Avitus25's WWE: TLC 2010 and onwards


Occasional Pre-Show
WWE Roster


Alex Riley
*US CHAMPION* Daniel Bryan
Darren Young
David Hart Smith
Jackson Andrews
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
John Cena
John Morrison
Mark Henry
Randy Orton
Ted DiBiase
Tyson Kidd
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder

David Otunga
Heath Slater
Husky Harris
Justin Gabriel
Michael McGillicutty
Wade Barrett


Alicia Fox
Brie Bella
Gail Kim
*NO. 1 CONTENDER* Melina
Nikki Bella


Jerry “The King” Lawler
Michael Cole
Josh Matthews


Justin Roberts

General Manager



Alberto Del Rio
Big Show
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters
Cody Rhodes
Curt Hawkins
Drew McIntyre
Jack Swagger
Kofi Kingston
Rey Mysterio
Trent Barreta
Tyler Reks


Beth Phoenix
Kelly Kelly
Michelle McCool
Rosa Mendes

Other Staff

Ricardo Rodriguez
Todd Grisham
Vickie Guerrero


Josh Matthews
Michael Cole
Matt Striker


Tony Chimel

General Manager

Teddy Long

TLC Pay-Per-View Results

John Cena b. Wade Barrett in a Chairs Match

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge b. Kane (c), Rey Mysterio & Alberto Del Rio in a TLC Match

WWE Championship
The Miz (c) b. Randy Orton in a Tables Match

No. 1 Contender
John Morrison b. Sheamus in a Ladder Match

WWE Tag Team Championship
Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov (c) b. Nexus (Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater)

Natalya & Beth Phoenix b. Laycool (Michelle McCool & Layla) in a Tables Match

Intercontinental Championship
Dolph Ziggler (c.) b. Jack Swagger & Kofi Kingston in a Ladder Match​

Preview - 20th December

The Miz’s Triumphant Return

Last night, at the TLC Pay-Per-View, The Miz was able to conjure up an interesting use for his protégé Alex Riley: using him to knock the “Viper” Randy Orton through a table. There is no doubt that The Miz will be looking to celebrate his victory tonight, but what will the Viper have to say about it?

Morrison’s Ascent Continues

John Morrison has been on a huge wave of momentum lately, and he managed to continue it last night with a huge victory over the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus. Morrison has slowly been working his way towards the title and with his victory last night Morrison is one step closer to finally clinching the championship. When will Morrison choose to redeem his title shot? Will we hear from him tonight? And how will Sheamus recover from this crushing defeat?

Cena Takes Huge Step In The Fight Against Nexus

John Cena and the Nexus have had a rivalry that’s torn the WWE apart over the past year, and last night Cena was able to not only beat Nexus leader Wade Barrett, but make a huge statement after the match. After Cena dumped a huge column of chairs on him post-match, Barrett will address the WWE Universe tonight, and hopes to set the Nexus back on the right path. Will Cena continue to ride this wave of momentum into the Royal Rumble? Or will Nexus rally back and continue their reign of dominance over the WWE?

Nexus Too Ambitious For Their Own Good?

The WWE’s most popular odd-couple tag team continued their impressive tag title run after Nexus member Michael McGillicutty was caught interfering on behalf of the challengers, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. Nexus are unlikely to give up their pursuit of the titles, and the champions hope to prove that they’re still dominant tonight as they face The Usos in non-title action. Will Nexus make their interest in their title known again tonight?

Next for Nattie?

After months of aggravation from Laycool, Natalya teamed with Beth Phoenix last night, and to the delight of much of the WWE Universe, left both McCool and Layla laying in a pile of splinters. While the Diva’s Champion scored a huge victory last night, Melina is waiting to pounce with her title opportunity, and Natalya can’t afford to lift her foot off the gas. Will Natalya continue to gain momentum when these two clash in a tag match tonight on Raw, or will Melina make a huge statement at the expense of the Diva’s Champion?

Confirmed Matches

Melina & Alicia Fox vs Natalya & Eve

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov v The Usos


Detriot, Michigan


The camera fades into a video recap of last night’s TLC Pay-Per-View. Highlights of John Cena’s match with Wade Barrett are shown, culminating with Cena hitting the Attitude Adjustment onto 6 chairs. The colour then drains from the screen and the action is replayed in slow motion, as John Cena buries Wade Barrett beneath a column of steel chairs. The camera pans around the shocked, yet pleased, fans in attendance at the Pay-Per-View before fading again to black. A graphic then appears signifying the Miz vs Orton match, before the replays for that match begin. The final scenes, featuring Miz pushing Riley into Orton, sending him flying through a table, are again shown in slow motion, this time accompanied by the boos of the capacity crowd. The screen again fades to black, before the show’s opening pyro explodes, sending the crowd into a frenzy.


The crowd’s excitement quickly turns to boos as ‘I Came To Play’ erupts over the arena sound system. The Miz emerges on the stage, wearing a suit and waistcoat, with his WWE Championship slung over his shoulder. Alex Riley walks onto the stage behind The Miz, and both begin to walk down the ramp to the ring.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, to Monday Night RAW! We’re one night removed from the TLC Pay-Per-View and there’s no better way to start the show than with our triumphant WWE Champion, The Miz!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

That’s a matter of opinion Cole, but you have to give The Miz his due, he did what he said he would and beat the Viper last night.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Of course he did! What else did you expect?!

The Miz has reached the ring and calls for a microphone, before beginning to speak into it, accompanied by a rain of boos.

’The Most Must See WWE Champion’
The Miz

Well, well, well. Guess whose still the WWE champion!

The Miz raises the title above his head, and the crowd throw more boos in his direction.

’The Most Must See WWE Champion’
The Miz

Last night, I gave Randy Orton the beating of his life. I sent him crashing through a table, watching it splinter as his body tore through the wood. Last night, I left the pay-per-view having proven every single one of you wrong. You all counted me out. Not one of you believed that I’d make it. Not only have I made it, but I’ve kept myself here. This is the second time I’ve beat the so-called ‘Viper’ in a WWE Championship match, how many more times do I have to prove myself before you people respect me. Face it, the only reason you treat me with such hate is because you’re jealous. You’re jealous that I’ve made it here, and you’re still sat there, wallowing in your own mediocrity. You’re still sat there watching the most must see WWE Champion and wishing that you could be just like me, because I’m The Miz.... And I’m...


Voices echoes through the arena as Randy Orton stalks out onto the stage. He storms down to the ring, with his cold eyes set on The Miz and his WWE Championship.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

How disrespectful! Orton just can’t stand the fact that he’s not as good as The Miz. He has to come out here, steal the man’s spotlight. The spotlight that The Miz has earned!

Orton slithers into the ring, microphone in hand, and gets right into the face of The Miz.

’The Viper’
Randy Orton

Let me guess. You’re going to tell us all that you’re awesome? Well Miz, you can keep telling yourself that, but the fact remains, that both times you’ve beaten me you’ve had help. Whether it was the Money in the Bank briefcase or your little partner interfering at TLC, you’ve always had a little help. You want respect? Earn it. Face me. One on One. No Riley. No Briefcase. No Michael Cole. Nothing. Just me and you. Prove that you really are “awesome”.

The Miz smirks, and seems to be weighing up his options before laughing into the microphone.

’The Most Must See WWE Champion’
The Miz

Need I remind you Randy, that I earned the Money in the Bank briefcase. I won that by sending you crashing to the floor from 20 feet in the air and collecting the briefcase. I won that by proving that I am better than you, long before I beat you in any WWE Championship match. Orton, you’ve had your chance. I’ve beaten you. You just need to face up to the fact, that you. Failed. Get back in line, and let me have my moment of glory. The moment of glory that I deserve.

Orton looks at the ground, and shakes his head, before leaping towards The Miz to try and hit an RKO. The Miz is able to push Orton away and slide out of the ring, but Riley is left in Orton’s sights.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

RKO! RKO on Riley!


Orton’s eyes burn into The Miz as Riley lies incapacitated on the canvas, before ‘This Ain’t No Make Believe’ hits, and the crowd erupt into cheers for the arrival of John Morrison.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Now even if The Miz says that Randy hasn’t earned a WWE Championship shot, there is no arguing that this man has a shot in the future when he wants it. And by the look on Morrison’s face, I’m sensing that he wants it sooner rather than later!

Morrison waits for his music to die down before beginning to speak.

’The Prince of Parkour’
John Morrison

Randy, I’m afraid The Miz is right, you’re gonna have to get back in line, because I earned the next shot at that title. Miz, you better enjoy your celebration while it lasts, because next week, right here on Raw, it’s me and you, one on one, for the WWE Championship!

The crowd begin to cheer, until the General Manager’s laptop chimes, and the crowd begin to groan.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Can I have your attention please? I have received an email from the anonymous Raw General Manager. And I quote: ‘Morrison, you will indeed receive your shot at the WWE Champion next week on Raw, and following recent events, if either Michael Cole or Alex Riley interfere in the match, then The Miz will lose the WWE Championship. As for tonight, Miz, Morrison, you can have the night to prepare for next week, but Orton, you’re scheduled for a match tonight. You’ll be going one on one, against the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus!’

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Wow! What a match for tonight! And it sounds like The Miz has got a real challenge on his hands next week!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

It’s ridiculous King! The Miz is treated so unfairly by our General Manager!

The camera settles on Orton's glare, which switches from The Miz to Morrison, before the camera fades to black.


Ted DiBiase, with Maryse on his arm, is shown walking to the ring in his ring gear.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Ted DiBiase takes on Yoshi Tatsu right after this.



The bell rings as RAW returns from commercial.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

This next bout is scheduled for one fall.


DiBiase appears on stage, his arm around Maryse, and a confident smirk etched onto his face. He begins to stroll down to the ring, making sure that he has a chance to show off his partner at every opportunity. Members of the crowd rain boos down on DiBiase, while some instead choose to ogle Maryse, who returns their looks with a face of disgust.

’Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

Introducing first... From West Palm Beach, Florida... weighing in at 235 pounds... Ted DiBiase!

They reach the ring, and DiBiase holds the bottom rope open for Maryse, allowing her to step in before stepping in himself, and again smirking at the crowd.


Tatsu bounces out from the back with his usual energy, before barrelling down the ramp, slapping hands as he goes.

’Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

And introducing his opponent... from Tokyo, Japan... weighing 220 pounds... Yoshi Tatsu!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

What an exciting competitor Yoshi Tatsu is, this should be a great match!

Tatsu slides into the ring, and bows towards the fans, before the bell rings and the match is underway.

Ted DiBiase (w/ Maryse) v Yoshi Tatsu
The match is a clash of two very different styles, with Tatsu hoping to use his speed to his advantage and DiBiase trying to neutralise Tatsu. Tatsu manages to outmanoeuvre DiBiase in the opening minutes with arm drags and hip tosses, before sending him out of the ring with an impressive tilt-a-whirl headscissor. Tatsu follows DiBiase out to the floor but gets thrown head first into the barricade, allowing DiBiase to begin to control the flow of the match with a series of neckbreakers and a chin lock. Tatsu tries to fight out, but DiBiase again sends Tatsu to the mat with a huge clothesline, before covering for a 2 count. The crowd begin to rally behind Tatsu as DiBiase again locks in a chin lock, and Tatsu uses this to rally, taking DiBiase out with a huge spinning wheel kick. Both men slowly get to their feet and exchange shots, before Tatsu again picks up the pace and manages to hit a series of high impact moves on DiBiase, coming close to the win on more than one occasion. Tatsu bounces off the ropes, looking for extra momentum, but instead runs straight into a huge spinebuster from DiBiase. DiBiase then wrenches Tatsu to his feet, and slammed him to the mat with Dream Street to pick up the 1,2,3 in a great opening match.

Winner: - Ted DiBiase (in 8:31)

’Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

Here is your winner... Ted DiBiase!

Maryse slides into the ring and the two embrace before cockily strolling to the back, all the while smirking at the fans.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

What a great opening match tonight on RAW! DiBiase has been coming up short in a lot of his matches lately but it looks like he’s started to turn things around here tonight!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

He sure looked impressive Cole, but it remains to be seen if DiBiase can continue his success.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Well we’ll find out over the coming weeks, King, but first we’re heading backstage to join our broadcast college Josh Matthews.

The camera pans and then zooms onto the titantron, until all that fills the screen is the image played upon it. Josh Matthews is stood in front of a RAW logo, with a microphone in his hand.

’The Level-Headed Announcer’
Josh Matthews

Ladies and Gentlemen will you please welcome my guest at this time, Tyson Kidd.

The camera pans to reveal Tyson Kidd, flanked by his enforcer, Jackson Andrews.

’The Level-Headed Announcer’
Josh Matthews

Tyson, recently you turned on your Hart Dynasty partner, David Hart Smith, and seemingly decided that it was your time to shine in the WWE. Since that, however, you’ve come up short in some of your matches. Some say you’ve turned your back on your legacy, and the legacy of the Hart family dungeon...

’The Crown Prince of the WWE’
Tyson Kidd

Let me stop you right there, Josh. I didn’t turn on Smith, he turned on me. He’s been holding me back for years, and all this time I was stupid enough not to notice it. But now, I’ve seen past it and I can be my own man. Sure, since I’ve decided to go my own way I’ve slipped up a few times, but this is just the beginning for me in the WWE. I’m a born and bred superstar, and one of the last, and best trainees to emerge from the Hart family dungeon. You think I’ve turned my back on my legacy? Maybe I have Josh, but I’m gonna start my own legacy. Years from now superstars will be looking up to me as the reason they entered wrestling. With Andrews at my side, and all of my talent, there’s nothing that can stop me reaching the top here in...

Tyson stops mid-sentence as the camera pans out, and R-Truth walks into the shot. Andrews glares menacingly at Truth, but Truth just returns the glare before taking the microphone from Josh.

’What’s Up?’

I’m sick of guys like you, who’ve hardly even cut their teeth in this business, standing here and saying that they’re gonna be the best. That in the future they’re gonna be the ones that everyone looks up to. It seems as though every single one of them forgets that they have to win to get there, and Tyson, “enforcer” or not, that’s not something you’ve been doing too much of recently. So put the microphone down, stop trashing a legacy greater than anything you could ever dream of, and stop running your mouth. Unless... you feel like losing another match.

Andrews steps in front of Tyson, and glares down at Truth, before Tyson steps alongside.

’The Crown Prince of the WWE’
Tyson Kidd

Really Truth? You’ve hardly got a shining win-loss record yourself, but you asked for it. Next week, me and you, in that ring. You’ll just be the first stepping stone before I start my ascent.

Tyson drops the microphone and walks off, with Andrews following behind. Truth watches them both walk away with a look of anger on his face, before the camera fades to another commercial.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

This non-title tag team match is set for one fall.

The camera fades back in, and the crowd erupts as Santino’s music hits.


’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Welcome back to Monday Night RAW! What a show we’ve had tonight, and it looks like it’s only going to get better!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Cole’s right, we’ve had Tyson Kidd making some huge statements, we’ve had Morrison announce he’s cashing in his title shot next week and it’s been announced that Orton and Sheamus are facing off in the Main Event!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

We’re gonna carry the excitement on with the Tag Team Champs in action!

Santino and Kozlov step onto the stage accompanied by a roar of cheers. They walk down to the ring, Kozlov looking serious, and Marella slapping fan’s hands.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

Introducing first... at a combined weight of 529 pounds... they are the WWE Tag Team Champions... Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

The champs retained their titles last night after Nexus got DQ’d for Michael McGillicutty’s interference, but I’m sure it wasn’t the convincing win they were looking for. They’ve got a chance to redeem themselves tonight though, and will surely be looking to come away with a strong victory against the Usos tonight.

As Santino and Kozlov slip into the ring, the Usos music hits, and the crowd begin to boo.


’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

Introducing next, from San Francisco, California, weighing in at a combined weight of 475 pounds, The Uso Brothers!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

These two teams have clashed several times over the past few months, and Santino and Kozlov were able to come away with more than just the titles, as Santino managed to win the heart of the Usos’ former manager Tamina.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

We’ve received word that Marella has asked Tamina to stay in the back to prevent any distraction for either side, especially considering the personal investment that she has with both teams.

The Usos reach the ring, and the bell rings to signify the start of the match.

Santino Marella & Vladimir Kozlov v The Uso Brothers
Vladimir Kozlov starts the match for the champions, and he just begins dominating the Uso Brothers, even thwarting a double suplex attempt and sending both Uso Brothers flying over the top rope. The fans cheer as the Usos try and regroup, as Kozlov tags in Marella. Marella begins to control Jey with his unorthodox offence, making sure that the Usos can’t gain control. The complexion of the match changes when Marella hits a snapmare and goes for a low dropkick, but gets kicked in the back by Jimmy as he comes of the ropes. Jey is quick to take advantage, and the Uso Brothers begin to double team Marella, getting nearer and nearer to achieving a 3 count. At one point, Santino manages to duck a clothesline from Jey, and hit a hip toss, before crawling to the corner to try and tag Kozlov. Jey gets the tag first however, and Jimmy is able to knock Kozlov off the apron and regain control of Marella. Kozlov decides he’s had enough and tries to enter the ring, but is stopped by the referee, giving the Uso Brothers a chance to choke Marella without the referee noticing. Marella is finally able to hit a neckbreaker on Jimmy, and begins to crawl to his corner once more. Whilst this is going on, the screen splits, and on one half of the screen Tamina is shown backstage watching the match on a television, and cheering for Marella as he heads towards the corner. Marella finally manages to make the tag to a barrage of cheers, and Kozlov dominates the Usos, hitting multiple headbutts and a huge scoop overhead suplex for a two count. Jimmy manages to regain control, but miscommunication means that Jey superkicks Jimmy in the face, allowing Kozlov to tag in Marella. Marella begins to set up the Cobra, and manages to hit it on Jey for the 3 count.

Winners: - WWE Tag Team Champions, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov (9:10)

As Santino and Kozlov’s music hits again, the screen shows Tamina celebrating backstage.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

The winners of the match, the team of Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

A convincing win there for the Tag Team Cha... Wait! Wait! Look on the screen!

A hand covers Tamina’s mouth and drags her backwards, before the camera pans and reveals that the hand belongs to Heath Slater, accompanied by Justin Gabriel

Heath Slater

You better pass this message onto the champs. Tell them we’re coming. They aren’t through with us yet, and there’s nothing they’ll be able to do to stop us. Make sure they get the message OK? I mean, look how easy it was for us to get to you this time.

Slater and Gabriel begin to laugh, with a slightly creepy undertone, then let go of Tamina and push her away. The camera pans back to the arena where Kozlov and Marella are rushing to Tamina’s aid.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

It looks like Nexus won’t give up until they win the Tag Team Titles! I just wish they’d make a statement like men rather than ambushing a woman backstage!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Thanks to all of my years of world class announcing, it seems obvious to me that as long as you make a statement it doesn’t matter how you do it. You do whatever you can to get ahead, and Slater and Gabriel certainly seem to understand that!

The camera fades to a re-cap of what happened last night at TLC, as the announcers thank the band who provided the song, and also the sponsors of Monday Night RAW, before the image fades to John Morrison standing backstage. He’s talking to a few members of the production team, until Randy Orton stalks up behind him.

’The Viper’
Randy Orton

What the hell was that? You may be on a hot streak at the minute, but you need to learn, that you don’t come out and interfere in my business. I’ve gained a reputation as heartless for a reason. I’d punt you in the skull and end your career in a heartbeat if it meant I could get at the WWE Championship. Make sure to remember that next week, because if you leave with the title, it’s only a matter of time till I come after you, and reclaim my WWE Title.

Morrison doesn’t look intimidated and squares up to Orton.

’The Prince of Parkour’
John Morrison

Orton you’ve had your shot. Last night the entire world watched as The Miz sent you crashing through a table. Does it matter how he did it? Does it matter whether he had outside help? No. It was a Tables match, where anything goes, and you just couldn’t get the job done. I understand that The Miz is one of the most obnoxious jerks on the planet, but it’s my time now. Next week I’m gonna win the title, and when I do, if you wanna come after me, then do it. But just know, I’m not gonna take it lying down. You’re gonna have a real fight on your hands. And from the look of last night, I don’t think you’re quite up to it.

The fans are torn between who to cheer for as Morrison pushes his way past Orton, who burns holes in Morrison’s back as he walks away.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

There’s two hugely combustible elements there and I think it’s only a matter of time until they go off!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

They are certainly two of the hottest superstars in the WWE at the moment, and I’m sure that they’ll butt heads again at some point in the future.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Orton just needs to be careful that he doesn’t look beyond Sheamus tonight! That’s gonna be a difficult match for both men!

’The Voice of the WWE
Michael Cole

I’m sure it will King. Orton vs Sheamus: our Main Event later on tonight. Don’t go anywhere folks, we’ll be right back after this.



As the show returns from commercial the General Manager laptop chimes, and Michael Cole seems to take great pleasure in reading the announcement.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Oh my... here we go...

’The Voice of the WWE
Michael Cole

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have received an email from the anonymous RAW General Manager.

The crowd erupts into boos, which only serve to accentuate the smug look on the face of Michael Cole.

’The Voice of the WWE
Michael Cole

And I quote: ‘The Royal Rumble is one of the most anticipated events of the year. It has made careers, and been host to some of the most exciting and shocking returns that the WWE has seen. But I’ve been thinking. The Royal Rumble has not changed... not evolved since its inception. Until now. I have been the most innovative General Manager than RAW has ever seen, and I’ve decided to extend my influence to the whole of the WWE, by making a huge change to the Royal Rumble match. I have cleared it with Mr. McMahon and the board of directors, and I can officially announce, that this year’s Royal Rumble will feature not 30 superstars as usual... but 40 of the WWE finest superstars, facing off for the opportunity to headline the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania! I know you’re all impressed, but that’s not all. There’ll be more changes to the Rumble match over the next few weeks and I’m sure you’ll be as thrilled with the genius of them, as you are with the genius of my 40-Man Rumble.’

The camera fades to Justin Roberts stood in the ring as the bell rings.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

This next match is a one fall to a finish contest.


The fans begin to boo as Primo’s music hits, and he swaggers out onto the stage. He begins to taunt the crowd, as he makes his way down to the ring.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

Making his way to the ring, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, weighing in at 218 pounds, Primo!

Primo makes his way to the ring apron and then leaps over the top rope, before taunting the crowd some more.


The crowd erupts as Henry makes his way to the ring, slapping hands as he goes, but with a scowl on his face in preparation for his match.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

Making his way to the ring, from Silsbee, Texas, weighing in at 392 pounds, Mark Henry!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

I tell you what Cole, I don’t think I’d ever wanna be in Primo’s position! Henry looks like he’s ready to destroy someone tonight!

The bell rings to signify the start of the match, as Primo looks apprehensively at Henry.

Primo vs Mark Henry
Henry looks immediately dominate in this match, as he smashes Primo down into the mat with a shoulder tackle. He picks Primo up and throws him into the turnbuckle, before running and crushing him against the turnbuckles. Henry immediately continues the assault, picking Primo up over his head and then dropping him face first into the canvas, before pressing his weight onto Primo’s back as he walks over him. Primo is completely out of it as Henry picks Primo up and drops him with the World’s Strongest Slam for the 3 count.

Winner: -Mark Henry (2:10)

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

Here is your winner, the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry!

Mark Henry celebrates by slapping hands with the fans, as Primo slinks up the ramp, holding his back in pain.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

What a force Mark Henry is! I wouldn’t want to get in his way!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Mark Henry isn’t the only person in the WWE whose dominant at the minute! Natalya has been on a hot streak ever since she won the Diva’s Title!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

‘Hot’ being the key word Cole!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Last night Natalya teamed with Beth Phoenix to defeat Laycool in a Tables Match, and tonight she’s in tag action once again, teaming with Eve against the No. 1 Contender Melina, and former Diva’s Champion Alicia Fox! Melina won a huge No. 1 Contenders match a few weeks ago, and really made a statement at the expense of Natalya after the match.

A video shows of Melina defeating Alicia Fox and Eve in the No. 1 Contender match. After the victory Natalya climbs into the ring and congratulates Melina. The crowds response changes from cheers of appreciation to boos of shock and disgust as Melina slaps Natalya across the face. The gasp from Natalya is echoed by the crowd and as Melina slides out of the ring Natalya’s face changes from shock to anger. Melina smirks and taunts both the crowd and Natalya in one go, motioning that she will be the next Diva’s Champion.

The camera returns to the arena, as Melina’s music hits, and she emerges on the stage with Alicia Fox at her side.


’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

This Divas tag team match is set for one fall. Introducing first, the team of Melina, and Alicia Fox!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Is there anything better than watching the Divas Cole?


’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

And their opponents, the team of Eve, and the WWE Diva’s Champion Natalya!

Natalya sprints down to the ring, and charges into the ring, aiming for Melina. Natalya hits a Thesz press on Melina, as Eve clotheslines Alicia Fox. Natalya and Eve pick their two opponents up, and throw them both out of the ring, before the match has even begun.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Natalya’s not going to hold back against Melina tonight! More Divas action after this break!



WWE Diva’s Champion Natalya & Eve vs Melina and Alicia Fox
The match is underway as we come back from commercial, and Natalya is all over Alicia Fox, taking her down with Clotheslines and hard kicks. Natalya and Eve continue to work over Alicia Fox for a few minutes, until Alicia Fox manages to drop Eve throat first on the middle rope. Only now is Melina happy to tag in, and she immediately shows her new aggressive side by choking Eve, and whipping her across the ring by her hair. Alicia Fox and Melina do a fantastic job of keeping Eve on their side of the ring until Eve manages to fight to her feet. She bounces off the ropes, and Eve and Melina both took each other down with clotheslines. The crowd are massively behind Eve as she approaches Natalya, who is pacing in her corner, while Melina tries to stop Eve from getting there. Eve manages to get the tag as Melina gets to her feet, and Natalya and Melina face off in the ring. The anticipation in the arena for the clash of these two is huge, and the crowd rain boos down upon Alicia Fox when she attacks Natalya from behind, allowing Melina to hit the Last Call and pin the Diva’s Champion.

Winner: - Melina and Alicia Fox (5:40)

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

The winners of the match: Melina and Alicia Fox!

Melina kicks Natalya out of the ring, and celebrates on the top rope as the fans boo her even more venomously. Natalya gets to her feet, and is helped to the back by Eve, but not before holding her title belt in the air to elicit a cheer from the crowd.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

I think Natalya better watch out! Melina’s new attitude looks like it could take her all the way to the championship!

The camera again shows Melina stood in the ring, as Natalya glares on from the stage. The camera then fades to a backstage camera, where Maryse is shown talking to Ted DiBiase about his match earlier that night.

’Gold Digger’

You were so impressive earlier tonight. You had a certain je ne sais quoi while you were out there. Je t’aime, je t’aime beaucoup.

Maryse stokes Ted’s bicep and he smirks as they walk along the corridor. Before Ted can reply they pass Daniel Bryan and the Bella Twins flirting.

’Gold Digger’

Look who it is. The Bella tramps... I mean twins. You two couldn’t find a real man? You settled for this... geek? I mean I know all you’ve been doing for the past six months is making sure that guest hosts are ‘comfortable’ but could you not have set your sights a little higher?

’Twin Magic’
Brie Bella

Well if Daniel isn’t a ‘real man’ then why is he the US Champion, while your ‘real man’ there had to carry a mock title belt around with him for months? The only reason you care at all about Ted is because you’re after his money. You realised that you career as a singles competitor wasn’t going anywhere so you decided you’d latch onto Ted and his cash?

’Gold Digger’

My singles career isn’t going anywhere? I’m sure you noticed that I am a former Diva’s Champion, what about you two?

’Twin Magic’
Nikki Bella

Why don’t you shut your mouth, and step in the ring with me next week. I’m sure even you’ll be more of a man than your boyfriend has proven to be over the past few months?

Maryse looks about to respond, but instead sneers, then slaps Nikki hard across the face. Brie retaliates by grabbing the hair of Maryse and wrenching it back and forth. The action escalates until Bryan and DiBiase are forced to pull the women apart. The women both stalk off in opposite directions, but DiBiase and Bryan get in each other’s faces, before they both stalk off in opposite directions behind their respective women.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Will that match take place next week? It certainly looks like it’s going to have to boil over at some point soon. Next up tonight, two former WWE Champions face off in the Main Event when Randy Orton squares off against the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

What a Main Event that’s gonna be, Cole, and it’s up next!

The camera shows a repeat of the confrontation between Morrison, Orton and The Miz at the start of the show, with Orton’s stare at Morrison and Miz being the last thing on screen.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

This next bout is the Main Event of the evening and is scheduled for one fall.


The crowd erupts into a complete frenzy as Orton heads down to the ring, his trademark scowl set on his face, and the vintage dead look in his cool blue eyes.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds, Randy Orton!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Despite the setback against The Miz last night, Orton looks like he’s in the zone tonight!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Orton set to face the Celtic Warrior, after this.




Sheamus appears on the stage, microphone in hand, and begins to speak into it as he saunters down to the ring.

’The Celtic Warrior’

Last night, at the TLC pay-per-view, I was unfairly deprived a WWE Championship opportunity. I was put into a match that unfairly favoured my opponent. It's ridiculous: I’m the fastest rising star that the WWE has seen over the decade and I'm mistreated like that! But onto tonight. I’m the most talented new superstar that the WWE has found, but Orton you still seem to think that you’re going to breeze past me and regain the WWE Championship from whoever wins next week? Orton the biggest mistake you’ll ever make is to look through me, and it’s exactly the same for the 39 other superstars who’ll be in the Royal Rumble match. Triple H thought he could look past me, and look where he’s ended up... sat on the sidelines for months!

Sheamus steps into the ring, and Orton just continues to glare at him.

’The Celtic Warrior’

You don’t need to worry about whose going to win the title next week, because you won’t make it that far. I’ve built my career on taking on the top dogs, and both Cena and Triple H have learnt that at their own expense. Tonight Orton, it’s your turn.

Sheamus drops the bell, and the mic rings to signify the start of the match.

Sheamus vs Randy Orton
In a hard-hitting and intense match, both men are equally matched for the first few minutes. Orton is able to use the fan support to get into the head of Sheamus after a few minutes, and he sends Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post, before hitting a huge dropkick that gets a two count. Orton continues to pick apart Sheamus, stomping on each of Sheamus’ limbs, one after the other, before setting up for a suplex. Sheamus is able to fight it off, and drops Orton stomach first onto the top rope, immediately cutting off the Viper’s momentum and allowing Sheamus to take control. Sheamus chooses to focus in on the ribs and back of Orton, using his superior power to man-handle Orton, and slowly wear him down. Orton tries to fight out, but Sheamus hits the Irish Curse backbreaker for a nail-biting two count, that many believed was going to result in the pin. Sheamus drags Orton to the corner, and tries to set up the High Cross. The crowd rallies behind Orton as he fights out of it, and manages to hit a backbreaker of his own on the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus rolls out of the ring, and after recovering from some of the damage, Orton follows Sheamus outside. This proves to be a mistake, as Sheamus is able to send Orton head first into the ring post, before rolling him back in the ring. Sheamus feels confident enough to have an argument with a fan at ringside before attempting to get back into the ring, and this gives Orton enough time to recover enough to hit a rope-hung DDT. Orton covers but only gets a two, before setting up for the RKO. Sheamus fights out and tries to hit the Brogue Kick, but instead gets caught by a powerslam by Orton, who again sets up for the RKO. Sheamus is again able to fight out, and this time is more successful, as he manages to hit Orton with a huge hammer blow to the head. Sheamus tries for the pin, but only gets a two, and then sets up for the Brogue Kick. Orton is able to duck and roll Sheamus up. 1....2.... KICK OUT. The fans are astounded that Sheamus is able to kick out, but they aren’t disappointed for long, because as soon as Sheamus gets to his feet, Orton is able to hit an RKO and score the pinfall in a very competitive match.

Winner: - Randy Orton (11:35)

Orton steps onto the turnbuckle and performs his signature pose, as Sheamus makes his way to the back with his head down.

’The Ring Announcer’
Justin Roberts

The winner of the match... Randy Orton!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Vintage Orton! Orton is able to defeat stiff competition from the Celtic Warrior, and certainly looks like he’ll be a threat to whoever leaves with the title next week!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Orton’s a threat to anyone! I feel at risk just being in the same city as him!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Ladies and Gentlemen we understand that up next tonight, Cena will be addressing his victory last night, and where he’ll go from here. Will Nexus leave John Cena be? Or will Cena still be at risk from a brutal beating at the hands of the young upstarts? Find out after this.




The crowd jump to their feet, the cheering reverberating throughout the arena as Cena appears on the stage grinning, then begins to run down the ramp, slapping hands on the way.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Cena can’t stop grinning after his victory last night over Wade Barrett, and most of the WWE Universe feel exactly the same way!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

Nexus certainly have made a huge impact on both the WWE Superstars and the WWE Universe over the past months, and I think it might be a little soon for any of us to count them out!

Cena is stood in the ring, his grin still on his face, and a microphone in his hand, ready to address the WWE Universe.

’Hustle, Loyalty, Respect’
John Cena

Is it mean for me to say that I enjoyed myself last night?

The crowd erupt into cheers, and Cena’s grin never leaves his face.

’Hustle, Loyalty, Respect’
John Cena

I’m sure most of you saw what I did to Wade Barrett last night, and I’m sure most of you would love to just watch it over and over and over... Like this.

Cena points to the screen and a video plays of the events that occurred after the Cena vs Barrett Chairs match at the TLC Pay-Per-View. The fans all begin to cheer as they see Cena dropping an entire column on chairs onto Barrett. They continue to cheer as the action is shown from a different angle, and then another, before being shown in slow motion.

’Hustle, Loyalty, Respect’
John Cena

It never gets old does it? I’m sure some of you will say I went too far, and I’m sure Michael Cole nearly had a heart attack he was that angry, but I don’t think that even repays one tenth of what Nexus have done to me over the past few months. I was the first one they targeted. I’ve been the one they’ve targeted almost every time after. I even had to work alongside them for a while, but last night I really feel like I’ve taken a huge step in vanquishing Nexus from the WWE forever!


Nexus appear on stage, led by Wade Barrett. Barrett is walking stiffly and clutching his back, showing just how much pain he is in after the beating he took last night.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

It looks like Nexus are here to prove Cena wrong!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

It looks like Barrett is still hurting after last night, but Nexus definitely aren’t beaten yet!

Nexus step into the ring, with Barrett stood facing Cena, and the other Nexus members lined up behind him. Barrett is met with a barrage of boos as he raises the microphone to his lips, but Cena begins speaking before Barrett has a chance.

’Hustle, Loyalty, Respect’
John Cena

What a coincidence that you’ve just come out here. I was just about to say: I’ll be realistic, even though I beat Barrett, I still need to take them out once and for all, and hopefully they’ll come out here and interrupt me so I can get the job done tonight.

Cena takes his T-Shirt off and throws it into the crowd, before dropping his microphone and putting his hands up in anticipation for a fight. Barrett simply smirks at Cena, and the Nexus members behind him begin to laugh.

’The Winds of Change’
Wade Barrett

And here I was thinking that you were stupid enough to think that last night would be the end for Nexus, but no, you surprise me. Of course you are still stupid, after this long you honestly think you can take us all out? We’re the most dominant group that the WWE has seen, and it’s gonna take much more than that to keep us down.

Otunga steps to the side of Barrett and asks for the microphone. Barrett looks a little shocked, but hands over the microphone and waits for Otunga to speak.

David Otunga

Wade’s right. I’m sure you remember the night we first showed up on RAW? You ended up laying broken in the ring. For months you were subject to beating after beating as we continued to prove just how dominant we were.

Nexus all smile, clapping each other on the back and grinning proudly. Wade Barrett has an arrogant smirk plastered on his face, but Otunga keeps a serious look on his face.

David Otunga

But then...

All of the Nexus members put angry sneers on their faces, apart from Barrett, who has a look of mild confusion.

David Otunga

We began to slip up. We let Cena get under our skin. Our overconfidence let your team win at Summerslam Cena. We let you pick us off one by one. We showed weakness.

Otunga looks solemn and embarrassed as he continues to speak.

David Otunga

After TLC, while Wade was in the hospital getting treated, we realised what was going wrong. We now know what we need to do to be dominant again. To eliminate the weaknesses.

Otunga drops the microphone and steps towards Cena threateningly. Cena looks ready to attack but before he manages to, Otunga turns around and looks at Barrett. Barrett looks confused, as the rest of Nexus begins to surround him. Once Nexus complete surround Barrett, they begin to step closer, until Barrett has nowhere to run. The crowd are unsure how to react, and Cena slips out of the ring in anticipation of what is about to happen. Barrett’s face begins to show fear, but then sets in determination as he tackles Otunga to the ground.

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

Maybe Cena did end Nexus! They’re imploding before our eyes!

Before Barrett can throw a punch at Otunga, the rest of Nexus pounce on him, stomping and punching at him, dragging him away from Otunga and picking him apart with their usual pack mentality. Slater picks Barrett up before dropping him with a vicious looking neckbreaker, which McGillicutty follows up with an equally venomous looking twisting neckbreaker. Harris then uses his full weight to crush Barrett with a senton, before Otunga picks Barrett up and smirks. He holds Barrett with his arm, before his face becomes an angry sneer once more, as he drops Barrett to the canvas with his evil-looking spinebuster. The fans anticipation grows as they know what is to come next. You can see the conflict on the fans faces, as they hate the fact that they are spellbound by Gabriel’s 450 splash. The crowd seem to recover from their shock with the breathtaking beauty of the splash, and gasp as Gabriel flies through the air. Gabriel crushes down on Barrett, and holds his ribs in pain, as Otunga tears Barrett’s Nexus armband from his arm.

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

What a turn of events here tonight on Monday Night RAW! Wade Barrett seems to have been kicked out of Nexus!

’The King’
Jerry Lawler

I did not see that coming Cole! I think everyone here is as dumbfounded as I am!

’The Voice of the WWE’
Michael Cole

I think it’s safe to say that Nexus are far from dead! The remaining members are looking meaner than ever! What will happen next for Nexus? Tune in next week to find out folks! Thank you for joining us for what has proven to be an explosive edition of Monday Night RAW!

The five members of the reshuffled Nexus then stand side by side in the ring, raising their right arms’ into the air, as Cena looks on bemused, and the show goes off the air.

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Reactions: GCB
Great first show, avitus, really enjoyed it. Loads of potential there. Can I make two suggestions though?

1. I used YouTube videos for ages at first but decided that they broke it all up too much. I doubt many people are looking at them, they just wanna' read your matches and promos. Maybe you should consider whether the YT vids are helping in any way?

2. The names of the people talking ... I didn't get 'The Viper' being put before Orton all the time, the 'Ring Announcer' and 'Hustle Loyalty Respect' etc ... I'm just not sure it really brought anything to your BT at all!

Other than that, great start. Looking forward to Smackdown!
Thanks for the review!

I'd not thought that about youtube videos but yeah that definitely makes sense... i'll definitely have a think about it before I post my next show. Same goes with the name things... I noticed them in someone's BT before and thought they were interesting... but I can see what you mean about it not really bringing anything to it...

Hope you enjoy smackdown as much! Thanks again!
Great show dude. Only thing is, the names, "Viper", "Voice of the WWE", get rid of them. It doesn't bring anything to the table as GCB said. Plus, yeah, I don't think anybody's viewing the YT videos. Use them only when absolutely neccessary and not otherwise. Anyway, great show and keep it up. Looking forward to SmackDown!. Good luck.
As most people have said, you have some talent my friend. You can write a good match, more description never hurts. The backstage stuff is well done, but can always be done better. One thing that did bother me was the nicknames above the actual names. You don't need it, and it was rather annoying to see "Winds of Change" when Barrett spoke. Get rid of it, not needed at all.

Also as GCB, the youtube videos just take up space. It splits the writing up, and leaves gaps. I don't watch them, and I'm sure most people don't. Think about dropping them, but it isn't anything major that will hurt your show.

Green Bay, WI

The opening pyro for Smackdown hits as Michael Cole welcomes everyone to the show!

Michael Cole
Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to a Christmas Eve Edition of Friday Night Smackdown! What a show we’ve got for you tonight!


Edge’s pyro hits, and the crowd explodes as he rushes out onto the stage, his World Heavyweight Title belt strapped around his waist, over his t-shirt and jeans. He reaches half way down the ramp and performs his usual pose, as his second lot of pyro explodes.

Michael Cole
Coming off his World Heavyweight Title win at TLC, Edge looks to be addressing the WWE Universe to open Smackdown!

Matt Striker
Edge is now an 10 time World Champion! Very few WWE Superstars have beaten that record, but I’m sure there’s quite a few who really want to catch up to Edge at his expense! Being the champion pins a target on your back straight away!

Michael Cole
That’s right Matt, and I’m sure both Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio will be gunning for Edge, not to mention the former champion Kane!

By this point Edge has reached the ring, and is waiting for the crowd to quieten down so he can begin speaking.

Last night, at the TLC Pay-Per-View, I won this.

Edge thrusts the title into the air as the crowd begin to cheer again.

And now... I’m a ten time World Champion. Ten Times! I beat Alberto Del Rio, Kane and Rey Mysterio in my signature match type. A match that I co-created. TLC. Here’s a nice ego-stroking fact for you... if you add together the amount of world title reigns that my 3 opponents have had, It’s less than half the amount of reigns that I’ve had!

The crowd pops again, as Edge readjusts his title belt and raises the microphone to his lips again.

Since I came back from my injury I’ve heard all the rumours... That I’ll never be as good as I was. That I can’t go anymore. That I need to retire. Well, to everyone of you naysayers. To all of you that said that I couldn’t climb to the top of the mountain again, I think I’ve proved that I’ve still got what it takes to be the very best that this industry has to offer. Retirement? Nothing is further from my mind. Why would I want to stop standing up before all of you amazing fans every week? Why would I want to stop thrilling audiences around the world. Anybody wants me gone? They’re gonna have to drag me out of here in a body bag!


The crowd erupts into boos as fire tears up from the stage, casting a red glow over the entire arena. Kane stalks onto the stage, with his usual demented grin on his face, and a stern look in his eye. He begins to walk down to the ring.

Michael Cole
It looks the former champion is going to take Edge up on his offer! He looks like he’s in a foul mood tonight Matt!

Matt Striker
You would be if you’d just lost the World Title Cole! Even though, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen Kane in a good mood!

Kane steps over the top rope, and gets right in the face of Edge, who doesn’t look at all intimidated.

Stop teasing me. You know I’d love to destroy you and take that title from you. There’s a reason why I’m called the Devil’s Favourite Demon. There’s a reason why my brother has never managed to take that title from me. It’s because I’m pure evil. There is not one shred of decency within my body. My head can’t comprehend ideas like mercy, and honour. I want the world title, and trust me, there’s nothing you can do to stop me. If I could crush my brother like a bug, and vanquish his tormented soul from the WWE, then just imagine what I could do to a powerless wretch like you. In fact, you don’t need to imagine it. You’re going to find out at the Royal Rumble, when I get my rematch for my World Heavyweight Title!

Edge raises the microphone to his mouth and looks about to reply, when he is interrupted by a theme that makes the crowd erupt in boos.

* Funba Rumba *

Michael Cole
Now things are really starting to look up! The essence of excellence, Alberto Del Rio! Another one of the men that was in the TLC match for the World Title last night!

Matt Striker
I’m sure that Del Rio has something to say about what happened last night!

Del Rio appears on the stage, microphone already in hand, and, once the boos from the fans die down, begins to speak.

Alberto Del Rio
My name is Alberto Del Rio. But I’m sure that you already know that. I’m sure Edge is going to jump at the opportunity to face Kane at the Royal Rumble, for one reason only. Because he doesn’t want to face me. You’re scared that if you step in the ring with the Esencia of Excelencia you’ll end up leaving with your tail between your legs like a little Chihuahua. You’re just a cobarde Edge, a coward. You don’t have the guts to step into the ring with Alberto Del Rio. I can imagine you’re practically praying that you lose the title at the Royal Rumble, so you don’t have to have me chasing you for the title! But don’t worry, I’d enjoy taking you out far too much, so even if you do lose the title, I promise you, that I will snap your arm right out of the socket. I did it to your little friend Christian. I did it to that little wretch Rey Mysterio, and I can guarantee that regardless of who leaves the Royal Rumble with the title, they’ll come running straight into me.


Matt Striker
Speaking of Rey Mysterio! Here he is now! All four men from the TLC match last night look like they still want a piece of each other! What a way to open Smackdown!

Michael Cole
As Del Rio just mentioned, these two men have had an intense rivalry over the past few months, with Del Rio even putting Mysterio out of action for a number of weeks, and it looks like Rey is far from done getting retribution.

The crowd erupt into cheers as Mysterio walks onto the stage, a stern look on his face, wearing his ring gear. He walks straight up to Del Rio and squares off with him, before beginning to speak.

Rey Mysterio
You make it sound like it’s just that easy to breeze on to the title. You need to remember Del Rio, I’ve made it to the top of the mountain. It’s not gonna be quite as easy as you think to get that title.

Mysterio gets even closer to Del Rio.

Rey Mysterio
We’ve got some unfinished business, and you’re gonna need to get through me first.

There’s a static thunk as Mysterio drops the microphone, and both Mysterio and Del Rio scowl at each other. Meanwhile, Kane and Edge are both stood watching the scene unfold.

Hey! Hey you two!

They both turn to look at Edge in the ring.

Del Rio, you’ve been here for hardly any time at all, but already... everyone hates you!

The crowd cheer, as Del Rio gestures angrily to Edge from the stage.

As much as I would love to spear you in half, I’m sure Rey would love to cut you down to size himself. I know you might be able to see straight over his head... but I wouldn’t look past him Alberto...

A few people in the crowd laugh, and Michael Cole s******s on commentary, as Mysterio looks a little bit annoyed at Edge’s comment.

But I’m sure he’s more than capable of shutting you up. It'll only be a matter of time til someone gives you what you deserve Alberto. Personally, I think it should be Rey that hands your ass to you. What do you guys think?

Edge gestures to the audience, and they all cheer in anticipation of Del Rio getting what he deserves.

Now, from a pompous idiot, to a demented freak. It never gets boring here on Smackdown folks. Kane, you want your rematch, well come and get it. This championship here is what everyone strives for, and I can guarantee you that I won’t give it up without a fight. You think you can crush me? You think it’s gonna be just that easy to take the title back? 5 weeks time, at the Royal Rumble, you’re gonna find out just how much I love this championship, when I send you straight back down to the hell you came from. In fact... why wait til then?

Edge throws his microphone down, prompting another static thud, as he drops the title to the floor, and gestures for Kane to get ready to settle it right now.


The crowd boo the interruption of the showdown between Kane and Edge, but cheer as they see Teddy Long appear on the screen.

Teddy Long
Edge, calm down, you will get your chance to face off with Kane, as you defend the World Heavyweight Title against him at the Royal Rumble! But Kane, don’t think you’ve got the night off. Oh no. In the Main Event tonight, the Big Red Machine, Kane, will go one on one with the Master of the 619, Rey Mysterio! Holla, Holla, Holla playas!

Long’s theme hits again as Smackdown cuts to commercial.




Ziggler’s theme begins to play as Smackdown returns from commercial, and Ziggler walks cockily onto the stage, wearing his Intercontinental Title around his waist, and with Vickie Guerrero following behind him clapping. The bell rings as Ziggler performs his signature hair flick eliciting boos from the crowd, then begins to walk down the ramp.

Tony Chimel
This non-title match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first... accompanied to the ring by Vickie Guerrero... from Hollywood, Florida... weighing in at 223 pounds... he is the Intercontinental Champion... Dolph Ziggler!

Michael Cole
Dolph Ziggler has been on quite a streak as lately, and he’s been a very successful Intercontinental Champion.

Ziggler holds the bottom rope open so that Guerrero can duck into the ring, before stepping in himself, and flaunting his Intercontinental Title at the crowd, eliciting further boos.

Matt Striker
Some would say that Dolph Ziggler simply got lucky at the TLC pay-per-view, capitalising on Kingston and Swagger’s error rather than earning the win.

Michael Cole
I’m sure Ziggler will be looking to prove himself as a competent and deserving champion here tonight.

* 1, 2, 3, 4 *

Barreta barrels out onto the stage to a lukewarm reaction, slapping a few hands on the way down to the ring, before sliding in and rubbing his wrists in preparation for the match.

Michael Cole
Barreta has been largely known as a tag team competitor, but I spoke to him earlier and he said that he was ready to break out as a singles competitor, and hoped to pull out an upset victory tonight over the Intercontinental Champion.

The bell rings, as both men square off.

Dolph Ziggler v Trent Barreta
Ziggler immediately starts the match up aggressively, backing Barreta into a corner with hard right hands before being made to back up by the referee. Barreta steadies himself before Ziggler performs his signature hair flick, eliciting a barrage of boos from the crowd. Ziggler then again goes for Barreta with right hands, but Barreta is able to duck and hit Ziggler with some rights of his own. Barreta sends Ziggler into the ropes, before hitting a high elbow to the sternum and covering for a quick 1 count. Barreta runs the ropes, hitting the Intercontinental champion with a shoulder tackle and covering for another short one count. Ziggler rolls out of the ring looking frustrated, before Barreta dives at him over the top rope, much to the wonderment of the fans. Once Barreta is able to get to his feet, Vickie walks up to him screaming, before swinging her arm to slap him. Barreta catches the arm, but Ziggler attacks Barreta from behind, throwing him headfirst into the barricade with a sickening thud. The camera gets close up into the face of Barreta, as his eyes glaze over as Ziggler picks him up and rolls him back into the ring. Ziggler rolls in after him and covers for a long two count. Ziggler looks at the referee in disbelief, as Vickie screams at ringside, before hitting a hard knee to the neck of his prone opponent. Vickie claps at ringside as the fans boo her, and Ziggler begins to stomp on Barreta. Zligger pulls Barreta to his feet, hitting a few rights before leaping into the air for a huge dropkick, sending Barreta recoiling to the mat for another long two count.

Ziggler's exasperation begins to show through as he pounds the mat on frustration, before locking on a camel clutch, wrenching back on the neck of his opponent. The crowd begin to rally behind Barreta as he fights his way to his feet, pounding fists and elbows into Ziggler's gut, then hitting a spinning wheel kick to send both men down to the mat. Both men rise to their feet slowly, looking groggy, as the crowd try to get behind Barreta. Ziggler swings with a hard, clumsy right and Barreta manages to duck, hitting some hard knife edge chops. The crowd woooooo! with each chop that lights up the chest of Ziggler, until Ziggler manages to hit a knee to Barreta's gut, doubling him over. Ziggler runs the ropes, swinging his arm for a clothesline. Barreta ducks, and catches Ziggler with a big hip toss, then a dropkick to the back of the seated Ziggler's neck. He covers... 1...2... kickout! Barreta attempts to kick Ziggler in the face, but Ziggler ducks and rolls Barreta up... 1...2... kickout! Ziggler gets to his feet quickly, trying to whip Barreta into the turnbuckle, but ends up getting whipped into the turnbuckles himself. Barreta charges! Ziggler dodges it, gets behind Barreta and throws him overhead with a huge Reverse Powerslam! 1...2... Barreta manages to kickout at the last second. Ziggler starts to look frustrated again, scrubbing Barreta's face brutally against the mat, before sitting Barreta up. The Champion takes a few steps back, before running forward, and diving over Barreta, wrenching his neck in mid air. Ziggler covers for another 2 count, before stalking Barreta, waiting for him to groggily get to his feet. Ziggler pounces, wrapping his arms around Barreta's head for the Sleeperhold. He tries to fight it off, elbowing Ziggler in the stomach, before running the ropes. Ziggler catches him with the Sleeperhold on the rebound, and the crowd attempt to rally behind him as he fights it, but the attempt is futile, as Barreta slowly fades to the mat. The referee raises his arm, and drops it once... twice... three times. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: - Dolph Ziggler in 8:10

Vickie ducks into the ring, clapping her hands, as the referee raises Ziggler’s hand.

Tony Chimel
The winner, by submission... the Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler!

Vickie hugs Ziggler, who holds the Intercontinental Title in the air, smirking at the crowd.

Michael Cole
Barreta is out cold! Ziggler definitely came into the match tonight trying to show the WWE Universe that he’s a worthy champion, and it looks like he has!

Ziggler’s gaze shifts from the crowd to Barreta, and the smirk on his face changes into a venomous sneer. Ziggler gently detaches himself from Vickie, taking a few stalking steps towards Barreta.

Matt Striker
It looks like Ziggler isn’t done yet! He’s really going to make a statement.

* S.O.S *

Ziggler backs away from Barreta as Kingston’s music hits, and Kofi runs down from the stage, and down the ramp. Vickie slides out of the ring in fear, as Ziggler readies himself for Kingston.

Michael Cole
These two have had some issues over the past few months, and it looks like Kingston has just been waiting for an excuse to get his hands on Ziggler!

Kofi slides into the ring, as Ziggler charges at him, aiming to crush his skull with the Intercontinental Title belt. The belt fails to connect however, as Kofi tackles Ziggler to the mat, sending the title flying out of the ring. Kofi rains punch after punch into the face of Ziggler, the crowd cheering every moment of the action. Kingston leaps to his feet, his eyes set with a fierce glare on Ziggler.

Matt Striker
Kingston is all over Ziggler! It looks like Kingston really wants the Intercontinental title!

Kingston stands in the corner of the ring, performing his thunderclap, looking to hit the Trouble in Paradise as soon as Ziggler gets to his feet. The crowds cheers turn to vicious boos when Vickie pulls Ziggler from the ring, depriving Kingston of his target. Ziggler stumbles to his feet, with Vickie helping to stand him up, before they begin to retreat up the ramp, glaring at Kingston in the ring. Kingston signals to Ziggler that he’s coming for his title, but fails to notice the figure grab the Intercontinental Title from ringside, and slide into the ring behind Kingston. The crowd boo as they recognise Jack Swagger, as he cracks Kingston over the back of the head with the title belt. Kingston drops to the mat like a dead weight, and lies still on the canvas, as Swagger watches with a smile on his face. Swagger slides the title around his waist, raising his arms into the air once he has attached it. The crowd boo, and Vickie and Dolph look irate on the ramp, as Swagger’s music hits.

Michael Cole
Both Swagger and Kingston think they have a claim to Ziggler’s Intercontinental Title, and it’s all come to a head here on Smackdown!

Matt Striker
The champion needs to watch his back. He got a lucky escape tonight, but with these two determined superstars out to get him, it only seems like a matter of time before Ziggler has to face one of them for the title!

Michael Cole
Stay tuned folks, WWE Smackdown will be back with more after this!


Smackdown returns with the Raw Rebound, replaying the events at the culmination of Monday Night RAW. The camera pays particular attention to the facial expression of Wade Barrett, changing from smug arrogance, to confusion, to disbelief, and finally to a mingling of fear and anger, as Nexus pounce on him. The clip ends with Nexus standing tall over Barrett.

Chris Masters is shown walking down a corridor backstage, wearing jeans and a shirt, talking to Kelly Kelly.

Chris Masters
Excited about your match tonight Kelly? Everyone around here has been waiting for someone to shut Laycool’s mouths for a while now.

Kelly Kelly
Tell me about it. They’ve got to be the most obnoxious people I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to get my hands on Layla tonight!

Chris Masters
If anyone could shut Layla up I think you’re the one to do it Kelly!

Kelly beams at Masters, who smiles back, until she sees Drew McIntyre walking up to them both, an angry sneer on his face. Masters looks at the Chosen One with a disdainful look on his face, as McIntyre opens his mouth to speak.

Drew McIntyre
I couldn’t help overhearing your little conversation there Chris. Are you not man enough to shut up a pair of little girls like Laycool yourself? Instead you have to use my precious little flower here to do your dirty work? You disgust me.

Kelly Kelly
Your precious little flower? I’m nothing to do with you Drew. I want to go out there and get Layla tonight. I don’t need you to try and protect me. I can look after myself! After all, it’s hardly like you’re the most successful star ever is it? Why don’t you worry about you, and I’ll worry about me!

Drew McIntyre
I don’t mind you being angry with me. Just remember that if you ever need my help I’ll be here for you. I’ll prove how good I am next week. I’ll face Chris here, and when I leave him laying in the ring, you’ll be begging me to be there for you. Just you wait.

McIntyre walks off, an arrogant smirk on his face, as Masters and Kelly are left fuming, glaring at McIntyre. The camera fades back to ringside, where Tony Chimel is stood in the middle of the ring, with Curt Hawkins.

Tony Chimel
The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first... from Queens, New York... weighing in at 236 pounds, Curt Hawkins!

Quiet boos fade into the ring from the crowd, even though it’s obvious a lot of the fans don’t even know who Hawkins is.

Michael Cole
Well, it looks like we’ve got Masters facing McIntyre right here, next week, on Smackdown! First though, we’ve got Curt Hawkins facing one hell of a challenge tonight!

Matt Striker
Put it this way Cole, I’m glad it’s not me in the ring right now!


The crowd erupt into cheers, as The Big Show strolls out onto the stage, smile plastered on his face, waving at the fans. He begins to walk down the ramp, stopping part way down to give his headband to one of the kids in the audience, before slapping more hands on the way down to the ring.

Michael Cole
Oh My! No matter how many times I see him I just can’t get over the size of the Big Show! Hawkins looks like an ant in comparison!

Tony Chimel
And his opponent... from Tampa, Florida... weighing in at 485 pounds... The Big Show!

Show steps onto the ring apron, stepping over the top rope, before raising his hand towards the fans behind the camera.

Matt Striker
Don’t be fooled by the smile on the face of The Big Show ladies and gentlemen! This guy could break most men in half with one hand!

Show heads to one corner, and Hawkins stands apprehensively in the opposite corner, waiting for the bell to ring. Before the bell can ring however, the entire arena goes black, and a video begins to play on the titantron. A figure begins to fade into focus on the middle on the screen, with ear-piercing shrieks and yells mingling in the background of the video, repeated over and over. The figure leans forward, and the shape of a head can be made out, as a new, louder shriek joins the cacophony of torment taking place in the background. The figure has a hood over his head, though the mouth can be seen through the material, locked in a spine-tingling cry of tortured pain. The rest of the body then fades into view, and it is revealed that the figure is wearing a strait-jacket, his arms strapped tightly around to his back, and his struggle against the confines is obvious through the strain that can be seen in the material. The shrieking fades into silence, but the image of the tormented, struggling figure remains on the screen, until that too fades to black, and the bell rings.

Michael Cole
What... what was that?

The entire arena is stunned into silence, with both men still stood stationary in the ring, despite the match having started. Hawkins looks ready to collapse, a combination of an impending match with the Big Show, and the creepy video proving almost too much for him. Show, never one to be faltered, also looks uneasy and on edge, looking over his shoulder every few seconds, as both men attempt to focus on the match, as the crowd get back into the action.

The Big Show v Curt Hawkins
Hawkins, though spooked himself, hopes to get the advantage over his much larger opponent by charging The Big Show while he is looking around the arena in confusion. Hawkins dives through the air, throwing a forearm at Show’s back, but only managing to bounce off and splat onto the mat. Show turns around, the look of confusion and unease on his face replaced by a look of anger, and almost sadistic amusement. Show picks Hawkins up off the mat, smacking his chest with three quick open hand slaps, leaving huge red welts covering the entire chest of Hawkins. Show throws Hawkins into the corner, before shushing the crowd, and hitting another, even louder, open hand slap to the chest. Hawkins collapses to the mat, gasping in pain, as Show checks over his shoulders again in unease. Never one to be hindered for too long, Show picks Hawkins back up into the corner, raining in fist after fist on the kidneys of Hawkins, before tossing him half way across the ring with apparent easy. Hawkins rolls to his feet, a little groggily, and aims a few quick kicks to the knee of The World’s Largest Athlete, but the blows seem to have hardly any effect. Hawkins instead goes for a dropkick to the knee, and this time Show drops down to one knee, grasping his knee in pain. Hawkins runs the ropes, charging at The Big Show, but the focussed look on his face changes to a look of fearful shock, as he is thrown over the head of the Big Show with a huge back body drop. The arena lights up with camera flashes as Hawkins flies 10 feet above the ring, before crashing down to the mat with a hollow thud. Show raises his arm at the crowd, signalling the chokeslam, and eliciting a rain of cheers from the crowd, before glancing around the arena with the same uneasy look on his face as before. The rain increases to a storm, as Show raises Hawkins 8 feet in the air, slamming him down with a thunderous Chokeslam for the 1,2,3.

Winner: - The Big Show in 3:40

Tony Chimel
The winner of the match... The Big Show!

Michael Cole
Show was able to rally and get a dominant victory tonight! But he’s clearly been shaken by whatever that was!

Matt Striker
Haven’t we all Cole? I’ve never seen anything like that... it was... not human... A bit like when Big Show is in the ring!

Show celebrates with some fans at ringside, before walking back up the ramp, checking over his shoulder and all around every few seconds, the look of unease returned to his face.

Michael Cole
It’s certainly been an eventful night here on Friday Night Smackdown! And there’s only more to come!

Matt Striker
Our Main Event this evening features two of Smackdown’s top superstars facing off. Kane will be looking towards gaining momentum for his Royal Rumble clash with Edge, and Mysterio will be looking to stake his own claim for a shot at the Title looking ahead to Wrestlemania!

Michael Cole
These two men have had a tumultuous relationship over the past few years, with Kane and Mysterio embroiled in an intense feud over on Monday Night Raw a few years ago. That rivalry was revisited at the Money in The Bank Pay-Per-View this year, when Kane won the Smackdown Money In The Bank match, and cashed in to win the title from Mysterio, after a defence against Jack Swagger.

Matt Striker
There’s certainly some bad blood between these two superstars, will it boil over tonight? Stay tuned to find out!



When Smackdown returns from commercial, the camera shows Cody Rhodes, stood in the back in a suit, with a phone pressed to his ear, and a troubled look on his face.

Cody Rhodes
Listen... listen to me! It’d be great... *muffled phone noise*... yes, I know it’s not always worked out before... *muffled noise*... You’re just thinking about the risk... Think about how good it could be! *muffled phone noise*... Ok... it’s your loss then... i’m just gonna show you how good I am... I promise you’ll live to regret this!

Rhodes hangs up the phone, and throws it against the wall, watching it shatter into hundreds of little pieces, before he yells, and storms out of the room. The camera follows him, and he stalks off down a corridor, occasionally kicking a storage crate, or pushing a member of the crew. He stops when he reaches the door of Teddy Long’s office, pounding his fist on the door relentlessly, until Teddy opens the door with a frustrated look on his face.

Teddy Long
Cody? What the hell are you banging at?

Cody looks like he’s about to punch Teddy, but then seems to remember Teddy’s position, reluctantly forcing a smile onto his face.

Cody Rhodes
Teddy, I want a match next week. Someone I can really prove myself against. No one is going to say no to me without living to regret it. Give me Edge, the champion, let me have a title shot!

Teddy looks bemused, only compounding the frustration that Cody is feeling.

Teddy Long
Cody, I can’t just give you a shot like this! You have to earn it first, but next week, I will give you a match, and if you win, then you’ll definitely be on the way to a title shot!

Cody smiles, putting a hand on Teddy’s shoulder and smiling appreciatively.

Cody Rhodes
I’ll make sure to remind you of that when I leave my opponent laying in the ring next week!

Teddy Long
Well, we’ll just see about that Cody. Your opponent next week, is The Big Show!

The crowd erupt into cheers and the smile slips from Cody’s face, before he readjusts, and is able to force a smile again.

Cody Rhodes
It doesn’t matter who it is. Who cares that he’s 7 foot tall? He’ll never be as... dashing... as I am. Keep that title shot ready for me Teddy!

Cody steps out of the room, leaving Teddy stood watching him leave, a confused look on his face as he sees the dented storage boxes. His face changes to a look of even more intense confusion, as Santa Claus strolls past the camera, a huge sack slung over his shoulder. The camera leaves the amused features of Teddy Long, and instead focussed on Santa walking down the corridor. Santa turns a corner, walking into Chavo Guerrero.

Chavo Guerrero
Hey! Watch where you’re going! Oh... Santa!

Santa Claus
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

Chavo looks a little annoyed, but then bursts into a childish smile, reaching for the bag on Santa’s back.

Santa Claus
Oh, so you want a present do you? Ho ho ho!

Santa laughs, holding his stomach, and jiggling up and down, before he opens the sack, and allows Chavo to pull a present out.

Santa Claus
Just remember that it’s not always the biggest present that’s best.

Chavo looks up at Santa like he’s stupid, then pulls out the biggest, more extravagant looking present, before putting it on the floor, and tearing into the paper. Before Chavo can tear more than the first strip off the present, it bursts open, and Hornswoggle jumps out, squirting a water gun at Chavo, and laughing in his face. The crowd and Santa burst into laughter as Chavo dives for Hornswoggle, who leaps out of the way, sprinting off down the corridor, firing water at Chavo the entire time. The look of shock on Chavo’s face fades into a look of anger and he breaks off into a sprint after Hornswoggle. The fans laughter continues, as Chavo seems unable to catch Hornswoggle, until Chavo runs into a dead end. Chavo looks confused, wondering where Hornswoggle could have possibly gone. There is just one storage box in the area, and Chavo looks excited when he realises that it must be where Hornswoggle is hiding.

Michael Cole
It looks like Chavo is finally going to get his revenge on Hornswoggle!

Matt Striker
I wouldn’t be quite so sure yet Cole!

Chavo walks over to the box, walking quietly to keep the element of surprise, and then throws the lid open, revealing that the box is in fact empty. The crowd begin to cheer again as they see Hornswoggle sneaking up behind Chavo, but Guerrero seems to have worked it out, as he breaks into a sly smirk, and pulls a wrench out of the storage box. The leprechaun leaps into the air, diving at Chavo, a grin plastered on his face, until he is swiped out of the air by a brutal wrench shot by Chavo.

Michael Cole
Did you see that!? Chavo just damn near killed him!

Hornswoggle crumples to the concrete floor, as Chavo stands over him with a satanic grin on his face. Chavo lifts the lifeless body of Hornswoggle to his feet, wrenching him into a suplex position. Chavo’s smile widens, as he lifts Hornswoggle into the air, before dropping down, crushing the leprechaun’s skull into the concrete with a brain buster. Chavo stands up, staring down at Hornswaggle.

Chavo Guerrero
I’ve been waiting too long for that. You won’t mess with a Guerrero ever again. Hah, after that, I’d be surprised if you can even remember what a Guerrero is when you wake up. Merry Christmas.

Chavo walks away, the evil smirk still set on his face, as EMT’s rush to Hornswoggle’s side, shouting instructions to one another.

Matt Striker
What a vicious assault! Hornswoggle was defenceless!

Michael Cole
Well then he shouldn’t have got involved with Guerrero in the first place! Chavo Guerrero is an honourable veteran in this business! He deserves better than being the butt of the jokes for that little leprechaun. Great move by Chavo! Great move!

Matt Striker
Don’t go anywhere folks! We’ll be right back after this!

A recap video of the TLC Pay-Per View shows, before the action returns to ringside.

Michael Cole
What an episode of Smackdown we’ve had the night before Christmas! We started the show with the World Heavyweight Champion, feeling confident after his victory last night, but it wasn’t long before some other competitors came out to stake their claim at the title!

A video recap of the four way confrontation earlier in the night is played, before the camera fades to backstage, where Josh Matthews is stood, with Alberto Del Rio.

Josh Matthews
Please welcome, my guest at this time, Alberto Del Rio!

Alberto performs his signature smile, before turning to Josh, an impatient expression on his face.

Josh Matthews
Alberto, earlier tonight, you stated your interest in continuing to hunt for the title, but instead you came face to face with an intense rival of yours, Rey Mysterio. What are you plans, if any, regarding Mysterio? Will they interfere with your plans to go after the title?

Alberto steps forward, the smile never leaving his face, and speaks into the microphone.

Alberto Del Rio
Everywhere I go, I always heard about Rey Mysterio. How he’s the most exciting superstar in the entire WWE. How all of Mexico is proud of him for what he has accomplished. How he’s the “biggest little man”. Now, all of you, take your little Rey Mysterio masks off, and listen to me, without your brain clogged by that jumping bean’s propaganda. In my first night in the WWE, I did something which very few superstars have been able to do. I made Rey Mysterio submit. I made him tap out in the middle of that ring like a little dog. I stormed into the WWE, heard all this rubbish about Rey Mysterio’s heart, and I set out to break it. Not only did I succeed in breaking that heart, and breaking Rey’s will in the ring, but I also put him on the shelf. I snapped his arm, right out of the socket. What has changed since then? Nothing. Nothing has changed since then. I am still the essence of excellence, and Mysterio is still a worthless piece of trash under my boot. Do you know what that means? That means that next time I get my hands on Mysterio, the result will be the same. I was better than you then, and I am better than you now.

Alberto gives an extra-infuriating smile, before stepping out of camera shot. The footage returns to ringside, as the bell rings.

Tony Chimel
The following match is scheduled for one fall.


Tony Chimel
Introducing first, from Jacksonville Florida, Kelly Kelly!

Kelly bounds out onto the stage, before running down to the ring, slapping hands with fans on the way; a stunning smile on her face the entire way.

Matt Striker
There’s nothing like the WWE Divas on the night before Christmas is there Cole?

Michael Cole

Kelly slides into the ring and poses for the fans, just as the theme of her opponent hits.


Kelly’s face turns to a look of irritation, as her opponent, Layla, swaggers out onto the stage, accompanied by Michelle McCool. They pull onto the stage, before spinning around, showing the word ‘flawless’ written on the back of their hooded jackets, before spinning around, and strutting down to the ring, holding their noses.

Michael Cole
Now these Divas! These make my night! There’s no others quite like Laycool! Look at them holding their noses! I guess that’s because Layla’s facing Smelly Kelly! Haha!

Matt Striker sighs into his microphone, as Tony Chimel introduces Layla.

Tony Chimel
Introducing her opponent! From London, England, accompanied by Michelle McCool, Layla!

Layla slides onto the top rope, performing her signature entrance, as McCool slides into the ring and taunts the crowd from the turnbuckle. The referee herds McCool out of the ring, and signals for the bell to ring.

Layla v Kelly Kelly
Layla charges towards Kelly Kelly, who ducks, and drops Layla with a drop-toe hold, following it with an arm drag, then another, before Kelly locks on an arm bar. Layla fights to her feet, pushing Kelly into the ropes, and catching her with a huge knee to the gut, flipping her over, and scoring a quick 1 count. Michelle McCool claps at ringside, as Layla smirks, and drags Kelly to her feet by her hair. Layla twists the hair around in her hand, before taking a firm hold and twisting at the waist, throwing Kelly across the ring by her hair. Layla walks closer to the camera, showing the hairs that she has pulled from Kelly’s head, an almost demented look on her face. Layla walks back over to Kelly, and the crowd cheer as Kelly hits a forearm to the face of Layla, before hitting a big kick to Layla’s gut, backing her into the ropes, Kelly then runs, and hits a clothesline over the top rope, sending Layla to the outside. Michelle McCool comes running around the ring, helping Layla to her feet, as the crowd boos. Kelly bounces off the ropes inside the ring, and hits a huge baseball slide dropkick. Layla is able to avoid the impact, but Michelle gets smashed into the barricade. Layla capitalises, grabbing Kelly’s hair from behind, and hitting a huge backbreaker on the outside. Layla checks on Michelle as Kelly writhes on the outside, and Smackdown goes to commercial.


As we return from the break, Layla is pushing Kelly into the ropes, and hitting hard forearms to the back of Kelly on every rebound. Layla then hits a big Russian Legsweep, scoring a 2 count from the referee. Layla argues with the referee, before throwing Kelly into the corner, and charging in for a clothesline. Kelly dodges the impact, and a sharp exhale can be heard from the crowd as Layla smashes into the turnbuckles, and gets rolled up by Kelly for a long 2 count. Layla gets quickly to her feet, but gets sent straight back down with a huge dropkick, followed by a clothesline, and a big back elbow, for another two count. Once Layla gets to her feet, Kelly whips her into the corner, then backs into the opposite corner, raising her arm into the air to get the fans to cheer her on. She runs across the ring, performing a cartwheel into a back elbow, then running the ropes and hitting a big bulldog, before going for the pin. Layla looks like she is down for the three, but Michelle is able to move Layla’s foot onto the ropes without the referee noticing, and the count is broken up. Kelly glares at Michelle, and the crowd begin to boo, as Layla sneaks up behind Kelly, pushes her into the ropes, and rolls back into a pin attempt. Before the referee can even slap the mat once, Kelly carries the momentum through, with Layla’s shoulders being those pressed into the mat. The referee counts... 1...2...3...

Winner: - Kelly Kelly in 6:51

Tony Chimel
The winner of the match... Kelly Kelly!

Michael Cole
A big win for Kelly Kelly here tonight! Woah woah, wait! It looks like Laycool have got something to say about this!

Layla and McCool both slide into the ring, hammering the celebrating Kelly Kelly from behind, making the crowd boo the scene before them. Layla and Michelle continue to stomp on Kelly Kelly, as the referee tries vainly to convince them to stop. Laycool pick Kelly Kelly up, bouncing her off the ropes.


Drew McIntyre appears on the stage, before running down to the ring, a look of anger on his face. The crowd are unsure how to react to McIntyre, torn between their hate for him, and his support for Kelly Kelly. Before McIntyre can reach the ring, Kelly is able to hit a double dropkick on both members of Laycool, sending them rolling out of the ring, to the excitement of the fans. McIntyre slides into the ring, as Laycool retreats up the ramp, grimacing in pain, and holding each other up. McIntyre walks over to Kelly, who is standing on the turnbuckle cheering with the fans, and smiles at her. She steps down from the turnbuckle, glares at him, and can clearly be seen mouthing “I didn’t need you! Won’t you just get the idea!?”. She storms out of the ring, leaving McIntyre stood in the ring. His face looks downcast, and once both Kelly and Laycool have reached the back, McIntyre slides out of the ring, grabbing one of the production crew at ringside by his shirt. The Chosen One drags him to his feet, throwing him into the ring, before sliding in himself. The crowd begins to turn against McIntyre again as he backs the terrified production worker into a corner.

Matt Striker
That man isn’t a trained competitor! He’s just a member of the crew! He can’t defend himself.

The man drops to his knees in the corner of the ring, begging McIntyre not to hurt him, but McIntyre’s face turns to a frustrated sneer, and he kicks the man in the face, drawing a horrified gasp from the crowd. McIntyre drags the man to his feet, hitting a huge Futureshock DDT, before retreating up the ramp, with a horrible sneer on his face, and the crowds boos echoing throughout the arena.

Michael Cole
Can we get some help out here for this man? This isn’t rig-

Matt Striker
Sorry to interrupt Cole, but we’ve received word that something major is going on backstage!

The camera cuts to a backstage scene, with the cameraman obviously running down a corridor, and the camera moving from side to side as he does so. The cameraman steps through a doorway, following two other members of staff, and the camera stops moving, lighting on a prone figure. The crowd gasp when they see that it is The Big Show, laid on his side away from the camera. One of the members of staff rolls the Big Show over so that the camera can see his face and body.

Michael Cole
What- oh my! Who would do that!

The Big Show is unconscious, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and his chest barely moving. The most sickening aspect, the strait jacket that he is wearing, is stained a pristine white, pulling his arms tightly behind his back, rendering him defenceless and immobile.

Matt Striker
Was Show put in the strait jacket before or after he was knocked unconscious!? He wouldn’t be able to defend himself if he was trapped in that!

The medics begin to work on the Big Show, trying to revive him and remove the strait jacket, as the crowd are sat stunned into silence by the incapacitation of such a beast of a man.

Matt Striker
It only seems logical to assume that the video that we saw earlier was made by the same person who has laid the Big Show out backstage! We’ll be sure to keep you up to date on any news that we receive about this!

The screen fades to a Video promoting the Royal Rumble. A deep, clear voice speaks over the video, which begins with the Wrestlemania logo.

Wrestlemania... The Showcase of the Immortals.

Images of several WWE legends, such as Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin flash onto the screen.

The pinnacle of competition.

Several small scenes play in the background, such as Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant, Shawn Michaels’ jump from the top of a ladder onto Razor Ramon, and The Undertaker burying Shawn with a Tombstone Piledriver.

A chance to begin a legacy.

A video of Owen Hart’s victory over Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 10, then a video of Batista v Triple H at Wrestlemania 21 play on the screen.

Everyone in this industry strives to stand on the shoulders of legends at Wrestlemania.

Images of The Ultimate Warrior facing off against Hulk Hogan at Wresltemania 6, Steve Austin facing Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 14, and Undertaker v Edge at Wrestlemania 24.

The road to Wrestlemania starts here.

The Royal Rumble theme song, Hell Yeah by Rev Theory, plays, and a Royal Rumble graphic appears on the screen.

40 will step into the ring.

The theme continues to play, as clips of superstars walking to the ring at previous Royal Rumbles are shown, including John Cena, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho & The Miz

39 will have their hopes and dreams shattered.

Images of grief-stricken faces show on the screen, culminating with a clip of Shawn Michaels’ elimination in the 2010 Royal Rumble, and the resulting carnage.

One will survive... One will triumph... One will headline Wrestlemania!

Face after face appears on the screen, flicking through the majority of the current roster in rapid succession, before ending with the Wrestlemania logo, as the theme fades, and the screen fades to black.

When the camera returns to the arena, it shows Dolph Ziggler sat in his locker room with Vickie Guerrero. Both wear frustrated faces, and Vickie looks almost inconsolable.

Vickie Guerrero
It’s so disrespectful! You’re the Intercontinental Champion! They have no right to interfere in your business and steal your title! You beat both of them last night! We deserve more respect! We’re the most dominant couple in the WWE, and it’s going to stay that way!

Dolph Ziggler
It will stay that way. I’m still the Intercontinental Title, even if I’ve not got the belt, and I’ve still got the most beautiful cougar in the world on my arm. Who cares about them? I’ve beaten Kingston in the past, and I could do it again at a-

Ziggler stops talking, and he and Guerrero both scowl, as they see Jack Swagger walk up them both. Swagger wears the Intercontinental Title and an arrogant smirk, obviously still feeling empowered by his success over Kingston earlier in the night.

Jack Swagger
Really? You could beat Kingston any time you wanted to? Well you couldn’t tonight could you? No. Kingston was all over you, the only reason you got away was because grandma here *he gestures at Guerrero* pulled you out of that ring. You’d have been laying on your back, looking up at the rafters if it wasn’t for her. Me, on the other hand? Well... I left Kingston down in the ring, and I’m sure he won’t be forgetting me any time soon. If I were you, I’d make sure I didn’t forget the All-American-American either.

Swagger unhooks the Intercontinental Title, dropping it to the floor at Ziggler’s feet, before walking off, as Ziggler and Guerrero watch, fuming. The camera fades back to ringside, as Kane’s pyro explodes.


Kane stalks out onto the stage, the red lighting making him seem even more demonic than normal. The sneer on his face, and the determined look in his eye set a lot of the crowd on edge, and many are even fearing for Rey Mysterio tonight.

Matt Striker
Kane still looks like he’s seething from his defeat last night! Mysterio needs to watch out, I think Kane’s gonna be even more sick and twisted than usual tonight!

The bell rings, as Tony Chimel introduces Kane.

Tony Chimel
This match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 323 pounds, Kane!

Kane continues to stalk towards the ring, an evil glint in his eye. He approaches the ring apron, pulling himself onto it, before stepping his huge frame over the top rope. The tension and atmosphere within the arena grows, as the fans continue to boo Kane, as he throws his arms in the air. BAM! Fire explodes from the ring posts, the heat reverberating throughout the arena.

Michael Cole
Kane’s arrival has provoked an eerie atmosphere here in the arena. Kane’s really been on top of his game in the past few months, knocking off his brother, the Undertaker, at three consecutive Pay-Per-View events. It’s definitely gonna be a hard hitting match tonight!


Mysterio bounces onto the stage, sprinting to one side of the stage and pointing towards the crowd, fireworks bursting into the arena. The crowd are all on their feet, as Mysterio repeats the procedure on the other side of the stage, before putting his game face on, and advancing towards the ring, slapping the hands of the excited fans on the way to the ring.

Tony Chimel
And introducing his opponent, from San Diego, California, weighing in at 175 pounds, Rey Mysterio!

Matt Striker
No one can ignited these fans like Rey Mysterio! But I think he’s gonna need more than that to come away with the win here tonight!

Mysterio reaches the ring, sliding into it, before posing on each turnbuckle, and then retreating into the opposite corner to Kane. Kane gets an arrogant smirk on his face, as if the sight of Mysterio has reconfirmed his suspicions that tonight will be an easy win. Mysterio returns Kane’s gaze with one of determination, as the crowd sense Mysterio’s heart, and rally behind him even more. Mysterio’s music finishes playing, and the referee calls for the bell to get the Main Event of the evening underway.

Rey Mysterio v Kane
The entire arena is firmly behind Rey Mysterio as this match begins. Rey initially uses his speed to outmanoeuvre Kane, ducking a clumsy right hand and planting firm kicks to the quadriceps of Kane, backing him into a corner. Kane pushes Mysterio away like you’d swat a fly, but Mysterio is right back up and launches himself at Kane, squashing him into the turnbuckle with a body splash. Mysterio again begins to kick at Kane’s legs, until Kane pushes Mysterio away even harder than the first time, a look of mingled surprise and irritation on his face. Mysterio again charges at Kane, this time launching a fierce dropkick at the Big Red Machine’s face. The dropkick sends Kane over the top rope and down to the floor, as the fans chant “619” at Mysterio, standing tall in the ring. Kane groggily gets to his feet, and Mysterio hits the ropes, looking to spring over the top rope for a huge cross body. Mysterio is about to fly, when Kane sidesteps out of the way, hoping to send Mysterio crashing to the concrete floor. He turns around in confusion at a lack of impact, and sees that Mysterio was able to stop himself, and is now running along the ring apron, aiming to hit the West Coast Pop onto Kane. Rey leaps, but Kane catches him in a powerbomb position. Mysterio’s face changes to a look of fear, as Kane turns to face the ring post, aiming to powerbomb Rey spine first against it. Mysterio begins raining desperate punches down onto the face of Kane, before Rey leans backwards, whipping Kane face first into the ring posts with a huge hurricanrana! Rey rolls back into the ring as Kane crumples to the floor, and the referee begins the count.



We return from commercial, with Kane slumped in the corner of the ring, and Mysterio charging across the ring towards him. Kane raises his foot to big boot Mysterio, but he slides underneath, grabbing Kane’s legs and dropping him onto his face. Mysterio keeps hold of the legs and grins at the WWE Universe, who cheer in anticipation of what is to come. Mysterio pulls Kane’s legs, and crotches him on the ring post, as many of the men in attendance grimace on Kane’s behalf. Mysterio rolls back into the ring, and hits a drop kick to the face of Kane while he is still wrapped around the ring post. Rey drags him to the middle of the ring, with obvious difficulty, before covering. 1..2.. Kickout! The crowd sigh in disappointment, and Mysterio looks a little frustrated, before he stands and contemplates his next move. While he is doing so, Kane sits up, glaring straight at Mysterio. Mysterio swings his leg to kick Kane in the face, but Kane catches the foot, and sends Mysterio into the ropes, whilst still sat on the canvas. Mysterio bounces off the ropes, throwing his body weight at Kane with a low dropkick to the face, earning another two count. Mysterio walks over to the corner, as Kane tries to compose himself, before starting to climb to the top rope. Kane clambers to his feet, the dazed look in his eyes fading to a grim determination, as Mysterio flies from the top rope... straight into a brutal uppercut from Kane. Mysterio slumps to the mat, as Kane shakes his head, getting rid of the cobwebs left by Mysterio’s earlier attack. Kane smirks evilly at the crowd, before wrenching Mysterio to his feet, throwing him into the turnbuckle with all his power, whipping Mysterio’s head back, and leaving him gasping on the canvas, air seeming to escape his grasp. Kane slowly climbs to his feet, savouring the pain etched on Mysterio’s face, as he picks Mysterio up, and again launches him into the turnbuckle. Mysterio lies prone on the mat, and Kane walks over, covering. 1..2.. Mysterio kicks out!

The fans cheer the signs of life from Mysterio, as Kane again pulls him to his feet, throwing him into the ropes. Kane bends forward, hoping to launch Mysterio into the rafters for a back body drop, but only receives a kick in the face for his trouble. Mysterio again hits the ropes, throwing himself at Kane with a crossbody... which Kane catches. Kane drops Mysterio down onto his knee, once, twice, three times, before scooping him up into the air, and slamming him down to the canvas with a resounding thud. Mysterio’s face is a web of pain, as Kane drops down for the cover. 1..2.. Kickout again by Mysterio. Kane pulls Mysterio to his feet, but Rey fights Kane off, hitting hard right hands to the big man’s stomach, and thunderous kicks to his legs. Mysterio bounces off the ropes, ducking a Kane clothesline, and another, before Kane changes tack and goes for a Sideslam. He turns his back and catches Mysterio, but he follows the momentum through, rotating around Kane’s body into a breathtaking headscissors. Mysterio covers for the pin, only getting a short 2 count, before he hits the ropes again, and leaps into the air, aiming to deliver a leg drop to the prone throat of Kane. Kane moves quicker than you would imagine his substantial form would allow, and Mysterio only comes into contact with the mat, ending up sitting up, a grimace on his face. Kane bounces the ropes, causing them to sag significantly with him weight, before hitting a dropkick of his own to Mysterio’s face. 323 pounds of Big Red Machine crumples into Mysterio’s face and chest, and Kane looks confident that he’ll be able to get an easy three count. He is shocked, and the audience is thrilled, therefore, when Mysterio kicks out at the last second.

Kane heads over to the corner, slowly climbing the turnbuckle, before the fans begin to cheer, causing Kane to look up. Mysterio runs up the turnbuckle, hoping to prevent Kane from hitting whatever manoeuvre he had imagined. Mysterio rains furious, frantic punches down on the face of the Big Red Machine, stalling him for a moment, before Kane grabs Mysterio by the throat, pushing him backwards to the canvas. Mysterio quickly rolls to his feet, straight into the path of a viscous Kane clothesline that turns Mysterio inside-out. Kane seems to have some aggravation from the leg that Mysterio has targeted, and so he is slow to get to the cover, a fact which delights the capacity crowd. Many faces seem dejected when Kane goes for the cover, believing it to mean a loss for Mysterio, but these faces soon turn to a look of delight when Mysterio kicks out of the pin attempt! Kane climbs to his feet, a look of subtle anger on his face, before raising his arm into the air, calling for the Chokeslam. The fans boo, the tension rising as Mysterio slowly stumbles to his feet. Before Kane can wrap his hand around Mysterio’s throat, Mysterio ducks, and springs off the rope with a huge cross body, sending Kane thundering to the mat. Mysterio is quickly up, hitting Kane with some kicks to the leg, before running the ropes, ducking a clothesline attempt, and then wheelbarrowing around Kane, before springing back up, and hitting a big DDT. Mysterio rolls Kane over laboriously, and covers for a near fall. The crowd are fully rallied behind Mysterio now, as he ascends to the top rope, and jumps off for a hurricanrana on a dazed Kane. The tension rises again as Kane is able to catch Mysterio in a powerbomb position. He throws Mysterio sending Rey head over heels, but Mysterio flips over and lands on his feet, catching Kane with a dropkick to the knee as he charges at Mysterio. Kane is slumped over the middle rope, and the crowd all jump to their feet as Mysterio hits to the rope, before swinging around and connecting with the 619. Kane staggers backwards, to his feet, as Mysterio springboards from the top rope, aiming to hit a West Coast Pop. Mysterio springs... right into a Chokehold. Kane grins maniacally, as he raises Mysterio into the air for a Chokeslam. Mysterio uses his athleticism to wrap his legs around Kane’s head, and snap off a hurricanrana, leaving Kane slumped over the middle rope once again. Mysterio is a little slower to run the ropes this time, and the crowd erupt into boos as Alberto Del Rio turns Mysterio inside out with a clotheslines on the rebound.

Winner: - Rey Mysterio by DQ in 13:28

Del Rio doesn’t lay up, raining fist after fist into the face of Mysterio. Kane remains slumped on the canvas, as Del Rio picks Mysterio up, throwing him into the corner, before hitting a huge enzuiguri, rolling Rey’s eyes back into his head, and leaving him motionless.


Edge hits the ring, his world title belt in his hand, and Del Rio bails, leaving Edge in the ring with his Royal Rumble opponent. Edge turns to look at Kane still slumped on the canvas, and the crowd cheer as they see the excited look on his face. Edge retreats to the corner, waiting for Kane to get to his feet, as the crowd chant “spear” over and over. Kane finally stumbles to a vertical base, and Edge charges, but gets caught with in a chokehold! Kane is about to lift Edge into the air, when Mysterio runs over, hitting a hard enzuiguri to the head of Kane, sending him tumbling out of the ring. Edge and Mysterio look at each other, and the tension in the arena rises again, until Mysterio extends an arm for Edge to shake. Edge takes it, and Edge’s music hits again as the two celebrate in the ring. Del Rio glares on from the top of the ramp, and Kane leans on the announce table for support, looking evilly at the two men in the ring, and most notably, the World Heavyweight Champion.

Michael Cole
What a hard fought Main Event tonight! I think it was only a matter of time until Del Rio and Edge got involved in some way!

Matt Striker
That’s right Cole, Edge was looking to get an early advantage over his Royal Rumble opponent and he seems to have got that tonight!

Michael Cole
Not without the help of Mysterio though Matt! Mysterio looked to have the Main Event won until Del Rio interfered, and it definitely looks like Mysterio and Del Rio are set on a collision course!

Matt Striker
It looks like Mysterio can’t wait to get his hands on Mysterio, though I’m sure both Del Rio and Kane will be looking for retribution next week!

Michael Cole
Thanks for watching folks! Make sure you tune in next week for more action on Friday Night Smackdown!

The camera shows Del Rio glaring from the stage, then Kane glaring from ringside, before finally settling on Edge and Mysterio in the ring, each celebrating on a turnbuckle, igniting the crowd into a show closing frenzy. Edge pats his World Heavyweight Title, glaring at Kane, while Mysterio looks intensely at Del Rio, as the show goes off the air.


###Writing this live, reading a bit and then reacting.

EDGE/KANE/DEL RIO/MYSTERIO PROMO: Only right to have Edge open the show with comments over his title win at TLC. Kane gets rematch at Rumble which is fine, Del Rio and Mysterio involved as well. I'm not sure how you're going to go with this but I'm not sure about having the same four men continuing the same feuds as before. Your BT needs something a little different so it's not the WWE. Kane vs. Mysterio main event - I'm betting on involvement from Del Rio and Edge in it already!

DOLPH vs. TRENT BARRETTA: Great to see you making a big thing of the Sleeper being used by Ziggler. The Sleeper was always a devastating hold in the past and the WWE brought it back and then shelved it again. I'd love to see you build on it with Ziggles here. Kofi fighting the IC Champion, Swagger involved and leaves with belt. Again, the same feud as in real life. Ditch one of them and move it on. Dolph vs. Kofi and elevate Swagger up the card?

DREW/KELLY/MASTERS: This was well written, as all your promos have been, but again, I'm bored of Drew and Kelly. If we're getting them together and turning K2 heel, go for it but don't spin it out man. Masters vs. McIntyre will be ... dull. Unless you have something big in mind to entertain us!

HAWKINS vs. BIG SHOW: Brilliant way to start, an uneasy video playing. Who is the mad man in the strait jacket? Show still winning is right but you're playing up the fear well caused by the video. First real time you've got me interested and thinking about something on the show!

CODY RHODES: Wants a shot, not getting it. Big Show vs. Rhodes next week. Is Rhodes linked with the video earlier? Again, a simple hook there, something different.

CHAVO/HORNSWOGGLE: Intense heat coming for Chavo, I hope this leads somewhere. Hornswoggle should never ever get the better of someone on his own and I'm glad Chavo got him - even though I'm not sure if that much of beating was needed. Interested to see how this moves Chavo on.

DEL RIO: Talking trash about Rey. Meh. As I said before, I want Del Rio to move on.

KELLY vs. LAYLA: Kelly wins, Laycool attack. Here comes Drew. Kelly doesn't want his help. Drew beats up a random nobody. I don't get it man. Where is this going? I'm not sure if this is going to help Drew at all, I don't think you're moving Drew/Kelly on at all. Like I said before, turn Kelly heel or leave it!

BIG SHOW OUT COLD: Wow. What is going on with this? I'm really interested now. And they put Show in a strait jacket as well?! Fantastic. Loving this.

ZIGGLER GETS TITLE BACK FROM JACK: Swagger and Ziggler as a feud doesn't work for me. Both heels for a start.

KANE vs. REY: Predictable main event, I'm afraid. I called the interference earlier and can see next week's main event a mile off!

Please don't take my criticism in a bad way, the show is excellent. You're at a point now where the writing is so well done (promos and matches) that you're going to have to take the constructive criticism! I didn't like how you just continued three stories, four if you split the World Title one in two: Kane/Edge, Rey/Del Rio, Kelly and Drew, Kofi/Swagger/Dolph. SMACKDOWN is a little jaded right now so you need to inject something into it. Change the guard a little. The new ideas you went for, i.e. Show and the strait jacket, Cody's call, Chavo snapping, they interest me.

Also a little worried about the length of the show. You might burn yourself out. If you can keep up this detail, great. If not, maybe take a little backstep. Well done on the layout though, much better than the RAW show.

Hope I've given you some ideas and such there. Hope that I'll get a review on my BT from you soon now as well. You've made a real good start, keep up the good work. GCB
Thanks for the review! I'll definitely take the ideas on board... I was negligent to just completely move away from the WWE storylines... I'm trying to streamline them into my own, over the next few shows a lot of the storylines will change/adapt, and by the Royal Rumble every storyline is gonna be different to the current WWE ones.

As for your BT, I started reading it from the very beginning a few days ago, just read No Mercy, so should be up to date and posting a review for your current show tomorrow, or if worst comes to worst the day after :)

Milwaukee, WI


As the feed returns to the arena, the opening pyro explodes, sending the crowd into a frenzy before the camera focuses on Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler at ringside, looking excited to get RAW underway.

Michael Cole
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Monday Night RAW! We’re less than 5 weeks away from the Royal Rumble, and tonight’s stop is the Wolstein Centre in Cleveland, Ohio! The crowd are already hot for tonight’s RAW!

Jerry Lawler
Monday Night RAW was a packed show last week, and we’ve got another huge show to come tonight!

Michael Cole
That’s right! Last week we heard that John Morrison would be challenging The Miz for the WWE Title tonight on RAW!

Jerry Lawler
Few men have impressed me as much as John Morrison Cole, he’s definitely one of the WWE’s hottest young stars. I can’t even comprehend how he does some of the things he can do in the ring!

Michael Cole
But of course, he’ll be nothing for The Miz! Just notch another in the win column for him tonight!

Jerry Lawler
I wouldn’t count your chickens yet Cole, The Miz is gonna have one hell of a fight on his hands tonight. Morrison is hungry for the title, and The Miz is the only thing left stood in his way!

As Cole opens his mouth to respond, the lights flash in the arena, and the e-mail sound reverberates in the arena. Cole gets a smug smile on his face, before stepping up to the podium.

Jerry Lawler
Great! Another excuse for Michael Cole to think he’s the ‘Voice of the WWE’

Cole looks sideways at Lawler and sighs, before beginning to speak.

Michael Cole
Can I have your attention please? I have received an e-mail from the anonymous RAW General Manager. And I quote...

The crowd, still hot from the opening of RAW, rain boos down upon the smug Michael Cole.

Michael Cole
“Last week, I made an announcement that turned the Royal Rumble match on its head. I made the WWE’s most unpredictable Pay-Per-View even more enthralling. Last week, I promised even more changes to the Rumble, and tonight, I will reveal another of my great ideas. In the past, it’s been considered luck of the draw who will get the most optimum spots in the match, the number 30 slot, for instance. This year, I’ve decided to change that. Starting next week, there will be an 8-Man Tournament to determine who will get the Number 40 entry at this year’s Royal Rumble!”

The fans erupt into cheers at the prospect of this tournament, and in anticipation of yet another exciting Royal Rumble match.

Michael Cole
“But that’s not all. I realise that the Number 1 entry slot is the one that everyone hopes not to get, because it makes it near impossible to survive the other 39 men! You should know by now that I’m not one to just hand out gifts, so there’s another little stipulation for this tournament. Whoever wins the final will earn the number 40 entry at Wrestlemania, but whoever loses, will enter at Number 1!”

The fans again cheer this announcement, liking the idea of risk and reward.

Michael Cole
“It’s a huge risk for the superstars to take, but after all, the best prizes require a gamble.”

Michael Cole closes the laptop and returns to his seat, as music begins to play over the titantron.


The majority of the crowd spring to their feet, raining adoration down on John Cena, as the nine time World Champion bursts onto the stage in his purple T-Shirt and Baseball Cap. A small number of boos are discernable in the background, but the crowd is definitely hugely behind Cena tonight in Ohio! Cena begins to run down the ramp, barrelling towards the ring.

Michael Cole
What an announcement by the General Manager! A tournament to decide the number 40 entrant in the Royal Rumble!

Jerry Lawler
And the number 1 entrant Cole! I wonder what Cena has to say about this announcement?

Michael Cole
Last week John Cena got one of the best views in the house, as Nexus turned on Wade Barrett, unleashing one of their signature assaults on their now-former leader! Barrett has been diagnosed with a concussion, and will be out of action for an undetermined amount of time.

Jerry Lawler
One has to wonder if John Cena will have anything to say about Nexus attack? Will John still be gunning for them for everything that’s happened the past few months?

John slides into the ring, and salutes the crowd, eliciting another roar of cheers. Cena reaches over to the corner and takes a microphone, before beginning to speak.

John Cena
Did you guys just hear that? A tournament to decide the number 40 entrant into the Royal Rumble!? Well... I wonder why I would be out here now? You don’t think I want a place in that tournament do you? Nooo, of course not, would I want that?

Cena smiles into the microphone, and a few of the front rows are seen smiling.

John Cena
I mean, why would I want an added advantage heading into the most unpredictable match in WWE history? Oh I know... because the winner goes on to face a Champion of their choosing at Wrestlemania. Well that sounds pretty swell to me. It’s been a while since I’ve tasted championship gold... I’ve had a pack of angry puppies snapping at my ankles for the past few months, but I’m not sure they even need me to stop them anymore, after last week it looks like they’re imploding on themselves!

Cena turns to the titantron, as a video plays of the brutal Nexus attack last week, punctuated by Gabriel’s 450 Splash onto a prone Wade Barrett, before ending on an image of Barrett’s face in severe pain. The fans cheer this image, but boo as the video is replaced by music.


The crowd continue to rain boos down on Nexus, as they walk out onto the stage; David Otunga stood front and centre, holding a microphone. The 5 members look almost jovial after re-watching the attack on Wade Barrett.

David Otunga
Honestly Cena? You think we’ve imploded? Let me show you the bit of the video that you just happened to miss...

A new video plays, showing the five Nexus members standing side by side, right arms raised into the air.

David Otunga
Does that look like a group that’s imploded to you? No, Cena, that’s a group that’s stronger than ever. The past few months, Wade has been using us like pawns. He suckered us into this alliance, saying that we’d take the WWE by storm, and that no one would be able to stop us. It all started fine, we attacked you and Punk, tore the ring to shreds, and everyone took notice. Everyone stood watching, silent, mouths agape. Everything that Wade had promised looked like it was coming true. That seemed far too easy, and it turned out that it was. After just a few weeks, Barrett started using us to defend him. Using us as shields to protect him from any harm. Bryan, Young, Tarver... all removed from the group because they disappointed Wade in some way. Because they didn’t do a good enough job saving Barrett’s ass from any damage. We decided to grin and bear it, carry on doing what we do best, destroy anyone and everyone in sight.

Otunga looks sidewards at the other Nexus members, all of whom nod in agreement, before he continues to speak, as John Cena stands in the ring, a look of confusion on his face.

David Otunga
Then you began taking us out one by one. Did Barrett protect us? No. Did Barrett stand up for us? No. Barrett hid away, making sure he was ok, while one by one, we got picked apart, taken out by you. Oh John, don’t think we’ve forgotten you. As we sat, recovering, we each began to realise. We’d gotten nothing from this. Barrett was getting World Title shots, challenging for the one thing we all dreamt of, whilst we... we were just fodder in his little plan. We decided we wouldn’t stand for it anymore. The loss at the TLC Pay-Per-View was too much for us to sit back. We knew we needed to remove him, start afresh, and we almost thought you’d done our job for us when you dumped those chairs onto Barrett. When he turned up for RAW the next day, we all knew it was time for us to rebel, to take him out, to remove the weak link. Now we’re a unit, now we’re a team, and now you have no way of stopping us John... no way at all...

Otunga moves the microphone from his mouth to his side, before beginning to advance down to the ring with the rest of Nexus, a lot of determination and venom on his face. Before Nexus are able to get half way down to the ring, however, the GM chimes in again, drawing even more boos from the crowd than Nexus.

Michael Cole
Can I have your attention please? I have received an e-mail from the anonymous RAW General Manager.

Cole again steps up to the podium, lifting the screen of the laptop, as Nexus surround the ring.

Michael Cole
“Nexus wait, I think this news might interest you.”

Nexus stop for a moment, looking in the direction of Michael Cole, as he continues to speak.

Michael Cole
“Cena, you are indeed in the Tournament beginning next week, but I think a warm-up match might help you prepare, so tonight, you’re going to be facing off against another man that will be in the tournament next week. For now, I will leave your opponent anonymous, but be assured that you’re gonna need to come prepared later tonight.”

Cena smiles, pleased to be in the tournament, as the crowd cheer the announcement. He looks intrigued as to who his opponent will be, but smiles anyway, before returning his attention to the group surrounding the ring.

Michael Cole
“As for Nexus, I had a place in the tournament for Wade Barrett, but it looks like he won’t be available to compete next week, so instead, I’ll sub in a replacement. Otunga, it looks like you’ve had a lot to say tonight, so you’ll have an opportunity to prove everything you’re saying in the tournament...”

Otunga smiles, and the rest of Nexus smile in his direction, though some look at each other with uncertainty, as if questioning what is different between Otunga and Barrett.

Michael Cole

The smiles drop, and Cena’s returns, as he anticipates a challenge for Otunga.

Michael Cole
“... you can beat your opponent tonight... The World’s Strongest Man... Mark Henry!”

The crowd cheer the mention of the World’s Strongest Man, and Otunga’s smile slips for a moment, before he returns it, and nods determinedly. The rest of Nexus nod also, as Otunga raises his microphone to his lips.

David Otunga
No problem. But all of you rest assured that this isn’t about me. When I win, I win for Nexus. Now... John... Where were we?

Otunga drops his microphone as a static thud echoes through the arena. Nexus step up onto the ring apron, glaring at Cena, who looks focussed in the ring, rapidly trying to keep his eye on every member at once. The crowd’s boos turn to cheers, when Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov sprint down to ringside. Nexus part, grouping by the announce table, as Marella and Kozlov slide into the ring, glaring at Nexus along with Cena. The camera focuses on Nexus, who look at one another, because plastering arrogant smiles onto their faces. They begin to walk around the ring, walking slowly backwards up the ramp, as Cena thanks Marella and Kozlov in the ring.

Michael Cole
Nexus are looking more determined than ever here tonight!

Jerry Lawler
Otunga is gonna have to be determined later on tonight when he faces the World’s Strongest Man! You have to think that Nexus are going to have something to say in regards to the Tag Champions interference in their business tonight Cole!

Michael Cole
Remember King, Nexus challenged Kozlov and Marella for the titles at the TLC Pay-Per-View but were disqualified. I think there’s still some unfinished business left between them!

Jerry Lawler
There’s definitely a lot going on tonight! One of the big questions on my mind is... who will John Cena’s opponent be tonight? Whoever it is has a chance at securing the number 40 spot in the Rumble, but before the tournament starts they’ve got their work cut out against John Cena tonight!

The camera fades to the back, where the camera is focussed on Tyson Kidd and his accomplice Jackson Andrews. Kidd is wearing a suit, and both men are laughing, seemingly unprepared for Kidd’s match against R-Truth next. Andrews removes his long coat, revealing that he is wearing wrestling tights, before both men begin to walk towards the entrance way.

Michael Cole
Tyson Kidd is scheduled to face off with Tyson Kidd, next.

Jerry Lawler
Kidd doesn’t look very prepared for his match Cole! It looks like he might have a trick up his sleeve.

Michael Cole
Don’t go anywhere folks, we’ll be right back after this.



* WHAT’S UP? *

Monday Night RAW returns from commercial, just as R-Truth’s music hits, and he begins to make his way down to the ring, rapping the entire way.

Michael Cole
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to Monday Night RAW! R-Truth looks ready for his match up against Kidd tonight!

Jerry Lawler
He definitely looks a lot more prepared that his opponent does!

Justin Roberts
This bout is set for one fall, introducing first, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 235 pounds, R-Truth!

R-Truth reaches the ring, and stands soaking in the cheers of the fans, before raising the microphone to his mouth again.

Cleveland, Ohio! What’s up!?

The crowd return Truth’s chant, before Truth drops the microphone and stands in the ring, warming up for his match.

Jerry Lawler
I know that Truth challenged Kidd to use actions instead of words, but tonight is just as important for Truth. If Truth loses, it could be a huge embarrassment for him after his challenge last week!


Tyson Kidd’s theme begins to play, and he gets a moderate amount of boos from the crowd, as he steps onto the stage wearing a suit. He straightens his tie a little, and raises a microphone to his mouth.

Tyson Kidd
Truth. Your challenge last week got me a little riled up, but I was thinking this week. You know, I’m the crown prince of the WWE, I’ve got one of the most established heritages of anyone in this business. I don’t need to face you to prove anything. No, more than that... You don’t deserve to step in that ring with me. I’m practically wrestling royalty, and what are you? You’re nothing.

Jerry Lawler
I knew Kidd had something up his sleeve!

Truth looks irate in the ring, and picks his microphone back up, putting it to his lips as he speaks again.

Oh, I don’t deserve to face you in this ring? Well, how about this then, I’ll get out of this ring, walk up that ramp, and smack the taste out of your mouth.

Truth drops the microphone and looks to step out of the ring, a look of anger on his face, as the crowd cheer him on, hoping to see Kidd get some punishment for his arrogance. Kidd takes a step backwards, before a knowing smile materialises on his face.

Tyson Kidd
Woah woah woah there Truth. Just because you aren’t good enough to face me doesn’t mean you haven’t got a match tonight. Oh no.

Jackson Andrews walks out onto the stage, putting one hand on Tyson’s shoulder, before both men begin to walk down to the ring. The GM alert echoes over the sound system, and the fans begin to boo in anticipation of Michael Cole speaking. Sure enough, Cole opens the laptop, and begins to read.

Michael Cole
Can I have you attention please? I have received an email from the anonymous RAW General Manager. And I quote... “I’m not a fan of superstars taking it upon themselves to change matches, but tonight, it sounds like a good idea to me. Truth v Andrews? Ring the bell.”

The fans cheer the announcement, looking for Truth to get his hands on one of these two in any way possible. Andrews steps into the ring, and the bell rings, as Tyson stands on the outside of the ring, applauding his associate.

Jackson Andrews v R-Truth
Andrews and Truth both advance to the centre of the ring, squaring up against each other. Truth looks up at Andrews with a determined look on his face, before Jackson pie faces Truth, pushing him away to the disdain of the fans. Truth’s face changes to a look of anger, as he charges across the ring, hitting a big forearm to the face of Jackson, sending him recoiling into the corner. Truth rains punch after punch down into the face of Jackson, before the referee warns him off, beginning a five count. Truth retreats to the opposite corner, turning to look at the fans before shouting “What’s up?” The fans respond, as Jackson charges at Truth, his boot raised to hit Truth in the face. Truth ducks underneath it, his legs in a split position, before raising back up to his feet, and hitting a Corkscrew Calf Kick. Jackson falls back against the ropes, and Truth runs at him, clotheslining him over the top rope. Andrews lands standing up, glaring at Truth, as Kidd looks shocked by Truth’s successes so far. Andrews looks to get back in the ring, but is hit by a Baseball Slide dropkick, before Truth flies over the top rope with a crossbody. The crowd cheer Truth, appreciating the risk he is taking... a risk that does not reap rewards. Andrews catches Truth, ramming him back first into the ring post, before Scoop Slamming him down onto the concrete floor. The thud that Truth’s body makes leaves many of the fans at ringside gasping, and the gasps turn to boos as Kidd walks around to stand over Truth, putting on a mocking grimace of pain. Andrews picks Truth up, and rolls him into the ring, before crawling in for the cover... 1..2... Truth kicks out!

The fans come alive in support of Truth, some shocked he managed to avoid the loss. Andrews doesn’t seem to mind however, and he smiles at the chance to inflict more pain on Truth. He wrenches Truth to his feet, tugging on his arm and almost decapitating him with a brutal clothesline, turning Truth inside out. Kidd applauds from the outside excitedly, as he calls at Andrews to cover him. Andrews does so, but maybe a little too nonchalantly. 1..2.. Kickout again by Truth, but weaker this time. Andrews takes this chance to stomp on Truth’s abdomen and ribs, following up on the damage he inflicted with the slam on the outside, before he props Truth up in the corner. Andrews plants a few firm right hands to Truth’s gut, before placing him on the top rope, and climbing to the top himself.

Michael Cole
Big men like Andrews don’t go to the top very often, this could be a dangerous move for him!

Andrews hooks both of Truth’s arms, looking for a Double Underhook suplex, but Truth fights out with punches and elbows, knocking Andrews down to the mat. The fans cheer as Truth takes a few seconds to recover, before standing on the top rope, and leaping with a diving dropkick. Both men collapse to the mat, and the referee begins his count. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7.. Both men stumble to their feet, slugging it out in the centre of the ring, before Truth ducks a clumsy right hand and hits the ropes, diving with a corkscrew forearm, before covering for a short 2 count. Truth gets to his feet, the crowd rallied behind him, and looks to hit a big DDT on Andrews. The big man is prepared however, and pushes Truth into the ropes. Andrews drops to one knee, and calls the referee over, complaining about an injury to his leg, meaning that as Truth hits the ropes, Kidd can jump onto the apron and kick Truth in the back of the head. He stumbles forward, and Andrews pushes the referee out of his way, wrapping both his hands around the throat of Truth, and wrenching him into the air. Andrews smiles, seemingly under no strain, before dropping to a sitting position and slamming Truth into the mat with a Chokebomb. Truth’s shoulders are pressed to the mat. Cover. 1..2..3..

Winner: - Jackson Andrews (in 7:07)

Justin Roberts
The winner of the match, Jackson Andrews!

Jerry Lawler
Andrews looked impressive tonight, but it was almost ruined by Kidd’s interference!

Michael Cole
A win is a win King, that’s all that matters in the WWE. Wait it doesn’t look like Kidd is finished!

Andrews and Truth celebrate, but only for a few moments, as they pounce on the downed R-Truth, to the boos of the crowd. Both men continue to stomp on Truth, hoping to make an even bigger impact, before they are interrupted by the GM chiming in once more. Both Kidd and Andrews stop stomping, and turn to look at the podium, as Michael Cole opens the laptop, and begins to read.

Michael Cole
Can I have your attention please? I have received an e-mail from the anonymous RAW General Manager. And I quote... “Andrews, Kidd, stop that right now. I was willing to let you change the match, and then cheat to win, but now I just think you’re taking advantage of my generosity. So next week, Truth gets his chance to get some retribution against you two, as he faces you in a tag team match. Truth will be able to select his own partner, and if Truth’s team should happen to win, then Truth gets Tyson 1 on 1 in two weeks here on RAW, and in that match, Andrews will be barred from ringside!

Andrews’ and Kidd’s faces cycle through a range of emotions, from smug arrogance at the prospect of a match against Truth next week, to a look of anger at the idea of Truth stepping into the ring with Tyson Kidd, and no Jackson Andrews. Kidd and Andrews

Michael Cole
“Now if I were you two, I’d get out of my ring.”

Andrews and Kidd look shocked for a moment, before bowing out of the ring and walking up the ramp, before Truth manages to stumble to his feet, glaring at them both on the stage. The fans cheer, as the camera points at Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler at ringside.

Michael Cole
What an opportunity for Truth! I wonder who he’ll pick as a partner for next week?

Jerry Lawler
It’ll have to be someone impressive to stand up against Jackson Andrews! That man is a machine!

Michael Cole
That’s next week King, but don’t look past tonight, we’ve got one hell of a Main Event for you. Two former tag team partners collide, as John Morrison takes on The Miz for the WWE Championship! Morrison earned this shot two weeks ago at the TLC Pay-Per-View, the same event where The Miz retained his title against Randy Orton.

Jerry Lawler
The Miz may have proved a few naysayers wrong that night, but I wouldn’t count the Viper down and out so soon.

Michael Cole
You’re right King, in fact we’ve just heard that Randy Orton is standing by with our broadcast college Josh Matthews.

The camera fades to a shot of Josh Matthews stood backstage, alongside the Viper, Randy Orton. Orton has the same cold, calculating look in his eye as usual, and Orton doesn’t react at all to the cheers that the fans direct at the former WWE Champion.

Josh Matthews
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Randy Orton. Randy, John Morrison faces the man that defeated you for the championship, The Miz, in a WWE Title match. Last week you stated your own interest in pursuing the WWE Title, and even more specifically, The Miz. Do you have any words for either of the men in the title match tonight?

Randy looks contemplative, scratching his chin, before turning to the microphone and beginning to speak.

Randy Orton
Morrison, last week, you came out and involved yourself in my business. I get it, you earned your shot, but just remember that if you win, you’ll be next on my list, and if you lose, then you’ll fade out of my view quicker than you’ve burst onto it. The WWE Title is all that matters to me... well... almost all that matters to me.

Randy smirks, before beginning to speak.

Randy Orton
The only other thing that matters, is that I get to beat the living hell out of The Miz. Miz, you cashed in on me when I was beaten, but I’m not gonna complain about that. I know I would have done the same. You did whatever you could to win at TLC, and again, I would have done exactly that. But Miz, there’s one difference between you and me. I’m cold, heartless, the ‘viper’, and you’re an obnoxious, loud-mouthed jerk. Now I’d enjoy nothing more than prying the WWE Title from your grasp by planting you face first with an RKO, and I almost hope you retain tonight so I get the opportunity to do just that, but even if you do lose, even if you do lose the one thing that gives you a shred of credibility, I will take great pleasure in punting you in the skull. If you’re little buddy gets involved, I’ll be happy to punt him too, but you’re the one that matters Miz, you took my title from me, and I’ll take your livelihood from you.

The fans are a little shocked and disturbed by Randy’s words, but their detest for The Miz overrides all of that, and they cheer Randy’s words emphatically. The cheers change to boos, as Alex Riley stalks up behind Randy Orton. Matthews notices it and backs away, but Orton turns around and is able to punch Riley in the face before he can attack the Viper. Orton continues to rain punches into Alex’s face, until The Miz runs up behind Orton, crashing him in the back of the head with the WWE Title belt. The Miz goads Orton, before picking him up and throwing him head first into the concrete wall, before finishing it up with a brutal Skull Crushing Finale onto the floor.

The Miz
Really? Really Orton? I’m the most must see WWE Champion in history. I am the best that the WWE has to offer. And more importantly, I’ve beaten you twice for this title now. Orton, what makes you think it’ll be different next time? It won’t. I am still better than you. You had your shot and you blew it, but could you get to the back of the queue like you should? No. I had to force you back. I had to come here, and make you see that it’s time for you to go to the bottom of the pile. You have to earn it Orton, and based on your recent performances, I don’t think you’ll be able to. You’re in the past, it’s the era of The Miz now. Tonight, I’ll send another person back to the bottom of the pile to join you Orton, John Morrison. Morrison, you have no chance of beating me, I was always the better in our tag team, that’s why I’m the first to be WWE Champion, and that, Morrison, is why I’m going to pin your shoulders to the mat later tonight, to retain my WWE Championship. Soon there will be nobody left to challenge me, because they’ll be scared of how good I am. They’ll be scared of what’ll happen. You’re just an example tonight Morrison, and you’ve not got a hope in hell... because I’m The Miz... and I’m awesome!

Orton is left laying lifeless on the floor, as The Miz and Riley nod at each other, before heading down the corridor. Matthews runs over to Orton, stooping over him to make sure he is ok, as help begins to arrive, and the fans continue to rain boos down on the despicable actions of The Miz.

Michael Cole
Yeah! The Miz is so dominant here on RAW! No one can stand up to him!

Jerry Lawler
I don’t think Miz has ever stood up to anyone in his life. He just attacks them from behind all the time!

Michael Cole
Oh come on King! Give Miz some credit! You’re just jealous that he’s better than you ever were!

Jerry Lawler
You know what Cole, I’m not gonna stoop to your level. I’m gonna do my job, and I hope you’re professional enough to do the same! A few weeks ago, Melina won the Number 1 Contendership to the WWE Divas Championship, and with it came a change of attitude. When Natalya stepped into the ring to congratulate Melina, Melina slapped the Champion across the face, and since then, has been gaining momentum in her chase for the title. Earlier today, whilst Natalya was preparing for a public appearance, cameras were able to record footage of an altercation backstage, between the Champion and her Number 1 Contender.

The screen changes to a video of earlier in the day. The Divas Champion Natalya is sat in front of a mirror, her Divas Championship in her lap, while an assistant applies make-up to Natalya’s face. The two laugh at some unheard joke, but the laughs change to looks of dismay as Melina enters the room, a false smile on her face. Natalya stands up, walking over the Melina, and the two glare at each other. Melina looks around Natalya at the assistant and begins to talk.

I wouldn’t bother trying to make this thing look beautiful, she’ll never be as glamorous as me anyway. You know, the only thing that would make me look even better, is the Divas Championship belt around my waist. But don’t worry, it won’t be long till I have that too. At the Royal Rumble, I become the Divas Champion.

Melina turns to leer at the Divas Championship slung over Natalya’s shoulder.

You want this title Melina? Well... you better bring your best at the Rumble, because there’s no way this thing is going down without one hell of a fight. In fact, why wait till the Rumble? Why not right now?

Melina sneers, before turning to leave. Out of nowhere, Melina swings her arm, aiming to crash her open palm into the jaw of Natalya. The Champion catches the arm, and hits Melina with a brutal slap of her own, sending the challenger clattering backwards. Natalya grins, as Melina stumbles to her feet, and slowly retreats out of the door, holding her face. Natalya continues to watch the door, before picking up her Divas Championship belt and smiling.


Justin Roberts
This match is set for one fall, where the winner will get entry into the Risk and Reward Tournament!


The Nexus theme hits, and Otunga walks out onto the stage, flanked by the four other members of Nexus. They each have a determined look on their faces, and respond to the boos of the fans with uncaring arrogance.

Justin Roberts
Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Nexus, from Hollywood, California, weighing in at 250 pounds... David Otunga!

Nexus all step into the ring, before raising their rights arms into the air in unity and smirking, before Otunga begins to stretch his arms, and the other four members bow out of the ring.


The fans erupt into cheers as Mark Henry advances out onto the stage, smiling. He glances towards the ring, and sees the 4 Nexus members stood at ringside. He looks confused, counting the number of members on his hand, before mockingly smiling, and gesturing to backstage. Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov come out onto the stage with Mark Henry, and the crowd cheer as the three walk down to the ring.

Jerry Lawler
It looks like Henry was clever enough to bring some backup with him tonight!

The camera focuses on the referee ducking out of the ring, and heading over the Justin Roberts, before whispering in his ear. Roberts then raises the microphone to his mouth.

Justin Roberts
The referee has decided that both Nexus, and Kozlov and Marella are banned from ringside for this match up!

Henry smiles, and the fans cheer, as a few of Nexus look a little worried by the announcement. Otunga simply nods and gestures that the others can trust him, before Nexus and the Champions head to the back, leaving Henry standing across from Otunga in the ring.

Jerry Lawler
A great decision by the referee! We’ll see whether Otunga can really back up all that garbage he was spewing earlier!

Mark Henry v David Otunga
This match starts off competitive, as Otunga is looking to prove himself, and Henry still looks to be a little annoyed by Nexus’ attack on his several months ago. Henry crashes Otunga to the mat with a few clotheslines, before picking him up and slamming him down. Otunga rolls out of the ring and recovers, sliding back in just as Henry drops a hard elbow onto Otunga’s neck. Henry continues to look dominant, throwing Otunga into the corner, and seemingly enjoying the look of fear on Otunga’s face as Henry’s substantial bulk crushes him into the turnbuckle. Henry pins... 1..2.. Otunga kicks out, and Henry wrenches him to his feet, picking him up over his head, and dropping him hard down to the mat. Henry leans to pick Otunga up again, but Otunga catches Henry with a small package! 1..2... Henry barely kicks out, and Otunga takes the chance, sending Henry to the mat with a huge boot to the side of the head. Otunga begins to build confidence, eliciting more and more boos from the crowd as he drops elbows on Henry, before locking in a Camel Clutch on the head of Henry. Henry looks to be fading, but the crowd rallies behind him, and he is able to fight to his feet, tossing Otunga across the ring like a rag doll, before hitting him with a huge shoulder tackle. Henry signals for the World Strongest Slam, and Otunga groggily stumbles to his feet, right into the clutches of the World’s Strongest Man. Henry picks him up, turning to face the camera, and smiling. Otunga begins to struggle, and Henry’s smile fades, knocked off his face by some hard elbows from Otunga. Otunga fights out, catching Henry with a swinging neckbreaker, the crowd gasping at the impact. Otunga slowly crawls to the cover... 1..2... The crowd try to rally behind Henry, but Otunga just smirks, seemingly feeling like he has the match won. Henry surprised him with punches to the gut, before hitting the ropes, and charging at Otunga. The new leader of Nexus stabilises himself, before using Henry’s momentum against him, lifting him off the mat and slamming him down with an impressive spinebuster. Otunga covers: 1..2..3..

Winner: - David Otunga (in 6:36)

Justin Roberts
Here is your winner, David Otunga!

Michael Cole
What a win for Otunga tonight! Nexus needed him to prove he was a capable leader, and tonight he seems to have done just that!

Otunga raises his arm in the air, the fans raining down boos, before he begins to walk to the back. As he does so, the titantron begins to show footage of backstage. Kozlov and Marella are stood watching the match on a television with Tamina, and look disappointed at the fact that Otunga won the match. They look at each other in disappointment, before Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel crash into them from behind, sending them tumbling to the floor. Slater and Gabriel stomp viciously on the champions, before they wrench Kozlov to his feet, whipping him head first into the concrete wall. The head back to Marella, and Slater picks him up, slamming him down onto the concrete floor with a dull thud. Slater and Gabriel then back up, as Tamina screams, before stepping out of view. The camera returns to the stage, where Otunga is stood clapping his hands approvingly at the work of the New Nexus. The camera zooms in on his face and he can be seen miming: “See, this is dominance.” He steps backstage, as the camera again returns to backstage, but this time, to a locker room, where John Morrison is sat, putting on his elbow pads in preparation for his WWE Championship match. Josh Matthews walks onto the scene, microphone in hand, and begins to talk to Morrison.

Josh Matthews
John, I just have a few questions about your match tonight? Do you have any words for your opponent, and former tag team partner, The Miz.

Morrison looks up at Matthews, and a thoughtful look crosses his face, before he replies.

John Morrison
Josh, I’ve had world championship matches before, I took Jeff Hardy to his limit a few years ago on Smackdown, but tonight is more than that. Two years ago The Miz and John Morrison was the most dominant tag team in the WWE. We’d done everything, we’d been tag champs, we’d beaten the best teams that the WWE had to offer. But it was never about the team for The Miz. It was always about him. He thought he was the dominant half of the team. He thought he was the only one who could achieve anything, and so far, I’ve had to live with the fact that he’s lived up to what he’s said. Tonight, that all changes, I’ll beat him for that title, and walk out of there with the WWE Championship. The Miz might have had a fluke win in a Money In The Bank ladder match, but that’s the only reason he’s champion. Tonight, one on one, The Miz has to face up to everything, and tonight, one on one, I will become, the WWE Champion.

Josh Matthews nods at John Morrison, who walks off to continue preparing. The bell rings as the camera returns to ringside.

Justin Roberts
The following is a Divas match, and is set for one fall.

Jerry Lawler
John Morrison seems focussed on his goal tonight! But up first, we’ve got the Divas in action!


The Bella twins walk out onto the stage, accompanied by Daniel Bryan. The twins are wearing identical gear as usual, and garner a decent response from the crowd, a lot of which is down to Bryan’s accompaniment however. The twins advance down to the ring, and slide in, Bryan remaining on the outside, and clapping the twins in the ring.

Justin Roberts
Introducing first, from Scottsdale, Arizona, accompanied by Brie Bella and the United States Champion Daniel Bryan, Nikki Bella!

Nikki poses in the ring, as Brie joins Bryan on the outside, and Nikki’s opponent’s theme hits.


Maryse swaggers out onto the stage to a chorus of boos, with Ted DiBiase following shortly behind. They begin to walk down the ramp, scowling at the fans at ringside.

Justin Roberts
Introducing her opponent, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, accompanied by Ted DiBiase... Maryse!

Michael Cole
There’s been a bit of rivalry between DiBiase and Bryan over the past few months, and that seems to have translated into rivalry between their respective females tonight.

DiBiase and Bryan come face to face outside the ring, and DiBiase smirks in Bryan’s face, before they separate. The referee signals for the bell to start, as the two women in the ring advance on each other.

Maryse v Nikki Bella
Nikki takes advantage early, ducking a clothesline attempt and then hitting a jumping snapmare, followed by a second. As Maryse quickly gets to her feet Nikki runs it, delivering a one-legged dropkick to the chest of Maryse, sending her down to the mat. Nikki covers. 1.. Maryse kicks out quickly. Nikki pulls Maryse to her feet by the hair, but Maryse reverses with a low knee, before hitting a firm elbow to the face of Nikki, followed by a high boot to the chest of Nikki, sending her reeling into the ropes. Nikki bounces off the ropes, hitting Maryse with a clothesline, just as Maryse swings her own arm for a clothesline, leaving both women down on the mat. Maryse gets to her feet first, hitting vicious stomps to Nikki, before the referee pulls her away, backing her into the corner. The crowd cheer as they can practically guarantee what is going to happen, and sure enough, Brie grabs Nikki’s leg and is about to drag her out of the ring, when Ted DiBiase walks around and yanks Brie away from Nikki. Brie goes to slap DiBiase, but he blocks it, and looks like he is about to punch her in return, until Daniel Bryan runs up behind him and tackles him to the floor. Nikki stands up, watching this scene unfold, and this gives Maryse chance to kick her in the back of the head, before hitting a huge French Kiss DDT! Maryse covers. 1..2..3...

Winner: - Maryse (in 4:21)

Justin Roberts
The winner of the match, Maryse!

Maryse rolls out of the ring, hugging DiBiase who is standing on the ramp grinning at Bryan as he checks on Nikki. Maryse and DiBiase swagger up the ramp, whilst Bryan and the Bella glare on from ringside.

Michael Cole
The Bellas have been using that trick too often since their debut, so it was only a matter of time until it backfired! Maryse took advantage in a big way, and you’ve got to imagine it’s only built steam for Ted DiBiase in his US Title hunt!

Jerry Lawler
I definitely don’t think this is the last we’ve seen between these five competitors!



The show returns with a promo for the Royal Rumble.

In 5 weeks... the road to Wrestlemania officially begins...

The image of a road appears on screen, surrounded by a desolate wasteland, no signs of life evident. The camera pans 180 degrees to show the road descending from the brow of a hill, the landscape beyond the hill out of sight.

At the Royal Rumble, many will begin the journey...

A group of people begin to rise over the brow of the hill, before beginning the journey down the road, towards the camera.

One by one, they will fall at the wayside...

One by one the crowd begins to diminish, the people simply fading away, until only a few remain.

One will continue on this journey, one will reach their destination...

The rest of the crowd disappear until only one person remains, walking past the camera, which swivels, showing the end of the road, symbolised by the Wrestlemania 27 symbol.

Wrestlemania 27!

The camera fades to a graphic of the Royal Rumble, explaining how to order the PPV, whilst the official theme, “Hell Yeah” by Rev Theory plays. The graphic then fades to show The Miz stood with Alex Riley backstage. The Miz looks confident, his arrogance boosted by the attack on Orton earlier in the night.

Alex Riley
We showed Randy earlier! That should teach him to go for your WWE Title! Speaking of which, I’ll be out there tonight to make sure you leave with that title too!

The Miz looks Riley straight in the eyes, looking a little offended by what Riley has just said.

The Miz
You think I need you to retain my title? You think I need you to do anything?

Riley looks shocked, and takes a step back, going on the defensive immediately.

Alex Riley
No... No that’s not what I meant! You’re the most must-see WWE Champion in history, you’re the most dominant WWE Champion ever!

The Miz smirks, and steps back, clapping Riley on the shoulder.

The Miz
That’s more like it. But you know what, I think what you said might be a little bit right. Tonight, you stay in the back. I’m sick of the fans telling me I don’t deserve this, so tonight, I’m going to prove that I am the champion for a reason because I’m The Miz and I’m Awesome[/b!

The Miz goes to prepare for his match, Alex Riley following behind, as the camera heads back to ringside.

Justin Roberts
The following match is set for one fall.


John Cena runs out on to the stage, the fans response to him as electric as earlier in the evening. He raises both his hands into the air, before running down the ramp and sliding into the ring.

Justin Roberts
Introducing first, from West Newbury, Massachusetts, weighing in at 240 pounds, John Cena!

Cena raises his hands at the fans and he receives another cheer, before his music ends and all eyes turn to the stage, waiting to see who will be revealed as John Cena’s opponent, and one of the entrants in the Royal Rumble tournament.

Michael Cole
It’s going to be a difficult match for Cena regardless of who this ends up being. His opponent has had chance to prepare for Cena, but Cena has not got a clue what to expect tonight!

Jerry Lawler
One thing’s for sure though, you can never count John Cena out!

The tension continues to build in the arena, and John Cena looks more and more determined and anxious as time goes on, until, eventually...


Jerry Lawler
Carlito!? We’ve not seen him in the WWE for months!

Carlito bounds out onto the stage, looking excited to be back in front of the WWE Universe. The fans don’t know how to react, as Carlito stands in the centre of the stage. He raises an object to his mouth, a red apple, and takes a bite, before spitting it into the air as red pyro erupts all around him. He begins to walk down the ramp, smiling at the fans as he does so, before stepping into the ring, looking at John Cena without any emotion on his face.

Justin Roberts
And introducing his opponent, from the Carribean, weighing in at 231 pounds, Carlito!

The tension builds again as Carlito squares up to John Cena in the ring, each man staring into the face of the other with a determined look on their face. The crowd are unsure how to react, not knowing whether they can trust Carlito. Carlito smirks, before taking a step back and then swinging around. The crowd boo as Carlito’s arm swings around, but the boos relax into cheers when the fans realise that Carlito is extending his hand to shake Cena’s.

Michael Cole
The fans aren’t sure how to react to Carlito, but this looks like a great display of sportsmanship here.

Jerry Lawler
Wait and see whether it’s sincere first Cole! Remember when Carlito first debuted in the WWE he went straight after Cena! Cena ended up getting stabbed by Carlito’s bodyguard! I’d be wary if I was Cena!

The fans cheer, but Cena looks apprehensive, before taking Carlito’s hand and shaking it, to the cheers of the crowd. Both men retreat into opposite corners after this show of respect, and the referee signals for the bell to get the match underway.

John Cena v Carlito
Both men start the match off with traditional wrestling manoeuvres, as Cena hits Carlito with a headlock take over, until Carlito wriggles out of the hold and returns to his feet. Carlito runs at Cena and dives for Cena’s leg, making Cena fall to the mat face first. Carlito slides over Cena, locking on a front headlock, until Cena fights out, and both men return to the standing position, shaking hands before separating again and putting their game faces on. Both men lock up in the centre, with Cena getting the advantage, pushing Carlito over to the corner. Before Carlito can impact the turnbuckle however, he breaks the contact and slides behind and rolls Cena up. 1..2... Kick out by Cena. Cena scrambles to his feet, just in time to get caught with a small package by Carlito. 1..2... Kickout again by Cena! Cena backs over to the opposite side of the ring, before climbing to his feet, and locking up with Carlito once again. This time Cena shows some of his wrestling skills, hitting two quick arm drags on Carlito, locking an arm bar on after the second. The crowd applaud the technical skills on display from these two performers, before Carlito gets to his feet, pushing Cena into the ropes. Carlito throws Cena into the opposite ropes, and Cena reacts with a shoulder tackle, before hitting the ropes again. Carlito rolls onto his front, with Cena stepping over him, before Carlito bounces to his feet, looking to throw Cena with a high hip toss. Cena holds his ground however, turning it around and hitting a hip toss of his own, before covering. 1.. Kickout by Carlito! Cena grabs the arm again, locking on an arm bar, before Carlito fights to his feet, running up the turnbuckle and flipping over backwards, sending Cena flying head over heels across the ring. The crowd cheer the athleticism as Cena groggily stumbles to his feet, and eats a vicious dropkick from Carlito, sending Cena reeling into the turnbuckle. Carlito hits some right hands to Cena’s head, before sending Cena halfway across the ring with a monkey flip. Carlito loses no time in hitting the ropes, and dropping a huge headbutt to the chest of Cena. Cover. 1..2.. Kickout by Cena! Carlito making a real impact in his return to the WWE right now!

Carlito gets to his feet, stepping through the ropes and to the ring apron, the fans cheering with anticipation of a high flying move. Cena slowly stumbles to his feet, with the crowd split between wanting Carlito to hit the move, and wanting Carlito to fail. In the end, the latter are proven right, as Carlito springs from the top rope and dives at Cena, who ducks under and hits the ropes. Cena uses the added momentum to hit a big shoulder block. The crowd boo this, enthralled by the athleticism of Carlito’s style as opposed to Cena’s more hard hitting style. Cena quickly hits the ropes again and dives across the ring for another shoulder tackle, but as Cena dives at Carlito for the shoulder block, Carlito moves, and the camera gets a fantastic shot of Cena’s face changing to shock as he realises his fate. He hits the canvas hard, and Carlito follows this opportunity up with a hard baseball slide dropkick to Cena’s back, sending him crashing face first off the ring apron. The crowd gasp at the look of pain on Cena’s face as he hits the thinly padded floor. Carlito is backed away from the ropes, as the referee begins the count. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7... Cena slowly stumbles up onto the ring apron, and Carlito heads over to grab Cena, hitting a hard shoulder to the stomach of Cena, before threading his head between the top and middle ropes. The tension rises in the crowd as Cena flops over the rope, before Carlito takes a few steps backwards, before charging forward, raising his knee to smash it into Cena’s head. The crowd gasp in fear for Cena’s health, but a few boos break out through the crowd when Cena is able to avoid the contact, and catch Carlito with a clothesline. Cena smiles at the crowd, tapping his head, enjoying the success of playing possum, before he steps through the ropes and hooks Carlito up for a Fisherman’s Suplex to the usual mix of boos and cheers. Cena follows it up with a pin attempt. 1..2... Carlito kicks out, but only weakly.

Cena quickly gets to his feet, looking for the Attitude Adjustment, the crowd cheering on in the background in anticipation of the move to come. As Carlito stumbles to his feet, Cena lifts him onto his shoulders but a section of the crowd boos Cena, as per usual, and this seems to awaken Carlito, as he fights out and hits a huge springboard back elbow, rocking Cena, and sending him stumbling into the ropes. Carlito pushes against Cena, the ropes sending Cena running across the ring, but as Carlito swings for a clothesline on the return, Cena ducks underneath, and hits a Spinout Powerbomb. Cena leaps to his feet excitedly, raising his hand into the air as the usual combination of boos and cheers rains down on him. Cena ignored it all and smiles, as he waves his hand in front of his face, his supporters chanting “You can’t see me” as he does so. Cena hits the ropes and drop his fist onto Carlito’s face, before covering. 1..2.. Cena follows this up by heading over to the corner and climbing the turnbuckle. The crowd cheer, not used to Cena attempting high flying manoeuvres. Cena waits for Carlito to groggily get to his feet, before standing on the top rope, and leaping through the air, crushing Carlito’s face into the mat with a huge legdrop. Cena quickly scrambles to his feet and covers again. 1..2.. Carlito kicks out, but it’s obvious that Cena is slowly managing to wear him down.

Cena, hoping to build on his successes so far in the match, decides to stick to his main advantage: his strength. Accordingly Cena pulls Carlito to his feet, lifting him onto his shoulder for a power slam. Cena backs into a corner, looking to get a run up to add extra momentum, but stalls for too long, giving Carlito the chance to shake clear the cobwebs and hit some vicious elbows to Cena’s face. Cena drops Carlito clutching his face in shock, and Carlito runs across the ring, closely followed by Cena, hoping to maintain his advantage. Carlito runs up the turnbuckle, again showing his high flying acumen, and leaps backwards from the top turnbuckle in a breath taking moonsault. The crowd gasp in amazement, but Cena looks strangely calm as he catches Carlito over his shoulder. Cena learns from his mistake, and quickly plants Carlito to the mat with a huge powerslam, knocking the wind from Carlito’s lungs. Cover by Cena! 1..2.. KICKOUT! Cena gets to his feet, again looking to hit an Attitude Adjustment on Carlito, who kicks Cena in the gut before he can lift him up, and runs again to the turnbuckle, looking to hit a big crossbody. Hundreds of cameras flash around the arena as Carlito flies through the air, and the crowd cheer the risk taken… a risk that doesn’t pay off as Cena catches Carlito, his muscles straining. Cena throws Carlito up from across his chest to on his shoulders, but Carlito carries the momentum on, rolling over and hitting a crucifix pin on Cena. The referee begins to count… 1..2..3..

Winner: - Carlito (in 8:34)

Carlito climbs the turnbuckle and celebrates this huge return victory tonight, as John Cena sits on the opposite side of the ring, shock etched across his entire face.

Justin Roberts
Here is your winner… Carlito!

The crowd burst into cheers at this announcement, but these cheers turn to another tense murmuring as Carlito climbs down from the turnbuckle, and offers Cena a hand up. Cena looks up at Carlito, a look of disappointment on his face.

Jerry Lawler
John Cena’s looking brutally disappointed by his loss here tonight! He could end up snapping here!

The tension continues to rise, Cena climbing to his feet and getting into the face of Carlito, until… he raises Carlito’s arm into the air and points at him, hailing him as the victor. The crowd all erupt into cheers, as Cena bows out of the ring and lets Carlito have his deserved chance to celebrate.

Michael Cole
What a return to the WWE for Carlito! A huge win tonight!

Jerry Lawler
A lot of talent in this young man here, it’ll be interesting to see where he goes from here. I predict big things from his future.

Michael Cole
That might be a good call there King. It’s certainly been an interesting night, dominated by the announcement of the General Manager that there will be a tournament for the Number 40 slot in the Royal Rumble!

Jerry Lawler
And the Number 1 slot Cole! It’s a high risk situation!

Michael Cole
Everyone on the roster has been dying to see whether they are in the tournament, and we’ve heard that the General Manager has contacted each participant individually to tell them they are involved. It’s up to each participant to decide when to reveal their entry.


The entire crowd rain boos down upon the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus, as he emerges out onto the stage, wearing his King’s robe, and crown. He stops in the middle of the stage, and waits for his music to die down.

I can’t believe that this has happened. Since that tournament has been announced, nobody has even bothered to worry about my presence in the tournament. The general manager contacted me earlier tonight, to tell me that I’m part of the Royal Rumble tournament. He may as well have called me to tell me I’ve got the Number 40 entry, because I can guarantee that I am going to win the best spot in the Rumble match and go on to Wrestlemania.

The crowd boo as Sheamus bursts into a grin, before raising the microphone back to his mouth.

I mean, look at me. I’m the first Irish-born WWE Champion in history. I’ve had the most meteoric rise in WWE history. I beat the figurehead of the WWE for the title in my first ever title opportunity. Who else can claim any of those things? No one. Some of you might be sat there saying that I’ve missed one of my achievements out.

Sheamus’ eyes move to look upwards, indicating the crowd on his head.

Jerry Lawler
The King of the Ring is a prestigious title to earn! How could he have missed that out!?

I missed it for a reason. This tournament has done nothing for me. Winning King of the Ring didn’t give me the title opportunity I deserve. It didn’t give me the respect of any of you pathetic fans. I’ve realised that I am better than this stupid crown. This stupid robe. This stupid moniker.

Sheamus drops the microphone, causing a static thunk, before taking the crown off his head, and lowering it to in front of his face. Sheamus’ pale face begins to flush with anger, before he viciously throws the crown onto the stage, metal shattering and cascading through the air as it impacts and fragments. Sheamus follows it up by dropping the rope on the floor, stepping onto it and wiping his feet. He stoops down, having shed all evidence of his King of the Ring victory, picking the microphone back up.

You’ll say I’m disrespecting tradition, but I don’t care. By the time I’m finished here in the WWE, I’ll have redefined tradition, and it starts at the Royal Rumble.

Sheamus drops the microphone, pounding his chest with his signature pose as his theme this again, before he retreats backstage, as RAW fades to commercial.




The show returns from commercial with John Morrison’s music, as the Shaman of Sexy walks onto the stage, wearing his usual fur coat. The camera begins to go into slow motion, as Morrison throws his arm into the air, before throwing his other sidewards in his signature taunt.

Justin Roberts
The following match is for the WWE Championship, introducing first, the challenger, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 224 pounds… John Morrison!

Morrison slaps a few hands on the way to ringside, but he looks to be completely focussed on his match tonight, looking to capture his first World Championship.

Jerry Lawler
What a chance for John Morrison tonight! He’s looking more impressive that he ever has, and I don’t know if anything will be able to stop him tonight!

Michael Cole
Don’t be stupid! He’s facing The Miz! There’s no chance that Morrison can displace the champion tonight! That title belt is going nowhere.

Morrison slides into the ring, and performs his taunt again on the corner turnbuckle, before his music stops playing.


Morrison’s head snaps around to the stage, as The Miz arrogantly struts out onto the stage, his WWE Championship over his shoulder, and Alex Riley bounding excitedly behind, usual briefcase in hand, trying to psyche The Miz up for his match. The Miz keeps his face set in a look of determination, seemingly ignoring all of the fans in the arena and just focussing on the impending title defence.

Michael Cole
Look at this man! The Miz is in the zone tonight!

The Miz reaches ringside, and runs parallel with the ring, sliding onto the apron, before grinning into the camera, and stepping through the ropes.

Justin Roberts
And introducing his opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at 231 pounds, he is the WWE Champion… The Miz!

The Miz raises his title into the air, before rather reluctantly handing it over to the referee, who again raises it before sliding it to the timekeeper, and shepherding Alex Riley out of the ring. The referee signals for the bell to be rung, and the main event of the evening is underway!

The Miz © vs John Morrison

John Morrison tries to get into the head of The Miz straight away, signalling that he will leave with the title around his waist and the champion can be seen saying “Really?”. The Miz takes a few steps forward, repeating “Really?”, until he is right in the face of Morrison. The tension in the crowd rises as they await who will make the first move in the match, and the crowd boo, as The Miz swings his arm, until Morrison catches it and hits some big rights of his own. The Miz backs away, but Morrison continues the attack, sending him into the ropes, before hitting a Calf Kick to a cheer from the crowd. Morrison covers. 1... The Miz kicks out, and Morrison is immediately putting the pressure on again, hitting a knee drop to the champion’s face. Cover. 1...

Jerry Lawler
Morrison isn’t giving The Miz a chance to breathe here!

Morrison gets to his feet, not to be discouraged, stepping onto the apron and then waiting for Miz to sit up. Once he does so, Morrison springboards from the top rope, and hits an elbow to the face of the WWE Champion! Cover. 1..2... Kickout by The Miz but slower this time! The crowd continue to rally behind Morrison’s impressive start, as he leaps to his feet, and stomps the stomach of Miz. Miz’s body involuntarily causes him to sit, and Morrison hits the ropes, swinging with a low knee, which The Miz ducks, rolling Morrison up. 1..2... Near fall for the champion! Both Miz and Morrison are quick to get to their feet, with Miz hitting the ropes. Morrison recovers, hooking The Miz for a hip toss on the rebound, but The Miz is prepared, sliding around for a hip toss of his own. He whips Morrison over with the hip toss, but Morrison shows impressive athleticism by landing on his feet. The crowd cheer the move, until The Miz hits a quick kick to the back of Morrison’s leg, before grabbing him in an inverted facelock. The camera gets a fantastic view of The Miz’s sneer, before he drops Morrison down onto his knee, and then picks him back up for a neckbreaker. Morrison has obviously scouted the move though, and instead pushes The Miz into the corner, following it with a high kick to the head, which sends Miz rolling out of the ring.

Michael Cole
Come on Miz! Get back into this!

Alex Riley sprints to stand over The Miz, protecting him from Morrison, and giving him chance to recover. Morrison slides out of the ring, getting right into the face of Riley, before throwing him into the barricade. Morrison smiles with the fans as Riley’s face impacts the barricade and he crumbles to the floor, but The Miz recovers, trying to push Morrison face first into the barricade himself. Morrison again shows his athleticism however, leaping onto the barricade, before leaping off backwards with a breath-taking moonsault. As Morrison flies through the air a thousand cameras flash around the arena, but The Miz isn’t mesmerised, instead he uses the time to side-step. Morrison hits the thinly padded floor hard, and lies lifeless. The Miz smirks, picking Morrison up and sliding him into the ring. Cover. 1..2... Unbelievably close there! Morrison nearly eliminated himself tonight! The Miz quickly follows up, hitting left hand after left hand to the face of Morrison, before viciously throwing his head into the mat. Miz gets to his feet, taunting, as the crowd boo.

Michael Cole
See! Look how brilliant this man is!

The Miz turns his attention back to Morrison, grabbing his leg in a DDT position. Morrison is able to kick Miz off however, and sit up, only to be kicked in the face. A sharp crack echoes through the arena with the impact, and the crowd gasp. Cover by the champion! 1..2.. Another kickout by Morrison! The Miz covers again, hooking both legs this time. 1..2.. Kickout again! The Miz seems unfazed, wrenching a dazed Morrison to his feet by his hair. Morrison breaks Miz’s grip, swinging for a punch, but the champion ducks, and pushes Morrison towards the turnbuckle. Morrison runs up the turnbuckle, leaping through the air with a crossbody! The Miz takes a quick step back, sticking a knee out, and Morrison comes crashing down onto the outstretched knee gut first. The Miz seems to have all of Morrison’s high flying moves scouted! The champion again goes for a cover, hooking both legs. 1..2... The Miz seems to start to get a little frustrated, but he locks on a Chin Lock submission in the middle of the ring, hoping to drain Morrison’s energy. The crowd begin to rally behind Morrison as he begins to fade, but he still shows no signs of fighting out of the hold!

Jerry Lawler
Morrison is fading here! He needs to fight out of this before he’s completely unconscious!

Morrison begins to bang his foot on the mat, and the crowd respond with increasingly rapid claps, giving Morrison the support to fight to his feet, and hit a jawbreaker on Miz! The champion stumbles backwards, and Morrison stumbles to hit feet, trying to shake the cobwebs. The Miz runs towards Morrison with a clothesline, but Morrison ducks, catching The Miz, looking to hit a C4! The crowd cheer in anticipation, but Miz hits some harsh elbows to the side of the head of Morrison, before hitting a knee to the gut, and spiking Morrison with a DDT! Cover. 1..2.. A weak kickout by Morrison! He hasn’t got much left! Miz drags Morrison to the corner, sitting him up, before retreating, and the following it up with a brutal kick to the head. Miz isn’t finished though as he waits for Morrison to get to his feet, leaning against the turnbuckle. Miz charges, looking for his signature clothesline, but Morrison springs his feet into the air, kicking Miz firmly in the chest, and using the momentum to roll onto the top rope. Morrison stands up, leaping through the air with a huge crossbody which leaves both men down on the mat. The referee begins the count, as Riley cheers Miz on from ringside.

Jerry Lawler
These men have hardly got anything left! This can’t go on much longer!

1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8.. Both men stumble to their feet, exchanging punches, before Morrison ducks a punch and hits a hard kick to the back of the head, before following it with two clotheslines that crumble Miz to the mat. The fans continue to get behind the challenger as The Miz sits up, and is hit with a brutal knee to the face from Morrison! Cover. 1..2.. Morrison almost had it there! Morrison waits to Miz to get to his feet, looking to springboard and hit a Flash Kick! Instead, Riley is able to get on the apron in front of Morrison, distracting him, and giving The Miz the chance to hit a forearm to the back of Morrison’s head, before re-attempting his backbreaker into a neckbreaker combo. He is more successful this time, and crawls to cover Morrison after the impact. 1..2.. Another close fall. This has to end soon! The Miz begins to look frustrated, prowling behind Morrison as he waits for him to get to his feet. The Miz hooks Morrison’s arms, sneering as he crushes Morrison into the mat with the Skull Crushing Finale!

Michael Cole
This is it! Miz retains his title!

1..2..3.. No! Morrison kicked out! The Miz is in disbelief, as are the crowd, as both wonder what it will take to put either of these men down for the count tonight! Miz takes a few moments to gather his thoughts, before heading over to the turnbuckle and removing the cover. The referee sees this and forces Miz away, to the cheers of the fans, but whilst the referee is reattaching the cover, Riley is removing the cover from the opposite turnbuckle! Miz drags Morrison over to it, grabbing both of Morrison’s legs under his arms, looking to catapault Morrison into the exposed turnbuckle! The crowd boo as The Miz drops backwards, propelling Morrison towards the exposed steel! The crowd gasp… and cheer… as Morrison lands on the second rope. The Miz is in shock, but hurriedly charges towards Morrison, who flips overhead, landing on his feet. The referee notices the cover missing and sets about putting it back on, but that results in him totally missing Morrison rolling Miz up with a Small Package! The entire arena begins to shout at the referee, urging him to turn around, and count the pin, but the referee continues unknowingly attaching the pad!

Jerry Lawler
Come on ref! Morrison had his shoulders down for a five count there!

Morrison breaks the cover, going over to the referee and shaking him, pointing out that he had pinned The Miz, and should be champion, but the referee can’t do anything about it. The entire crowd groans as they understand what is going on, and jeer when The Miz clatters into the back of Morrison, crushing the referee into the corner at the same time! As Morrison and the referee crumple to the floor, Riley slides his briefcase into The Miz, who smirks at Riley, before picking the case up, and turning to face Morrison, enjoying looking at his own face on the titantron as he waits for Morrison to get to his feet.

Jerry Lawler
Woah Woah! What’s going on!

Alex Riley hits the floor hard, as Randy Orton climbs over the timekeeper’s area, hitting Riley with a brutal clothesline! Orton stalks back over to the corner, picking up the WWE Championship belt, before sliding into the ring. The referee remains incapacitated as The Miz is still waiting for Morrison to get to his feet. Orton stops directly behind The Miz, WWE Championship poised ready to strike. The crowd begin to cheer, both at Morrison stumbling to his feet, and Orton looming over The Miz. Orton taps Miz on the shoulder, and he turns around. Orton swings with the title belt, hoping to take Miz out in the same way that Miz took him out earlier in the night… but The Miz ducks! Orton smashes Morrison in the face with the title! Orton looks a little upset, more because he missed his target than because he hit Morrison, and turns around, getting hammered in the face with the briefcase by The Miz! Miz rolls Orton, the title and the briefcase out of the ring, before reviving the referee, and covering John Morrison. The referee slowly begins to make the count.




The Miz retains!

Winner: The Miz (in 13:53)

Justin Roberts
Here is your winner, and still WWE Champion… The Miz!

The Miz quickly rolls out of the ring, grabbing the WWE Championship from ringside, before retreating hastily up the ramp, Alex Riley only a few steps behind, holding his neck.

Michael Cole
Yes Miz! I knew he could do it!

Jerry Lawler
Are you really gonna sit there and pretend that The Miz did all that himself!? He got lucky! Randy was trying to get his revenge on The Miz for the cowardly attack earlier and The Miz was just lucky enough to dodge and win!

Michael Cole
Lucky? Really!? The Miz was clever enough to get out of the way and capitalise! It’s not his fault that Orton illegally interfered in the match! He was just talented enough to take advantage!

Jerry Lawler
Oh come on! Do you actually believe this rubbish coming out of your mouth?

Randy Orton gets to his feet outside the ring, as John Morrison uses the ring ropes to get to his own feet inside the ring. There is a small cut on Morrison’s face, and the look of anger on his face is accentuated by the crimson stream flowing down his face. He looks at The Miz who raises his title above his head, accompanied by the boos of the fans, and then looks with a mixture of shock, frustration and anger at Randy Orton, who returns an icy glare.

Michael Cole
Well it’s been an action-packed, and controversial episode of RAW tonight folks! Make sure you come back next week to see all the fallout of tonight! Thank you for watching!

The camera shows The Miz smirking, whilst holding his WWE Championship aloft, before it turns to behind him, and shows Morrison and Orton still glaring at each other as RAW goes off the air.

Here is a review for ya bro.

I like the tourney for the spots in the Rumble. The risk and reward is interesting and different, but I love the idea. It adds so much to the final match, and different aspects to matches before then. Say, someone might let a superstar they don't like win, with the chance that guy might lose a final match and get #1.

The Nexus is looking as strong as ever now, which I really enjoy. Otunga seems like a strong personality on the mic and is improving in-ring so it should be interesting to see how this goes. I'm anxious to see how Otunga does in the tourney.

The Carlito return was un-expected, but great. He seems to be a face, but he could be putting on a show, so that's always there, and I like the push he seems to be getting. I was expecting a Cena win in that match, so I was surprised.

This Sheamus angle could go many different ways, and I really like it. I could see a former KOTR winner (maybe even Lawler) feuding with him about the dis-respect of the tourney. It could also go other ways and it seems to be a push which I'm interested in. You really nailed his character also.

The Morrison/Miz match was possibly one of the best TV matches I've seen out of all of the BT's currently running and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Really superb. The segments with Morrison and Miz before the match really accentuated their characters and built the match well, and the match didn't disappoint. I'm excited to see where Orton fits in, maybe a three-way feud?

Good show, and I can't wait to see more.
Review Time!

I like the idea of having a Tournament for the spots in the Royal Rumble. It's a fresh, new idea that makes life bad the dude who loses it haha. Interested to see who you have winning.

I like how you debuted Jackson Andrews. Tyson Kidd sounded really pompous on the mic too. Liked this part a lot. Hopefully, you do a better job with these two than WWE did.

I must say, The Carlito thing shocked me. He was the last person I'd expect. I really thought, it'd be The Great Khali or somebody. What was even more shocking is that he beat Cena. But then I thought back to when Carlito first debuted and he beat Cena for the US Title, so I guess it makes sense. But having him beat Cena at this point in his career is big. Maybe a sign of a little push?

Sheamus disgracing the KOTR?? That just won't do lol. Someone has to stand up to him. His interaction with Lawler makes me thing it'll be him.

Only little thing is that I would build up The Divas Championship Match a little more. Two of the best Divas on RAW should have a little more mic time to sell their match.

Also, if you're going to have Dibiase and Bryan feud for the US Title, I probably woulda made a Mixed Tag Team Match. JMO.

David Otunga as the new mouth piece for The Nexus? Interesting move. You made him sound very believable as the leader and I didn't take him seriously until he beat Mark Henry. I was shocked about that too. He beat The World's Strongest Man? You must have something big planned for him.

The Main Event was excellent. Absolutely no complaint from me about it. And you even threw in Orton to help build The Orton/Miz feud.

Overall great show and you set up a lot of interesting angles that I'm interested in seeing how they play out. Especially Carlito. I'm hoping that wasn't a fluke win. I always thought WWE did him wrong.
Lets get this show on the road shall we?

A tournament to determine the number 1 and 40 participants in the Rumble. Definitely something different. I like the surprise factor much better, but the E has done this before so I can't complain too much. Though to balance things out I'd like to think some SD guys get a shot at this as well.

Cena promo, pretty good. Seems like you have Cena's character close to how he currently is and I could see him throwing a promo like that. Really like what you are doing with Nexus and Otunga especially. Keeping Nexus alive is a great move and I can't wait to see how you book them. Otunga now gets to step in the spotlight and prove his worth. His promo was damn good (minus the word agape, just can't see Otunga using it *nitpick*). I'm suspecting Barrett is either going to SD or will screw Otunga in the tournament or at the Rumble, setting up a Mania match. We shall have to wait and see.

Love Tyson Kidd getting face time and you giving the bodyguard story a chance unlike the WWE. I like that we are going to get to see Andrews gets some action. Side note: We are early in the show and we've seen 3-4 GM segments. A bit much this early, just a heads up. Andrews/Truth was decent. Nothing spectacular, but it got Jackson Andrews some match time and some credibility with a win over a guy like Truth. Yet another GM segment. Digging the match next week. I expect Truth to win and get that 1 on 1 match with Kidd.

Really like the promo/segment between Miz and Orton. Very well written and sticks to their characters rather well. Miz getting the upper hand makes me think Orton is gonna either screw Miz tonight or get a title shot at Royal Rumble.

Good to see the Divas get some mic time. In reality I think that is one thing holding the Divas back and that is the lack of characters and mic time. Seems Melina has begun her role as the bitch on Raw and Natty is well Natty.

Nice little match with Otunga and Henry. Can't really showcase much of the two as neither is spectacular in the ring and that does hinder writing as you gotta keep it realistic. Glad Otunga won as he needs the credibility as a leader and a rising star on Raw.

Good promo from Morrison. Jomo is tough to write for as his mic skills aren't up to par as other top stars so it is really tough to judge his character. I thought this was a very Jomo esque promo and did the job that it was needed to do. Hype the main event and get you behind John Morrison.

Divas match, nothing to really critique or talk about as they tend to be the easiest matches to write and prepare. Main purpose was to further Dibiase and DB and it did just that.

Holy shit?!?! Carlito!!!?!?! Wow, didn't see that coming. And I certainly didn't see him winning the match either. Shocking on both accounts. I'm iffy on Carlito beating Cena in only 8 mins and clean nonetheless. I'm guessing you got big plans for Carlito and this is a way to launch him into the big picture. I would have had a dirty win with the help of Nexus, but it is what it is. Well written match though and that's what matters.

Love this Sheamus promo. Intense and a good way to explain the dropping of the King moniker without just doing it. I'd have to imagine Sheamus feuding soon with someone like Jerry Lawler, Booker T, or Triple H as they are all former/current kings. Looking forward to Sheamus' development down the line fella.

Main event time. Fantastic fucking match there match. Well written, easy to ready, and everything flowed. Loved the ending, thus furthering the tension not only between Miz and Orton, but the growing tension between Orton and Morrison. Could a feud be on the way between those two? Maybe at Mania? I think a Triple Threat at the Rumble could be in the books now considering Morrison got beat dirty.

Overall the show was very very good Avitus. The show is easy on the eyes in terms of reading and is very well written. The superstars are portrayed well. Only issue I really had was all the GM involvements early on, but they seem to cut down once the show got rolling midway through. Not much else to say but keep up the good work and keep rolling out some quality stuff. Looking forward to what lies down the road.
Thanks for the review TSG, Mr. HD & Theo :) Will make sure to look over your next posts each :)

Just a couple of notes... the Divas division i'm aware wasn't particularly showcased on that show but there's big things coming for the Division over the next few months and things will definitely start to pick up...

As for the RAW GM I completely understand what you mean... as I was writing it I was thinking... crikey this is a lot of GM... was quite determined to have my show in this order of matches though so it would have messed the rest of the plans up to change it... wanted to make sure Carlito v Cena got the pre-Main Event slot so it really hyped it... definitely gonna try and avoid doing the same thing again though :)

Thanks again guys really appreciate it :)
Right then, Avitus, young man. Here is a review of RAW. I've reviewed every one of your shows so far! ;)

OK, main thoughts this time:

1. Loved the way you pulled away from the WWE in this show. Miz and Morrison is done (I hope) although Miz and Orton looks set to continue. But you are moving away now and there are bound to be a few loose ends still to be tied up. Good job.

2. Risk or Reward tournament - good idea. The Final match could be extremely interesting. You've got to come up with a good twist for one of the competitors IMO to justify the Risk/Reward part - the winner could come from #1 and get revenge on #40 maybe? Or like Sign Guy said, someone might deliberately lose in the QF/SF to avoid the Final.

3. Carlito is back - one thing to say to that: That's cool! Looking forward to seeing you use him better than WWE did.

4. Sheamus interests me. Looking forward to what that was all about ... There are several ways you could go with that one. Could be fun.

You've come a long way since that first RAW, great job. Now you need to speed up a little. I think you need to make RAW/SMACKDOWN a little shorter so you can get them going a little quicker. Hope to see SMACKDOWN soon. GCB

Denver, CO


As the opening theme plays throughout the arena, the crowd goes crazy for Friday Night Smackdown!

Michael Cole
Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown, Ladies and Gentlemen! The most exciting show on Friday nights is here once again, and I’m sure it won’t disappoint on the last night of 2010!

Josh Matthews
That’s right Cole, we already know that Cody Rhodes will be getting an opportunity to prove himself when he faces off with the giant, The Big Show.

Michael Cole
Last week we saw Cody Rhodes trying to convince some unknown person that he could offer something, and tonight is definitely a chance to back his words up, but we have to remember, The Big Show has some of his own issues. Last week, his match was interrupted by a truly chilling video, and then he was laid out backstage!

Josh Matthews
The only thing worse than The Big Show is The Big Show when he’s angry! Tonight, that’s what Cody Rhodes has to contend with! I’m not sure it’ll be a particularly happy new year for Rhodes!

The camera pans to show Tony Chimel stood in the ring, with Ricardo Rodriguez stood slightly behind him.

Tony Chimel
Allow me to introduce at this time, Alberto Del Rio’s personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez!

Ricardo Rodriguez steps forward in his usual tuxedo, wearing a smug grin, before raising the microphone to his mouth and beginning to speak, as Alberto Del Rio’s music begins to play.


Ricardo Rodriguez
Señoras y señores,
A pesar de no merece ella... aquí es su regalo de Navidad!
Y la mejor manera de entrar en el nuevo año!!!!!
Es la esencia de la cesión y el orgullo de México!
Il es, Alberto Del Rio!!!

Whilst Ricardo is speaking, Alberto steps onto the stage, wearing his suit and open-necked shirt, and a loose white scarf. He is wearing his signature smile and ensures that he takes time to wink at the camera just before his pyro begins to shower down behind him.

Michael Cole
Alberto Del Rio has made a real impression here on Friday Night Smackdown since his debut earlier this year. He’s taken out some of the biggest and most loved superstars here on Smackdown, and now he’s set his sights on the world title. It can only be a matter of time until Alberto Del Rio holds the World Heavyweight Championship.

Alberto steps into the ring, taking Ricardo’s microphone before shaking his hand and turning to look at the camera. Alberto winks into the camera once more, sparking more jeers. He waits until the crowd has quietened and then begins to speak.

Alberto Del Rio
My name is Alberto Del Rio… but you already know that!

The crowd begin to boo once again, as Alberto looks behind him at Rodriguez and both smile. The crowd finally begin to quieten down again, and Alberto raises the microphone to his mouth.

Alberto Del Rio
Ever since I set foot here in the WWE, I have been striving for one thing. The World Heavyweight Title. Every week I’ve got a step closer to achieving my goal. My destiny. I was born to be champion, and just a few weeks ago, I had my first chance to achieve that destiny. The first of many. But I can’t focus on the title. I can’t focus on my quest for glory, for destiny. First, I have a little Chihuahua to deal with. A little speck of dirt on the bottom of my shoe. Rey Mysterio.

The crowd cheer, and Alberto sarcastically smiles along, with Rodriguez sarcastically laughing in the background.

Alberto Del Rio
Exactly. He panders to all of you. Claims he’s doing all of this for you. No one does any of this for anyone but themselves. I am here, because I want to achieve my destiny. Mysterio is here for exactly the same reason. You have all been fooled. Behind his mask he smirks at the way he has been able to fool you. He isn’t your hero. He’s your puppetmaster. You boo me, but I am honest to you about my intentions. Mysterio purposefully deceives you. All of his achievements, his accolades, are tainted by his deception. I will honour the title. I will…


The entire crowd erupt into cheers as the World Champion steps onto the stage, wrestling gear and trench-coat on, with his World Heavyweight Championship strapped around his waist. He already has a microphone in hand, and once his pyro has finished, he steps into the ring opposite Del Rio, smirking at Del Rio and Rodriguez.

Destiny? You think it’s your destiny to hold this? You keep talking as if it’s going to be easy for you to step up and get the title. You think it will be easy to pry this from me? I’ve beaten some of the most impressive and talented superstars that this industry has to offer, and I’ve still come out holding this World Heavyweight title. You forget, you’re not even a contender. You’ve yet to earn a shot. So why don’t you take a few steps back, let your brain catch up with your mouth, and actually prove these things.

Alberto Del Rio’s face drops, and Rodriguez steps forward with an angry look on his face. He gets right in the face of Edge, with Alberto watching on angrily behind. The tension rises, with the crowd expecting a physical confrontation between the three stars in the ring.

Josh Matthews
This situation could explode at any moment! Wait what’s this!

The crowd erupt into cheers once more as Rey Mysterio slides into the ring, tackling Del Rio and raining fist after fist into his face. Ricardo Rodriguez steps forward to pull Mysterio off of Alberto, but Edge catches him with a huge right hand, sending him stumbling backwards.


Kane’s theme hits and he stomps out onto the stage, accompanied by his usual eerie lighting. He begins to walk to the ring, and the superstars in the ring separate out, Mysterio and Edge in one corner, and Rodriguez and Del Rio in another.

Michael Cole
I wouldn’t want to be any of those guys in the ring now! Talk about a volatile situation!

Kane reaches the ring, and is about to step up onto the apron, when…


The crowd boo the disruption of the situation but also cheer the arrival of the Smackdown GM. Long is wearing his usual oversized suit, and has a business-like look on his face.

Teddy Long
I am tired of this. It’s obvious there are some issues going on here, and I can tell that the WWE Universe wants us to sort them out as soon as possible!

The crowd cheers in response to this, and all four men in the ring smirk and nod at the idea of getting their hands on their rivals.

Teddy Long
Edge, you were right, Alberto hasn’t earned his shot at your title, but tonight he will get a shot to earn it. The Main Event of the evening will be a match to crowd a new Number 1 Contender! It will be Alberto del Rio against a man who would enjoy nothing more than stopping your destiny in its tracks. Alberto, your opponent will be Rey Mysterio! And that’s not all! As you all seem to have a habit of getting involved in each other’s matches, Edge and Kane… you will be banned from ringside! Edge, if you interfere you will have to forfeit the title, and Kane, you will lose your rematch!

Alberto and Mysterio both nod and look pleased with the opportunity to become Number 1 Contender, and potentially even World Champion. Edge looks unfazed by the idea, but Kane’s look of anger changes to one of confusion. He turns to looks at Teddy Long.

Teddy Long
Speaking of which… Kane, I know what you’re thinking. You do have a guaranteed re-match and I know you were hoping to have that match at the Rumble, but those plans have changed. Next week, in our Main Event, it will by The Big Red Monster, Kane, facing off with World Heavyweight Champion, Edge with the title on the line! Whoever emerges victorious next week, will progress to the Royal Rumble pay-per-view to face the winner of tonight’s Main Event!

The crowd all burst into cheers, and Kane’s demented sneer returns.

Teddy Long
But that’s not all! Tonight, Edge, you’ll have a chance to warm up, as you face the All-American American Jack Swagger! That match will take place next! Holla Holla Holla!

All four men exchange glances in the ring, before Teddy Long heads backstage.

Josh Matthews
Smackdown GM Teddy Long has made some huge matches there! We’ve got our Main Event for tonight and next week set, but first we’ve got our World Champion in action against Jack Swagger! Stay tuned folks!




The crowd erupt into boos as Smackdown return from commercial and Jack Swagger’s theme hits. The camera shows Edge standing in the ring leaning back on the ropes, getting used to the spring. He is looking focused, and seems hardly fazed by the idea of facing Kane next week. Swagger walks out onto the stage in his usual amateur style singlet. He holds his arms in the air, looking confident with a grin on his face, before he drops and performs push ups as the crowds rain boos down on him.

Michael Cole
Jack Swagger has been in pursuit of the Intercontinental Title for the past few months, but he looks to make a big impact against the World Heavyweight Champion tonight, maybe hoping to propel himself into contention for the title that he held earlier this year.[/i]

Tony Chimel
This non-title bout is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Perry, Oklahoma, and weighing in at 263 pounds, the All-American American, Jack Swagger! And already in the ring, his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge!

Swagger ducks into the ring, before taunting with his arms raised in front of Edge, who just smirks at Swagger, before retreating to the corner as the referee rings the bell.

Josh Matthews
Neither man seems to have the advantage going into this match, but you have to imagine that Edge will be looking out for Kane throughout the entire match tonight!

Edge v Jack Swagger
Edge looks to start the match quickly, hitting quick right hands to the head of Swagger, before hitting a firm kick to the gut and running the ropes. Swagger recovers and swings for a clothesline, but Edge ducks underneath it, and hits the ropes again, flying through the air with a running crossbody. Edge crushes Swagger to the mat in a pinning position. 1..2... Swagger quickly and powerfully kicks out, but flustered by Edge’s confident start. Edge waits for Swagger to get to his feet, before hitting some more rights and whipping him into the corner. Swaggers sags into the corner, and Edge follows up with a clothesline… which Swagger ducks, wrapping his arms around Edge’s waist and hitting a big German Suplex. Edge is prone in the middle of the ring, cover by Swagger! 1..2.. Edge kicks out, but as he tries to recover, it’s obvious that he was rocked by the hard suplex. Swagger is immediately on Edge, looking on a front facelock, followed by successive brutal knees to the chest. The crowd boo as Swagger hits 4 strong knees in a row, before raising Edge into the air in a suplex position. Swagger tries to show some impressive power by holding Edge in the air, but Edge is able to drop out of the back and push Swagger into the ropes, rolling him up. 1..2.. Swagger quickly out, but Edge is ready, charging at Swagger, and hoping to clothesline him over the top rope. Swagger sees it coming however, and is able to elevate Edge over to the ring apron. Edge stumbles to his feet on the apron, only to be hit by a huge big boot to the face from Swagger, sending Edge crashing into the barricade at ringside.

Michael Cole
Jack Swagger has managed to gain control over the World Heavyweight Champion Edge! We could see quite an upset here tonight!

The referee begins to count, as Edge tries to stumble to his feet, and into the ring. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8.. Edge finally stumbles to his feet, and is about to stumble in the ring, when Swagger barges the referee out of the way, and grabs Edge by his hair over the top rope. Edge shows his superior cunning and experience though, when he drops down, yanking Swagger’s arm hard down onto the rope and sending him recoiling to the canvas. The crowd cheer, as Edge pulls Swagger out of the ring by his feet, breaking the count. Edge kicks Swagger hard in the gut, before throwing him into the steel steps headfirst, and then rolling him back into the ring for the cover. 1..2.. Swagger kicks out but only barely. Edge lays some stomps into Swagger, and raises his arm to the crowd, who cheer the determination of Edge. He props Swagger up in the corner, hitting some punches to the head, before whipping him into the opposite corner, and following it with a shoulder block to the ribs. Swagger crumples at his abdomen, and Edge hits a snapmare into a cover. 1..2.. Swagger kicks out again. Edge takes a step back and sets up for a spear in the corner, but as he charges for it, Swagger sidesteps, and then hits a clothesline to Edge as he turns around. Edge is turned inside out, lying lifeless on the canvas. 1..2.. Last second kick out by the World Champion! The All American-American begins to stomp on Edge, before running into the corner, and springs back from the second rope to land on the prone Edge with a splash. Cover again, hooking both legs. 1..2.. The Rated R Superstar barely gets the shoulder up again, and Jack Swagger notices this weakness, deciding the try and end the match. He grabs the World Champion’s ankle, but Edge has the move scouted, and instead pushes Swagger off, before slowly rising to his feet, ducking a wild right from Swagger, and hitting some punches of his own, as the crowd rally behind him.

Josh Matthews
This is Edge’s chance to recover and win this thing!

Edge follows up the punches with a low kick to the gut, before hitting a big Edgecution DDT! Cover. 1..2.. Swagger kicks out, but it’s only a faint kick out. Edge gets to his feet, and again retreats to the corner looking for a spear. The crowd begin to chant spear as Swagger slowly stumbles to his feet, and finally he is standing, and Edge charges across the ring. Swagger raises his knee to hit Edge in the face, and Swagger takes advantage of Edge’s pain with a huge belly to belly suplex. Swagger reaches for Edge’s leg, and the ankle lock is locked in. Edge writhes in pain on the mat, but only for a few seconds as Edge fights out of it, rolling Swagger throat first out of the ring. The referee comes to check on Edge, giving Swagger chance to grab brass knuckles from in his singlet, and put them on his hand. Swagger is about to slide back into the ring with the knuckles on, when the crowd erupt, and Kofi Kingston comes hurtling down the ramp, grabbing the knuckles from Swagger’s hand and throwing him into the ring, all unbeknownst to the referee. Swagger gets to his feet in the ring, only to be immediately taken down by a brutal spear from Edge. The World Champion covers. 1..2..3..

Winner: Edge (in 9:02)

Edge slowly stumbles to his feet as the referee hands him his World Heavyweight Championship belt, and the fans all begin to cheer. Edge points to Kofi Kingston in recognition, before standing on the turnbuckle to celebrate.

Tony Chimel
Here is your winner, The World Heavyweight Champion, Edge!

Michael Cole
An impressive win right here for the World Champion, but perhaps the real story is developing between Swagger and Kingston.

Josh Matthews
Both of these men have been chasing the Intercontinental Title over the past few months, and it looks like both men are still determined to outdo the other in order to become the top contender to that title!

Jack Swagger rolls out of the ring, stumbling to his feet, using the ring steps for support. Kofi Kingston remains stood on the ramp, smiling and applauding Edge’s victory, as the fans continue to cheer. A close up of Swagger’s face shows the anger in his eyes, before he advances up the ramp to get right in the face of Kingston. Kingston doesn’t back down, and the crowd begin to get louder in anticipation of a confrontation between these two men, until finally Swagger backs down, walking to the back with a smirk on his face.

Michael Cole
Something has got to give between these two men soon! Will either of these men end up getting the chance to face Dolph Ziggler for the title?

Kingston follows to the back shortly afterwards, leaving Edge to collect a microphone and stand in the ring, ready to speak. As he raises his microphone to his mouth…


The entire arena is engulfed in a creepy red light, as Kane charges menacingly down to the ring. Edge drops the microphone in anticipation of some kind of physicality, and sure enough, as soon as Kane steps into the ring, the two men go at it. The two are equal until eventually Kane is able to hit a huge uppercut to the throat of Edge, whose previous match has left him at a disadvantage against the fresh Kane. Kane quickly raises Edge from the canvas, clapping his hand around the Champion’s throat, before he lifts Edge into the air and hits a thunderous Chokeslam! Kane begins to laugh maniacally, before he raises his arms into the air and then drops them, causing a huge eruption of flame from the turnbuckles, and his music to restart.

Josh Matthews
Kane truly is a monster! Edge had no chance after competing in a hard hitting match against Jack Swagger just before Kane’s attack, and Kane took full advantage!

Michael Cole
It looks like The Big Red Monster may have just claimed an advantage over his opponent for next week!

Josh Matthews
Stay tuned folks we’ll be back right after this!



The show returns with a promo for the Royal Rumble.

In 5 weeks... the road to Wrestlemania officially begins...

The image of a road appears on screen, surrounded by a desolate wasteland, no signs of life evident. The camera pans 180 degrees to show the road descending from the brow of a hill, the landscape beyond the hill out of sight.

At the Royal Rumble, many will begin the journey...

A group of people begin to rise over the brow of the hill, before beginning the journey down the road, towards the camera.

One by one, they will fall at the wayside...

One by one the crowd begins to diminish, the people simply fading away, until only a few remain.

One will continue on this journey, one will reach their destination...

The rest of the crowd disappear until only one person remains, walking past the camera, which swivels, showing the end of the road, symbolised by the Wrestlemania 27 symbol.

Wrestlemania 27!

The camera fades to a graphic of the Royal Rumble, explaining how to order the PPV, whilst the official theme, “Hell Yeah” by Rev Theory plays. The announcer then run down the matches currently announced whilst the theme begins to play.

Josh Matthews
The Royal Rumble will certainly be a huge event, and so far we know that whoever emerges next week as the World Heavyweight Champion will face the winner of our Main Event tonight, between Del Rio and Mysterio!

Michael Cole
And let’s not forget, the eponymous match type of the event, the Royal Rumble match! This year’s match is more exciting than ever, with an incredible 40 men taking part!

Josh Matthews
And with the announcement of the Risk or Reward tournament for the coveted number 40, and despised number 1 spots, it looks like the match will be even more unpredictable than usual!

Michael Cole
A truly inspired idea by the General Manager! The tournament will include superstars from both Smackdown and RAW, and so far we know that David Otunga, Sheamus, John Cena and the newly returned Carlito will be competitors in the tournament!

Josh Matthews
Whoever emerges victorious from this tournament could have a huge impact on the WWE headed into both Wrestlemania, and the wider future of the WWE!

The bell rings, as Tony Chimel begins to introduce the competitors in the next match.

Tony Chimel
The following match is set for one fall…


JTG bursts out onto the stage to a lukewarm response from the crowd. He quickly swaggers down to the ring, bouncing on the second rope once he slides into the squared circle.

Tony Chimel
Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 235 pounds, JTG!

JTG smiles at the crowd, raising his arms in the air before another theme hits…

Michael Cole
JTG is a promising young superstar here on Friday Night Smackdown, and he looks to make a statement here tonight against a former ECW Champion!


Chavo slowly and cockily steps out onto the stage, raising both arms above his head and then pointing to the heavens before walking down the ramp. He sneers at fans on his way, tapping himself in the chest and shouting at fans that they’re just jealous of his heritage.

Tony Chimel
And introducing his opponent, from El Paso, Texas, weighing in at 215 pounds, Chavo Guerrero!

Josh Matthews
Last week we saw Chavo Guerrero finally rid himself of Hornswoggle’s menace, and tonight Guerrero looks much more like the focussed “warrior” that we’ve grown used to seeing in Chavo Guerrero. Take a look at what happened.

A replay of Guerrero’s attack on Hornswoggle is shown, with the brutal wrench shot and then the Brainbuster onto the concrete playing on the titantron, as Guerrero smirks on from the ring. He raises his arms again in a taunt as footage of Hornswoggle being removed on a stretcher is shown. The footage stops and the entire arena rains boos down on Chavo, apart from the usual few rebellious fans who cheer due to a dislike of Hornswoggle’s overly family friendly act. The fans finally quieten down as the referee backs both men into opposite corners, before he rings the bell to signify the start of the match.

Chavo Guerrero v JTG
Chavo goes after JTG right from the start, hitting a low kick to the knee followed by powerful right hands. Chavo takes JTG over with a hip toss, hitting a dropkick to the back of JTG’s head straight after. Chavo covers. 1..2.. JTG kicks out, and Chavo almost looks pleased at the opportunity to inflict more pain. Chavo taunts the fans a little before hitting a big knee drop to the face of JTG, before he slides out of the ring. He stands on the apron, looking to springboard, when JTG quickly runs to his feet, hitting Chavo with some big right hands on the apron, before swinging for a clothesline. Chavo ducks, grabs JTG’s arm and snaps him back to the canvas. JTG lies clutching his arm on the mat, as Chavo flips over the top rope, hitting a huge senton on JTG. Chavo goes for the pin, and doesn’t seem at all disappointed when JTG is able to break up the pin by grabbing the ropes. Chavo continues the assault, using the bottom rope to propel him into the air and add momentum to his vicious stomps to the head of JTG.

Josh Matthews
Chavo could cause some real damage to the head of JTG! JTG could have some serious issues here!

Chavo continues the assault, before lifting JTG to his feet and running the ropes. JTG is able to duck the initial attempt at a clothesline, but Chavo hits a huge spinning wheel kick upon the return. Chavo doesn’t even bother attempting a cover at this point, instead picking JTG up and locking him into a suplex position. Chavo points to the sky, before wrenching JTG into the air and slamming him down with a suplex, and then another, and then finally one more to complete the Three Amigos. The fans boo as Chavo steps to his feet, and he looks to climb to the top rope for the Frog Splash but he has second thoughts and instead picks JTG up, locking him into a suplex position again. Chavo raises JTG vertically into the air, before he turns to raise the camera, smirking as he drops JTG with a brutal Brainbuster! Chavo covers, not even bothering to hook the leg. 1..2..3.. Chavo wins!

Winner: - Chavo Guerrero (in 4:34)

Tony Chimel
The winner… Chavo Guerrero!

The fans all begin to boo as Chavo steps to his feet, glaring at the crowd, before slowly turning to look at JTG.

Michael Cole
Chavo’s been showing a lot more fire lately, and this young man has been unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of it! He’s still not moved!

JTG remains lying still, as Chavo slowly stalks towards him, before smirking and nodding his head. He walks over the turnbuckle, climbing to the top rope. He stands on the top rope, looking around the arena, about to leap for a Frog Splash…


Chavo’s head snaps to look at the stage as Hornswoggle’s theme hits. The crowd erupts, the cheers magnifying as Chavo’s face changes to an expression of confusion, wondering how Hornswoggle could be here after such a brutal attack last week. Chavo looks anxiously around the arena, but a minute or so later he smirks, happily convinced that Hornswoggle is not in fact in the arena. He returns his gaze to the mat, and sees that JTG has managed to roll out of the ring and retreat up the ramp. Chavo looks angry, leaping down from the top rope in frustration, as the show fades to commercial.



Smackdown returns from commercial, with Rosa Mendes standing in the ring, awaiting her opponent for tonight.

Tony Chimel
This match is scheduled for one fall! Standing in the ring, the first competitor, from San Jose, Costa Rica, Rosa Mendes!

Rosa raises one arm into the air and pouts at the fans, expecting support, but the crowd barely react, apart from a few lecherous whistles from the crowd.

Michael Cole
Welcome back to the New Year’s Eve edition of Friday Night Smackdown! It’s A New Year’s treat up next, as the WWE Divas with be in action!


The crowd erupt into cheers as Kelly Kelly’s bursts onto the stage, smiling at the crowd. She raises her arms into the air and is met with a much louder, and warmer, response than Rosa Mendes. She begins to walk down the ramp, slapping hands as she goes, as Tony Chimel begins her introduction.

Tony Chimel
Introducing her opponent, from Jacksonville, Flo-

Chimel stops his introduction as Kelly Kelly is thrown headfirst into the ring steps. Her attacker is hidden from view by the camera, until the camera pans back to reveal Amazing Kong! She laughs maniacally into the camera, before throwing Kelly into the ring. She rolls in herself, taking Rosa out with a brutal backhand, before turning her attention back to Kelly Kelly. Kong grins as Kelly stumbles to her feet, before hitting a low punch to her gut, and setting her up for a powerbomb. Kong raises Kelly up, slamming her down with a brutal Sit-Out Powerbomb! Kong laughs evilly into the camera, accompanied by a mixture of both boos and cheers from the audience! She picks Rosa up, kicking her low, before dropping her too with a brutal powerbomb! Kong begins to walk up the ramp, laughing maniacally and grinning the whole way, as the camera focuses on the two decimated Divas in the ring.

Michael Cole
Who is this!? I’d heard rumours about the WWE signing a new diva!

Josh Matthews
I’m not sure I’m quite describe her as a diva Cole! I think monster would be a better description!

Amazing Kong has by this point returned backstage, and the crowd has again reduced to a quiet hush as the two Divas are helped from ringside. The attention does not maintain on the Divas for long however. Just as Josh finishes his sentence, all of the lights in the arena fade away. Similar to last week, a wail of shrieks begin to echo around the arena, as a covered face fades into view on the titantron. Despite being covered, the torment can be seen by the strain on the material, and as the camera fades back, similar strain is seen upon the strait-jacket that the figure is wearing. The camera judders as the figure takes a menacing step forward, before a particularly ear splitting scream echoes around the sound system. The camera fades to black, before fading back into focus on the figure sat, leaning against a wall, rocking back and forwards. The camera pans outwards, revealing the wall above the figure’s head. Upon the wall are deep gashes, forming a message upon the wall, reading, “This is just the beginning.” The camera again fades to black, with the lights slowly fading back on in the arena, to reveal faces just as shocked as those last week.

Michael Cole
Wha… what did that message mean? “This is just the beginning?”

Josh Matthews
Whoever this figure is will seemingly unleash some major devastation upon this company when he actually debuts here in the WWE!

The arena begins to fill once more with murmurs and the usual excitement which is expected at a WWE show, before the camera fades to backstage, where Todd Grishasm is stood alongside the World’s Largest Athlete, The Big Show. Grisham looks completely terrified after the video that just aired, whilst the Big Show seems to have a mingled appearance of anger, frustration and, for one of the first times ever, fear. The Big Show snarls as Todd begins to speak, left fuming by the video.

Todd Grishasm
My guest at this time is a man who was interrupted by a similar video before his match last week, and who was later found unconscious backstage, encased within a strait-jacket, The Big Show. Now Show, one would have to argue that the two events were linked last week?

Big Show
I don’t care whether they were linked or not. If they weren’t then it just means there’s more people for me to destroy when I get my hands on them. I’m guessing some punks think that taking me out is the best way to get ahead in this business. Well you’re right, trying to take down a monster like me is a good way to get ahead, but you obviously haven’t considered the consequences. You’re on top of the world now I’m sure, but when I find you I’ll make you wish you’d never considered even looking at me!

Show glares into the camera, making sure the intensity of his emotion is properly portrayed to everyone watching, and Todd waits a few seconds before asking his next question.

Todd Grisham
Now Show, tonight you’ve got a match against Cody Rhodes, another superstar who seems to be trying to make a name for himself at your expense. Do you think he might have had something to do with what happened last week?

Show laughs into the camera, maybe going a little over the top, before he takes the microphone from Todd.

Big Show
You honestly think Cody Rhodes has any chance of doing that to me? Cody’s living on his father’s coattails, and tonight is when he gets knocked off those coattails by my fist. Tonight, Cody is going to take the full brunt of my anger, and he’s going to regret ever asking for that chance to try and prove himself.

Show drops the microphone, storming out of the shot, before the camera again focuses on Todd, who sends the action back to ringside.

Josh Matthews
I don’t think I’ve ever seen The Big Show so intense! I wouldn’t want to be Cody Rhodes tonight when he steps in the ring with The Big Show!

Michael Cole
Don’t underestimate Cody though! Big Show’s anger might work against him, and I’m sure Cody will try and find a way to play upon that!

Cody Rhodes steps out onto the stage, accompanied to a barrage of boos, before he turned around and examined himself in the mirror on the screen, touching his face and staring at himself in admiration.

Tony Chimel
This match is set for one fall. Introducing first from Marietta, Georgia, weighing in at 223 pounds, Cody Rhodes!

Rhodes begins to stroll down to the ring, arrogantly looking at the crowd with his usual self-assurance. He arrogantly swaggers into the ring, smirking at the crowd, before he turns to look at the titantron in fear as a new theme erupts.


The entire arena jumps to their feet as The World’s Largest Athlete strides onto the stage, a true look of intensity and anger on his face. He locks eyes with Rhodes in the ring, and Rhodes quickly takes a few steps backwards, bowing out of the ring on the far side. Big Show quickly stomps down to the ring, hauling himself onto the apron and over the top rope without any sense of a smile or pleasure, simply a burning intensity.

Tony Chimel
And introducing his opponent, from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 485 pounds, The Big Show!

Show locks his gaze onto Cody Rhodes, and the camera gets a brilliant close up of the look of fear on Cody’s face, as he hesitates getting in the ring. He slowly clambers onto the apron, but Big Show takes one step towards him and Rhodes jumps down from the apron again.

Michael Cole
Rhodes wants nothing to do with The Big Show! I can’t say that I blame him though!

The Big Show v Cody Rhodes
The referee signals to Cody to get into the ring, but Rhodes ignores him, still glaring at the Big Show with a worried look on his face. The referee shakes his head and rings the bell, symbolising the start of the match. The referee begins to count Rhodes out of the match, reaching 3 before Rhodes even contemplates entering the ring.

Michael Cole
How is this fair?! The Big Show looks like he could kill somebody! It’s not fair to penalise Rhodes for being scared! Wouldn’t you be!?

Josh Matthews
Cody asked for a chance to prove himself Cole, and he’s definitely got it now… if he ever decides to get in the ring.

As Josh says this, The Big Show’s frustration boils over, and he climbs over the top rope, dropping down to ringside and advancing on Rhodes. At this point Rhodes quickly runs around ringside, advancing into the ring, and rolling quickly to his feet, looking at The Big Show cautiously. Show shakes his head at ringside, before stepping onto the apron. Rhodes quickly tries to take advantage, diving at The Big Show with a forearm, but Show simply catches Rhodes by the throat and throws him backwards across the ring. He steps over the rope, hitting a big shoulder tackle on Rhodes as he tries another attack, before picking Rhodes up by his hair and hitting a huge chop to the chest. Rhodes thunders to the mat, as the crowd gasp, before Show picks him up and hits two more big chops. Show continues the assault, throwing Rhodes into the corner, hushing the crowd and hitting another huge chop, covering Rhodes’ chest with welts. Rhodes slumps in the corner, and Show slowly walks to the other side of the ring, charging to try and hit a big splash, but Rhodes is too quick. Rhodes ducks underneath hitting the ropes himself and leaping to deliver a huge dropkick to the face of The Big Show. Show stumbles further back into the corner, as Rhodes follows up the assault, hitting brutal kicks to the chest of the Big Show, before Rhodes himself shushed the crowd, and swung to slap the Big Show’s chest, in retaliation for all the strikes against him. Show catches the slap, turns to look at the crowd, and shakes his head at Rhodes, before picking Rhodes up above his head, holding him there for almost 10 seconds, before Show drops him face-first to the mat. Show drops to the mat and covers Rhodes… 1..2.. Rhodes manages to kick out! Show grins at the chance to inflict more punishment, before picking Rhodes up once more. Show takes a little too long, and Rhodes is able to hit a few punches, before inexplicably hitting an open-handed slap to the face of The Big Show! Show’s face turns into a look of pure evil, as he throws Rhodes into the corner, hitting punch after punch to the head and body of Rhodes.

Michael Cole
Get him off of Cody! Referee get in there!

The referee tries to pull Show away but is unable to, and resorts to counting. 1..2..3..4... The referee tries again to pull Show off of Rhodes, and the momentary distraction allows Rhodes to hit a low kick to the groin of The Big Show. Show doubles over, as many of the men in the audience grimace in pain, and Rhodes takes the chance to hit a huge running Tornado DDT on the Big Show! Rhodes scrambles to the cover. 1..2.. Show throws Cody off to break the cover but is obviously rattled, as he takes a few seconds too long to get to his feet. Rhodes is able to hit a low drop kick to Show’s face, followed by a big leg drop to the back of Show’s head, before he begins to rain down stomps on the prone Big Show. Rhodes tries to turn Show into a pin, but is unable to, and instead climbs to the second rope, waiting for Show to get to his feet. The crowd boo as Show slowly stumbles to his feet, trying to warn him of the impending assault, but Cody flies through the air with a Moonsault. Show turns just as Cody comes down on his body, but he gets caught by Show, who laughs into the camera and soaks up the crowd’s cheers, before he raises Rhodes to his shoulders. Shows look of intensity changes to one of confused shock as Rhodes hits some brutal elbows to Show’s head, and drops to the floor, before bringing his arm up, towards Show’s crotch once more, aiming to again take an unfair advantage over the World’s Largest Athlete. Show is too quick however, catching Rhodes arm and wrenching him to his feet, grinning at him before clapping his enormous hand around the throat of Cody Rhodes, and beginning to raise him into the air, as the lights in the arena turn off. No noise can be heard, until a single tortured cry echoes throughout the arena. The cry continues on for what feels like minutes, until it abruptly stops, and the lights come on once more, to see Show lay in the middle of the ring, seemingly unconscious.

Josh Matthews
The Big Show seems to have been knocked out! And I don’t think it was Rhodes’ doing!

The referee is unable to call a disqualification as he has no proof of interference, and so the match continues. Rhodes is shown standing in one of the corners, and a smirk slowly comes onto his face as he slowly climbs to the top rope. He pauses when he reaches the top rope, standing tall, before performing a breath-taking moonsault onto the fallen Big Show. Rhodes grasps at his stomach, feeling the impact of his own manoeuvre, before covering The Big Show. 1..2..3..

Winner: - Cody Rhodes (in 8:29)

Tony Chimel
The winner of the match… Cody Rhodes!

Cody allows the referee to raise his arm into the air, smirking at the crowd, before heading up the ramp, occasionally glancing back at The World’s Largest Athlete laying in the ring.

Josh Matthews
A big win for Cody Rhodes tonight, but it looks like The Big Show’s mysterious attacker has shown up again.

Michael Cole
There’s no proof that it was anyone but Cody that led to Rhodes’ victory tonight! Rhodes made a huge point tonight, and as far as anyone can prove he did it all by himself!

The camera points one last time at the prone figure of the Big Show in the ring, before it fades to black. The camera then shows the image of Todd Grisham stood in the back with Alberto Del Rio.

Todd Grisham
Please welcome my guest at this time: Alberto Del Rio.

Boos from the crowd are audible but Del Rio just smiles at Todd, before smoothing his own suit.

Todd Grisham
Alberto, tonight, you’re in the Main Event, competing for a chance to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble. But the man you have to go through is no stranger to championship gold, and indeed, has been one of your biggest rivals since your arrival here in…

Alberto’s face slowly changes to a sneer as Grisham talks, until Del Rio snatches the microphone from Grisham, and begins to speak, gesticulating wildly at the helpless interviewer as he does so.

Alberto Del Rio
Rey has been World Heavyweight Champion how many times in his almost decade long career in the WWE? Twice. Twice in almost ten years. Yet here I am… 6 months into my WWE career, and already on the brink of becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Two matches. That’s all that stands between me and the World Heavyweight Championship. Who I face is irrelevant. I am the essence of excellence, and I will show that against whoever holds the World Heavyweight Championship heading into the Royal Rumble. As for tonight? Rey? When I first came to the WWE, there was an aspect of national competition, national pride, but when I came face to face with “the best that Mexico had to offer”, I was sorely disappointed. Rey is nothing but a washed-up old carcass clinging onto the limelight. Tonight is the end for Rey. Ever since I came here this has been the point that I’ve been hoping to reach… the chance to put Rey out of this industry, and put myself in a position to take the championship… all at once. Tonight will be the proudest moment of my career so far, and the worst night of Rey Mysterio’s life.

Alberto pushes the microphone back at Todd, winks, and walks off the set, as Smackdown fades to commercial.



Smackdown returns as the bell rings.

Tony Chimel
This match is scheduled for one fall!


Drew McIntyre walks out onto the stage, wearing his ring gear, and holding a microphone. He looks focussed and self-assured, and begins to walk down the ramp.

Josh Matthews
Welcome back to Friday Night Smackdown! This next match was a result of a challenge by McIntyre last week, stemming from his on-going quest to woo Kelly Kelly. It’ll be interesting to see whether the attack on Kelly Kelly by Amazing Kong earlier will have any impact on either men heading into this match.

Tony Chimel
Introducing first, from Ayr, Scotland, weighing in at 256 pounds… Drew Mcintyre!

McIntyre slides into the ring as the crowd rains boos down upon him, before he waits for the crowd to quieten and begins to speak.

Drew McIntyre
These past few months, you may have noticed that I developed a little bit of a… fancy for one of the WWE Divas, Kelly Kelly. For those few months I have been focussed on trying to win her heart, rather than on trying to be the best superstar that I can be. I spent my time looking out for her, like last week, when I tried to save her from Laycool, but she rebuked me time and time again. I blamed myself. I felt like it was because I wasn’t good enough for her, and I tried to become better. But tonight, something has happened that has made me realise that I was wrong. I was living my life in the wrong way. Tonight, Kelly Kelly was decimated by Amazing Kong. She was trampled over as if she were a speck of dirt on the floor. The woman that I had spent months of my life striving for… was proven to be pathetic. You’ll all boo me because you’d expect me to feel bad and sorry for Kelly, but no. Her destruction was a good thing. It has refocused me. It has shown me that I can only rely on one thing, and that I should only think about one thing: me. Kelly is an object of my past, and I will be the object of my future.

Drew drops the microphone as his opponents theme hits.


The crowd cheer, though not particularly loudly, as Chris Masters walks out onto the stage and walks quickly down the ramp towards the ring.

Michael Cole
It looks like Kelly Kelly’s assault earlier has lit a fire under both men for very different reasons: McIntyre is re-focused on himself, and Masters seems to be frustrated by McIntyre’s harsh words towards Kelly Kelly. This could be a hard-hitting match up.

Tony Chimel
Introducing his opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 265 pounds, Chris Masters!

Masters bows into the ring and squares up to Drew McIntyre, being met only by an arrogant look of intensity from McIntyre. The referee backs Masters into the opposite corner, before turning and signalling for the bell.

Chris Masters v Drew McIntyre
Both men square off as soon as the bell rings, before McIntyre takes advantage with a quick low knee to the gut. McIntyre rains punches down onto Masters face, before whipping him into the ropes and following it up with another low knee, doubling Masters over. McIntyre taunts as Masters backs into a corner before the Chosen One rains boot after boot into the abdomen of Masters, leaving him gasping for breath. McIntyre continues his brutal assault, hitting hard shots to the ribs and stomach of Masters, and keeping him under control for several minutes, occasionally trying to a pin, but Masters refuses to fade. McIntyre seems to grow bored, signalling for the finish, and attempting to lock his arms around Masters for his Future Shock DDT, but Masters fights out, wrenching McIntyre into the air over his head, and slamming him down to the mat in an enormous display of strength. Both men are slow to climb to their feet, but McIntyre succeeds in getting to his feet first: the damage done to Masters obviously taking its toll. The Scotsman waits for the Masterpiece to get to his feet, before aiming a harsh kick at the gut of Masters. Masters catches the foot, hitting a big clothesline in retaliation, followed by another, then another. He follows these with a big scoop slam, before going for the pin. 1..2.. Kickout by Drew! Drew backs into a corner, and Masters runs in for yet another clothesline. McIntyre gets crushed against the turnbuckle and collapses to the mat, as Masters calls for the Masterlock. The crown begin to get behind Masters as his opponent slowly stumbles to hit feet, and Masters tries to lock in his brutal submission finisher. McIntyre fights it though, preventing Masters hands from locking, and the two struggle for position for almost a whole minute, until McIntyre uses his cunning, stamping on the foot of Masters, breaking the contact. McIntyre follows up with a backwards boot to the gut, before hitting a hard knee to the face of Masters. Masters is visibly dazed as McIntyre locks his arms over his back, dropping Masters with a brutal Futureshock DDT. This one is over. 1..2..3…

Winner: - Drew McIntyre (in 6:43)

McIntyre stands up, looking down at the prone body of Masters as the referee tries to stop any further conflict between the two.

Michael Cole
An impressive victory for Drew McIntyre here! Chris Masters never really got out of the starting blocks and every time he tried to mount any offence McIntyre just hammered it down. This is the side of McIntyre that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon must have seen when he heralded him as the Chosen One of the WWE!

The camera fades to backstage, where a camera is focussed on a locker room door. A single muffled voice can be heard on the other side of the door, sounding self-assured, and as the cameraman pushes the door open and steps into the room, Cody Rhodes is revealed as the source of the voice. He holds a phone to his ear, and wears a self-confident smile, looking almost a little smug.

Cody Rhodes
… You might have been right last week you know… *muffled voice* … right now I feel like I could do anything. How many people can say they’ve pinned The Big Show? You definitely can’t! *muffled voice* … Oh I see how it is! Now that I’ve got some marginal success you can see exactly where I was coming from last week?... *muffled voice* … You shot me down last week because there were signs your career was on the up and so you didn’t want to limit yourself, but now you want to ride my coattails? I’m sure you’ll be even more determined to cling onto my glory when I win the Royal Rumble tournament! That’s right I’m an entrant … *muffled voice*… I think we’ve got a little bit of a role reversal now… It’s your time to prove to me that you’re competent enough!

Rhodes smirks as he hangs up the phone, before he flips his phone shut and holds it triumphantly up in the air. He continues to smile, picking up his bag and walking past the cameraman, muttering to himself as he does so.

Cody Rhodes
Things are all going according to plan.



The New Year’s Eve broadcast of Friday Night Smackdown returns with the RAW Rebound, sponsored by Slim Jims.

The Miz heads over to the turnbuckle and begins removing the cover. The referee sees this and forces Miz away, to the cheers of the fans, but whilst the referee is reattaching the cover, Riley is removing the cover from the opposite turnbuckle! Miz drags Morrison over to it, grabbing both of Morrison’s legs under his arms, looking to catapault Morrison into the exposed turnbuckle! The crowd boo as The Miz drops backwards, propelling Morrison towards the exposed steel! The crowd gasp… and cheer… as Morrison lands on the second rope. The Miz is in shock, but hurriedly charges towards Morrison, who flips overhead, landing on his feet. The referee notices the cover missing and sets about putting it back on, but that results in him totally missing Morrison rolling Miz up with a Small Package! The entire arena begins to shout at the referee, urging him to turn around, and count the pin, but the referee continues unknowingly attaching the pad!

Jerry Lawler
Come on ref! Morrison had his shoulders down for a five count there!

Morrison breaks the cover, going over to the referee and shaking him, pointing out that he had pinned The Miz, and should be champion, but the referee can’t do anything about it. The entire crowd groans as they understand what is going on, and jeer when The Miz clatters into the back of Morrison, crushing the referee into the corner at the same time! As Morrison and the referee crumple to the floor, Riley slides his briefcase into The Miz, who smirks at Riley, before picking the case up, and turning to face Morrison, enjoying looking at his own face on the titantron as he waits for Morrison to get to his feet.

Jerry Lawler
Woah Woah! What’s going on!

Alex Riley hits the floor hard, as Randy Orton climbs over the timekeeper’s area, hitting Riley with a brutal clothesline! Orton stalks back over to the corner, picking up the WWE Championship belt, before sliding into the ring. The referee remains incapacitated as The Miz is still waiting for Morrison to get to his feet. Orton stops directly behind The Miz, WWE Championship poised ready to strike. The crowd begin to cheer, both at Morrison stumbling to his feet, and Orton looming over The Miz. Orton taps Miz on the shoulder, and he turns around. Orton swings with the title belt, hoping to take Miz out in the same way that Miz took him out earlier in the night… but The Miz ducks! Orton smashes Morrison in the face with the title! Orton looks a little upset, more because he missed his target than because he hit Morrison, and turns around, getting hammered in the face with the briefcase by The Miz! Miz rolls Orton, the title and the briefcase out of the ring, before reviving the referee, and covering John Morrison. The referee slowly begins to make the count.




The Miz Retains!

The action returns to the arena, where Michael Cole and Josh Matthews are sat at ringside.

Josh Matthews
It was certainly an interesting Main Event on Monday Night. Many people have been saying that John Morrison would have been the new WWE Champion if Randy Orton hadn’t interfered to try and get some retribution against The Miz!

Michael Cole
That’s nonsense… The Miz always had the situation under control! And in the end The Miz basically managed to retain his title despite two of RAW’s top superstars trying to make him lose it!

Josh Matthews sighs and draws in breath as if about to respond, but before he can do so, a figure walks out onto the stage.

Vickie Guerrero walks out onto the stage first, grinning broadly, with a microphone in her hand. She raises it to her mouth, but before she can even begin to speak the entire crowd boos, drowning out any noise that she attempts to make.

Michael Cole
I wish these fans would have some respect!

Vickie decides to simply shout over the noise, holding the microphone as close to her mouth as possible, knowing that her response is likely to only garner more jeers in her direction.

Vickie Guerrero

She pauses as the boos intensify again.

Vickie Guerrero

The crowd jeer even louder than before, revelling in the frustration evident upon Vickie’s face.

Vickie Guerrero
It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the most talented superstar in WWE history, my boyfriend and the Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler!


Ziggler walks out onto the stage accompanied by fresh boos. He is wearing a smart suit, and has the Intercontinental Title strewn over his shoulder. Vickie applauds as he stands on the stage, smiling at her, until they link arms and begin to walk down to the ring, smiling the entire way. They reach the ring, and walk up the steps, Ziggler pausing to open the ropes for Vickie to enter, before they both stand in the centre of the ring.

Dolph Ziggler
I’m Dolph Ziggler. The Intercontinental Champion. I’m the single most talented superstar ever to grace this squared circle. I am the perfect embodiment of what a wrestler should be. I have the speed, the strength, the charisma, the attitude. I have everything that every one of you wants to have. You wake up in the morning and go to work to earn your measly pay check, to be as rich as I am. You struggle to decide what to have for lunch because you’re watching what you eat, so that you can look like me. You go to the gym and work on getting the physique that you want, so that you can match up to mine. You try and date the most attractive people you possibly can, so you can be in a relationship with someone as beautiful as Vickie Guerrero. You come to these WWE shows, to see me. But despite all this, despite these obvious perfections, no one is focussed on me. It’s either Edge, Kane, Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio all vying for the World Heavyweight Championship or Randy Orton, The Miz and John Morrison on Monday Night RAW that people would rather focus on. Hell, it’s even a pathetic little leprechaun that people would rather focus on than me. But you know what’s really the most irritating?

The crowd respond with “What?” and the chant continues every time that Ziggler leaves a gap in his speech.

Dolph Ziggler
The most irritating is that everyone focuses on Jack Swagger and Kofi Kingston striving to win my Intercontinental Title. I actually am the Intercontinental Champion, but people still focus on whose going to try and unseat me next. I have proven that I deserve to be the Intercontinental Champion, but people still say that Swagger and Kingston should get a shot at my title. I have everything, and they have nothing, so why am I not given the adoration and attention that I deserve?

Ziggler turns to Guerrero and shrugs, a look of incomprehension on his face. Vickie returns his gaze with a look of sincere sympathy.

Dolph Ziggler
Both of those men are striving to be me much in the same way that you are, and you give that as much attention as you give the finished perfect product: me. Whichever of them, whether Swagger or Kingston or even both, tries to challenge for my title should know before they even begin that they have no chance of prizing this from my grasp. I am going to stay Intercontinental Champion for a long time yet, and who knows, after the Royal Rumble I could be one step closer to being both World and Intercontinental Champion. Maybe I’ll get your attention then.

Josh Matthews
Strong words by Dolph Ziggler there. Dolph expressed a desire to hold both the World and Intercontinental Championship at the same time, and I don’t know about the rest of the WWE Universe, but I know that Dolph would definitely have my attention if he managed to secure both of those prestigious titles at once.

Michael Cole
Dolph deserves everyone’s attention already! He’s the Intercontinental Champion! He holds a piece of WWE history and he deserves it! I don’t understand why the WWE Universe doesn’t simply recognise Dolph’s superiority.

Josh Matthews
I think the WWE Universe recognises that Dolph is talented, it’s just his attitude that causes problems.

Ziggler drops the microphone, almost seeming to enjoy the boos of the fans, before Smackdown again fades to commercial.



Smackdown returns from commercial, as the crowd erupts over Rey Mysterio’s imminent arrival to the ring. Mysterio bursts out onto the stage, running over to one corner of the stage and pointing into the crowd, causing a burst of pyro, before repeating the action on the opposite side of the stage. The crowd’s cheers intensify each time, before Mysterio begins to walk down to the ring. He stops part way down to touch heads with several mask-wearing fans at ringside, before stopping in front of one lucky child, taking his loose shirt off and giving it to the child as the bell sounds at ringside.

Tony Chimel
The following match is the Main Event of the evening. This bout is set for one fall, where the winner will earn the opportunity to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble!

The crowd cheer at this idea, before Chimel continues his introduction.

Tony Chimel
Introducing first, from San Diego, California, weighing in at 175 pounds, Rey Mysterio!

Josh Matthews
Rey Mysterio would certainly seem to have the advantage in this match tonight. He’s known as the ultimate underdog, always pulling out the win against larger opponents, and most importantly he has a lot of experience in this type of high pressure situation, indeed Mysterio is a two time World Heavyweight Champion!

Mysterio slides underneath the bottom rope, heading over to the turnbuckle and standing on the second rope, before performing the sign of the cross and then pointing his arms into the air, garnering yet another set of cheers from the crowd.


The cheers immediately switch to boos as the theme of one of Rey Mysterio’s greatest rivals begins to play throughout the arena. Alberto Del Rio drives a red Ferrari 599 by the side of the stage, honking the horn repeatedly as he does so. Alberto Del Rio’s personal ring announcer steps forward in the ring, as Tony Chimel introduces him.

Tony Chimel
Introducing at this time, Alberto Del Rio’s personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez!

Ricardo Rodriguez
Y ahora, todos ustedes deben considerar ustedes verdaderamente bendecidos por la presencia de uno de los mejores luchadores en toda la industria. Este hombre es la esencia de la excelencia, la Guía para el futuro de la WWE, verdadero orgullo de México y el futuro campeón mundial... il es Alberto Del Rio!

Alberto steps onto the ramp, extending his arms on either side of him as his pyro rains down behind him. The crowd continue to boo this show, their frustration accentuated by the occasional understanding of some of what Ricardo Rodriguez is saying.

Michael Cole
You say that Mysterio has the advantage Josh, but I think Alberto hungers for the World Heavyweight Championship Championship more. On top of that he seems to have real issues with Mysterio, and I’m sure that’ll only motivate him to want to end Mysterio’s championship dreams even more tonight!

Alberto continues to walk down the ramp, still smirking arrogantly and holding his arms out to either side of his body. He reaches the ring and confidently struts up the steps, through the ropes, and into the centre of the ring, again extending his arms to either side as if expecting adoration. He backs into the opposite corner to Mysterio, as the referee signals for the bell to start the Main Event.

No. 1 Contender Match
Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio

The crowd are electric for such a high-profile meeting between these two rivals, and the two men spend a few seconds just looking at each other, before Del Rio snarls and charges across the ring at Mysterio. Mysterio quickly drops to the ground, hitting a Drop Toe Hold that sends Del Rio throat first across the second rope. The crowd erupt, as Mysterio signals for the 619 right at the beginning of the match!

Michael Cole
There’s no way this match can be over so quickly!?

Mysterio hits the ropes, charging for the 619, but Del Rio is quick to realise his predicament and slide under the bottom rope, taking a few moments to regroup, as the crowd jeer his perceived cowardice. Can Del Rio rebound to get back into this or will this be a lot easier for Mysterio than many people were expecting? Del Rio slides back into the ring, and Mysterio is quick to try and maintain his advantage, advancing on Del Rio and swinging with a quick right hand. Del Rio ducks underneath it, hitting a knee to Mysterio’s gut, doubling him over, before grabbing the arm for the Cross Arm-Breaker. Mysterio quickly pushes Del Rio away and backs into the corner.

Josh Matthews
Both men are equal so far in this match with both having had a chance to wrap things up early. One has to expect that things will deteriorate into a much more physical match-up between these two!

Del Rio is quick to follow Mysterio after he backs into the corner, attempting to trap him in, but when Del Rio swings for a punch, Mysterio is able to duck underneath and push Del Rio into the turnbuckle pads, hitting several hard, echoing kicks to the thighs of Del Rio, before backing off a little to give himself room to leap for a huge dropkick to the face of Del Rio. Del Rio crumbles to the mat as Mysterio tries for the first cover of the match up.

Del Rio kicks out quickly!

Mysterio hits a few more kicks to the chest and legs of Del Rio as he begins to stumble to his feet, before Mysterio hits the ropes, ducking a clothesline attempt by Del Rio and leaping onto the second rope, rebounding off with a breath-taking Springboard Moonsault. Del Rio notices Mysterio’s flight, ducking forward. BAM! Mysterio lands on his feet, but a split second later almost gets decapitated by a brutal clothesline from Alberto Del Rio! Del Rio goes for the cover, trying to wrap this one up early.

Mysterio kicks out!

There’s still life in Mysterio, but it’s obvious he’s been shaken up by the brutal clothesline. Del Rio takes advantage, stomping on the chest of Mysterio, before inevitably changing his focus to the left arm of Mysterio, stomping on it several times, before looking at the crowd, snarling, and hitting a hard Knee Drop to the arm of Mysterio. Mysterio writhes around on the mat and the crowd all gasp, before Del Rio again tries for a cover.

Mysterio kicks out again!

Mysterio’s kick out is visibly much more laboured this time, as he struggles to use his left shoulder or arm for any leverage. Del Rio continues to focus on this arm, slowly dragging Mysterio to his feet, before hitting a series of quick, vicious kicks to the injured arm and shoulder.

Michael Cole
Del Rio loves to focus his attack on the arm of his opponent to weaken them before applying the Cross Arm-Breaker. Indeed this was the very tactic that Del Rio used earlier this year to take Rey Mysterio out!

Del Rio continues to kick the shoulder, before attempting a straight kick to the gut of Mysterio. Mysterio catches the boot, but Del Rio has planned for such an eventuality, swinging his entire body for an Enzuigiri. Mysterio ducks! SLAM! Del Rio crashes to the canvas, and Mysterio takes the opportunity to try and roll Del Rio up for the victory.

Del Rio easily out!

Mysterio is the quickest to his feet, running towards the ropes and again attempting another high-risk Springboard manoeuvre: this time a Crossbody. Del Rio again pre-empts the attack, ducking underneath and leaving Mysterio to crash violently into the canvas face first. The Mexican Aristocrat smirks, before sneering, wrenching Mysterio to his feet. Mysterio is still stunned by the hard impact with the canvas, and is unable to do anything to prevent Del Rio sending him shoulder first into the ring post with a huge yell. Del Rio quickly rolls Mysterio up.

Mysterio barely kicks out!

Josh Matthews
This situation is looking as dangerous as the first time Del Rio took out Mysterio! Mysterio needs to mount some offence soon otherwise he could get seriously hurt!

Del Rio looks a little frustrated, but seems to be enjoying his dominance over his bitter rival. Del Rio grins as he drags Mysterio over to the ring apron, hanging just his left arm over the edge. Del Rio slides out of the ring, aiming a quick kick at the head of Mysterio as he does so in order to keep him under control. Del Rio directs a few choice words at some of the fans at ringside, before grabbing Mysterio’s arm. BAM! Del Rio lifts Mysterio’s arm and slams it down onto the ring apron, possibly hyper-extending the shoulder. Mysterio yells in pain, as Del Rio repeats the motion, once, twice, three times more, before rolling Mysterio slightly further into the ring. Del Rio climbs onto the apron, raising his arms on either side in his usual pose, before gripping the top rope with both hands. Del Rio’s face changes to a look of focus as he leaps over the rope, bringing all of his weight down, through his knees, onto the mangled left arm of Rey Mysterio, as the crowd audibly gasp. The camera pans around, showing a vast array of shocked and worried faces, before returning to ringside where Del Rio has covered Mysterio.

Mysterio barely kicks out before three this time!

Del Rio looks around the arena, sensing that he has things all under control, as the fans around the arena will Rey Mysterio to make a comeback. Can Rey comeback from this or is the damage in his left arm too severe? The chances of a Mysterio come back at this moment are neutralised as Del Rio elevates Mysterio to a sitting position, before aiming more of his brutal kicks at the back of Mysterio. Each kick seems to thunder through both Mysterio’s body and the arena, even up to the fans in the cheap seats at the very back of the arena. Del Rio continues to rain kicks down, reaching a total of 7, before swinging with even more force than before, bringing his foot into vicious contact with the already injured shoulder. Mysterio cries out in pain, before he is again covered by his rival.

Mysterio just kicked out!

Del Rio doesn’t pause and simply carries on his assault of Mysterio. He props Mysterio up in the corner, before whipping him across the ring. Mysterio shows signs of life, attempting to float over as Del Rio charges across the ring after him. Mysterio leaps and tries to push himself backwards over Del Rio, but his arm gives way, and he falls into the turnbuckle, slumping against it, clutching his arm. Del Rio grabs the opportunity to hit a big running enzuigiri to Mysterio propped up in the corner. The crack echoes around the arena as Del Rio’s foot collides with the side of Mysterio’s head. Del Rio covers.

NO! Mysterio’s arm is on the bottom rope!

Del Rio is in shock, thinking he had won the match, but as soon as he realises he drags Mysterio to the centre of the ring and again tries the cover.

KICKOUT by Mysterio!

Del Rio signals for the end, grabbing Mysterio’s arm and wrenching him to his feet. He steps over for the Armbreaker but Mysterio counters it into a sudden pin attempt!


Mysterio is showing signs of life now, and both men are able to get to their feet at the same time. Del Rio swings with a right hand but Mysterio ducks underneath, hitting some hard kicks to Del Rio’s legs and torso, before hitting a big dropkick sending Del Rio to the mat. Mysterio is quicker to get to his feet, the fans cheering this sudden revitalisation, and he hits the ropes, catching Del Rio with a hurricanrana just as he got to his feet. Mysterio flips Del Rio over into a pinning position.

Kickout again! But weaker this time from Del Rio!

Mysterio backs away a little as Del Rio uses the ropes to pull himself up, before charging across the ring, aiming to take Del Rio over the top rope with a clothesline. Del Rio sees it coming and easily elevates Mysterio up and over the top rope. Mysterio uses his agility to cling onto the top rope to the cheers of the fans, before hitting a hard kick to the back of Del Rio, sending him stumbling forward. Del Rio regroups and turns around just in time to see Mysterio springboard from the top rope with a West Coast Pop. Mysterio covers!

Del Rio barely manages to kick out!

The crowd are completely behind Mysterio now, and can sense that Mysterio hopes to end the match soon. Mysterio returns to his basics, attempting to hit a hard kick to Del Rio’s side, but the Essence of Excellence manages to catch the foot. He smirks, but Mysterio is all too happy to wipe the smirk of his face with a hard enzuigiri to the side of the head. Del Rio stumbles, falling onto the second rope. Mysterio signals for the 619 as the crowd erupt.

Josh Matthews
Mysterio’s dialling it up! This could be the end for Del Rio!

Mysterio hits the ropes, but takes too long, and Del Rio is able to scoop Mysterio up onto his shoulder. He smirks, before dropping Mysterio forward, shoulder first onto his knee with a brutal shoulderbreaker to the injured left arm of Mysterio! Del Rio is slow to get to the cover however, the effects of the match starting to show.

NO! Mysterio just managed to kick out before the three!

Del Rio argues with the referee, claiming it was a 3 count, as Rodriguez looks incredulous on the outside of the ring. Del Rio turns around as Mysterio gets to his feet, and hits a low kick to the gut, before whipping Mysterio into the ropes. Alberto swings for a clothesline but Mysterio ducks, hitting the ropes behind Alberto before connecting with a dropkick to the knee as Alberto spins around. Alberto again ends up throat first over the second rope. Mysterio tries to dial up the 619 for the third time in the match, he hits the ropes, charging towards Alberto. He grips the ropes with both arms, spinning around to kick Alberto double-footed in the face. But no! Mysterio flies out of the ring to the outside, hitting the thinly padded floor with a crack. A slow-motion replay shows that Mysterio’s left arm buckled as he tried to swing around; a result of the brutal assault imposed by Del Rio.

Michael Cole
Del Rio’s game plan seems to have worked perfectly! If Mysterio can’t use the 619 then it takes away one of Mysterio’s most effective weapons!

Del Rio slumps backwards into the ring, seemingly content to win via count-out, as the referee begins to count out the lifeless form of Rey Mysterio.


Mysterio begins to show signs of life, using the apron to pull himself to his feet. Mysterio climbs onto the apron as the referee reaches 8, and Del Rio takes the opportunity to charge at Mysterio. Mysterio ducks, dropping backwards to hit a big kick to the head of Del Rio, sending him flying back into the ring. Mysterio runs along the apron to the turnbuckle, only stopping momentarily to aim a kick at the head of the advancing Ricardo Rodriguez. Mysterio climbs to the top rope as Del Rio tries to regain his senses in the ring, and the crowd erupt into cheers. Mysterio waits for Del Rio to turn around, and leaps through the air. BAM! Mysterio lands on his feet as Del Rio ducks underneath the attack, but as Mysterio turns around, Del Rio grabs the injured arm, leaping backwards and bringing both of his knees up to crash into the falling arm of Mysterio. Mysterio cries out in pain, writhing in the centre of the ring, as Del Rio advances, grinning. The crowd jeer venomously as Del Rio locks on the Cross Armbreaker in the centre of the ring!

Josh Matthews
Mysterio just needs to tap now to prevent any further damage. The knees of Del Rio could have easily broken the arm and Mysterio just needs to give up so he can fight another day!

Michael Cole
Mysterio isn’t one to give up easily, but I think I have to agree, Del Rio has executed his strategy perfectly tonight.

Mysterio refuses to submit, shaking his head vigorously when the referee asks if he quits, but Del Rio simply applies more pressure. Many of the crowd are willing Rey to submit for his own safety, as Del Rio continues to apply pressure, yelling in glee as he senses his impending victory. Finally, after almost half a minute in the hold, Mysterio can fight it no more!


Mysterio has tapped out! Del Rio is going to the Royal Rumble to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Winner: - Alberto Del Rio (in 13:54)
Tony Chimel
Here is your winner, and NEW No. 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship… Alberto Del Rio!

Alberto stands in the middle of the ring, yelling in delight, before pushing Mysterio out of the ring with his feet.

Michael Cole
A fantastic display by Alberto Del Rio here tonight! Alberto could be the next World Heavyweight Championship!

Josh Matthews
Make sure to tune in next week to see the World Heavyweight Championship match between Kane and Edge, as well as the conclusion of the first round of the Risk and Reward tournament!

Michael Cole
Thank you for watching ladies and gentlemen! We wish you a Happy New Year!

Del Rio returns to the centre of the ring, extending his arms to either side of him and grinning as Smackdown goes off the air.

Here's your review Avitus.

-We start out with Ricardo and ADR, and I like ADR's promo here (I haven't read much of your shows before, so I'm guessing he's the number 1 contender, or one of them). Edge comes out to a well deserved huge pop, I like Edge's comments on Del Rio's brain (I love teasing ADR in my BT too). Here comes Rey, and him and Edge are going to work on ADR, but then here comes Kane. Just as Cole said, I wouldn't want to be in the ring at the time. Long makes a couple of huge announcements, and now we're off to the matches.

- Edge vs Jack Swagger, but before I get to it, I suggest that you center the text in the quotes as well as outside of them, and try to use color for the commentators inside of the quotes. Now, this is a fun; little match, as Edge won as he should have. I like your writing style, and this was an overall solid match, that sends the world champion into his title match with a W on his shoulder.

- Kane comes out and destroys Edge, which is a good spot, which I liked, and there is going to be a fair amount of tension going into their match.

- Great Royal Rumble/ Wrestlemania package; it's going to be fun to see where your fed goes from now until then.

- Chavo vs. JTG, Chavo looks like he's getting a little push, after hitting Hornswoggle with a wrench; I expect him to win this match. Chavo wins via squash; good result, as we'll see how Chavo does in the Rumble match (which I assume he'll be in.)

- Kong is here! I love the attack by Kong, as it seems she's being built as a tweener, but leaning towards the heel side. I like how you used her, and she sure did make an impact.

- Show cuts a good promo, as I liked how he recognizes that Cody is basically in his Dad's shadow, and this is going to be a good match; hopefully Show wins.

- Cody Rhodes vs. Big Show, good; solid match, but Big Show didn't win, which is completely fine because there's obviously something starting with Show and his attacker. Undertaker? Mark Henry? Well, whoever it was, this was a great way to start something.

- Drew McIntyre vs. Chris Masters, McIntyre cuts a decent promo before the match; nothing too solid, but it was pretty decent. Match comes on, and it's pretty close, but McIntyre pulls out the win. Decent match, and decent promo; not too bad.

- Ziggler cuts a typical promo, I really liked the first paragraph, but the others were okay. Ziggler brings a lot to the table, and I feel that he could have a very useful Intercontinental Title run.

- Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio, now this is a match, great writing, with some great back and forth action. Lot's of kick outs, which is good, but you really don't want to overdue it on a TV main event match. Rey and ADR are a great combination in the ring together, as they proved it in this match, where Alberto Del Rio was hardly able to get the submission victory. Good match, as ADR is now the number 1 contender.

Overall Grade: B: Very solid show, but nothing too special here. The high's were definitely anything that had to do with Edge, Kane, Rey, and ADR; along with the Chavo storyline. The lows are the McIntyre promo (I feel like he could bring so much more), and putting Cody Rhodes over Big Show, even though the new program between Show and the mysterious attacker will be good, as well as Kong destroying every woman there is will be good. Overall, very solid show, and I'll keep reading/ reviewing for you.

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