At least 27 People Dead, 18 of them children.


the Frog

More than two dozen people, mostly elementary school children, were shot and killed at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school this morning, federal and state sources tell ABC News.

The massacre involved two gunmen and prompted the town of Newtown to lock down all of its schools and draw SWAT teams to the school, authorities said today.

One shooter is dead and a manhunt is on for a second gunman. Police are searching cars. One shooter was described as a 24-year-old armed with four weapons and wearing a bullet vest, sources told ABC News.

It's unclear how many people have been shot, but 25 people, mostly children are dead, multiple federal and state sources tell ABC News. That number could rise, officials said...

Horrible. Just horrible.
My heart goes out to all of the families. This is such a fucking tragedy. 18 kids are dead for what? because a couple of fucking morons had something wrong with them. I'm not a parent, but if I was and someone did something like this to my kids, I would kill that motherfucker before he ever had a chance to go to jail. People who do shit like this don't deserve sympathy, and I for one am glad that that piece of shit is dead. I just wish he would've had to face what he did instead of being a pussy and killing himself.
I would call this person a piece of shit (which he CLEARLY is, and if you think otherwise then you yourself are a piece of shit), but last time I called a murdering scumbag a piece of shit I was wrongfully given grief and told he wasn't, so I will refrain. Just know that this guy was a lowlife scum asshole fucking douchebag shit.

My prayers are going out to the victims of this horrendous tragedy.
We're just hearing about this in my classes. Everyone's shocked. I hate it or the parents that drop their children off at school thinking they're safe, but will never get them back. Awful.
I would call this person a piece of shit (which he CLEARLY is, and if you think otherwise then you yourself are a piece of shit), but last time I called a murdering scumbag a piece of shit I was wrongfully given grief and told he wasn't, so I will refrain. Just know that this guy was a lowlife scum asshole fucking douchebag shit.

My prayers are going out to the victims of this horrendous tragedy.

There's no refraining from me. This guy is a piece of shit, and if you don't think he's a piece of shit you are fucking ******ed.

I've been in a unit with a guy that killed his wife and then killed himself whenever we came back from Iraq. He legit had PTSD, but that still doesn't excuse what he did. He could've gotten help.

People who hurt innocent fucking children have no fucking hope, and they deserve the worst punishment possible.
I'm disgusted by this whole thing. Those poor kids had their whole lives ahead of them -- it's just so sad. My heart goes out to all those families, nobody should have to go through something like this.
I'm waiting for the gun law debate.

"We have a right to weapons to defend ourselves it's crazy people who use them for harm, allow people to have the weapons"
"Iran have Nukes?!"
Yeah let's go kill a bunch of innocent people that haven't done shit to you. Good idea. On top of that it's a bunch of kids? There is no logical reason anyone can give me that would make me accept this. Even if they did it to become famous. One of them is dead so that goes right down the drain.
Tragic. I wish I could say it's unfathomable, but it's somehow becoming easier and easier to fathom in this messed up world in which we live. Still, utterly inexcusable.

I would call this person a piece of shit (which he CLEARLY is, and if you think otherwise then you yourself are a piece of shit), but last time I called a murdering scumbag a piece of shit I was wrongfully given grief and told he wasn't, so I will refrain.
For the best. I'd hate to see this tragic day take another victim.

Yeah let's go kill a bunch of innocent people that haven't done shit to you.
Can't we just call this a tragedy without making assumptions?
I would call this person a piece of shit (which he CLEARLY is, and if you think otherwise then you yourself are a piece of shit), but last time I called a murdering scumbag a piece of shit I was wrongfully given grief and told he wasn't, so I will refrain.

Shut the fuck up.

This is not the time or a place to try justifying your past jumping to conclusions before the full facts were known. You aren't going to win any points here.
Deeply sad. Obama's reaction is pretty much the reaction of everyone in my house. A horrible incident to say the least. My thoughts are with the families involved.
Well, the gun law debates should become a lot more one-sided after this.
You'd really think so, wouldn't you? I can't even count the amount of people today who have told me that they hope I get confronted by a gunman and get shot. At least half a dozen.

I can tick off five mass shooting incidents in this country since July off the top of my head. And yet the one topic we're not supposed to discuss is gun control. If we can find a way to stop the "law abiding citizen" who decides to purchase a gun and shoot up a theater, mall, school, or temple before he becomes a criminal, I'll change my stance in a heartbeat. Seeing as that's impossible, why don't we make it a little harder to get your hands on a gun? It seems to work for every other western country.
WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT GUN LAW DEBATES? Children got killed because of a nut-job chickenshit.
Who used a gun, which seems to be the weapon of choice for nut-job chickenshits.

The best quote I've heard today was "Guns don't kill people. Morons armed with guns kill people" (Prince Charles). So, we can either work on getting rid of all the morons, or making it harder for the morons to get guns. Seeing as we frown on eugenics now, #2 seems like the more practical option.
Such a tragedy. My heart goes out to the families affected personally by it.

Now, the gun control debate is going to be firing on all cylinders in the coming weeks. And while I think some gun control reform is desperately needed in these United States, the last thing that needs to happen right now is gun control legislation. Any decisions made right now would be knee jerk reactions to an absolutely horrible situation and be less than rational.
How would it be a knee jerk reaction? This is the fifth this year!

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