So, who wins MITB this year?

I would bet money that it will be Dean Ambrose. If Seth is still champion by June then the story writes itself. Shoe is on the other foot as now Ambrose is the one holding the briefcase and Rollins is the champion looking over his shoulder.

Obviously this story would also work with Roman as the MITB holder. But it wouldnt suit his character very well. Unless he turned heel which I dont see happening any time soon.

The only other option I see being realistic is Bray Wyatt. But I think Bray is more likely to win his first title the more traditional way. Same goes for Rusev. Theyre not cowardly heels like Seth or rebellious faces like Dean, so I dont see them running down with a briefcase to steal a title. I see them being booked to look a bit stronger than that. Also, I just cant see a barefoot Rusev in a ladder match. Might sound silly but I honestly dont think it would work without serious injury.
I'm not in favor of Roman Reigns winning money in the bank as it doesn't suit his character very well. He also isn't ready if you ask me. Can the guy still main event? Sure, why not. But should he be champion this year? Lets hold off on that for now.

My top pick Sheamus. It makes perfect sense right now. The dude came back to show what a real man is all about. He's tired of all the little guys coming in and living a fairy tale sort of story.

Why not have Sheamus go into the match, win it, announce in advance that he is cashing in his briefcase for a title match at the main event of say Summerslam and taking the title the way a legit brute would.

The second option should be Dean Ambrose but I feel he'd get much more of a rub by winning the Royal Rumble but I don't see that happening this year as they have 100,000 seats to sell out at WM. Maybe next year he wins the rumble but MITB is always an option for the lunatic fringe.
The MITB prize could be a key to what type of WWE career Dean Ambrose is to have. If he's destined to be an eternal midcarder, I don't know what winning the briefcase would serve....but if the company has greater plans for him, this could be an ideal place to get him rolling again. I feel his development has been stunted since losing the series to Bray Wyatt. Yes, I understand management wanted to build Bray as an eventual opponent for Undertaker at WM31.....yet, sacrificing Ambrose didn't bode well for Dean's status. Since then, he's been around the IC title hunt, but he's actually accomplished nothing except getting the fans excited.

If there aren't big plans for Ambrose, I'd pick Sheamus to win MITB. With his new, nasty attitude and stupid hairdo, this could be the Summer of the Celtic Warrior, with MITB the cherry on top of the Mohawk. :blush:
Serious question....

Do we NEED mitb now? Is it not a bit dated?

If somebody HAS to win it then I'd pick Ambrose. I think it would suit his personality being a lunatic with a briefcase. I can imagine him carrying something different in the case each week just to be annoying.
^I'd definitely rotate MITB KOTR and NOC every year just to keep it fresh. MITB winner gets a world title shot, KOTR winner gets an IC title shot, NOC - all titles defended is fine as is. MITB casts a big shadow, maybe even more important than the Rumble.

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