ease, however during the World Tournament Saga the Z Warriors decided to enter. Before Hercule became aware of what was happening, he was shocked to learn about 'actual footage' that had been restored from the Cell games and would be broadcast around the world on live television to kick off the Tournament. Hercule thought it was the end for him:


However, the footage was in fact mock & Hercule's reputation was saved. Another stroke of good luck occurred when the Z Warriors left to deal with the Buu situation and Hercule was left to fight a few warriors in a battle royale. Thanks to Hercule's 'amazing abilities' (He made a deal to give #18 20 Million Yen) he retained his crown & title as Earth's Mightiest Warrior.

Hercule actually would end up causing more trouble for himself following his win in the tournament. The army recruited Hercule to deal with the series' latest big bad; Majin Buu. Buu was a fat opink creature who acted like a child but was also extremely dangerous. Rather than fighting Buu, Hercule came up with an ingenious plan; befriend Buu. Hercule cooked for Buu, helped him around the house and actually gave him presents.

Hercule thought he had saved the day, but unfortunately, a group of bounty hunters showed up to take down Majin Buu. This pair would go out of their way in an attempt to kill Buu, but instead shot and nearly killed Buu's puppy. Buu managed to heal the puppy but was driven mad, separating into a Good Buu & an Evil Buu. When the Evil Buu was victorious, he ate the Good Buu, forming Super Buu. Buu's revenge was vicious.


Buu however couldn't bring himself to kill Hercule, a man he still considered his friend. Hercule spent the majority of the Fusion Saga hiding with the puppy as Buu did battle with Gotenks, Piccolo, Gohan & Vegito before he finally became Kid Buu. Vegeta, Goku, Dende & Hercule were saved by the Kai's before Earth was blown up by Kid Buu. Hercule once again hid in fear but also remained a source of comic relief during the time of darkness.


Hercule continued to entertain throughout the series until it concluded. Hercule managed to maintain the facade that he was the strongest on the planet through a deal he made with Goku (They had Become Family following Videl's (Hercule's Daughter) marriage to Gohan) and The Good Buu (Who had Survived).

Hercule was my pick, who was yours?
Well now that's a thinker.. because the title said "Best Comedic Character in a Dramatic
Series " So I was thinking more along the lines of shows like Lost, 24, Smallville. Stuff like that. I always saw DBZ as more of an.. Action genre. I know what you meant though :)

My pick is going to the character Gregory House, on..well.. House.

He may be the title character, and involved in a lot of the more serious moments, but he makes me laugh multiple times each episode with the smart ass, I'm better then you attitude. Sort of the "Chris Jericho" attitude in a way. Without his character being the way he is, a mix of Comedy with pure genius, that show would be just another ER or Grey's Anatomy type show.
The Character I would chose is unintentionally funny, but hilarious nonetheless. He is Paulie Guilterri Or Paulie "Walnuts" from the Sopranos. His idiocy always cracked me up and his facial expressions really drove it home. There was always some comedy in that series and you really had to pay attention to "get" the jokes. The characters were constantly botching Pop culture references.
I guess I'll have to go with Hugo/Hurley from Lost. Hurley would always manage to make me laugh on Lost. He was just this jolly/weird fat guy who could be very likable. His relationship with Libby was fun to watch, but you had to feel for the guy when she died. Hurley became more of a serious character towards the end of the show, but I'll remember him for being a very entertaining comedic character.

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