
Hate him or like him(Batista)?

  • Best Wrestler!

  • Main Eventer of Smackdown

  • He's alright...

  • Batista sucks balls!

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Batista has been my fave wrestler since 2003 and up until now everything he did is/was awesome. I have to admit, after getting back from his so called 'surgery', i noticed that his 'A-Game' is getting pretty sloppy. I also realized how tough it was for him to win the title and the way he's losing his strength. All im hoping for now is for batista to be the top man on the wwe roster. WHC=Batista(Forever)
Its a shame that Batista became a top star as late in life as he has. THe man is 40 years old, so he really won't get any better as a performer from here. He's got the look of a top star, and hopefully can mantain his physique to last for another couple of years.
yeah i think hes like 37. i always thought he was younger since hes only been in the wwe since 2002. i like batista and i'm glad to see him get back the world title but he has been pretty sloppy since he came back in july. hopefully his performance picks up over the next couple of months. i remember last year everybody loved him and now people are dead during his ppv matches or you can hear a little bit of booing. i cant believe vince if thinking of having him beat undertaker at wrestlemania. i dont know about everybody else but that seems a little crazy to me. dont get me wrong batista is one of the top stars in wwe and i'd way rather see him beat undertaker at mania instead of mark henry. i'm not sure though maybe its just that i always thought taker would finish his career undefeated at WrestleMania. it would be very interesting to see how the Detroit crowd would react. they probably wouldnt be too happy
I like the fact that he retained the title, but I think it was a little too early to give it back to him.
People liked what Booker T, or should I say King Booker, was able to pull off in a 4 month span, and I'm actually glad he finally got a title shot back in July, and I hate to say this, but I don't think Booker T will hold the title again any time soon, unless they pull something off at Royal Rumble, or No Way Out.
As for now, Batista is a good change, and let's hope that they don't give him crap matches because he will get boring very quickly because he's not facing someone like Triple H or Kurt Angle, in which people cheered more for Batista because everyone disliked both guys.
He's one of those guys that didn't care if he made it to the top. He was just happy being a wrestler in ovw or wherever. It was never about the money to him. If he was like 77 and still had not made it big he would still be wrestling if he could just for the heck of it. It's just something he loves to do and has a passion for.
what i don't get is how they can want or even plan on having undertaker lose at wrestlemania. Especially to Batista. Im not saying he is bad or anything like that i just dont see that make any sense. But to the question, i chose main eventer on smackdown cuz he's definately not the best wrestler and he is all that bad and is a kina alright so i just went with what went the best in my opinion.
trunksjmd said:
He's one of those guys that didn't care if he made it to the top. He was just happy being a wrestler in ovw or wherever. It was never about the money to him. If he was like 77 and still had not made it big he would still be wrestling if he could just for the heck of it. It's just something he loves to do and has a passion for.

I hope thats the case and hopefully he gets back to his peak. SD would benefit as a brand. Perhaps now that hes champ again is a positive sign. I cant imagine WWE would give him back the title if hes performing as bad as people say.

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