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Are You tired of Brodus Clay squash matches?

I agree Brodus was exciting to begin with but its really old now but they need to find a good rivalry for him. Likewise Ryback was exciting for first few matches but started to get boring but they have made a small openning to start a rivalry with Swagger who needs a push after a very long time has been made to look crap eg the Michael Cole rivalry with Lawler he was involved in and his pointless partnership with Ziggler which was a waste of time in my opinion.
yes brodus was entertaining to start with and yes he is boring know. but at the end of the day brodus is not there to keep us happy but the eight year old kids that you see him dancing around the ring with every week. if you put him in a rivalry with someone then that would mean at some point he has to start lossing matches and thats not what eight year old kids want to see. they want to see him. and as long as wwe keep pushing a kid friendly show. then brodus will keep beating jobbers week in week out.
I think it's time for a heel turn. His character did a lot for him, it made people care. When WWE kept hyping Clay's return, I was dreading it, but when he finally showed up my mind quickly changed. I was loving it, but like many have stated, it's old now.

I would like to see Clay turn heel and start a tag team with Mark Henry. I remember reading that the "Hall of Pain" gimmick was Clay's idea (don't know if there is any truth to that) so I think they can continue that gimmick as a team. WWE needs that big bruiser style team, and I think this could work. Imagine a double splash from the 2.
Brodus Clay and Ryback should both be released, they're totally worthless and are never going to get over big.
With squash matches, it's not only Clay and Ryback. Most the matches on TV are squash matches. When was the last time Del Rio had a match that lasted longer than 2 minutes? What about the Divas?

In a two hour Raw, you probably get 20 minutes of actual wrestling. Everybody complains about Cena's 5 moves of doom, but when you have a 90 second match, you can really only get 5 moves in.
I'm tired of it, yes. It felt like WWE forgot that they actually need to do something after all the endless build-up (that is winding down for a while now already).
No, I'm tired of Ryback squash matches. I'd rather see Luke Gallows squash people. At least he has one ounce of personality. I'm not a Brodus Clay fan by any means, but people in attendence generally seem entertained by him and he's somewhat original. Kind of like Flash Funk + Rikishi.
I have no problem with the Brodus squash matches, its the light entertainment part of the show (and don't ever say WWE haven't had these in the past). I have more of a problem with Swagger being used as one of the jobbers to Brodus and Ryback.

They did something clever by having Big Show destroy him, the unbeatable kid friendly wrestler destroyed by the larger than life heel. Perfectly way to make him be hated by that section of the crowd. It could be used again to get other heels across
I am tired of it, it looked like he was moving on with his feud with Big Show, but now he is right back to where he was when he re-debuted.
I was never all that entertained in the forst place with Clay. You have to remember, once they stop the squashes, he's gonna get lost in the shuffle. His beatings by Big Show really proved that he's pretty one dimensional, and that was with the Big Show!
So far the vast majority of posters in this thread have said that the cure for Brodus Clay is to put him into a feud. I don't fault anyone thinking that way, as it is the most logical step in trying to evolve his character. However, no one is bothering to look past that idea to see the flaws in it. I see two huge problems with it.

1. WWE is already pushing one comedy character in Santino. Tell me, is Santino doing anything of significance? Of course not. He has had issues with a guest ring announcer and continues to mock the legacy of the United States Title by winning matching with The Cobra. Additionally Cena is earmarked as the comedy guy of the main eventers. There is no point in pushing another guy with his leanings. Yes wrestling is "entertainment" based. But it destroys the aura of the sport when it isn't centered on confrontation between competitors. Wrestling is a physical, taxing sport. UFC is thriving because they are pushing that aspect of competition, not "entertainment".

2. Brodus Clay's current character is painfully one dimensional. There is simply no viable way for him to feud with anyone right now that will be the least bit enthralling. What are his feuds going to consist of? Who is the better dancer? Despite all the months on television Brodus Clay is not established in any way. All we have learned about him is he likes to dance and his loves his mama. If you enjoy his dancing, you will enjoy his entrance. If you don't, there is nothing else being offered to care about him.

I give Brodus credit for doing what he can with his gimmick. I don't blame him. He is certainly trying and giving his best effort. You can see he is enjoying himself. That being said, it does nothing for his long term prospects. The reason he gets all of these squash matches is because there is nothing else this character brings to the table. His "feud" with Big Show was stopped because it was clear right away how awful it would have been. Sorry, but smiling and dancing to grimacing and angry doesn't work. His character has zero believability in actual competition. His character offers just dancing. So that's what we get. His entrance, a one minute match, then more dancing.
No and yes. No because at least low card guys are getting TV time. Yes, because his matches should be more competitive. Like, I'd want to watch Brodus Clay vs Heath Slater, and then see the match get 4-5 minutes of back and forth action.
Brodus Clay has been very boring and stale lately, I heard that Mark Henry is due to return maybe they'll throw Brodus with Henry otherwise I'd want Brodus & Big Show.

WWE as always will mess the whole thing up and just have Brodus be the one that cheers you up with his dancers when a PPV is going down the drain.

Look at CM Punk, he was great as the 'Voice of the Voiceless' look now? Sure, he's champion, he most likely will lose tonight and drop to mid-card in a few months. (Although he already happens to be there even with the title). WWE need new creators and decent storylines. I expect a good match tonight.
I'm tired of Brodus Clay.. PERIOD. Not just his squash matches, EVERYTHING about the guy. He's got a character thats been done way too many times (fat guy who likes to dance), he has theme music that was just recycled to his character, and he has crap matches. How the heck does he get TV time anyway??? It'd be better to give that tv time to the many great wrestlers on NXT, like Rollins, or Kidd, Mcgillicutty, or Hero...
I don't think they have a feud for D Bryan now also Shemas is being fed with Del Rio who isn't getting that much attention. Cody Rhodes wrestled for Superstars surely wwe is creative enough to think of legitimate opponents for Clay in about 6 months time.
Brodus's problem is that he can't really do any more than two-minute squashes. He's the most inexperienced and limited worker on the roster. I don't think Clay is capable of working, say, a 12 minute match. WWE got caught here because Funkasaurus got so over that they have to feature it on TV, but Clay badly needs experience and would be best served putting in time on NXT. I'm not sure where you can go with Clay from where he is.
It's getting a little old. I find Brodus' character hilarious and his entrance never fails to make me laugh.... but when is the guy going to get a real feud going on? It's time. This has been going on since before Wrestlemania and it is now almost August. That's over 4 months. I suggested earlier in a Slater thread that he and Brodus should feud. Why not? Neither one of them have anywhere to go right now and the feud has potential to be quite funny. Slater just lost to LITA, so losing the entire feud with Brodus wouldn't do any damage to his credibility, but I'd want to see them at least make it look like he had a chance of winning a match between the two. Make this feud happen!

No matter who it is against.... Brodus needs a real feud. People are getting tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. No one can be believable doing nothing but squash jobbers for a whole year. He has to move on to facing people in actual angles, if he HAS to win then at least they can let the other guy look stronger in their loss. This character was something new, so I'd hate to see WWE ruin it by never letting Brodus do a full angle. If not the Slater feud then SOMETHING. Heck, make him feud with Hornswoggle, that'd still be a full angle. Fans are losing interest and it will not end well for Brodus if it reaches the point where no one cares about him anymore.
Im not just tired of his squash matches im tired of him altogether. At Raw 1000 I realised just how much I now loathe his part in the show, I mean at least Ernest "The Cat" Miller could dance when he did exactly the same thing.

But then, im a grumpy sod.
bored with him in general. sorry but a fat guy dancing just doesn't entertain me. didn't entertain when it was big dick johnson with his bottle of babyoil, doesn't do it here. he needs a real feud where he can slowly get rid of parts of the gimmick, like the girls and the dancing. nothing wrong with the funk gimmick but this is just too childish. lose parts of it, show a little more of the vicious side and it will help.
What more can you do with him? He's a novelty act...sort of like Doink the Clown or something. I mean, if you turn him heel, then you could do some things with him, but now... in this gimmick... he's a novelty act who is for comedic purposes only. Nothing else.

He's not horrible either. The dancing's not wearing thin with me, and before Big Show destroyed him, he was kind of awesome at being that 'bigger guy who'd take up for you' kinda guy. I think that he's not destined for a title anytime soon, but at the same time, he's harmless.
The company seemingly can't decide what they want Brodus to be. One thing seems certain: his routine is not about the wrestling...... he barely does any. He's far more about dancing and entertainment than wrestling. Think back to Wrestlemania and that whole "Dancing Mommas" production number. That wasn't about wrestling, yet it was Clay's entire contribution to the PPV.

Meanwhile, after Brodus was decimated by Big Show, I figured Clay would be used differently, since his veneer of invincibility had been removed. Instead, we watched him destroy Jack Swagger in seconds, just a week after Swagger gave a hard time to Ryback, of all people. What was WWE looking to accomplish with all that?

Brodus has been bounced around, with WWE wanting to depict him as a monster one week......and then taking him off the air to "improve his ring wrestling technique." Both times he's returned from that, I've failed to see what progress had been made. He still appeared more interested in dancing and posturing than developing a viable ring repertoire. Maybe he simply isn't capable of it.

Is Brodus Clay an effective wrestler......or a carnival act? Perhaps WWE can get back to us when they're ready to decide.
Yes, I am tired of the squash matches. They probably feel that Brodus cannot work a 10-12 minute match.

Brodus Clay/Miz feud could be entertaining.
Sooner or later WWE is gonna have to shit or get off the pot with these guys. He's been doing this gimmick since January and he still has yet to get a real feud. Eventually fans are going to get bored.
His squash matches are getting old now. Not only him but I'm also getting sick of Ryback squash matches. They've had enough squash matches by now, give them some real competition. They last like less than 1 minute. Why have the match if it's going to be for that amount of time ? ! Pointless.
Brodus Clay has been doing squash matches for so long that he has had to face guys he has squashed again. And the squash matches are no fun either. I can't even see him in a program with this gimmick. He needs to disappear and get repackaged with a monster heel gimmick. That's how you use a guy that big.

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