Are TNA Fans in General Sick of the Hardy's?

I hope my response wasn't interpreted as hateful, as I know a lot of people have voiced some pretty negative stuff. I'm trying to be balanced, and I certainly remember the impact they've had as a tag team.

However I don't see Jeff's run in TNA (either time) as being his best work, and with Matt it largely remains to be seem. I've always seen Matt as the more skilled in the ring so I do certainly hope he does well but I disagree with any real improvement with Jeff's mic skills as a heel. It's an interesting turn to see, as he's been a face most of his career, but Jeff was never the best mic worker to begin with.

I certainly don't blame the Hardy's for what's happened so far in TNA. This is a show that dotes on talent imported from WWE entirely too often, and while that can work to their advantage, bear in mind TNA does not have a good reputation for writing their talent well.

Not having seen much of Matt since he's been there of him I can say very little, but Jeff has traditionally been a guy who could make other people look really good with the way he takes bumps; he's not the person really known for carrying matches. in all of his main event WWE matches he's been with guys that knew how to carry a match (HHH, Edge, Punk, etc.) TNA's roster is not as filled with guys capable of doing this at the main event level. Sure if he's in a match with Van Dam, Mr. Anderson, Kurt Angle or AJ Styles it'll be great to watch, but Jarrett? Steiner? Abyss? If it were Jeff or Matt taking on the TNA bred it might be a different story, but that's just not likely.

Part of both Hardy's issues in TNA will surround what the company does with the talent around them. Neither have made a reputation for carrying a company and this company has not done all that well promoting its own talent or handling imported talent very well.

This will directly affect where they go here and what their collective futures are like.

As a tag team I rank them in top 10 of best of all time (possibly top 5), as single stars Jeff was and is the better, regardless if he can carry a match I'd challenge anyone to give me five singles match of Jeff and Matt that are considered classics and you'll be hard pushed to find a Matt Hardy classic let alone 5 of them. Jeff can cut it as a singles star and tag, Matt on the other hand can't he's a tag team guy through and through and if Matt became TNA world champion I'd bet rating would decrease greatly.

I concur though that Jeff's best work is in WWE by leaps and bounds.
I remember when I used to look up to the Hardy's...

Glad that over.

I'm sick of hearing about Jeff's court case, which has been going on for 2 freakin years now. I'm sick of Matt's inflated ego, weird ass videos, and the constant crying over Lita. I'm sick of Matt more than Jeff however. Jeff may be a moron, but I somewhat enjoy him on TNA now(heels rule!) and doesn't put himself in half of the crap his brother does.. Matt however, is a complete attention ****e and marks out for himself whenever that bone gets thrown at him.

So generally, yes; I am sick of Matthew and Meth Hardy.
Misspelling of asinine but whatever.

I merely commented on an issue that had been brought up several times in the thread already. I am sure plenty of people dislike Matt for whatever reason. That being said it is pretyt obvious everyone doesn't dislike him. He still gets cheered actually by noticeable sections of the crowd. What is dumb is that people dislike him for videos that it is clear he made to get a specific reaction. Much like this recent tweet. What you do not get is that by obsessing about your hate for him you are actually helping him and giving his character credibility. That is the part that amuses me greatly.

"pretyt" huh? I know it was an accident, but you seem pretty determined to point out any and all grammatical errors.

I'm not obsessing about hating him, I don't run down the street telling everyone I see about Hardy, I don't bring it up in conversations. I merely give my views and opinions on a wrestling forum that's discussing The Hardy's

I understand trying to garner heat, but he doesn't have the kind of heat you want. He has X-Pac heat.... far more than X-Pac ever had. Infact I think it's to the point where it can be renamed Hardy heat.

I don't care about his character, I don't specifically watch to see him lose. I change the channel when he's on and hope he gets future endeavored. How is that helping his character?
Jeff is the only one of the two that has ever been worth watching IMO. Very few superstars regularly got the pops he did during his last run in the WWE. He clearly has the ability to be a great superstar on a regular basis. If his game has fallen off it's clearly b/c of his drug problems. It's a shame to have that kind of talent and not have the common sense to stay clean so he can utilize his gifts. Matt on the other hand has never had the intangibles that Jeff does. He's always been sub par IMO. The only reason he was picked up by TNA is: A.) Beggars can't be choosers and TNA will take any former WWE talent they can get. B.) Shock factor; he's not AS washed up as some of the former WWE talent in TNA so he's still fresh in the minds of wrestling fans. C.) Jeff was TNA champion at the time of Matt's debut so he probably had enough pull at the time to at least secure a temporary gig for his loser brother. To summarize, if fans are tired of the Hardys it's their own fault; Jeff for the drug use and Matt because he should've retired when he was released from the WWE.
I know what I find annoying. That is people that are stupid enough to not see that TNA has been using twitter to "work" storylines for a while now. The Matt Hardy tweet could not have been more obviously kayfabe.

TNA is definitely using Twitter to further stories. But has it all? TNA is far too concerned with targeting the internet smarks as opposed to appealing to a larger audience, and no matter how you spin it, that's a problem.

The trial has nothing to do with you. Yes, even if you play wrestling booker in a basement.

Fans who watch the show and pay good money for t-shirts, PPV's, DVD's, etc. have the right to bitch about the top guy being on trial for dealing and using drugs. Some charges have been dropped, he's probably not going to jail, I get it. It really doesn't bother me on a personal level, but it does bother some fans, and who are you to tell them it shouldn't matter?

What is dumb is that people dislike him for videos that it is clear he made to get a specific reaction. Much like this recent tweet.

HE made the videos, and he typed the tweets. I don't want to hear him complain about the "smarks" when he has brought all of this negative attention on himself.

I don't think all fans are sick of the Hardy Boys. They have a fanbase, no doubt. Personally, I couldn't possibly care less about either of them. Jeff isn't what he was even a year ago, and Matt..well, Matt has never been anything special.

The one thing that annoys me about Matt more so than Jeff is how he is easily his own biggest fan. There isn't a bigger Matt Hardy mark on the planet than Matt Hardy. If that's his "character," fine, whatever. Good luck with that. But personally, all of his complaining and crying about not being used properly has driven me up a fucking wall. In fact, it's so annoying that I seriously consider changing the channel when he pops up on screen.
I could care less about Jeff & Matt's antics outside of TNA/WWE, I like the characters they play on television & enjoy their matches. Some of my favorite matches of all time include the Hardys. Besides, do you really care what your plumber does when he's not fixing the toilet? As long as he shows up on time & does the job....who cares? If they're not hurting anyone, what they do is their business. Jeff's drug issues are his own choice & one I could careless about...the U.S. drug laws are an antiquated set of standards based on public misperception & half-truths. As for Matt, the youtube stuff isn't even on the radar of most people, I don't see how it would impact TNA one way or the other.

I think they're both great for TNA & hope that they stick with the company for a long time. If management uses them correctly, it could definitely benefit TNA in the long run.
The smarks are. You know, the people who dislike a wrestler because of his personal life, which is like 98% of the IWC these days. Lots of people will come out and say that they are sick of them because of their wrestling ability - and that is understandable, the Hardy's are not great enough to garner AJ Styles status in term of how much people like them. But whenever I read a post about them and detect the words "drug addict", "fat", "court", "meth" I stop reading. I do the same thing whenever I start reading a post and see this - "This is what I would've done...".

I'm not "sick" of the Hardy's. I'm actually pleasantly surprised by Matt's improvement. I thought he'd be way worse, and even though he's no AJ Styles, he's holding his own. He's getting in shape, he's finding his new character which I'm no fan of but we'll see where he takes it, and he's as mediocre (being generous here) in the ring as he's always been.

As far as Jeff goes - I'm starting to like the guy more and more with every freaking show. Jeff's just a good heel and that's that, he acts like a douchebag, he talks like a douchebag, and whether he IS a douchebag or not, he's doing it well.

See, I'll never, ever hate a wrestler because of who he is in real life. I don't give a fuck about that, that doesn't concern me as a fan, his work on TV does and so far the Hardy's have not been bad at all.

"OMG JEFF TAKES DRUGZ AND HE'S IN COURT FOR IT!" - that makes him a horrible on-air talent. Somehow. Someway. Magically.

"FATT HARDY IS A FORMER WWE STAR AND HE'S FAT AND HE'S FAT!" - He got in decent shape. Working for another company makes you a bad on-air talent - how exactly. I hope the people who spew such crap don't ever get a job in their lives because they worked somewhere else previously.
I agree with Shattered, if it's TNA-related, and it's posted on Twitter, it'd be pretty wise to assume it's kayfabe. Not that posting things on Twitter has EVER furthered a storyline, but that's what they've been trying to do for a while. This isn't new information, people.
"OMG JEFF TAKES DRUGZ AND HE'S IN COURT FOR IT!" - that makes him a horrible on-air talent. Somehow. Someway. Magically.
Show me the person who's arguing that Jeff Hardy's court issues make him a horrible on-air talent. If he's not drooling on his shoes and talking up Russian oil companies as secure investments, I will buy you a cookie, because this is one of the most popular tacks of the ultra-TNA-diehards around here. Instead of addressing people's actual issues with Jeff Hardy, you've created this bullshit strawman argument that people think Jeff Hardy is awful because drugs make him a bad performer. It's a very easy statement to argue against, because it makes absolutely zero fucking sense, which is probably why people choose to argue against statements like that instead of the actual positions of people they're arguing against.

The argument is that there is such a thing as "corporate responsibility"; that a company has a responsibility to the society it exists within, to promote the values of the society that nurtures it and allows it to exist. This is a foreign concept to many posters around here, whose idea of responsibility extends to having their room clean before they're called down to dinner, but it's been a part of business since the Code of Hammurabi. (If you don't know it, look it up. If you're too lazy and uneducated to look it up, it's when people started writing down their laws, several thousand years ago.) What TNA is doing is playing fast and loose; while they know their champion and Top Guy is about to be convicted on multiple drug related felonies, they're still using him as much as they can. TNA is sending the message that it's fine to run a pharmacy out of their house, and if you doubt that for a second, read some posts around here. The general consensus is that if Jeff Hardy doesn't get jail time, then he really didn't do anything wrong.

THAT's why people don't like Jeff Hardy. It's just a *little* bit more complicated then you'd like to make it seem.
I could take or leave both of them. They may be "controversial" and all, but TNA hasn't been able to use them in a way to gain any more publicity or ratings. The Hardys haven't changed the fan base one iota. TNA maybe trying to capitalize on Matt Hardy's crazy twitter rants and youtube videos, but does it make a difference if no one cares to notice them? Jeff Hardy's legal troubles are more of a burden then anything. It makes TNA look minor league to have their world champion a current convicted felon.

Maybe if he was convicted and charged of these charges years ago it would be a different story. It just looks bad that he is going to be found guilty of all these charges while being champion. I think the Hardys have reached their peak as far as popularity is concerned.
I am!

Personally Im sick of a lot of TNA stars but the Hardy's are the top 2. I remember their tag team days fondly and they were generally exciting and unpredictable. Now they both look out of shape, sloppy in the ring and generally bored with what they are doing. I dont agree with Jeff Hardy being a world champion in any promotion, but especially now with his on going legal problems (Im sure we will be able to say that every year.)

I think the problem with the Hardys is the same with most of the main event roster of TNA. They are only there on name recognition and past glories. Look at how many talented wrestlers are in the Indy promotions or are released from WWE every year, why not get those guys in instead of the RVD's, Hogans, Flairs of the world. TNA could be a bigger player in this game if they pushed young talented guys, anybody remember the glory days of the X division.
No, IWC TNA fans may be sick of the Hardy's, but TNA fans certainly are not, and even if they are it's not showing in any direct result with loss of ratings, so who gives a fuck?

Let them hate. Hate is a great thing for heels to garner. If fans are starting to legitimately hate them, they're doing their jobs exceptionally well, because that's exactly what you are supposed to feel with heels.

See: Jeff Jarrett v. Kurt Angle.
If fans are starting to legitimately hate them, they're doing their jobs exceptionally well, because that's exactly what you are supposed to feel with heels.

That's only half true, it depends on how much and to what extent they "legitimately" hate

The good kind of hate is the kind that CM Punk currently has, where people would pay to see you lose, where they tune in to watch a guy like Orton or Cena just bash their skull in.

Matt does not have that kind of heat. Matt has change the channel and pray he gets fired heat. I personally don't like Jeff, but I can admit he has more of the good heat than Matt. Jeff has a decent enough future ahead of him (providing he doesn't screw it up anymore than he has) Matt is destined to a lifetime of high school gymnasiums
No, IWC TNA fans may be sick of the Hardy's, but TNA fans certainly are not, and even if they are it's not showing in any direct result with loss of ratings, so who gives a fuck?

Let them hate. Hate is a great thing for heels to garner. If fans are starting to legitimately hate them, they're doing their jobs exceptionally well, because that's exactly what you are supposed to feel with heels.

See: Jeff Jarrett v. Kurt Angle.

IDR is right. I personally could give two craps about Jeff or Matt Hardy. To me, they are so over-exposed outside of the ring that I've really taken on the attitude of I don't care. I know the only reason they have built that taste up to me is because they are becoming more internet star hungry than that whole LonelyGirl craze. Yeah, it does become a bit disturbing when you see former heroes to the youngsters looking half-dazed and strung out posting youtube rants calling out their 'friends' they were being nice to at their old work place. Of course this 'heel' gimmick doesn't really go over all the great when the heels have to tell the live audience to "Shut Up" :lmao: Yeah, its kinda hard when you still get cheered and your "Creatures of the Night" still like you in person because you are showing up and living up to that mysterious, and enigmatic persona you've always created.

But as far as taking credit for the ratings jumping up like.... .00001%?? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: Pardon me while I let you take credit. You may as well say that if you were on an episode of Hoarders, you picked one box out of a craphole like that. Please, the ratings may have gone up like an iota of a percent, but I'm sure as hell it wasn't ALL THANKS to MATT HARDY... I'd like to think that creative, and maybe something called the TNA locker room was also a helping hand in that. Or that could just be because you would discount the time and effort put in by the founding people like Jarrett, or vets like Angle. Who knows anymore these days, kayfabe or not, while I have a 'don't care' attitude towards the Hardy's, I'm sure I'm not the only one in that boat. So I'm glad I really could care less where these boys end up anymore.

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