Ba-Bomb For Prison Thread.

Should Ba-Bomb Join The Prisoners For His Recent Stupidity?

  • Yes Please!

  • No.

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Yeah, you seem to be having a difficult time understanding that the only rule I don't have to enforce is the one against spam. That only leaves... advertising, flaming, porn, annoying the mods... I'd say I've got plenty of work to do.

You're just lucky annoying future mods isn't against the rules.
You're just lucky annoying future mods isn't against the rules.


I'm actually not too worried about that. After all, you cannot annoy yourself. And I don't think Dagger or Killjoy are annoyed with me either. That should pretty much cover all of my bases with regards to future mods for the forseeable future.

I'm actually not too worried about that. After all, you cannot annoy yourself. And I don't think Dagger or Killjoy are annoyed with me either. That should pretty much cover all of my bases with regards to future mods for the forseeable future.

Dagger, really?!

Seriously, people still think he'd make a good future moderator?
Yeah, at least twenty five of them.

If you have an issue with that, you know who to take it up with.
Yeah, at least twenty five of them.

If you have an issue with that, you know who to take it up with.

Terrible poster, but probably wouldn't make a bad mod otherwise.

Certainly wouldn't be my pick, though.

I'm sorry but I can't be convinced that anyone voted Dagger 4 Mod after reading what his reasoning for running and what he would implement/do if elected as a moderator.
You're sleazier than a used-car salesman.

Coming from you of all people, that's actually amusing. What's sleazy, to suggest he consider Dagger if he wants to, or if not Dagger, then someone else in the party? What else would you expect me to say, to tell him to vote for you? :lmao:

Your attempts to divide the party are getting old. Can't say that I blame you, though, the writing is probably on the wall.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3600036 said:
Hatehabs, disappoints me on a constant basis. Fuck, I out-witted him. Me, FFS. That's the forum equivalent of being cheated on by your wife.

I like you, Rohan, you're a funny guy. I don't know where I was when I was being out-witted by you, though. I don't recall that at all. Granted I've been feeling a little under the weather for the last couple of days, I must be sicker than I realized.
Hi Nate!

I saw tdigs saying Ba-Bomb should go to Prison & Jenks should be released, because he's done good since being in the Prison. However, he finds it unlikely because Sly hates him.

Anyone else looking at the swap option here?
Coming from you of all people, that's actually amusing. What's sleazy, to suggest he consider Dagger if he wants to, or if not Dagger, then someone else in the party? What else would you expect me to say, to tell him to vote for you? :lmao:
I'm an honourable man, so I'll say it right now: Anyone who's not a true believer in me and my platform can feel free to go vote for another party.

That's what makes me better than you.
I like you, Rohan, you're a funny guy. I don't know where I was when I was being out-witted by you, though. I don't recall that at all. Granted I've been feeling a little under the weather for the last couple of days, I must be sicker than I realized.

"WWE is now selling anti-Cena shirts"
You did not outwit HHF in that thread Brohan. Even though you did have somewhat of an advantage by choosing the right end of the debate, HHF did well enough to nullify that advantage.

Also I think that the reason for voting for Dagger is that most people think that he is not a dickish troll. I did not vote for him personally but that line of thought is not wrong.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3600166 said:
Where's the DFP posse to back a *****h up?

Haven't you heard, the DFP only backs up one guy, and that one guy isn't you :)

Nice try with the trash talking about that other thread BTW. I guess self praise is better than no praise at all.
Haven't you heard, the DFP only backs up one guy, and that one guy isn't you :)

Nice try with the trash talking about that other thread BTW. I guess self praise is better than no praise at all.

It was hardly trash talking. Just because The Rattlesnake chimed in and said it wasn't doesn't make it fact. I had the last say and I even repped you a few times to ask for you to respond and you didn't. What does that say about you? Who wants a mod that chickens out of a debate?

I'll back you up Rohan.

I'll be honest, I've never seen Sly tuck tail and run when he knew he was right. Really says something about habs as a debater.
Well, Merry Christmas everyone. What a pleasant surprise to see a thread dedicated to me :rolleyes:. I get why some of you find me annoying, really I do, and that's fine with me. I certainly don't want to make enemies per-say, but I won't pander either. Love me or hate me, it looks like one way or another you DO have an opinion, and that makes me the John Cena of the forum. Not bad, LOL. I don't see any reason I should be put in the prison(yes I know you are shocked) and I don't see any reason a legit conversation can't be had about the issues I raised in the prison regarding that system which is what that petition has really done and was meant to do, aside from actually trying to free someone who isn't necessarily a bad poster but needs a little direction and critiquing rather than punishment in my view.

I think that a guiding hand rather than a back-hand is much more effective and would serve the forum much better than the current approach. Agree or disagree on that you may, but none of it means I should be put in the prison because some of you don't like it. I also think that a rule stating "Annoying the Mods" is pretty ridiculous as anything could be interpreted as such and just opens the door to illegitimate infractions and prison terms. I don't see why these things can't be changed if forward progress for the forum is truly a goal of those in power, or why they would be so closed to giving it thought and discussing it either. Things always will, must, and do change. What I am ultimately trying to do is bring about some of that change. I know people are afraid of that, afraid of the unknown, and afraid to take a chance on an idea they can't guarantee, but progress is not made with certainty, it is made with risk which equals reward.

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