Batista deserves a high five

Have to echo the thoughts of many posters on this thread. A heel Batista is much better than a babyface.

This feud has worked really well for me too. I like the fact that Batista has dominated Cena every week and left him laying. I hope this continues on Raw and wouldn't mind seeing Batista 'injure' Cena making his chances at Mania seem even more bleak.

Just to add, I think some of the younger 'monsters' in the biz like Morgan, Swagger, Sheamus, Rob Terry etc could do worse than study Batista at the moment.
I've been a Batista fan since his Debut, but THIS is the version I've been waiting for! Dave as a super Babyface just never sat completely right with me. He's always had the look and methodical pace in the ring of a heel. He's really embraced it and I'm glad he's not half-assin' his heel role for the sake of merchandise sales like Sting did in the MEM(imo). And believe it or not he is actually carrying Cena in this feud. The only thing that could make this better is a Batista win at WM26, but we all know what the outcome will be.
This is the REAL Batista everyone and this is the Batista that we should get the rest of his career. He's believable, not boring, and somewhat nice to see in a hell. Because he's portraying his real self on t.v, he just looks so much more natural in the ring and hopefully this feud will continue past Wrestle Mania, but his match with John Cena will no doubt be a good match. The feud has been nearly flawless and I'm rooting for Batista at Wrestle Mania.

Dude, I agree with you. Have you read the interview with Shelly Martinez as to why she was fired from WWE? All because she wouldn't say hi back to Batista? He threw a diva fit in front of her family in an elevator and then had the nerve to try to turn it into some kind of 'She is not a team player' You read about his backstage brawl with Booker T at the summerslam that one year. :disappointed: There are some people the heel just seems to suit. I for one couldn't care who wins this match at WM26. But I really am not that into Cena, he's as bland as cardboard topped with shredded sawdust. Personally I'd rather see the SD championship end the show. But this Batista heel thing really makes me watch Cena for once, just to see his sad face and see how much more degradation he will take from Batista. LOL
Let's look at why you are wrong. I alluded to this point earlier about what makes Batista different as a heel than Punk and Jericho. Batista is different because of his size, he doesn't need to talk much to get his point across. Punk and Jericho are small so they have to put down the crowd and the other wrestlers to get their point across because nobody realistically is scared of them once they step into the ring. You look at Batista and his size and think that he is a bad man and you don't want to miss with him just because of what he can do to you. That's the intimidation factor right there and so he doesn't need to pick up a microphone to try to get heat.

Even in the Attitude Era, you didn't find somebody like Batista. Undertaker as a heel talked on the mic all the time and Kane rarely got booed to my knowledge. Maybe the closest thing to Batista was Brock Lesnar but he had Heyman to talk for him but Lesnar could hold his own a little bit. Batista doesn't need anybody talking for him so he has everything covered.

I hope you don't really think Kofi just gave him the victory. You do know the matches are scripted, right?

Of course I know the match isn't real. But if you want to have a legitimate match you need to make sure the guy you're facing has to beaten by a near miss. Not only for entertainment's sake but also for the opponent to look good and the fact that this isn't a comic book. The reason I said Kofi gave him the victory was because he leaped off the apron screaming "DESTROY ME" so that the match could finish. Now I know what a squash is as well, but even during a squash you need to make sure the person has a fake comeback even if it is for a second and not get yourself hurt while doing it. That's where Batista comes in. I'm not mad at the fact that Batista fucked up, I'm actually pretty glad. Now the markers will think Kofi is strong and help his rep. That being said, I think Batista got overzealous. This also broke his kayfade as "animal" because it killed his reputation of unstoppable.

Now, I'd respectfully disagree w/ the fact that Batista is a unique heel. Take Orton for example, guy talks and backs it up. So he's an amazing heel. Same w/ Stone Cold, same w/ Rock and just about everyone. You seen Batista do the same thing in Monster form. This persona, I think is a good example of a number one contender and not a champion. Why? Because Batista is holding the championship. The way he talks is as if he's not the champion. Orton was a good heel champion. Batista is not a good heel champion.
The only thing that worries me is their actual match. Can this match be any good? When I think about Cena and Batista, I think about two of the worst main event, in-ring competitors WWE has had since Hogan and Warrior. I just have zero confidence that these two can put on a show-stealing type match, that will probably close Mania.

Don't be so sure, dude! It's true that Batista and Cena may not be the most gifted when it comes to wrestling ability, but that doesn't mean their match at WrestleMania won't be entertaining.

The build-up towards the match has been great and so will the match itself. Like I said, Batista may have limited wrestling ability but he delivers nine times out of ten when it matters most. Just as well, what Cena lacks in in-ring skill, he makes up for with persistance and dedication to give it everything he has.
batista is fuckin awesome as a heel, and i think the wwe should make him a pemanent heel or smthn coz he has never had me carin much about him as a face ever. and yea fr a change cheerin for cena coz fr the first time in god knows how many years, he s been potrayed as human and not tht supermanish freak who never quits,etc etc
Wow, what an amazing promo Batista had tonight on RAW!
Wow! He needs to stay heel, he keeps getting better and better on mic, and is not stale anymore. I really enjoy seeing Batista heel, he finally showed us that hes pretty damn good.
UNLEASH THE ANIMAL!!! Dave Batista will beat John Cena at WrestleMania 26!
Because I am the Bliz!!!...and I am AWSOME!!!
But am I the only one who thinks Raw ended a little weird tonight? Usually its just security and refs, but a few guys came out in suits and as soon as one of those came out Batista went straight to the back didnt turn around, say a word, and the guy in the suit was side by side almost like escorting him to the back it just seemed something else was going on.
Yea I hated the ending, it was kind of weird how Batista just got escorted, I was going to mention something about that.
They shoulda had more hype at the end to end the final RAW before Wrestlemania 26!
But overall Batistas promo was amazing. End of story.
Because I am the Bliz...and I am Awsome!!
Batista has been cutting some seriously good promos on Cena. Not only are they funny, which is entertaining, but even if you take the funny part out of it, you're left with many facts. Like a few weeks ago when Batista said that they both started at the same time in the company, but that Cena was picked to be the man. And just now on this last Raw before Wrestlemania how Batista said that what Cena does best is give lip service, and that Cena is a corporate creation..Amen.

I'll give the devil his due, so Cena is usually (if not always) the first one in and the last one out, the guy cares. But guess what, fans DO NOT CARE if you're the first one in the arena and the last one out. Fans want to be ENTERTAINED. Its been said elsewhere that what keeps Cena going and going is his merchandise. That and women and kids under 14. Who dont know a wristlock from a wristwatch.

If you tape Raw like I do, no matter what Raw you see from the past 5 or 6 months, you see Cena with the same damn attire, you dont even know what week its from until you see some other wrestler coming out and figure out what the storyline is. Its like they're afraid to do even one single thing different with the guy.

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