Barrett's New Finisher?


Rise Above Hate
Alright, Barrett has a new finisher named "Winds of Change". Can someone explain to me how it is not equally lame compared to the "Wasteland"? Winds of Change is just a normal spinning side slam. If you want it as a finisher, it should at least looked like Mason Ryan's version of spinning side slam. Wade Barrett is a future world champion. At least give him a finisher that has a WOW factor on it.

Your thoughts?
What's wrong with it? It looks better than the Wasteland, it's easier to pull of quickly, and it's a legit finisher. I think it's what Big Bossman used to use.

Besides, I'm pretty sure it's a secondary finisher, he's been using it for a while and he still uses the Wasteland.
Alright, Barrett has a new finisher named "Winds of Change". Can someone explain to me how it is not equally lame compared to the "Wasteland"? Winds of Change is just a normal spinning side slam. If you want it as a finisher, it should at least looked like Mason Ryan's version of spinning side slam. Wade Barrett is a future world champion. At least give him a finisher that has a WOW factor on it.

Your thoughts?

It's shitty as it comes, but wrestling promotions have survived on far shittier and/or underwhelming finishers. Nothing to see here, really, unless you expected Wade to do anything more acrobatic.
It's a bit like the Black Hole Slam, which has been working as Abyss' finisher for god knows how long. It's got impact on it (no pun intended) and well, it's going to look like it's doing a job. We've also now gotten rid of someone using a finisher from a Fireman's Carry, which is good, plus Barrett could hit it out of more situations than the Wasteland.
Don't know how anyone can dislike the spinning side slam. Finisher of the late great Big Bossman. It's quick, powerful and flashy. Especially compared to the very plain but dangerous wasteland.
Powerful, not over the top, fast, and reliable. I see nothing wrong with it at all. It's far more impressive than Wasteland which only looks "powerful" against cruiserweight wrestlers.

Besides, Abyss has been using this move for yeeeaaarssss and so did the Big Boss Man.

Granted, I do think Barrett needs to get a little more in the strength department to suit his move set...Notice how weak his slam looked on even Santino.
Yeah, this is just a signature move that he uses to put away the trash. When he's in a competitive match it's only good for a nearfall. It's fine.
My point here is other superstars use the spinning side slam as their regular move. On top of that, Mason Ryan which is a level below Wade Barrett in terms of rankings executes this move that you can definitely call it a finisher. So I believe Barrett deserves better.
My point here is other superstars use the spinning side slam as their regular move.;

So does Wade. It only beats low quality opposition. Like Rhodes' Beautiful disaster kick.

On top of that, Mason Ryan which is a level below Wade Barrett in terms of rankings executes this move that you can definitely call it a finisher. So I believe Barrett deserves better.

'Taker uses the chokeslam as a regular move. Show and Kane end matches with it. Do 'Taker, Show and Kane deserve better?
Who else uses the Bossman Slam other than Wade currently? I'm not saying anybody is wrong I just can't think. Mason Ryan seems to be usinf the full nelson slam near rather than the house of pain which was a souped up Bossman slam.
I like the spinning side slam, but I also don't get the hate for Wasteland. Always liked it personally, even if it is another fireman's carry finisher.

The "Winds of Change" is a good alternate finisher/signature move. The ease of it to perform makes it a very handy spot in his matches. A believable momentum changer if he catches you with it.
Yeah, winds of change is just a signature move. What I would like to see as an alternate finisher however, would be those knees to the head followed by that gigantic boot. Mod it so that they fall on the apron instead of the ring, and he can pull them back into the middle for the cover. It would also work sometimes because you think it's over BUT WAIT HIS FOOT WAS UNDER THE ROPES!!! Just my thoughts
I find it humorous that anyone could find this finisher to be without WOW factor. When Barrett hit the Winds of Change on Raw Monday, Barrett simply pulled Santino toward him. Wade usually hits the slam with a high amount of momentum. The Winds of Change is usually an Irish whip rebound maneuver which means it can be alot more impactful than any other normally hit maneuver. Take a look:


Please explain to me how that has no WOW factor? It's a fine secondary finisher for whenever Wade cannot connect with the Wasteland. Not only that, but The Winds of Change can be used at just about any point in a match with surprise. There's nothing wrong with the move.
Great point Stewie. If anyone remembers Barrett's squash vs Cena on Smackdown a few montsh ago, the Winds of Change was the only offense move he could use to get Cena down. They replayed it like 3 times during the match. It's pretty solid.
I guess it's an ok finisher. No other guy in WWE uses only with The Wasteland you knew when he was going to hit it. With that primal scream and that satisfying slam. And aswell in that beat the clock match he had against Big Zeke the move looked really weak
Granted Wasteland was a very good finisher when he was in NXT, Barett needs a new finisher. The winds of change could be used in different synarious such as putting orton through a Table or a Chair.
I'd like the move a hell of a lot more if it wasn't called "The Winds of Change". Yes Wade, you said that once on NXT, that doesn't mean its anything better than terrible as the name of a move for anyone who isn't doing a Scorpions fan gimmick. Kofi's "Trouble in Paradise" thinks that's lame.
I don't see anything wrong with it. Personally, I prefer it to Wasteland as it just simply looks better and looks like it delivers much more impact. I've seen Barrett use the move on Orton, Bryan, Sheamus, Kofi & Big Zeke in which it looks like he damn near put them through the mat.

Lots of wrestlers have alternative or secondary finishers and nobody in WWE currently uses the Boss Man Slam, AKA Winds of Change, other than Barrett. Dolph Ziggler has Zig Zag & the Sleeper, CM Punk has the GTS & Anaconda Vice, Sheamus has the Brogue Kick & Celtic Cross, Kofi Kingston has Trouble in Paradise & the SOS roll up. Hell, Undertaker has four with the Tombstone, Last Ride, Chokeslam & Hell's Gate.
Alright, Barrett has a new finisher named "Winds of Change".
He's actually been using this as a signature move for a long time - possibly since he made his debut in NXT (don't quote me on that though). I am ALL for matches being ended with signatures from time to time, but it does seem to be transitioning into his legitimate finishing move.'s not new, it's just being used to end cookie-cutter matches, rather than get a near-count in cookie-cutter matches.

Can someone explain to me how it is not equally lame compared to the "Wasteland"?
Yeah, sure I can...
Lame (adj): 1. Disabled so that movement, especially walking, is difficult or impossible
The Winds of Change requires a full spinal twist, as the user lifts the opponent into the air, spins half-way around, and drops to the mat. Wasteland requires the user to dump the opponent off his shoulders, going forward. Clearly the Winds of Change requires MUCH more range of motion, making it nearly impossible for a lame person to pull off.

Winds of Change is just a normal spinning side slam.
False. It is a spinning side-slam with a nickname.

If you want it as a finisher, it should at least looked like Mason Ryan's version of spinning side slam.
Yes. Because when I think to myself, " can I be a better wrestler?" the number one answer is always: BE MORE LIKE MASON RYAN! You could have at least said Abyss, or Big Bossman. Hell, Viscera has more credibility than Batistwo! Haha...batistwo...more! :lmao:

Wade Barrett is a future world champion. At least give him a finisher that has a WOW factor on it. mean like this:
I'm a bit iffy on it. I think he needs to use it with more velocity, the one he used on RAW this week seemed a bit week to me.

I like the move, just needs more conviction. Wasteland isn't the best, but it looked like a finisher, as much as I hate firemans carrys that are not the f5 (best finisher ever)
It's not his new finisher, it's still just a signature move, its good enough to put jobbers e.g Santino away, but against mid cards and main eventers he'll still use wasteland. I personally like the move, he executes it well and it looks better on heavyweights unlike wasteland where there's often hardly any impact on anyone 250 pounds+
im pretty sure the winds of change is more of a signature move then it is his finisher he still uses wasteland but winds of change to me looks better then wasteland and id rather him use either of those then the generic big man finisher (ex. chokeslam,big boot,powerbomb etc.) but bottom line i see nothing wrong with the winds of change
I actually like the Winds of Change slam. It's a nice change up to the Wasteland, which i've never been too fond of. However it suffers from the same issues Wasteland does. Sometimes it's nice and impactful, but sometimes it looks very lackluster. I still prefer it though.
Haters gonna hate, this is the WWE and Barrett is 6'5... with his size the Winds of Change becomes a high impact move that comes from nowhere surprising an opponent. So it's like a powerslam but done when an opponent cannot brace themselves and therefore is easily pinned. Absolutley love it. But then again everything about Barrett is gold, and althogh some may disagree with me, he has the best mic skills in the company.
althogh some may disagree with me, he has the best mic skills in the company.

no he doesn't. he sounds like he has the downs. maybe it's just cause he's british, but the cockney bullshit make him sound like his mouth is actually his asshole. i like the guy in ring but i can barely stand to hear him talk. mark henry's "b" fat blubering is better then anything barret has said.

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