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Барбоса;4168571 said:
This makes me sound a bit Hogan-ish.

Creative Control, you should all have it...


Eh, it's just a matter of finding a good balance. i think it's safe to say, you've not booked yourself into every position you've ever been, but you have been in contact with us to make sure we knew what you were trying to convey with a feud or RP.

Барбоса;4168571 said:
The problem with it is the some see it as a "method" rather than what it actually is - an outline. I always incorporate something about the previous round, my opponent, current feud and a character development no matter what Barbosa is doing. Using it thusly gives a stability to an RP and helps it relate to your past efforts as a continuing story.

The problem arises when people use it as a crtuch or even worse, the centre of the RP as it makes a lot of RPs the same - "That bastard cost me that match last week, I am going to take out my frustrations on my opponent this week to show that bastard what he is in for at the PPV."

This is also true. It is a structure for you to form an RP around. If you were to use it as tyhe basis for your RP everytime, you'd become very dull, very quickly.
Sorry for taking awhile to answer these:

Funkay, what five things would you change about the fed? Could be anything from the shows to characters to the way we do things back "there". :D

1: Advertising. We do it for certain PPV's (Unscripted, LL, KC), but not that often. It seems to get the attention of some folks out there, and I think if we did it more often it would work a treat in terms of bringing in new guys.

2: Scheduling. Oh man, if there was one thing about creative I hate, it's the fact that we're all stuck around the world. Don't get me wrong, I love that we're such an international fed and I love the guys that have been on creative in my tenure, but damn it's hell to organise at times. I just wish we were a little better scheduled, that's all. Though to be fair, nothing will ever be as bad as KC IV weekend when we had almost every member of creative in a different time-zone.

3: Breaking out of your comfort zone. A lot of the time it gets very, very tedious reading the same style of RP over and over. I don't just mean a certain RPers RP's, I mean a lot of people end up using the same style of RP in one given round. Sometimes you just want someone to go completely left field and give you a totally different, out of the comfort zone RP.

For example, Blade wrote a fantastic RP for LL III which was completely a dream (an idea I plan on stealing using somewhat soon). It was awesome and for me, was probably one of the best RP's of the year. He broke out of his own style and came up with something creative and utterly brilliant. If people did that more often, we could be open to a world of new stars.

4: Extra-activities. This is starting to change, and it has been for the last year or so now, but we have enough room in the fed to exploit various avenues. We do the magazine, graphic competitions and Kermit has his simulation. We could always continue doing even mnore stuff, and I'd love to see non-creative guys come up with stuff, which sort of leads into...

5: People getting involved. JGlass rubbed a lot of people the wrong way with his "State of WZCW Address", and for good reason, but eh was right (to a degree) in some of the things he said, in particular, that people should strive to make their own stories better. If you have an idea, if you want to take your character down a certain route, or if you want to have a certain match, don't hesitate to contact us on creative. We aren't all that evil, we promise.

Do you like cheese on toast?

Why cant I think of any decent questions?

Love cheese on toast.

Because you're a robot.

When writing RP's with characters making cameo's, who's been your favorite to write?
When writing RP's with characters making cameo's, who's been your favorite to write?

I've done it very rarely, so you pretty mcuh narrow the list down to yourself, Blade, Constantine, Kurtesy and Crashin. I think the answer, somewhat surprisingly, would be Crashin. I recall writing him a load going into KC last year and being told I wrote him very well, better than the actual Doug Crashin ever could...whcih is very odd.
That's something I rarely did was use cameo's in my RP's. Even leading a stable I didn't use the Apostles much aside from Chris K.O. That being said it's something I wish I did more of as I actually won the LL using the Apostles in big roles in my RP.

My favorites were writing the Brothers in Arms when we were teamed together for a 6 man match, the back and forth banter between Showtime and myself, but my absolute favorite was working with Vengeance during the Dark Alliance phase. I think Polley and I fed off each other so well and could use each other's characters with relative ease. We were able to create tension between our characters while simultaneously agreeing upon the same goal. That and the Serafina/Tarja rivalry was a great story to incorporate as well.
What's the most number of cameos, whether it be from your NPC's or other characters, that you've handled at once in an RP? I think mine was like 8 or 9.
If you were the only member left on creative after everyone around just got up and quit. Who out of the current roster would you pick to replace them for your dream creative team?
What's the most number of cameos, whether it be from your NPC's or other characters, that you've handled at once in an RP? I think mine was like 8 or 9.

Probably 2. Blade and Ty for my LL RP this year.

If you were the only member left on creative after everyone around just got up and quit. Who out of the current roster would you pick to replace them for your dream creative team?

Filling all the positions:

Lee, Shotaro, Barbosa, MTM, Doc, Red Skull

Are you ready?

What's your method to match writing if you have one? Do you have like a basic formula for writing them?

I usually start with a strategy for each competitor to use in the match, like Joe Mason focusing on the arm or whatever. Then I think of 3 or 4 cool spots to put in and the finish. I'll add whatever things you guys requested me to do as well and use the character's moveset and basic strategy to fill the gaps between spots.
What's your method to match writing if you have one? Do you have like a basic formula for writing them?

Start with the entrances, and get them done. Then, plan a finish and work your way there. It normally works, and it's easy to figure out where you need to go with the match.

What's one type of match that hasn't been seen in WZCW that you would like to see?

I don't recall us ever doing an Iron Man match, but don't quote me on that. I'd like to see that one.
&#1041;&#1072;&#1088;&#1073;&#1086;&#1089;&#1072;;4171657 said:
Reynolds and Showtime had an Iron Man for the Elite X title did they not?

All or Nothing 2010, your PPV debut no less. Good memory.

&#1041;&#1072;&#1088;&#1073;&#1086;&#1089;&#1072;;4171657 said:
Given the right circumstances, I would like to see a proper War Games match - AoC vs WZCW could have been epic.

Redemption was originally supposed to feature such a match, but due to the ever changing nature of the Apostles, Ty's resignation and others dropping from the fed etc... we couldn't quite pull it off. Would be good for the future though.
All or Nothing 2010, your PPV debut no less. Good memory.

It was more to do with how good the match was rather than Barbosa's debut.

Redemption was originally supposed to feature such a match, but due to the ever changing nature of the Apostles, Ty's resignation and others dropping from the fed etc... we couldn't quite pull it off. Would be good for the future though.

Damn, I would have been extremely interested in Barbosa's role in such a match, especially with his turbulent relationship with Ty. He could have been WZCW's saviour or its destroyer.
&#1041;&#1072;&#1088;&#1073;&#1086;&#1089;&#1072;;4171693 said:
Damn, I would have been extremely interested in Barbosa's role in such a match, especially with his turbulent relationship with Ty. He could have been WZCW's saviour or its destroyer.

Well original plans on my end were to give Kravinoff a somewhat similar role heading into KC IV: whose side was he on? Then when those plans changed, I suggested Barbosa for the role, but our plans ended up changing so many times it was ridiculous and ultimately he ended up elsewhere.
The answer to both is Saboteur defeating Ty. Ty was undefeated for a year, Saboteur was brand new and no one pegged Ty to lose. True his RP was weaker than Sabs, but it was so sudden. Plus I wrote that one. It is fairly immense.
The answer to both is Saboteur defeating Ty. Ty was undefeated for a year, Saboteur was brand new and no one pegged Ty to lose. True his RP was weaker than Sabs, but it was so sudden. Plus I wrote that one. It is fairly immense.

Did the idea of having that match end in a no contest ever come up so that Ty would remain undefeated?
Did the idea of having that match end in a no contest ever come up so that Ty would remain undefeated?

For a brief period there was a discussion about it, but ultimately Ty himself said he was beaten fir and square and that JGlass deserved to go over after out-RPing him. We all agreed and I wrote the match.
For a brief period there was a discussion about it, but ultimately Ty himself said he was beaten fir and square and that JGlass deserved to go over after out-RPing him. We all agreed and I wrote the match.

Did it come down to Ty's decision if the match would have a clean finish or if it was going to be ruled a no contest?

When the World Champion is in a match and it is ruled a no contest is it safe to assuming the champion was out-RPed?

Has a situation ever arose where you completely disagreed with a decision made by creative?

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