ATTN: White people

Wow I'm sorta surprised...
Yea, I have no problem with practically any color/ethnicity as long as they are some what "in shape" and have complimentary proportions. Though I will say this, the black women who I tend to be the most attracted to at first glance... tend to turn out to be half something else (usually white) or a mix.
Always wanted to dabble in some chocolate, but I have a huge fear of a black woman's snatch smelling like a garbage dump filled with baby throw-up. That and I don't find black women attractive. Not even Halle Berry.

Blasphemy, Halle Berry is hot!!!! dammnit
I absolutely feel the same way, and it is THE damndest fucking thing. Im literally the least racist person on the planet.

Yet, I dont find black (or asian) women attractive AT ALL, and find it entirely impossible to. I just...dont.

Shitty thing being, black women hit on me ALL THE TIME, and I cant ever think of something to say...becuase saying "sorry I just dont find black women attractive at all" is clearly not a viable option :lmao:


THIS and in fact I've made a number of threads on the bar room in the past. I think it's just genetics though and nothing to do with racism
Yes, I don't know why the hell it is like that, but I generally just don't find colored women in any kind of way, hot, I'm all for the white woman, and it's not even because I'm a racist..
I am currently going through a oriental phase, but give me a few weeks and I'll find black girls attractive again.
I'm part black, and I have literally no attraction at all to black girls. None at all. They hit on me all the time, but I tell them I have a girlfirend, which is good because I'm not lying, and I don't have to bang them. Because that's just ewwwwey.
Same boat, I just can't get it up for 99% of Black women. The only one I was slightly attracted to, acts very white (Emo).

The damnedest thing, I'm attracted to everything else, but every girlfriend I've had as been white and blond. Sometimes I feel a bit like Hitler.
I am an equal opportuninst and i do find some black chicks hot.My best conquest however was a swedish milf i met in Tenerife while on holiday about 5 years ago.I was 18 and she was about 35,the reason i know this is because she took me back to her apartment and her son and friend were just leaving and he was about 17! I look much older than i am(she thought i was 25) She was the stereotypical Nordic chick with the big plastic tits and whatnot,and boy did she show me a few tricks that night! She never really spoke that much English but that just suited me fine as i wasnt really interested in talking to her!
Pics or GTFO!

It's rare for me to find any black women hot, but there are some. I think mostly if they are mixed, or have lighter skin.... like Halle Berry

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