Why would you wait? Daniel Bryan sat there and wait almost an entire year before that stupid troll chased in the MITB contract and look how that turned out for him? Now think if he wasn't a stupid little midget troll he could have actually had an even more meaning career in the WWE, but no he decided to cash in late and waste his career playing games.
Wait is stupid, and only Stupid idiots wait ( thanks Jericho). Your career could be over in one botched moved as per the enzo scare, or the house show where we lost Rollins. Choking your wife, grabbing vince, hanging out almost anywhere in the Orlando area all can end your career premature. Take your shots when you get them.
If you won the lottery would you hold that ticket until it almost expired or would you wait less than 10 mins to loss your crap and go cash that bad boy in?
Both can give you an instant raise to the top of the heap. Good on Ambrose and I don't care what any moron says Hodor......hahahaaahahah Ambrose winning was a far better pop than anything last night. perfect.