ATTN: White people


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Does anyone else find blacks as difficult to be attracted to as I do? I mean, sure: Idris Elba is a handsome gentleman. But I wouldn't bang him. And not just because I'm not gay. But because he's black. I feel the same way about Beyonce, except the part where my sexual orientation would normally be the first thing that stops me from having sex with her. On the contrary, I think me and Beyonce would have a lot of fun together if she were white. Or Asian. Anything but black.

No, I don't fancy myself to be a racist. I think black people are just swell. They're just not the sort of creatures that do anything for me sexually.

Do you feel the same?

Does this make me a bad person?
I absolutely feel the same way, and it is THE damndest fucking thing. Im literally the least racist person on the planet.

Yet, I dont find black (or asian) women attractive AT ALL, and find it entirely impossible to. I just...dont.

Shitty thing being, black women hit on me ALL THE TIME, and I cant ever think of something to say...becuase saying "sorry I just dont find black women attractive at all" is clearly not a viable option :lmao:
Always wanted to dabble in some chocolate, but I have a huge fear of a black woman's snatch smelling like a garbage dump filled with baby throw-up. That and I don't find black women attractive. Not even Halle Berry.
I, too, find myself in the same situation. Only add in the slanty eyed people. I've never had the Jungle or Yellow Fevers, yet for some reason, the first strippers to walk up to me, are those exact people. Kind of embarrassin', gettin' a lapdance, and the l'il guy doesn't even nudge.
I don't really find them attractive either.

Now hispanic girls are a different matter. There is a Mexican girl in my math class who is literally the hottest person I have ever seen.
I don't really find them attractive either.

Now hispanic girls are a different matter. There is a Mexican girl in my math class who is literally the hottest person I have ever seen.

You know you're in Ohio, when the hottest bitch you've seen, isn't even an American.....
Does Norwegian even counts?

But yea, I've fucked black girls, mexican, Peurto Rican (yes different, they get VERY out out if you call one the other and vice versa) uuuummm....all sorts of Eastern European, since those are the girls I find attractive. Two native American. Do Italians count? Like 10 of them, they are my favorite
Does Norwegian even counts?

But yea, I've fucked black girls, mexican, Peurto Rican (yes different, they get VERY out out if you call one the other and vice versa) uuuummm....all sorts of Eastern European, since those are the girls I find attractive. Two native American. Do Italians count? Like 10 of them, they are my favorite

Love me some Italians.

I've had a Greek broad once. It was a little awkward, as I'd known her since I was four, and she was twelve. Still, Mediterranean ****s are the win.
Aren't all Eastern European women actually sex workers?

Not judging, Norcs. Just wondering out loud.
Many Italians are hot. I know this from being surrounded by them.

Interracial relationships are fine. I'm just not attracted to black girls but if someone else is, cool, good for them.
Ive only spoken to 2 or 3 greeks, havent gotten to have the experience. I assume it would be a good one though, they were fuckin sexy
Aren't all Eastern European women actually sex workers?

Not judging, Norcs. Just wondering out loud.

You bring up a fine point. What the fuck am I putting all this effort into fucking them like...ugh, TALKING and shit...when i could jus whip out the ol American Express....

I mean my Credit card
Ive only spoken to 2 or 3 greeks, havent gotten to have the experience. I assume it would be a good one though, they were fuckin sexy

Oh, it was nice, once we got past the awkward portion of " I used to be your babysitter." And most Greeks are fuckin' hot. That's my fetish, though...
I have no sexual desire for Asian or Black women. I prefer Middle Eastern and Indian women, but, I'll settle for a White girl (I already have) or a Latina.
Nah, black birds just don't do it for me, I've only ever seen one black girl I've found attractive, it was last Monday, in Greggs.

East Asian birds are fantastic though, girls from the middle East are a no no, mainly due to their penchant of having mustaches.

East Asia is like Japan and China right?

Oh, I also like gingers, if they are a separate race.

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