Because it needs to be said

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
After reading through the 'Most Gruesome Film' thread, not only am I appalled that anyone would champion a "film" for it's depicting the most disturbing or disgusting scene, but the fact some of you go out of your way to watch this kind of shit might actually be more disturbing than any of the actual scenes in these "films".

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you willingly want to see someone rape another human being, acted out or not? Why would you want to see animals get tortured and killed? Why would you want to watch decapitations, dismemberments, skinnings and depictions of brutality, torture and murder of any kind? This type of behavior is the type of thing societies (at least healthy ones) look to expunge, not glorify. This is why the death penalty exists, and why we have laws based on common moral codes of conduct.

I'm sorry if any of you are the type who watches this filth and are taking offense to this, but I would seriously question the morality and the mental state of anyone who even moderately finds this type of thing entertaining, or isn't utterly disgusted by the fact it even exists, let alone that anyone wants to watch it, be I out of some sick personal craving, morbid curiosity (which is something I'll never understand, obviously) or whatever the reason.

My stomach is turning having just read some of the vague reports a few of you posted in that thread. Had I actually witnessed any of it in person, I undoubtedly would have puked.

Thoroughly disgusted and shaken,
I'm sure someone is going to come in here countering how you'll defend TNA for their brutality. I mean, I won't, but someone (KB) probably will.

I'm not a fan of the gruesome movies myself, but some people are, and that's cool.
I enjoy watching things that will make me harder so that when I one day have a family, I'll be a fearless protector. My children can sleep soundly while I'm in the other room watching Glass Ass and brandishing a jar for anyone who dares raise a hand against my babies, my person, my woman's person, or my property.
I'm sure someone is going to come in here countering how you'll defend TNA for their brutality. I mean, I won't, but someone (KB) probably will.

I'm not a fan of the gruesome movies myself, but some people are, and that's cool.

Not a fan of overt brutality of any kind, but there's a vast canyon of distance between watching someone brutally dismember another human being or animal, especially if it's real, and watching two wrestlers fight one another and bleed during the match.
I'm not a fan of them either but fact of the matter is that the business of violence has been around as far back as Gladiators.
I meant the brutality of putting yourself through watching TNA. That's more brutal than anything in any of the Saw films.

Just kidding of course. TNA isn't that bad.
I enjoy watching things that will make me harder so that when I one day have a family, I'll be a fearless protector. My children can sleep soundly while I'm in the other room watching Glass Ass and brandishing a jar for anyone who dares raise a hand against my babies, my person, my woman's person, or my property.
If we had more women here to confirm just how hot this mentality is then we could finish this argument in a jiffy.
I'm too cute to be watchin that type of shit. I screamed like a girl and dug my nails into a couch cushion watching a Saw movie once.
I'm too cute to be watchin that type of shit. I screamed like a girl and dug my nails into a couch cushion watching a Saw movie once.
Yeah, but you're a ***. Your failure to protect yourself and your adopted sin babies will act as a deterrent to others who may otherwise find your lifestyle appealing. This is just nature sorting itself out.
It's so I can cope with the possibility that something absolutely horrible, violent, and soul-shattering might one day happen to me. These type of films have also done wonders for my senses of sympathy and empathy. Dying intentionally at the hands of another man is the most humiliating experience any of us could go through; someone, through their own volition, is taking away your ability to exist, an ability that you instinctively fight for.
What kind of movies do you like, by the way? If you're an action buff, then there's no way that the reasons you're condemning these types of films are consistent with you liking action films.
A lot of people would prefer that to public speaking or sex with Sidious. Then again, it's entirely possibly the scenario tdigs just described is part of sex with Sidious.
It's so I can cope with the possibility that something absolutely horrible, violent, and soul-shattering might one day happen to me. These type of films have also done wonders for my senses of sympathy and empathy. Dying intentionally at the hands of another man is the most humiliating experience any of us could go through; someone, through their own volition, is taking away your ability to exist, an ability that you instinctively fight for.

I don't buy that for a moment. So you desensitize yourself so that if something "absolutely horrible, violent and soul-shattering" happens to you, you can survive it as though it wasn't actually "absolutley horrible, violent and soul-shattering"? You'd be completely amoral and emotionless at that point — a state that I'd argue is impossible to ever reach, regardless of how often you subject yourself to watching the most deplorable things human beings can (and do) do.

I don't know you from a hole in the wall, but I'm inclined to believe that you watch these things because on whatever level you actually enjoy it, even if your enjoyment borders closely with pushing your own boundaries on what you can actually stomach. That's just a sick fascination, and there's something wrong with your mental state if you willingly put yourself through that when all the logical markers in your brain tell you to look away and to avoid it — assuming you're actually mentally stable to begin with.
And it's equally reasonable for me to assume that you'd probably enjoy those things to if you weren't bent on denying your urge to see them.
What kind of movies do you like, by the way? If you're an action buff, then there's no way that the reasons you're condemning these types of films are consistent with you liking action films.

Dramas. Action films can be entertaining, but excessive gore of any type is something I will avoid at all cost, be it a maniac with a chain saw cutting up college students or Rambo gutting 'the enemy' with a 12" bowie knife. That kind of overt brutality is not entertainment to me.

There are degrees to barbarism and brutality you're blurring the lines of here in trying to construct the point that I'm no sicker than someone watching a nine-minute rape scene because I've seen implied violence elsewhere.

Not all implied violence is equal, and implied violence is certainly not equal with real violence. A three-second spot on a professional wrestling program where a nail-ridden 2x4 is portrayed as being embedded in the spine of a human being where no blood or gory detail is shown is not the equivalent to depicting real footage of a cat being fed to hundreds of live rats who rip it apart, alive, only to be set on fire later on in the "film". Sorry. Not even close.
OK. I understand now. You have a weak stomach. That's nice. But the rest of us don't have to dance around your delicate sensibilities, Nancy Boy.
IDR, wasn't it you that once posted a video of a monkey raping a turtle in here? I could be mistaken but I think I remember it being you that posted it.

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