Ask tdigle Puro Questions

Besides Jushin Liger,who do you consider your favourite or the best junior heavyweight in Japan?
My current favourite is KENTA or Takuya Sugi,or Naruki Doi.
Besides Jushin Liger,who do you consider your favourite or the best junior heavyweight in Japan?
My current favourite is KENTA or Takuya Sugi,or Naruki Doi.

All of the guys you listed are top notch junior heavyweights in my book. My two current favorite junior heavyweights are Takuya Sugi and Tiger Mask IV.
Of all 7 burning hammers,what would you consider the best.


Definitely the debut,it has just disimproved since then.

I am still in shock that this move has only been used seven times by Kobashi. I didn't even realize it until you pointed it out to me, so, thanks! While I think the one that you show a video of was the most well executed, my personal favorite is the one he performed on KENTA. KENTA, relative to Kobashi, is so darn tiny that I thought Kobashi was going to snap his neck when he performed the Burning Hammer on him.
For those who haven't seen all 7.


It really is the big match finisher of all big match finishers.

Also Tdigs,Which of the following would you consider more devastating.

Hirooki Goto's Shouten:


Or Mitsuhara misawa's emerald flowsion/frosion


They both kind of focus on the same area,but I think the shouten is better as the emerald flowsion doesn't seem as impactful.
Shouten's better. I was never that big a fan of the Emerald always just looked like a cross between a power slam and a brainbuster to me. Goto's move looks like it could actually give you a concussion because of the swinging.

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