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Before I Die: The Bucket List


It's goin' down forreal!

Are you now in the later stages of life where you think that you've done it all? Well think again! As you read this, I hope you actually go out and maybe try to do some. This thread will provide for an awesome read and some things you may want to do before you die, your very own Bucket List. From outrageous wild events to the very simple things, it'll be sure to be a blast to read. So do you agree with the things I put? Why or why not? What else would you add to this Bucket List? I may take it into consideration and make a graphic of it and add it on here.

Author's Note: Hey guys, thought this would be an interesting thread. Will be providing images (which are found in the internet) and descriptions that will be on the perfect bucket list. I will be updating the list with 5 items being added every time. You can say that this is my bucket list, but generally, I think it's something everyone can do. So here goes nothing, welcome to the new series, Before I Die: The Bucket List. Enjoy!

Well, here's the first entry to the series and I bet you're thinking that this is a dumb thing to start with. But whatever. Anyway, eversince I was a kid, I've never completed this task. Having to find all the pokemon in the game and catch it has been hard to do but I've seen most of my friends do it. Guess to really accomplish something, you have to be willing to do more than expected. So with the never-ending series we call Pokemon, comes the hard task of finding all 678943043434573 (an exaggeration, of course) pokemon creatures in the game.

This is the perfect thing to be in a bucket list. I'm sure not many of us has gone skydiving before and if we have, we probably wouldn't wanna do it again. The fear of heights, the fear of something going wrong with your parachute, hell, the fear of landing somewhere can be a lot for a person to handle. Skydiving should be on everyone's bucket list simply for the fact of it being a once in a lifetime thing. So when an opportunity to go skydiving arises, take it!

Yup, no matter how ugly-looking you think they are, a lot of people still wear them. Crocs are the most comfortable shoes, slippers, sandals, or whatever you call them. It provides a soft cushion when you walk and it just feels right. So with that being said, go on and get 'em crocs! I'm just saying, but the yellow crocs rock! Stylish too. ;)

Now this one, I can check off my personal bucket list. Guys, do this, your girl will love it. Spending time with a loved one is always a good time. It's simple, just go out and lay out a blanket of some sort and have her in your arms and just look up at the sky. The stars will be even more beautiful than ever before.


No guy doesn't want to meet Taylor Swift. C'mon, just look at her, she's stunning. Not only is she beautiful, but she's got a killer voice and you just get angry at the sound of any guy being linked to her. Yup, meeting Taylor Swift is certainly a dream of mine.​
I have caught all the pokemon, i would love to go skydiving one day!
Not into crocs, done the star gazing with girlfriends. Not a fan of taylor swift.

I would love to visit Canada and America, and many more countries. Like China and Austraila.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a HUGE Pokemon nerd and I spend just about every day playing the games. Catching every single Pokemon in a single game at least once is definitely something I'd like to accomplish before I die. Skydiving would also be pretty cool but I'm genuinely afraid of heights so I dunno. Confronting my fear before I die would be something I'd like to do though. As for stargazing with my girlfriend? Hell, I would wanna start by getting a girlfriend first! Another thing I'd like to accomplish before I die is writing for a major newspaper. Maybe the San Francisco Chronicle or the New York Times if I decide to move back to New York. I'd like to have first hand experience at actually doing that. I've already done journalism for my high school newspaper but it'd be cool to get my stories out on a wider scale. I'd also like to go see Wrestlemania live one day. Or really any WWE show to be honest since I've never done it even though WWE has passed through Oakland multiple times.

Yeah, I think that's all I can think of for now.
Great thread JAM, I've been putting together a little bucketlist of my own for some time now, about time the world gets to see it. I've knocked two things off of that list so far and that is asking the love of my life to marry me and go to a WWE event, both of which made me very very happy.

What I have on my list is to become a father, own a house in Montana, go to Wrestlemania/see Chris Jericho wreslte live and make a successful living as a professional fighter. The kids and Montana are both things that me and my fiance have talked about ever since we first got serious, we both want 3 boys and 2 girls. We decided on Montana because we both love the idea of raising kids on a large peice of property away from all the crap that we had to deal with growing up in the city, and after many nights searching real estate sites and good things from a friend who lives there we settled on Montana, now the difficult part is getting there.

Next goal, go to Wrestlemania and see Chris Jericho wrestle live. Ofcourse every true wrestling fan wants to go to the biggest show in the world, it's been a dream of mine longer than I can remember and I(you too Notorious) WILL go one day. Along with that, one that's more pressing is seeing Y2J wreslte before he's done for good. Jericho has been my hero ever since I first saw him on tv, the guy has been one of my biggest inspirations to follow my dreams and it would mean so much for me to see him wrestle live. I've seen him perform with his band, I've met him at book signings but I have not seen him wrestle, and that would make me so happy.

Lastly, my final goal is to become a successful professional Mixed Martial Artist. I have been an avid, dedicated MMA fan for years and last year I decided to follow my dreams and pursue it as a career. It's been tough trying to manage training, work and a long distance relationship while my fiance is down south for school but I want this so bad that I am not going to let myself down by failing or my friends and family who're behind me. I know that I have what it takes and with hard work and persistance like my hero Chris Jericho I know that I can become a champion.
Oh yeah, that reminds me of another thing on my bucket list. If you couldn't already tell, I LOVE to write. What I really want to do is to write a book, probably an autobiography. My memoirs so to speak. I can't believe I forgot to include that the first time since I'm such a huge writing nut. Also, I really want to complete a Legend of Zelda game since I've never done it before. I've played the games during my childhood but I guess I was too young to fully appreciate them. I'm currently in the process of completing Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and I hope to make it my first fully completed Zelda game. Fully complete. That means collecting all the sea charts, dungeons maps, compasses, heart containers, etc. 100% completion is my goal.

Also, since my boy JWG already mentioned it I guess I can add watching him become a world champion on the big screen to my bucket list. :) Hopefully, more to come once my brain starts to fully function.
Some of you may know but I'm a bit of an artist. It's not some little hobby I do on occasion but something I like to do almost everyday. It's something I live for. I can pretty much draw, paint, sculpt just about anything over time. I've already become somewhat of a freelance artist as I've sold one painting and a drawing for a bit if extra cash. One thing I would absolutely love to do is make upwards around $1000 on a single painting. It's more of a goal then something on my bucket list but selling a single painting for that price is something I want to do.

Perhaps my top priority in life, though, would to become a dad. I need someone to carry on the Hamler name and hopefully bring good to it. I've talked about it a couple times with my current girlfriend and she likes the idea. I don't want to be some 40 year old father who just had his first baby. Once I'm settled down and I'm good financially, i'd love to start working at it.

Next is sitting front row(ish) at Wrestlemania. This is huge. My girlfriend is saving her money to buy tickets to the next Wrestlemania near Kentucky which will hopefully be in the next couple of years. I don't care who's there wrestling or what the card looks like, from what I've heard it' a fucking blast.

Last is owning a 1972 Chevelle SS. This is a must. I'm a huge fan of muscle cars. I want to drive down my street and wake everyone up at night with the awesome purring of the engine. There are some others cars that I want but seems unlikely to get; '67 GT500, 2012 GT500, '69 Plymouth Road Runner and a sexy Cadillac GTS-V.
That is a pretty good list.

I caught all 482 of the Pokemon in Diamond and then used gameshark to get the 11 "event" ones. Never doing it again though, after having also gotten all 151 in Blue and all 251 in Gold I retired from that series after Diamond.

As for your other things.... I will never skydive. Ever. Crocs don't catch my interest at all but I'm a guy and most clothing things don't, I have stargazed with someone special before. It's nice. I would not want to meet most celebrities, let alone Taylor Swift.

I do not know if it is laziness, setting low standards for myself, or just getting lucky.... but I have nothing left on my list. I finished my video game (although it needs updating), I got married, I finished school, caught all of the Pokemon back when I still played it, and went to a Wrestlemania back in 2009. There really is nothing left on my list because I cannot think of anything else that I'd really want to do before I die.
Interesting list Jam. I imagine many of these things will change as you get older, to be honest, but don't lose sight of the things that you want to accomplish in the here and now, even as you get older. So much of that is what keeps you young. But as appealing as Taylor Swift may seem, she's practically jail-bait for me, so she didn't quite make my list.

I started a list when I was 22(8 years ago) when I first began graduate school, and am proud to say Ive accomplished many of those things. On the other hand, there were several things on the list Im glad that I haven't and won't "accomplished." As thrilling as dating three women at the same time sounds;), I don't think my wife would quite approve. The idea Ive started to live by has been that true hapiness is wanting what you already have, and anything else is a bonus. It makes it easier to put things into perspective, and it changed my bucket list significantly. One of the things I make sure to do is to add at least one thing to the list every year.

Finish Graduate School: When I finished college, I had no desire to get a further education. I was pleased with myself that I had graduated, and after working hard for 3 years, I wanted a break. So my parents made me a deal: Apply to one school, and if I got in, go. If I didn't, I could take a year off. Well, it just so happens I got in to the one school I applied to, despite half-assing the application. And it was one of the best things to ever happen to me. It quickly shot to the top of my bucket list, not only getting my Master's, but my doctorate as well. 5 years later, I did.

Get Married: I know it sounds silly, but this shot to the top of my list as well when I started seeing my wife. Ive mentioned in previous threads that I knew I wanted to marry her following our first date, and I determined I would do whatever it takes to marry her. Two years later, I did.

Have a child: Anyone who knows me knows that I never wanted to have kids. So I got a chilling surprise come our fourth anniversary of marriage(This July) when my wife announced she was three months along. All of my fear, apprehension, and doubt went away quickly when my wife told me, and I also found the list I had written when I was 22,and to my surprise, it noted I wanted to have kids! Maybe it was part of my subconsicious, Im not really sure, but I have no real recollection of writing it. Nonetheless, I couldnt be more excited at this point.

Open my own practice: One of the things I noticed about many of my teachers in graduate school was that they had private practices of their own. I had worked for public companies doing aa variety of roles such as outpatient therapy, School Consulting, and in-home therapy, but I wanted a place of my own where I could set the rules and practice the way I chose(within the boundaries of the law, of course:p), and almost two years ago, I opened up LifeStartsNow, hence my user name. It cost(s) alot of money to operate, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

There are plenty of things on my list Ive yet to accomplish, some professional, some for personal fulfillment.

Play basketball again: This is something Ive added more recently to the list. No big deal, right? How hard would it be for me to organize a game of pick-up ball again and play, you know? Well, Ive had four knee surgeries on my right knee within the past two years, and I barely avoided a knee replacement. Had I had the knee replacement procedure, I would surely never play again. The fact that the opportunity remains there for me is something that excites me for the future, and gives me something to work hard towards for physical therapy.

Attend Wrestlemania: Strangely, this is as high on my list as anything else. I was supposed to go to Wrestlemania 26, but plans fell through. Ive been to 20+ WWE shows, including several PPV's(Bragging Rights 2009 being the last), but every plan Ive made to go to Wrestlemania has fallen through for one reason or another over the past few years. Ill have a fairly newborn come this year, so the goal is for my wife and I to go in 2013. Fingers crossed here.

Teach: As much as I enjoy being in private practice, I get bored at times with some of the things I do and I look for ways to diversify myself within my field. I would need to go back to school in this case, but I would like to teach graduate level psychology classes someday at the school I got my degree. Ive done guest lectures and the like, which has made me realize how much I would love to do it on at least a part-time basis. This is something I would honestly do for free if given the chance.

Travel: Ive never been someone who's put a tremendous amount of value on material things, as I'd rather be rich in life experience. Ive never been out of the United States in my life, and Id love to change that. My little sister and her husband have been to India, China, Italy, and Russia, and take at least one trip a year. Id like for my wife and I to be able to eventually start to join them one day.

Im sure there are more things, and if I think of them, Ill edit my post. As I said earlier, so much of what brings haapiness is wanting the things you already have, which makes anything else a great bonus. I feel fortunate that Ive been blessed in many ways within both my personal and professional life, and have gotten through many of the storms that my mid-to-late twenties brought. The excitement of having the time and opportunity to pursue many of the things on my list isn't a distant reality like it used to seem, and I look forward to the challenge.
Very interesting LSN, you seem like a very interesting person. Well done on getting married and your wife being pregnant. I`am sure you are very excited at this. Also your practise, your sorted for life now. You have a wife, a child on the way, and your own business. You seem to break your kness alot, what happened? Or is it to personal? Anyway i think once the child comes you will forgot about teaching! And i think you will be traveling with your child in the near future. I don`t think you would need to travel that far to Disney World!
My bucket list isn't as sentimental as some of the other, but to me it's as personal as they can possibly come. I've already accomplished some of my bucket list, but still they've been there since I was a kid. So, here they are.

1. Become a wrestler (Completed) - Both high school and "gimmick" wrestling, because of family reasons. My step-father was an All-State champion in his high school days and I've always wanted to be just like him since for as long as I could remember... my uncle was a small time professional wrestler in the Tennessee area who was another hero of mine. I loved being raised in a family that respected both forms of wrestling. Unfortunately, my step-father never made it past high school because he joined the army and fought for his country and my uncle gained a back injury one night that forced him to retire. In high school, I joined my wrestling team while my brother and I also went and trained at a local wrestling school. By Junior year, I was wrestling on Friday nights for my school here in SC and on Saturday nights for a NC promotion.

2. Be signed by NWA & Win a World title - I'm not talking about just the NWA World Heavyweight, but any of the NWA World class titles. I'd give anything to even be an NWA World Junior Heavyweight or Welterweight champion, because that's how much the NWA makes their World level titles mean. Plus, I've been very bias towards NWA since USWA went out of business.

3. Open a Restaurant or Diner - Wrestling and the Culinary worlds are both very big on my life, with my mom being a classic "Southern Cook" and just getting a natural lust for the Culinary world I've always wanted to own my own restaurant. Then when I got older, I grew more in love with old school classic American style Diners and began to get even more into wanting to own one. I'm currently attempting to gain a culinary degree, and have started saving money for my future Diner... but still I'd love to have it now if I possibly could.

4. Have a daughter - It sounds weird to say, but I've already got a son who I hardly get to see... and when I do see him, he's my main priority. He comes before wrestling and cooking, and anything else for that matter. But if I were to ever have another child, especially with my fiancee, I'd love nothing more than to have a girl.

5. Leave everyone with a positive impression when I pass away - Hopefully it won't be for a while, and I know that I can't please everyone, but when I finally do move on to the next stage... I want to everyone who knew me to have a positive outlook on me.
Well, here's another installment of Before I Die: The Bucket List.

Man, I can just imagine that if dream of mine really did come true, I'd be having candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, making my dentist a rich man because of all my cavities. Seriously, owning a candy shop would be awesome. You get some of the awesomest candy in the world and get to share it with people. Good dream right here.

Ha, was gonna put starring in my own movie but hell, I can't act for shit so I'll settle for this one. Being seen on the big screen would be totally cool. You won't be a star or anything, but having your face seen in a random movie scene would be pretty spectacular if you ask me.

This has been one of my long time dreams. I really hope this one can happen soon. I hope that after high school, I get to go to wherever Wrestlemania is at and have a good time. Watching Wrestlemania at home is fine but being there yourself is just something else I bet.

Well I do love the outdoors and I think it'll be fun going on a safari. It'll probably only be a one time thing that I do, but who knows, I might wanna try it multiple times. Having to see the outdoors is great and looks like those people in the picture are having fun with their cameras and all.

Out of everything that I posted and will post on this list, I want this one to come true the most. I've been a fan of the Lakers since ever since and it would be special for me to catch Kobe Bryant playing in a basketball game. This is all about seeing Kobe but hell, when you have guys like Lamar Odom, Pau Gasol, and Derek Fisher, it'll be great to see them as well. I'm sure many of you have had the chance to watch a Lakers game, and for that I envy you. With the NBA lockout finally over, let's get the show started!
There are some really cool ambitions on here guys, it seems attending a Wrestlemania is a popular choice! This would definitely appear on my list.

I wish you all the best of luck in achieving your goals, I hope you all manage to accomplish what you have set your heart on. I will have a think of mine and then definitely post in this thread :)
  • Travel around the world - Italy to be specific, and that shall be either the first or my last place to visit.

  • Fluency in another language - Other than my native language and English.

  • Go skydiving - But someone will have to push me out of the air craft.

  • Have connections with old friends many years later - Wouldn't that be great?

  • Make 1000 Origami stars - Make a wish and collect them in a Jar. Then give them to someone special.

  • Plant a tree and watch it grow - One that will grow biiig and still be around when I'm old.

  • Live in a Monastery - For a few months.

  • Get Married - I'll keep you updated on who it would be with.

  • Create my Dream Home - That's something I've been crazy about since I were about 6 years old.

  • Become a Mom :3 - Preferably to twins but otherwise would be fine too.

  • Attend a Wrestlemania - Qwkrjn 3942ji3 kmc3kmc3rc

  • Do a Cart wheel - Yeah, I'm that pathetic. LOL.
Oh boy...in no particular order:

Go to University - done that, though I want to go back. I constantly want to learn more about what I love (Theatre), and would love to get all the way to a PhD.

Find someone I love - Corny I know. I got screwed over by my ex, and since then haven't faired well in the love department, so that'd be quite nice.

Have children - until recently, have never seen myself as a future parent, but recently I've suddenly found I have a keenness towards the idea.

Live in another country - hopefully will be doing that with a working holiday visa in the next few years, either to Australia, New Zealand or Canada.

Write a full-length play to a good standard - I love writing, but I know I'm not great at it. I have little moments of gold amongst brown mush. I'm decent at short plays, but I wanna write something feature length, to a standard that I can be at least moderately happy with, and hopefully see it performed at some point.

Become a teacher - my #1 career choice at the moment, I want to become a secondary school/college drama/theatre teacher, or, failing that, a lecturer.

Start a Theatre Company - more of a dream job than the realistic one above; doing this is the only thing that'd stop me from becoming a teacher. Me and my friends talked about it, but we haven't the funds to make it happen. Still a possibility though.

Go to Wrestlemania - Nuff said.

Write a comic/graphic novel - recently began to fall in love with graphic novels and manga, and have several ideas floating around. I'm also not bad at drawing, though I'm nowhere near the standard required for something like this. Still, one can hope.

At this moment in time, that's all I have, but I'm doubtless there will be more.
Oh, great idea for a thread Jam, and thanks to Lilac for bumping this.

Anyway, here's my list.

  • Marry a woman who laughs at my jokes and loves me for who I am: Pretty sel-explanatory here. I want a woman who will love me, and not make it feel like a chore. And, she needs to be able to laugh at my horrendous jokes.

  • Move to America: Yup, I'm a believer. I want to live the American Dream. You may not be the best country in the World, but by god, you're the most beautiful. From the amazing cities to the precious fields, I love it. There's a certain vibe about America that you just won't find in Glasgow. This also seems like the most likely, at the moment too.

  • Visit every single continent: I love travelling and the idea of visiting every continent just tickles my tastebuds in such a way. Anyway, I've been to Europe, Asia and North America so, only South America, Africa, Antartica and Oceania left!

  • Watch all the movies on the IMDb top 100: I'm an avid film fan so, this to me what be a perfect way to prove it. I'm about 2/10's the way through, which is shockingly bad.

  • Find a job that I want to go to: I'm not looking for a job that pays the most, I'm looking for one that makes me want to get up on Monday mornings. If I ever find that, I'll be forever happy.

  • Got to a Wrestlemania: Like every other wrestling fan, I'd kill to got a Wrestlemania. It is the Mecca of every wrestling fan and it's just something I need to go to. Also, I want to see the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Aerosmith and Jon bon Jovi live. Standard.

Anyway, yes, that is my bucket list. Well, at least, my realistic one. I could say something ludicrous like that I want a gold toilet but, I'm never going to have one so what's the point?
These are in no particular order.

Go to the Royal Rumble: I know every wrestling fans dream is to go to WrestleMania, and I've been lucky enough to attend two of those in my life. The only other wrestling related event that is a must-go to me is the Royal Rumble. There is always just so much excitement and build up attached to the match and it seems like the Rumble match is the one time a year where anything can actually happen.

Go to New Orleans: This has always been a dream of mine. It's only about nine hours from where I live, so it could easily be a weekend trip. Sadly, I haven't been able to find anyone to go with me. I've had friends say they'd go with me, but when I get my hopes up and, as usual, they come crashing down with they back out. I don't even know what I'd do in New Orleans. I just really want to go.

Attend a Super Bowl: Football is my favorite sport and there is nothing bigger in the world of sports to me than the Super Bowl. I can't even begin to imagine the atmosphere around the game inside the stadium. My city hosted Super Bowl XXXIX, but my parents decided to go out of town to avoid all of the people coming to the city. I was mad about it then, and I'm mad about it now. It would make attending the Super Bowl even sweeter if my Jags were playing in it.

Find love: This is what life is all about isn't it? I'm not just talking about someone to love, which would be amazing but based on the first 22 years of my life isn't something I'm expecting anytime soon. I mean life is about doing something you love with people you love and sharing those experiences with loved ones. If I am able to find what love truly is then I think I can accomplish my next item.

Find True Happiness:


Life is about happiness. As someone who has battled depression, I would love to find true happiness and be able to enjoy it for a little while. There are moments in life where we all experience this feeling, but I would love for that feeling to extend past a little moment and into my life in general. I would love to wake up happy and go to bed happy and never have to worry about depression. That would be amazing.
Go to every continent see the whole world. Go to amsterdam. I would also want to go to one of those extra fancy restaurants that have a suit dress code. I want to wear a sweat outfit with a suit underneath when they tell me that Im not drssed well enough to eat at the restaurant thats when Ill rip off my sweat suit expseing my fancy suit and say how about now
1. Become a Father.

I love kids. Honestly nothing in this world makes my heart melt more than having a child fall asleep on your chest. I love being an Uncle and abusing the shit out of that adorable little privilege and all that, but I just can't wait to have a kid of my own. To raise and hopefully guide into a wonderful person in the world.

2. Record a Country Music Album(s).

I'm not talking about making it big time or anything. Hell, I'm not even talking about printing 2000 copies of it. It's just that I fancy myself as a hell of a good country singer and guitar picker. So I would love to record an album or two. One with all originals and one with all covers. Id only print about 100 of each, and then just hand them out to friends and family or anyone who likes what they hear.

3. Attend Wrestlemania as a Fan

I have always wanted to go see the grand daddy of them all. One of these days I'm going to make that happen and when I do I will get the best seats I possibly fucking can, money wont be an option.

4. Become a Wrestler

You see, I have this problem where I am extremely cocky and confident in myself. I just know that I would make a kick ass wrestler. I would love to be able to work all styles and be extremely flexible with my character, i.e. being serious or being a comedic wrestler

5. Attend Wrestlemania as a Wrestler.

Yup, I think I'm that good and would love to make it happen. I wouldn't care if I was the opening match or the dark match. I just want to be able to say that I performed at Wrestlemania before I die.
1. Visit New Zealand Everybody knows how big of a J.R.R. Tolkien fan I am and there is nothing I want to do more than visit the place where his books were adapted into movies. The scenery is breathtaking and it'd be amazing to visit the places that my favorite characters filmed at. Just a beautiful place i'll always want to visit. Hopefully in a few summers, i'll make that dream a reality.

2. Attend a concert and meet Avenged Sevenfold My favorite band of all time. Their music has helped me out through so much and I have the utmost respect for that band. When Jimmy died, I felt like I had lost a family member. Even though I never met him, I felt like I actually knew him. The fact that they made a record right after his death makes me so happy to be a fan of them. They have a genuine appreciation for their fans and that's why we are so loyal to them. I just want to be able to thank them once for all they've helped me with even if they don't know it.

3. Learn Hungarian Probably going to start on this goal sometime this week. My Grandfather is from Hungary and I am proud to be a Hungarian. I'd love to learn the language someday and even visit my family over there. That's a huge goal of mine.

Those are the main things I want to accomplish before it's all over. All of them are realistic and can be achieved through a bit of perseverance and money.
Attend WrestleMania: Like every big fan of wrestling, I'd like to experience WrestleMania first hand. Out of anything on my bucket list, this would be the most attainable and something I hope to cross off of the bucket list next time it comes back to Toronto. I'd prefer to share the experience with one of my best friends as we've watched every WrestleMania together since 2000, but I would not even hesitate to attend the event by myself if needed.

SCUBA Dive in Tropical Waters: A few years back I became a certified SCUBA diver and now it is one of my favorite things to do as there isn't too many things than are more exciting and relaxing than diving. I've only ever dove in the St. Lawrence River which is rated one of the best places for fresh water diving as there are many shipwrecks to explore. I'd love to expand on my diving, and experience some beautiful salt water dives in a tropical area.

Swim With Sharks: Some people want go skydive before they die, I want to swim with a fucking shark. I suppose this could piggy-back off of diving in tropical waters, but for some reason I would like to experience the thrill of diving and "swimming" with sharks.

Travel: I love to travel and can't get enough of it. I've been to Spain, Italy, Greece & France and hope to revisit certain places, as well as visit new places such as Australia.

Run a Marathon: Listen, I'm nowhere near being in shape for being able to complete a marathon, but I have been trying to get back into somewhat decent shape. What a better way to celebrate all of the hard work you've put into your body than to successfully complete a marathon.

Have a Professional Wrestling Match The more I get to the gym to workout, the more I think of getting into good enough shape to participate in one legit professional wrestling match in some indy federation, just so I can say that I've wrestled a match. My family, co-workers & majority of friends do not enjoy wrestling like I do, but it would be fun to invite them to a match and have them witness me step into the ring and roll around with some oiled up, half naked man.

Learn Sign Language: I've always been completely fascinated with sign language and someday hope to be able to sign more than just the bare basics that I currently know. The local community college in my town offers part-time classes in learning sign language, it's just a matter of finding the time and money to devote to it.

Craft Beer: I'm not a go out and drink every weekend type of guy, but I do love having a nice, casual glass of beer every once in a while. I enjoy all types of beer and try to try new beers as often as possible. I like learning about what makes one type & taste of beer different from other types of beer, and I believe that I would enjoy putting everything together and craft my own beer.

Save a Life: I work at a fire department & have been a firefighter for five and a half years. I'm trained and qualified in First Aid & CPR, confined space rescue, high angle rescue, ice/water rescue, HazMat, fire suppression etc. I would like the chance to put my years of training and dedication to the service on the line and save someone's life by either removing them from a dangerous situation or bring them back to life by CPR. I've had the privilege of preforming CPR on a number of occasions, but I have yet been successful, and the patient has always passed away. One time, I would like to be able to save someone's life.
1) Make the AFL: It has been my dream since I was new what footy was (3 years old) and it is still the thing that motivates me today. I am currently injured and forced to have the year off but even that isn't stopping me. I know next year I will be faster, fitter, stronger and better than all the people and for the first time in 4 or 5 years, pain free!

2) Get a promo made up of my life: I don't know about all you guys but I really enjoy all the promos the WWE make. One that stands out is the Orton vs Hardy Royal Rumble match promo. They showed it of there life and how hard they worked to get into that main event and it really lit a fire in me that wants me to get a promo about my life. How hard I have worked to try and make AFL and finally making it shown on a promo with like rooftops by lost prophets in the background would be awesome.

3) Go see an NBA game: Another passion of mine is basketball and it would be awesome to see someone like Kobe Bryant or Lebron James work their magic on the caught. I would love to see how they work and when they decide to turn it on and whatnot to help gain knowledge for myself.

4) Make a song for a professional music artists: Not many people know but I write lyrics. The lyrics I make are generally about my life. How I am feeling or what I plan on doing in the future. So for me to write lyrics for an artist and for people to listen to that song throughout the world be the best thing ever in my eyes.

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