Brodus Clay disussion

It's far from the worst idea. I'd actually call it a rather good idea. He's different, he's entertaining and he's over. To be fair the squash matches are getting a little old. I'd like to start seeing him in more competitive matches sooner rather than later, but I've got no problem with the Funkasaurus gimmick at all. It's better than the monster heel character everyone was expecting.
the excuse is to make him something different so he stands out and to an extent it works. i mean look at Ryback - similar gimmick but he is beating jobbers where at least Clay is working with decent talent. but he runs the risk of being another Santino - so comic that no one can take him seriously. Wasn't that the plan with Eugene at one time - he was going to come in as a bit of a joke and then they would change him over to a more serious guy? and look how well that turned out. Mick Foley is a great example of how you need to be careful with the comedy - Mankind started out being serious and turned funny with Socko but even Foley said when it was time to retire, Cactus Jack needed to be the persona he used because Cactus wasn't funny and he didn't want to be remembered as the guy with the sock on his hand. Unfortunately for Clay, he doesn't have that other character to fall back on.
I actually feel that if you enjoy this joke of a wrestler, then something is seriously wrong. I am tired of hearing about a damn funkasaurus, I am tired of seeing this gay ripped off nitro girl dance.

I really don't understand the point you are trying to make here. So if I enjoy watching Brodus Clay then there's something wrong with me? I don't see anything gay in his gimmick, a man who dances with two smokin' women. I find your use of the word gay in this instance quite offensive.

I enjoy watching The Funkasaurus. The whole gimmick is fun and entertaining in my eyes. That's what pro wrestling is about isn't it? Wrestling would be a rather dull world without the outlandish characters such as Brodus.
He's a fun character, a nice change of pace. He does need to evolve, I will give you that...the act is getting stale, and needs to be changed up a bit in some way. And not in the selling for Miz for 3 and a half minutes way. I'd like to seem him in an actual program with someone. But no, this is not the worst idea today. Natalya's farting thing (is that still going on?), whatever it is they've done with Zack Ryder to kill his momentum, Drew MacIntyre...all much worse.
Brodus Clay is just messed up i find it out of the time period no one cares about Funk anymore and his Gimmick is laughable. I understand a lot of people like it but i can't watch his matches or anything they just make me wonder why Funk. Funk is extinct and thats all there is to it. Now its time for the only Funkasaurus to go Extinct with that which he loves
. We haven't seen him actually wrestle. That's what bothers me the most. If he went out there and put on good matches and could actually sell i wouldn't have any problems. Of course the gimmick would be cheesy but as people like to constantly say not everything has to be serious so i could deal. But the fact that every single match of his is the same thing every week and his entrance is more important than the matches them self i am not ok with.

This hits it on the head. Yes, there's room for 'fun' midcard attractions on a wrestling card. In fact, they're necessary. But we're not seeing ANYTHING new from Brodus (after what, 3 months?) and it's becoming clearer and clearer that he doesn't have the chops to wrestle a real match.

I'm not sure what WWE should do here. Funkasaurus got over in a big way, but the one trick is running out of steam fast. Brodus may have to be relegated to bodyguard or tag team duty, he's just too limited in the ring. He could be part of a fun tag team.
Guys like Brodus Clay are the reason majority of people call wrestling "fake and stupid"

Guys like Brodus Clay are the reason Wrestling fans get a bad name.

If you guys like things like "funkasaurus" maybe you need to watch cartoons instead of Pro-Wrestling.

So you think if all the fake, predetermined matches were presented in a "serious" real sport type of fashion, people would think wrestling fans are cool??? :banghead:

Hate to tell you but even when pro wrestling was at it's apex, few if any people looked at wrestling fans and thought they were cool.

I've been watching wrestling and going to shows longer than I can remember and there are still some people I would never admit it to.

Pro wrestling is part cartoon, part male oriented soap opera, etc. But maybe you're one of those "it's real to me" guys and if so, I apologize for wasting your time...:)
Everyone always raved about how great the Attitude Era was. If it was one thing though, it was entertaining. Remember what they had for gimmicks? Remember the Hoe Train? Eugene who played a mentally handicapped person? Come on now. There's nothing wrong with Brodus Clay. They just need him to wrestle more.
I just wish his matches weren't all the same. I had a brief glimmer of hope during his match against Miz, but once again, the big man had his dance. Eventually, he's going to have to lose, unless they just give up on him completely before that happens.

I agree that goofy gimmicks aren't bad in themselves, and I've actually enjoyed Brodus to an extent. (As much as I'm afraid to admit, I dig the song.) But they've just been dragging this out for too long with way to much predictability.
Guys like Brodus Clay are the reason majority of people call wrestling "fake and stupid."

Those who call wrestling "fake" are using a holdover argument from the days of complete kayfabe when companies and wrestlers presented the product as 100% real. You know, back when many wrestling fans defended the product as real. Those who use the word "fake" are stuck in the past. Ignore them because it's a stupid argument.

People call it "stupid" because everybody calls something they don't like "stupid." Wrestling is not the cool thing to be into. Period. It's not because of one relatively small percentage of wrestlers.

Guys like Brodus Clay are the reason Wrestling fans get a bad name.

There are plenty of reasons that wrestling fans get a bad name. Wrestling is not exactly a high-class industry with high-class fans (although it's better than it used to be). When non-wrestling fans think of wrestling fans, they think of the crazy drunk rednecks often found in Attitude Era crowds.

Not to mention, guys who take professional wrestling way too seriously don't add anything to the perception.

If you guys like things like "funkasaurus" maybe you need to watch cartoons instead of Pro-Wrestling.

Or maybe we have a sense of humor.

Honestly, I wasn't into the whole "Funkasaurus" thing, but he's grown on me. He looks like he's actually enjoying what he does for a living, and there's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone can be completely serious, or it would mess with the pacing of the show.
And seeing that younger fans and families are responding positively to guys like Brodus and Santino makes me happy. Anything that gets new generations of fans to watch is A-Okay with me. Hogan appealed to young fans, and many of those young fans grew up into adult wrestling fans who share wrestling with their kids, who will continue the cycle.
Well, the opinions are all over the place, aren't they? Some fans love him and others hate him...... it's par for the course in pro wrestling. Many are amused by his routine, while others are seemingly offended that wrestling is being made to look like a joke.:blush:

The origin of the Funkasaurus character? I see Flash Funk and The Godfather, in which both gimmicks accented entertainment over wrestling, and the fans seemed to understand what was being presented to them. Neither of those guys were about chasing championships; they were there to amuse!

Now, there's Brodus Clay, whose character seems to be bridging the gap between competition and entertainment. We're already discussing how soon he'll be going for a major title.....this from a guy who appeared at Wrestlemania, not to wrestle, but rather to perform in a Broadway spectacle. Go figure.

It's all in the gimmick, isn't it? In another thread, some posters are saying that Clay possesses enormous charisma. I say he's the beneficiary of a well-written program; by himself, he's a below-average performer. In fact, the company was so dissatisfied with his in-ring performance that they took him off the air due to his poor ability to work a match. Where's the charisma?

I can only imagine what it's like for the guys and gals in the back, waiting for Creative to come up with something for them.....while they sit and wonder why others are having tons of material written for them (Hi, Cody!) even as they ponder whether their turn will ever come.

Okay, so Brodus now gets to cash in. That's great, but let's not pretend it's because he's suddenly developed a presence that makes him any better than he was before his program was launched.

He's got a gimmick that works.....that's all.
It's all in the gimmick, isn't it? In another thread, some posters are saying that Clay possesses enormous charisma. I say he's the beneficiary of a well-written program; by himself, he's a below-average performer. In fact, the company was so dissatisfied with his in-ring performance that they took him off the air due to his poor ability to work a match. Where's the charisma?

He is quite charismatic in my opinion. WWE could have had Jackson, or Young, O'Neil or anyone come out sporting a one piece, and dubbed them the funkasaurus in the same well written program, but there's no way in hell they could pull it off. Why can Brodus when they couldn't? Because Brodus has that charisma and unique personality. I think he's great t.v. Naturally funny without much forced effort.
Anything that gets new generations of fans to watch is A-Okay with me. Hogan appealed to young fans, and many of those young fans grew up into adult wrestling fans who share wrestling with their kids, ]who will continue the cycle.

I assume you missed WWE's audience demographic study results about 3 months back ? If so let me enlighten you .


runner up to that is 34 to 49

third largest demo is 18 to 34


Since I'm going on memory the ages may be off by a year or two but the over 50 is just that .

This being released proves that WWE is failing to make new and younger fans , even though their programming is designed to . It also proves that the supporters of WWE are most likely those that became interested in the product in the 70's , 80's, 90's and have stayed with it . Teens and younger seem to turn on to the current product and fade away fairly quickly .

How older people that actually were raised during the time of great pro wrestling can support the stuff on tv today is beyond me, but they do .
Actually, I did miss that demographic study. I will cede that point to you, sir. Maybe the fact that I grew up with wrestling pretty much since I was born influenced that statement. I just think that we shouldn't ignore that demographic completely, like some people have suggested.

I'll admit I got away from wrestling for a while last year, but I gotta say that the past few months have been pretty good. It feels like WWE's trying to find the right balance between old school and new school, and they just haven't quite found it yet.
I get why people bitch and moan about Clay's gimmick...It's obvious his gimmick's a Flash Funk/The Cat/Rikishi/Viscera/Godfather lovechild...All I have to say is that he at least needs an original finisher..As agile as he is, a Running Splash is a bullshit finisher for him..A better finisher for him would be The Orange Crush Powerbomb Pin..It'd look funky and devastating simultaneously

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