Are the fans Killing TNA?

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14-Year Old Virgin

Dark Match Winner
You know, I am not one to really start threads. But some TNA fans have fallen off the stupid tree and hit EVERY branch on the way down. I have been sitting here watching the WZ news section for MONTHS and the second we see a thread saying "Paul London" or "Insert name here" has been released, some INSANE fan can justify why TNA should bring this guy in. You guys are REACHING to say the least. ESPECIALLY the Super crazy suggestion & Now Paul London. WTF are you guys thinking? You guys are willing to bring in ANY old WWE talent. The sad thing is, you ALL think they will be the answer to finally get a mention on WWE TV or whatever it is you hope it will gain. Because I can tell you right now, I can't fathom how either of these two would make me wet my pants with excitement like it has some of you fans.

Come on, If MICK FOLEY didn't rattle their cage, I highly DOUBT Paul London or Super Crazy will! Mick may not be wrestling, but his name is one of the most credible names they have hired since Angle. BOOGER T surely don't count as his gimmick has become the DUMBEST GIMMICK EVER. He talks like he just took a dump in his drawers or is about to. SQUEEZING his butt cheeks together trying to hold it until he can get into the back. Then, Scott Stiener. He can NOT get through an entire Storyline with ANYONE without getting HURT! He looks TERRIBLE in the ring anymore and is SUCKING WIND 10 minutes in.

Until a HUGE NAME like Cena or Batista is released from the WWE, there is no need to be excited about anyone the WWE is releasing. Super Crazy. Thats some funny shit. Now Paul London. Thats even funnier. TNA has a 60 man roster and doesn't use over half of them anymore. Why not start a thread saying give one of them a shot at TV time? ANYTHING! TNA needs to STOP concentraiting on old WWE Characters & Storylines and do what got them there to begin with.

I love the MEM Gimmick, but it STINKS of NWO CRAP. Like I have said in another thread, had they used Angle, Cage, Sting, Foley, Team 3D & JEFF JARRETT in the MEM, then the storyline would have ALOT MORE credibility and it WOULD have WORKED. Plus, the NWO feel and stench would not apply. Drop the whole Sharkboy "Austin" Gimmick all together. Why do you think Austin was HEAVILY Voted in for cyber Sunday? That gimmick made the fans MISS AUSTIN. TNA keeps making the fans want to watch the WWE to see what they have been missing. The WWE KNOWS THAT. TNA Fans may think Vince is stupid, but the man didn't get to where he is by being STUPID.

I love TNA. I have been watching them since a time where I could. What I loved about them the most was they had fresh wrestlers to watch. For me it was different as ALOT of the TNA talent used to wrestle here in Michigan and I got to see them BEFORE most of you may have. EY & MCMG, just to name a few. I was excited to see them wrestle for TNA. I remember the first time I seen TNA and thought WOW, These guys actually have a shot at giving the WWE a run for their money! Now I think, WOW, their looking more and more like a failing WCW. TNA was once a STATEMENT of DIFFERENT. Now they are becoming a STATEMENT of THE SAME.

This is like watching a ship sinking. A ship that belongs to YOU (The Fans). And not being able to talk sense into the captain that using old parts to fix what isn't broke, & is why it is indeed SINKING. Wake up TNA FANS. Stop begging TNA to commit suicide with people that amounted to CRAP anywhere else. Instead, lets tell TNA to keep it FRESH and EXCITING. Say what you want about me. But at one point, I couldn't wait until iMPACT came on every Thursday. Now, I DVR it so I can skip through the Hour of TALK and less wrestling.
You know when I first saw this thread I thought that you were talking about the idiots in the impact zone who chant "Fire Russo" all the fucking time. Or the fans who kept saying stupid shit like "Joe is the next big thing in wrestling" only to turn on him as soon as he won the belt. (For the record I am no Joe fan, never could see what people saw in him)

The thing is TNA is not sinking, sure its not growing much at the moment but I believe they just need that break-out star or that killer angle. While some comments like Paul London or Elijah Burke should go to TNA are not neccessarily helping I am sure they're not really hurting it either. No more than me saying The Rock should go to TNA.

Back to the topic at hand if you are going to talk about any fans ruining TNA then please talk about the ones that chant "Fire Russo" because to most fans who dont bother checking the internet for wrestling (e.g. me two years ago) they have no idea what the fuck that chant even means. This may seem dramatic but it can probably put some people off, I dont really care because they just sound like moron's to me whether I know what they mean or not.

While we are at it maybe that "TNA" chant needs to go aswell. Nothing screams niche more than a few hundred people chanting the name of the company that they are watching on live TV. Just my thoughts.
To be quite honest the fans that "ruin TNA" are people like you Hellspawn Demon who claim TNA is like WCW. When its nothing like it, ok they have the same writer (Russo) and a few wrestlers from there but apart from that how the hell is it a failing WCW? Secondly threads such as Super Crazy to TNA that I started are not a "lets get him to go becuase I want to see more WWE talent in TNA", they are started to see what poeples reaction will be and so they can talk and chat and perhaps think about the effect it would have on TNA and the idea of them wrestling for another big promotion. Thirdly I have no idea how you get NWO from MEM? Thats like saying when Evolution was around they were very NWOish! How did Sharkboy make more votes for Austin at Cyber Sunday fans voted for him because hes Stone Cold plain and simple even if Shakboy didnt exist. I dont know how TNA makes thier fans watch WWE, because when I watch it I dont wana watch WWE at all. And last but not least, if you dont look forward to iMPACT anymore why do you bother watching it? Its fans like you who are ruining TNA.
To be quite honest the fans that "ruin TNA" are people like you Hellspawn Demon who claim TNA is like WCW. When its nothing like it, ok they have the same writer (Russo) and a few wrestlers from there but apart from that how the hell is it a failing WCW?

Fans like ME are the ones trying to spread the word of TNA and to try and get them to realize that your trying to fix a well oiled machine with OUTDATED PARTS. The similarities between WCW & TNA are getting clearer EVERYDAY. I have seen SEVERAL PEOPLE on this forum making that comparison. You think I am the FIRST? Wake up and smell the shit your shoveling.

TNA was a HUGE BLIP on the WWE radar. UNTIL, They started making CONSTANT references to the WWE. Then the WWE said, You know what?, Let them mention us because the longer we ignore them, the MORE PEOPLE will watch our show to see if we RESPOND. Thats common sense 101. That answers your "how TNA makes thier fans watch WWE" Statement and question. Take off your TNA FANBOY hat off for a moment and actually read this before asking me a question I have already answered in the original post.

I LOVE TNA. I want BADLY for them to succeed and get as HUGE as the WWE. WHY? Because then the FANS WIN. When the whole Monday night wars was going on, That was the BEST TIME FOR WRESTLING! No matter which program you watched, You were GAURANTEED an AWESOME SHOW! I STRONGLY believe that were have YET to see the BEST of TNA.

Secondly threads such as Super Crazy to TNA that I started are not a "lets get him to go becuase I want to see more WWE talent in TNA", they are started to see what poeples reaction will be and so they can talk and chat and perhaps think about the effect it would have on TNA and the idea of them wrestling for another big promotion.

Here's where I can NOT see the logic. We'll use your thread since you tossed it out there for me to use. You state that "Your thread Super Crazy to TNA, Was to get reaction and thoughts from fans" is the exact opposite of what you claim. I read that post and I seen a person lobbying for TNA to hire Crazy and wanted to see if others agreed or not. If you were truly trying to start a conversation to see how the fans felt, maybe the title of the thread should have read, "Could Super Crazy going to TNA help?".

See, you got my reaction (That you claim was a debate) and you didn't like it so you got BIAS about my opinion. DEBATE ME. Don't bash me for my opinions that YOU ASKED FOR by coming into my thread and making accusations that contradict everything I said in my original post.

Thirdly I have no idea how you get NWO from MEM? Thats like saying when Evolution was around they were very NWOish! How did Sharkboy make more votes for Austin at Cyber Sunday fans voted for him because hes Stone Cold plain and simple even if Shakboy didnt exist.

Ok, I already explained this too, but here it goes again. You know what, I will just copy and paste it. Maybe if you took 5 seconds to actually read this post, you may have already understood this. "I love the MEM Gimmick, but it STINKS of NWO CRAP. Like I have said in another thread, had they used Angle, Cage, Sting, Foley, Team 3D & JEFF JARRETT in the MEM, then the storyline would have ALOT MORE credibility and it WOULD have WORKED." FRESH FACES with a NEW ATTITUDE, SUCCESSFULLY remaking a storyline of greatness past.

To add to that, to help you understand where I am coming from, The comparison is made because former NWO MEMBERS are in the spotlight. Nash, & Steiner. The WWE version of the NWO had BOOGER in it. At one point, even STING was a part of the NWO until WCW realized that STING was not making it as an NWO member and pulled him from them and had him fight against them and then the fans embraced him again. So, What would EVER make me think NWO when looking at the MEM? Hopefully you can piece that together.

Since you brought up Evolution, lets talk about that. Evolution was a remake of the 4 Horseman. But here's the KICKER, it was a FRESH TAKE on it using some of the most Talented wrestlers in the WWE at the time. Yeah, Maybe Flair should not have been a part of it, but atleast he KNEW his role as SUPPORT and was PUSHING YOUNGER TALENT (I.E. Batista & Orton). Which BTW, Flair succeed BEAUTIFULLY at helping the younger guys get over. All you have to do is turn on Raw and see for yourself.

One quick statement though, How your anology of Evolution being like the NWO being used by you to try and describe my statement of the MEM being like the NWO is a BAD comparison. I could see it if evolution was pushing a Broken wrestler (Stiener) or an slow dinosaur (Nash) or a wrestler that is squeezing his butt cheeks together while talking and sounding like an complete ****** (BOOGER T). But that wasn't the case. The only Dinosaur they had was Flair and he was busy PUSHING Batista and Orton. Not trying to take the spotlight from the REAL talent of an organization.

I dont know how TNA makes thier fans watch WWE, because when I watch it I dont wana watch WWE at all. And last but not least, if you dont look forward to iMPACT anymore why do you bother watching it? Its fans like you who are ruining TNA.

I answered the question of how TNA has fans turning WWE shows on earlier. So, to answer your about me not looking forward to TNA and why I even bother watching it, Let me Explain that to you. Listen carefully cause I may lose you on this one.

I AM A TRUE WRESTLING FAN. I watch ALL wrestling that is televised no matter what I think of it. I DVR RAW, Smackdown, ECW as well. I don't descriminate. I love the ACTION, the PERSONA'S, SOME Gimmicks and ALOT MORE. But, wrestling Now-A-Days has lost that special touch from the Monday Night War Era and beyond. There is more Soap Opera than ACTION anymore. I can't listen to Jericho say the same thing week in and week out. I am tired of the same ol people ALWAYS in the main event. I get SICK watching the Diva's. I can't believe a little Rey Mysterio beat KANE with ease. I could go on ALL DAY. Point is, Even the WWE has MANY Flaws, maybe more than TNA.

You see, Its fans like ME, that have seen the wrestling HIGHSPOTS, and the current LOWSPOT, that are the voice of reason. We don't see it with BIAS in our eye's. I could list good points of TNA and bad points. Fans like YOU spiral are the reason TNA has settled into the WCW frame of mind (Picking up ANYONE WWE no matter if they can contribute to the show or hinder it) just to get a familiar face that TNA DOES NOT NEED. TNA was not built like WCW. WCW didn't get a real NOD until it picked up HOGAN and others. They were there, but not making enough waves to be noticed.

TNA accomplished TONS MORE over WCW by making it there with virtual NOBODIES. TNA can proudly BOAST that it wasn't a HOGAN or a HALL, Or a NASH that got them the attention. TNA made it with AJ, KAZ, Shenshi, Lethal, MCMG, LAX, EY, Roode, AMW, ABYSS and a whole host of others. Sure, they had a couple oldtimers helping out (Konnan, Jarrett, & a few others), but here is the BIGGEST difference. THEY WERE PUSHING YOUNGER TALENT.

I will say it again, the more TNA COMPETE'S versus act like WCW and be satisfied with used up wrestlers from the WWE, The BETTER the show WILL GET. I am a TRUE FAN. What side of the fence do you sit on? We know where you sit Spiral, I sit ON IT, versus being a "FANBOY" of TNA or the WWE. No, Instead, I am just a "FANBOY". A fanboy of WRESTLING.
Fans like ME are the ones trying to spread the word of TNA and to try and get them to realize that your trying to fix a well oiled machine with OUTDATED PARTS. The similarities between WCW & TNA are getting clearer EVERYDAY. I have seen SEVERAL PEOPLE on this forum making that comparison. You think I am the FIRST? Wake up and smell the shit your shoveling.

Just because you're not the first doesn't mean you're correct. There are thousands of Scientologists, for example. Getting established stars to "run the show" is vaguely reminiscent of WCW, I agree. However, it's also smart business strategy. The only problem is that TNA haven't come across anyone with the weight Hulk Hogan had when WCW signed him; even signing John Cena wouldn't have that impact.

TNA was a HUGE BLIP on the WWE radar. UNTIL, They started making CONSTANT references to the WWE. Then the WWE said, You know what?, Let them mention us because the longer we ignore them, the MORE PEOPLE will watch our show to see if we RESPOND. Thats common sense 101. That answers your "how TNA makes thier fans watch WWE" Statement and question. Take off your TNA FANBOY hat off for a moment and actually read this before asking me a question I have already answered in the original post.

TNA has never, ever blipped on the WWE radar. Not when it was a jumped up indy fed and not now it has a two hour show on Spike TV. WWE don't mention TNA because they couldn't give a shit, TNA is simply no sort of threat whatsoever. It is more of a threat than it was though.

I LOVE TNA. I want BADLY for them to succeed and get as HUGE as the WWE. WHY? Because then the FANS WIN. When the whole Monday night wars was going on, That was the BEST TIME FOR WRESTLING! No matter which program you watched, You were GAURANTEED an AWESOME SHOW! I STRONGLY believe that were have YET to see the BEST of TNA.

It's actually beginning to be commonly accepted that the "Attitude Era" product - outside of the main event - was pretty shoddy and you get a better overall show now. Do you want to know the secret to a successful wrestling show? There is no secret. If there was some definite formula to work to TNA would follow it and Jeff Jarrett would have money coming out the ass. The best they can do is sign big stars and target a specific audience. Oh, and pray to Jesus.

Here's where I can NOT see the logic. We'll use your thread since you tossed it out there for me to use. You state that "Your thread Super Crazy to TNA, Was to get reaction and thoughts from fans" is the exact opposite of what you claim. I read that post and I seen a person lobbying for TNA to hire Crazy and wanted to see if others agreed or not. If you were truly trying to start a conversation to see how the fans felt, maybe the title of the thread should have read, "Could Super Crazy going to TNA help?".

But it doesn't read that that. Whether Lee did claim that SC would help TNA or not is irrelevant, it's not what the thread's about.

See, you got my reaction (That you claim was a debate) and you didn't like it so you got BIAS about my opinion. DEBATE ME. Don't bash me for my opinions that YOU ASKED FOR by coming into my thread and making accusations that contradict everything I said in my original post.

Bashing opinions is pretty much what debating is. Unless I've been completely missing the point.

Ok, I already explained this too, but here it goes again. You know what, I will just copy and paste it. Maybe if you took 5 seconds to actually read this post, you may have already understood this. "I love the MEM Gimmick, but it STINKS of NWO CRAP. Like I have said in another thread, had they used Angle, Cage, Sting, Foley, Team 3D & JEFF JARRETT in the MEM, then the storyline would have ALOT MORE credibility and it WOULD have WORKED." FRESH FACES with a NEW ATTITUDE, SUCCESSFULLY remaking a storyline of greatness past.

I'll explain to you why the MEM could be seen as nWo-like. Two reasons. One, they have Kevin Nash. Two, they're a stable. Those are the only similarities I've really noticed.

To add to that, to help you understand where I am coming from, The comparison is made because former NWO MEMBERS are in the spotlight. Nash, & Steiner. The WWE version of the NWO had BOOGER in it. At one point, even STING was a part of the NWO until WCW realized that STING was not making it as an NWO member and pulled him from them and had him fight against them and then the fans embraced him again. So, What would EVER make me think NWO when looking at the MEM? Hopefully you can piece that together.

Yeah, because Scott Steiner was the essence of the nWo. He embodied it. And Sting was never a part of the traditional nWo - he was a member of nWo Wolfpac, a face faction. What makes you think MEM are like nWo? I really can't piece it together. It shares two former members and you've completely ignored how the stable has a completely different message and function is the only thing I can think of.

Since you brought up Evolution, lets talk about that. Evolution was a remake of the 4 Horseman. But here's the KICKER, it was a FRESH TAKE on it using some of the most Talented wrestlers in the WWE at the time. Yeah, Maybe Flair should not have been a part of it, but atleast he KNEW his role as SUPPORT and was PUSHING YOUNGER TALENT (I.E. Batista & Orton). Which BTW, Flair succeed BEAUTIFULLY at helping the younger guys get over. All you have to do is turn on Raw and see for yourself.

The young guys have their own stable, you know. And don't say how they were dominated at the PPV. The rules of professional wrestling state that they'll mount a comeback.

One quick statement though, How your anology of Evolution being like the NWO being used by you to try and describe my statement of the MEM being like the NWO is a BAD comparison. I could see it if evolution was pushing a Broken wrestler (Stiener) or an slow dinosaur (Nash) or a wrestler that is squeezing his butt cheeks together while talking and sounding like an complete ****** (BOOGER T). But that wasn't the case. The only Dinosaur they had was Flair and he was busy PUSHING Batista and Orton. Not trying to take the spotlight from the REAL talent of an organization.

It's as valid a comparison as comparing MEM to the nWo.

I answered the question of how TNA has fans turning WWE shows on earlier. So, to answer your about me not looking forward to TNA and why I even bother watching it, Let me Explain that to you. Listen carefully cause I may lose you on this one.

So wait, you're telling me this occurs? (Let me act out a little play).

A dark room, lit only by the glow of a television. A solitary figure sits, watching TNA.

Kevin Nash (on TV)
"I used to work for the WWE"

"Holy shit! REALLY!? What is this product called the WWE that I, as a wrestling fan, was completely unaware of!? I think I'll check out this previously undiscovered product and will presume that its schedule clashes with TNA, so will dump that product in the process."​


No such thing. Like claiming you're the true Christian.

I watch ALL wrestling that is televised no matter what I think of it.

I have quality control.

I don't descriminate.

Maybe you should. You'd have more time on your hands.

I love the ACTION, the PERSONA'S, SOME Gimmicks and ALOT MORE. But, wrestling Now-A-Days has lost that special touch from the Monday Night War Era and beyond. There is more Soap Opera than ACTION anymore.

I'd wager that there's more action now than then.

Gotta go, I'll finish this later.
Just because you're not the first doesn't mean you're correct. There are thousands of Scientologists, for example. Getting established stars to "run the show" is vaguely reminiscent of WCW, I agree. However, it's also smart business strategy. The only problem is that TNA haven't come across anyone with the weight Hulk Hogan had when WCW signed him; even signing John Cena wouldn't have that impact.

I'm sorry, Did I say it was correct? I was making a point that you don't seem to comprehend either. It's MY OPINION that TNA reminds me of WCW. If you don't like it, Tough shit. How is letting wrestlers that have hidden agenda's with themselves in mind "A Smart Business Strategy"? Look where it got WCW. John Cena going to TNA would get TONS of people to watch TNA. How you can say that the most popular wrestler currently wrestling could not get people to turn the channel is beyond me. Use HOGAN for example. When he went to WCW, thats what started the shift the fan base to the WCW.

TNA has never, ever blipped on the WWE radar. Not when it was a jumped up indy fed and not now it has a two hour show on Spike TV. WWE don't mention TNA because they couldn't give a shit, TNA is simply no sort of threat whatsoever. It is more of a threat than it was though.

Do you reread what you type? Wouldn't WWE not mentioning TNA fit the description I gave? "Then the WWE said, You know what?, Let them mention us because the longer we ignore them, the MORE PEOPLE will watch our show to see if we RESPOND." In a slower meaning, The WWE is not worried about TNA BECAUSE TNA is hurting ONLY themselves by calling the WWE and other out on TV. Which = Could give a shit about them.

TNA was blipping when VKM was mentioning a MILLION dollars for Vince to respond to a challenge or HHH & HBK. Don't tell me Vince wasn't listening which also EQUALS BLIPPING ON THE RADAR". Whether or NOT he responded is IRRELAVENT. Or when they showed up at a show and HHH aknowledged them being there. BLIP.

It's actually beginning to be commonly accepted that the "Attitude Era" product - outside of the main event - was pretty shoddy and you get a better overall show now. Do you want to know the secret to a successful wrestling show? There is no secret. If there was some definite formula to work to TNA would follow it and Jeff Jarrett would have money coming out the ass. The best they can do is sign big stars and target a specific audience. Oh, and pray to Jesus.

Alright, I forgot who I was talking to. The Attitude Era was a HIGHSPOT in wrestling history. You, a fan, may say that the Attitude Era was shoddy, But they (WCW & WWE) were getting massive ratings! Isn't this what wrestling is all about? Getting RATINGS so TNA can make "MONEY OUT THE ASS" off sponsors, people buying Merchandise of their favorite star, PPV buys and more? Don't you think people actually turning it on IS their main goal REGARDLESS of what everyone thinks? I would hope so. You can't please all the people all the time.

Whether or not You or I think it is good wrestling or not, The majority that watched it proved otherwise. LOL, Who said there was a secret to a good wrestling show? Anyone with common sense says that even if you feel you put on the best show of your life, someone isn't going to like it. BTW, "The best they can do is sign big stars and target a specific audience." = RATINGS which = "Money Out The Ass" which = They get RICH.

But it doesn't read that that. Whether Lee did claim that SC would help TNA or not is irrelevant, it's not what the thread's about.

English 101 says that you DO NOT give your opinion BEFORE asking the QUESTION. I would not have said a WORD about it if he had asked the question and then said, "HERE'S MY OPINION". Once he gave his opinion before the question, the thread became a Super Crazy could save the X-Division & what do you think about it? Which according to him, was not the intent of that post.

Bashing opinions is pretty much what debating is. Unless I've been completely missing the point.

I forgot that people being civil behind a keyboard is not an option. Debating is not bashing an opinion over pointing out weaknesses in them and looking for a counter point. Not, " the fans that "ruin TNA" are people like you Hellspawn Demon who claim TNA is like WCW." Take that statement for example, If he was debating, he should have shown everyone how my think was flawed by POINTING OUT THE WEAKNESS. Or, bash me with a statement that took NO form of thought and proved nothing. I told you my point on how I thought TNA is reminding me of WCW.

I'll explain to you why the MEM could be seen as nWo-like. Two reasons. One, they have Kevin Nash. Two, they're a stable. Those are the only similarities I've really noticed.

LOL Hard to counter that logic.

Yeah, because Scott Steiner was the essence of the nWo. He embodied it. And Sting was never a part of the traditional nWo - he was a member of nWo Wolfpac, a face faction. What makes you think MEM are like nWo? I really can't piece it together. It shares two former members and you've completely ignored how the stable has a completely different message and function is the only thing I can think of.

Because ALL (BUT ANGLE) of them have TIES to the NWO storyline. PERIOD. No matter how in your mind you wanna slice it, they ALL played a part in the NWO. Whether it was the good fight against it or it was the evil intended, They WERE a part of it. Which will make people think NWO. I don't have a problem with the idea around the MEM (Which I have already said TWICE, but reading comprehension doesn't seem to be a trait from some on this forum), BUT, The members involved! No matter how different they want this storyline to be, it will always be compared to the NWO because of the members just as Spiral used Evolution to do the same.

The young guys have their own stable, you know. And don't say how they were dominated at the PPV. The rules of professional wrestling state that they'll mount a comeback.

Are you serious? Thank you, I would never have known that had you not told me about it. Whewwwwwwwwwww. I can sleep well tonight.

To be serious now, Some have claimed in the MEM thread in the TNA section that because on the debut of the MEM they lost, that automatically ment the MEM were pushing the younger talent. I knew as well as You obviously knew, that the MEM would have to dominate before the good guys would overcome them. Anyone that has EVER watched a movie, read a book, or even played a video game knows this and I find that insulting that you think I could be one of those with very little brain activity to think I didn't know something as dumb as that. Go to the MEM thread and tell THEM that, not me.

It's as valid a comparison as comparing MEM to the nWo.

Did you even read what he wrote before writing this? He was comparing Evolution to the NWO when anyone knows that was the new edition of the 4 Horsemen. They only had 4 members. Not 5,6,7,8, or more. I MADE the comparison to the 4 horsemen rather than the NWO, not him.

So wait, you're telling me this occurs? (Let me act out a little play).

A dark room, lit only by the glow of a television. A solitary figure sits, watching TNA.

Kevin Nash (on TV)
"I used to work for the WWE"

"Holy shit! REALLY!? What is this product called the WWE that I, as a wrestling fan, was completely unaware of!? I think I'll check out this previously undiscovered product and will presume that its schedule clashes with TNA, so will dump that product in the process."​

Did you think of that all by yourself? Can I say I know you?

You know, I really wish people would actually read the entire post before picking out keywords and making an ASS out of themselves. Your anology of what I said is COMPLETELY WRONG. You see, I will explain this real slow for you. For example: VKM for several weeks (Thats 7 days in a week and weeks = multiple 7 day increments), was on television making a challenge (When one asks to have a wrestling match with an adversary) with the winner getting a Million Dollars (Thats MONEY, maybe even out the ass depending on how you value money).

You mean to tell me that people were NOT tuning in to RAW (Thats the Monday night show that is the flagship of the WWE) to see if Vince was not going to respond to the challenge? Your absolutly NUTS. They were even watching Smackdown, and ECW to see if Vince would show and were all ears to see if he would mention them. For example: Remember when Bischoff told everyone that Mick Foley was going to win the WWE title (On a recorded episode of RAW) on LIVE TV? EVERYONE started changing the channel!

No such thing. Like claiming you're the true Christian.

Your not a true wrestling fan. That could explain why you don't understand it. A true wrestling fan isn't going to give 2 shits about what wrestling show is on rather than getting to see some amazing wrestling and performers. I don't care if its TNA, Or WWE, or ROH, Or WSX, Or Classic AWA to mention a few, while you do care. You can have a favorite, but calling everyone else garbage except your favorite means your not a True Wrestling fan, but someone that likes wrestling.

I have quality control.

I do too. Its called a DVR. I control the quality parts of a wrestling show and don't have to watch IDIOTIC wrestlers talking like they just crapped their pants. Or listening to the same sermon week after week, or Barbie dolls pretending to be wrestlers, and on and on.

Maybe you should. You'd have more time on your hands.

I can watch a full episode of TNA in about an hour, I have 1 hour of MORE time on my hands weekly.

I'd wager that there's more action now than then.

Gotta go, I'll finish this later.

The days of old I am talking about was in the 80's. I used to watch WWF Challenge and while there were a couple of 2 minute interviews, Anytime the opponent was going to talk trash it was during their respected match. Like the Hurrapop thing on Smackdown for the younger wrestling fans. Now, you get Sting & the MEM opening an iMPACT. They have to come out in dramatic fashion (Like HHH and others), walk around the ring for a few mintues and then start the promo. By the time he has started the promo, were already 5 minutes (Of listening to the WORST ANNOUNCER in wrestling today tell us usless shit that they have talked about in EVERY show for WEEKS) into the show.

Now Sting starts talking. What a surprise, I could pull up last weeks iMPACT and hear the same sermon with the words in different order. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Uh OH, Now Scott "Injury prone to a fart" Stiener gets the mic. Wow, he is studdering over his words sounding like Scott Hall on a Wednesday Night. OH FUCK, Now POOPER T just took the mic and now we are having to listen to the dumbest fucking accent in the history of wrestling! OMG, he is STILL talking. SHUT UP ALREADY. Now Angle gets the mic, Short and sweet. Thank GOD for Angle.

OH SHIT! Now here comes the "UNGRATEFUL KIDS" to the stage. Now AJ takes the mic. Another short promo from him. DAMN IT, Why did he hand the mic to Joe? Now Joe the Pissed off Postal Worker has it. He screams for a few, YADA YADA YADA. WOW, there goes the first 20-25 minutes of iMPACT.

Yup, and later in the show, we get to hear from them AGAIN. Save that crap of more action for someone who will believe it.
I'm sorry, Did I say it was correct?

Quite a poor argument if not.

I was making a point that you don't seem to comprehend either. It's MY OPINION that TNA reminds me of WCW.

It's my opinion that cheese tastes quite like blackberry cake.

If you don't like it, Tough shit.

You don't seem to get this debating thing.

How is letting wrestlers that have hidden agenda's with themselves in mind "A Smart Business Strategy"?

Give me an example of a wrestler with a hidden agenda and I'll tell you. Most of their agendas are pretty obvious - desperately clinging to stardom. And it's a smart business strategy because people tune in to see what Kurt Angle and Sting are doing these days. Sure, there's the argument that they stay for the young talent, but why did they come in the first place?

Look where it got WCW. John Cena going to TNA would get TONS of people to watch TNA. How you can say that the most popular wrestler currently wrestling could not get people to turn the channel is beyond me. Use HOGAN for example. When he went to WCW, thats what started the shift the fan base to the WCW.

I said John Cena going to TNA wouldn't have the impact of Hulk Hogan going to WCW.

Do you reread what you type?


Wouldn't WWE not mentioning TNA fit the description I gave? "Then the WWE said, You know what?, Let them mention us because the longer we ignore them, the MORE PEOPLE will watch our show to see if we RESPOND."

I'd imagine it's more like this:

WWE Worker
Vince, have you heard what TNA have been saying?

Vinnie Mac
What's a TNA?​

In a slower meaning, The WWE is not worried about TNA BECAUSE TNA is hurting ONLY themselves by calling the WWE and other out on TV. Which = Could give a shit about them.

TNA mentions WWE because they need to, they get heat from it. People are not going to watch WWE to see if they respond because anybody with half a brain would expect the WWE to not give a monkey's.

TNA was blipping when VKM was mentioning a MILLION dollars for Vince to respond to a challenge or HHH & HBK. Don't tell me Vince wasn't listening which also EQUALS BLIPPING ON THE RADAR". Whether or NOT he responded is IRRELAVENT. Or when they showed up at a show and HHH aknowledged them being there. BLIP.

Vince wasn't listening. He was probably in a business meeting or something hundreds of times more important than checking out what other wrestling promotions are saying about him.

Alright, I forgot who I was talking to. The Attitude Era was a HIGHSPOT in wrestling history. You, a fan, may say that the Attitude Era was shoddy, But they (WCW & WWE) were getting massive ratings! Isn't this what wrestling is all about? Getting RATINGS so TNA can make "MONEY OUT THE ASS" off sponsors, people buying Merchandise of their favorite star, PPV buys and more? Don't you think people actually turning it on IS their main goal REGARDLESS of what everyone thinks? I would hope so. You can't please all the people all the time.

I didn't say wrestling wasn't about ratings and money. I've been to the Slyfox school of hard knocks. You just seemed to be claiming the product was of an actual higher quality than currently, which I disagreed with.

Whether or not You or I think it is good wrestling or not, The majority that watched it proved otherwise. LOL, Who said there was a secret to a good wrestling show? Anyone with common sense says that even if you feel you put on the best show of your life, someone isn't going to like it. BTW, "The best they can do is sign big stars and target a specific audience." = RATINGS which = "Money Out The Ass" which = They get RICH.

So you agree. Good.

English 101 says that you DO NOT give your opinion BEFORE asking the QUESTION.

I also start sentences with "and".

I forgot that people being civil behind a keyboard is not an option.

I'll have you know I'm perfectly civil.

Debating is not bashing an opinion over pointing out weaknesses in them and looking for a counter point.

Did I read this right?

Not, " the fans that "ruin TNA" are people like you Hellspawn Demon who claim TNA is like WCW."

To be fair, it was an inaccurate comparison.

Because ALL (BUT ANGLE) of them have TIES to the NWO storyline. PERIOD.

If I'd bothered watching WCW I could point out dozens of things they're all tied to.

No matter how in your mind you wanna slice it, they ALL played a part in the NWO.

Past tense. What they're doing now bears no resemblance to the nWo.

Whether it was the good fight against it or it was the evil intended, They WERE a part of it. Which will make people think NWO.

Nash will, but that's what he's been living off for a decade.

I don't have a problem with the idea around the MEM (Which I have already said TWICE, but reading comprehension doesn't seem to be a trait from some on this forum), BUT, The members involved! No matter how different they want this storyline to be, it will always be compared to the NWO because of the members just as Spiral used Evolution to do the same.

But people with sense wouldn't associate the same members with the same stable, particularly when they interact with the show and each other in such a different way. The gimmicks are completely different.

Are you serious? Thank you, I would never have known that had you not told me about it. Whewwwwwwwwwww. I can sleep well tonight.

CalPol helps me. Strawberry flavour.

Did you even read what he wrote before writing this?

Honestly? No.

He was comparing Evolution to the NWO when anyone knows that was the new edition of the 4 Horsemen. They only had 4 members. Not 5,6,7,8, or more. I MADE the comparison to the 4 horsemen rather than the NWO, not him.

Meh, this was sort of me just jabbering on for the point of it anyway. Personally, I know very little about the Four Horsemen.

Did you think of that all by yourself?


Can I say I know you?


You know, I really wish people would actually read the entire post before picking out keywords and making an ASS out of themselves. Your anology of what I said is COMPLETELY WRONG. You see, I will explain this real slow for you.

I have a very fast reading speed.

For example: VKM for several weeks (Thats 7 days in a week and weeks = multiple 7 day increments), was on television making a challenge (When one asks to have a wrestling match with an adversary) with the winner getting a Million Dollars (Thats MONEY, maybe even out the ass depending on how you value money).

We talking the tag team or the guy?

You mean to tell me that people were NOT tuning in to RAW (Thats the Monday night show that is the flagship of the WWE) to see if Vince was not going to respond to the challenge?

Only if they were absolutely nuts, like me.

They were even watching Smackdown, and ECW to see if Vince would show and were all ears to see if he would mention them.

Then they really were absolutely nuts.

For example: Remember when Bischoff told everyone that Mick Foley was going to win the WWE title (On a recorded episode of RAW) on LIVE TV? EVERYONE started changing the channel!

Two main differences. 1) People actually expected to see Mick Foley win the title, where anybody with intelligence would be surprised to find out anybody in WWE watched TNA and if they did, that they cared. 2) The TNA show is on at a different time to the WWE one, so even if they drove up WWE ratings, it doesn't matter because they don't clash.

Your not a true wrestling fan.

I know.

Alternatively, what about my not a true wrestling fan?

That could explain why you don't understand it.

I'd even go as far as say I understand "it" better than you, actually.

A true wrestling fan isn't going to give 2 shits about what wrestling show is on rather than getting to see some amazing wrestling and performers.

That's just a wrestling fan with too much time on their hands.

I don't care if its TNA, Or WWE, or ROH, Or WSX, Or Classic AWA to mention a few, while you do care. You can have a favorite, but calling everyone else garbage except your favorite means your not a True Wrestling fan, but someone that likes wrestling.

I only watch TNA and a little bit of WWE these days. I'm not overly impressed by either.

I do too. Its called a DVR.

That's a type of technology which records television shows, silly.

I control the quality parts of a wrestling show and don't have to watch IDIOTIC wrestlers talking like they just crapped their pants.

So, by your definition, you're not a true wrestling fan? I thought a true wrestling fan watched every part of a show?

Or listening to the same sermon week after week, or Barbie dolls pretending to be wrestlers, and on and on.

You stole that from that TNA advert.

I can watch a full episode of TNA in about an hour, I have 1 hour of MORE time on my hands weekly.

I flip back and forth between the first hour and second hour, personally. What does this have to do with anything again?

Yup, and later in the show, we get to hear from them AGAIN. Save that crap of more action for someone who will believe it.

You should meet Marty2Hotty. The result would be so incredible I think the universe would end.
Thanks to Uncle Sam for pretty much arguing my point before I got here but incase Hellspawn you didnt get it let me argue again! Because I like arguing or debating or opinion bashing because lets be sensible here its the same thing!

Fans like ME are the ones trying to spread the word of TNA and to try and get them to realize that your trying to fix a well oiled machine with OUTDATED PARTS. The similarities between WCW & TNA are getting clearer EVERYDAY. I have seen SEVERAL PEOPLE on this forum making that comparison. You think I am the FIRST? Wake up and smell the shit your shoveling.

Ok so starting a thread bashing TNA fans is spreading the word of TNA? Oh come and watch TNA because all thier fans have "fallen of the stupid tree and hit everybranch on the way down" meaning the have a fantastic product! I would hardly say that Super Crazy was outdated but fair enough! Ok so you again claim that TNA is like WCW would you actually like to give me a list of how? If you were a true TNA fan like you say surely it shouldnt matter that TNA is like WCW or the fact you should even compare it to a now dead promotion! Wheres the logic in it? Im a true TNA fan I love it but its like WCW! Yeah that makes sense! I never said you were the first learn to read and I dont shovel shit because I dont have a shovel blame the credit crunch for that!

TNA was a HUGE BLIP on the WWE radar. UNTIL, They started making CONSTANT references to the WWE. Then the WWE said, You know what?, Let them mention us because the longer we ignore them, the MORE PEOPLE will watch our show to see if we RESPOND. Thats common sense 101. That answers your "how TNA makes thier fans watch WWE" Statement and question. Take off your TNA FANBOY hat off for a moment and actually read this before asking me a question I have already answered in the original post.

Dude TNA has never been more than a small pimple on Mcmahons ass, even when they wrere super hot in 2006 and signed Kurt Angle even now after a 2 hour show and signing Mick Foley are they a huge blip on WWE. I hardly think that WWE references really make any difference and heres why... anyone who watches TNA is pretty much a wrestling fan, otherwise they wouldnt watch it, if they are a wrestling fan and they dont know WWE then...well im not even going to finish that point because you know wheres that going. Meaning that any TNA fan is also a WWE fan, no one is going to watch TNA and think oh wow WWE whats that let me check this out oh yeah this is much better I wont watch TNA now! I dont have a TNA fan boy hat, blame that again on the credit crunch.

Here's where I can NOT see the logic. We'll use your thread since you tossed it out there for me to use. You state that "Your thread Super Crazy to TNA, Was to get reaction and thoughts from fans" is the exact opposite of what you claim. I read that post and I seen a person lobbying for TNA to hire Crazy and wanted to see if others agreed or not. If you were truly trying to start a conversation to see how the fans felt, maybe the title of the thread should have read, "Could Super Crazy going to TNA help?".

Heres where I cant see the logic...why you even here. Thats a superb idea maybe I should have entitled the thread that instead, but meh Ive never been one for grammar and correctness, even if the thread was entitled that it would have exactly the same reaction as they mean the same. Its a thread that simply asks for peoples on opinion on Super Crazy to TNA. Plain and simple who cares how the title is written.

See, you got my reaction (That you claim was a debate) and you didn't like it so you got BIAS about my opinion. DEBATE ME. Don't bash me for my opinions that YOU ASKED FOR by coming into my thread and making accusations that contradict everything I said in my original post.


Ok, I already explained this too, but here it goes again. You know what, I will just copy and paste it. Maybe if you took 5 seconds to actually read this post, you may have already understood this. "I love the MEM Gimmick, but it STINKS of NWO CRAP. Like I have said in another thread, had they used Angle, Cage, Sting, Foley, Team 3D & JEFF JARRETT in the MEM, then the storyline would have ALOT MORE credibility and it WOULD have WORKED." FRESH FACES with a NEW ATTITUDE, SUCCESSFULLY remaking a storyline of greatness past.

I actually took more than 5 seconds to read because if any can read your post in 5 seconds or under than I will eat my TNA fanboy hat. You still dont explain here how on earth you got NWO from MEM. I mean even turning the letters different ways doesnt work. But seriously can you explain to me in a list how you think MEM is NWO. It isnt, its a bunch of main eventers in a stable, oh wait there you go thats one similarity already carry on... because I cant see anymore. And because your such a good TNA fan and love watching it how about we start a petition to get all the X Division wrestlers in a stable and lets call them Xtreme, oh no wait thats to NWOish.

I AM A TRUE WRESTLING FAN. I watch ALL wrestling that is televised no matter what I think of it. I DVR RAW, Smackdown, ECW as well. I don't descriminate. I love the ACTION, the PERSONA'S, SOME Gimmicks and ALOT MORE. But, wrestling Now-A-Days has lost that special touch from the Monday Night War Era and beyond. There is more Soap Opera than ACTION anymore. I can't listen to Jericho say the same thing week in and week out. I am tired of the same ol people ALWAYS in the main event. I get SICK watching the Diva's. I can't believe a little Rey Mysterio beat KANE with ease. I could go on ALL DAY. Point is, Even the WWE has MANY Flaws, maybe more than TNA.

Wow yeah because you have to watch every ounce of wrestling to be a true wrestling fan, to be honest if you do I think you need a life, no more importantly a girlfriend. Theres one thing I would amazingly agree with and thats you statement about wrestling now days, it is to soap opera, compared to Attitude er.....oh no wait because driving a beer truck into the ring, smashing a truck into an ambulance, and whatever other crazy shiz wernt down isnt really soap operaish is it? I mean seriosuly wrestling was way more soap opera back then, and to be honest thats what wrestling is about, storylines its called ENTERTAINMENT.

You see, Its fans like ME, that have seen the wrestling HIGHSPOTS, and the current LOWSPOT, that are the voice of reason. We don't see it with BIAS in our eye's. I could list good points of TNA and bad points. Fans like YOU spiral are the reason TNA has settled into the WCW frame of mind (Picking up ANYONE WWE no matter if they can contribute to the show or hinder it) just to get a familiar face that TNA DOES NOT NEED. TNA was not built like WCW. WCW didn't get a real NOD until it picked up HOGAN and others. They were there, but not making enough waves to be noticed.

Yes because when TNA were thinking about signing Booker T, Kurt Angle or any other high profile star, they first logged onto wrestlezone forums to see if it would go over with the fans by starting a TNA? thread. Seriously TNA doesnt care what the fans want if they think its a good business move by picking up a high profile superstar with tones of expeirnce in a major wrestling organisation then they will do it no matter how many thread we start! TNA didnt pick up a NOD until they got Kurt Angle or any of the others ok they were hot but not as hot as they are now, thats what the business is about, you cant build a big time promotion on wrestling stars that no one knows because they dont draw money wrestling rule 101.

TNA accomplished TONS MORE over WCW by making it there with virtual NOBODIES. TNA can proudly BOAST that it wasn't a HOGAN or a HALL, Or a NASH that got them the attention. TNA made it with AJ, KAZ, Shenshi, Lethal, MCMG, LAX, EY, Roode, AMW, ABYSS and a whole host of others. Sure, they had a couple oldtimers helping out (Konnan, Jarrett, & a few others), but here is the BIGGEST difference. THEY WERE PUSHING YOUNGER TALENT.

Ok so if it did acomplish more than WCW, why do you constantly compare it? I like they way you write Konnan and Jarrett afterwards, they were the tip of the iceberg when it came to TNA making it, yeah sure wrestling fans wanted to see these new guys doing highspots etc. but they more wanted to see another company, that had wrestlers left over from the monday night wars with no where to go, fans wanted to see what they were up to. Sure I love TNA because of the great homegrown talent like AJ and MCMG but the real reason I like it is because I get to see main eventers I have seen elsewhere in a different company, and maybe im just a mark for them or maybe Im a sensible wrestling fan who likes to watch younger guys but still likes to see them main eventers because I bet you know im not the only one.

And again I dont have a fence becuase well the credit crunch.
Thanks to Uncle Sam for pretty much arguing my point before I got here but incase Hellspawn you didnt get it let me argue again! Because I like arguing or debating or opinion bashing because lets be sensible here its the same thing!

I am not going to waste my time with Uncle Sam no more because all he did was take out one sentence in my sections and make comments one sentence long. I did NOT pick one little sentence out and then respond with one sentence in return. I explained my theory and how I came up with it. If thats all he could come up with, He is not worth the effort in discussion. BTW, your reading skills needs some brushing up on. Just because I am a true wrestling fan does not mean I have to watch crap. I said I love the ACTION. Diva's is NOT action. FAR FROM IT.

Ok so starting a thread bashing TNA fans is spreading the word of TNA? Oh come and watch TNA because all thier fans have "fallen of the stupid tree and hit everybranch on the way down" meaning the have a fantastic product! I would hardly say that Super Crazy was outdated but fair enough! Ok so you again claim that TNA is like WCW would you actually like to give me a list of how? If you were a true TNA fan like you say surely it shouldnt matter that TNA is like WCW or the fact you should even compare it to a now dead promotion! Wheres the logic in it? Im a true TNA fan I love it but its like WCW! Yeah that makes sense! I never said you were the first learn to read and I dont shovel shit because I dont have a shovel blame the credit crunch for that!

I was going to read your post before responding, but in your first sentence, you have claimed me saying two things I have NOT said. This goes back to READING & Comprehension. Two things you have none of. I asked a question in the threads title and gave my opinion. Read the first lines in this thread. ACTUALLY READ IT FOR A CHANGE. "You know, I am not one to really start threads. But some TNA fans have fallen off the stupid tree and hit EVERY branch on the way down." Keyword, SOME. If you fall into that catagory, sorry.

I never said Super Crazy was outdated, BUT, Alot of these guys TNA is bringing in IS OUTDATED. My "Old Parts" Comments refers to Nash, Steiner, & POOPER T. ALL in which are terrible in the ring. I guess I should have expected you to understand that as you really have issues reading. I NEVER said I was a TRUE TNA FAN. I said I was a FAN. I am a TRUE WRESTLING FAN. Which means I watch them all. If MY OPINION is TNA is looking like WCW, Then thats what I believe. I NEVER said it was FACT. It's an OPINION. Look up the definition of OPINION. I KNOW your a TNA "Fanboy". I am glad you atleast admitted it.

Dude TNA has never been more than a small pimple on Mcmahons ass, even when they wrere super hot in 2006 and signed Kurt Angle even now after a 2 hour show and signing Mick Foley are they a huge blip on WWE. I hardly think that WWE references really make any difference and heres why... anyone who watches TNA is pretty much a wrestling fan, otherwise they wouldnt watch it, if they are a wrestling fan and they dont know WWE then...well im not even going to finish that point because you know wheres that going. Meaning that any TNA fan is also a WWE fan, no one is going to watch TNA and think oh wow WWE whats that let me check this out oh yeah this is much better I wont watch TNA now! I dont have a TNA fan boy hat, blame that again on the credit crunch.

Dude, Go to JR's Blog. SEVERAL people have asked him the very same question. His response is always, why mention them when they are constantly mentioning us. That PROVES they are VERY AWARE of TNA but think like me, why mention them? What would they gain by mentioning TNA? The answer, Quite simple, Nothing. I am not talking about people who do not have a clue about the WWE or someone that is new to wrestling. That statement is rediculous to begin with. How would a new fan or someone that didn't know the WWE even care about them? If anything, it would confuse them. That would be like walking into a movie at the end and expect to know the villians background.

Listen, There is NOTHING wrong with being a TNA "Fanboy". However, do not accuse me of bashing people because I feel TNA is on a road they need to get off of. Because I feel some that CLAIM to be TNA "Fanboys" constantly want WWE wrestlers. How can you LOVE WWE superstars more than TNA STARS. Joe, AJ, basically the ususal list, DESERVES the love FIRST from the TNA "Fanboys".

Heres where I cant see the logic...why you even here. Thats a superb idea maybe I should have entitled the thread that instead, but meh Ive never been one for grammar and correctness, even if the thread was entitled that it would have exactly the same reaction as they mean the same. Its a thread that simply asks for peoples on opinion on Super Crazy to TNA. Plain and simple who cares how the title is written.

I am here because my Mom and Dad fucked and 9 months later I arrived. Didn't you learn about the birds and the bee's? Well, you right about one thing, everyone would be like, yeah OK. Super Crazy will save the X-Division, yeah right.

I actually took more than 5 seconds to read because if any can read your post in 5 seconds or under than I will eat my TNA fanboy hat. You still dont explain here how on earth you got NWO from MEM. I mean even turning the letters different ways doesnt work. But seriously can you explain to me in a list how you think MEM is NWO. It isnt, its a bunch of main eventers in a stable, oh wait there you go thats one similarity already carry on... because I cant see anymore. And because your such a good TNA fan and love watching it how about we start a petition to get all the X Division wrestlers in a stable and lets call them Xtreme, oh no wait thats to NWOish.

Listen, if my explaination of how MEM SCREAMS NWO, Then nothing I can say will sink into that little mind. LOL Xtreme does sound pretty good. TNA should look into that. Seriously. Alright, I will say it for the last time, if you can't comprehend it, OH WELL. The MEM screams NWO BECAUSE OF THE MEMBERS! NOT THE STORYLINE. The storyline is different in many ways, but your can't use these guys because thier wrestling is TERRIBLE and they ALL have ties to the NWO STORYLINE. Angle will be carrying ALL but Sting. They have OTHERS they could have used. Team 3D, Foley, JEFF JARRETT, CHRISTIAN CAGE! ALL but Foley can still wrestle and give us a storyline to remember. Hell, Foley I am sure still has a few matches left in him.

Wow yeah because you have to watch every ounce of wrestling to be a true wrestling fan, to be honest if you do I think you need a life, no more importantly a girlfriend. Theres one thing I would amazingly agree with and thats you statement about wrestling now days, it is to soap opera, compared to Attitude er.....oh no wait because driving a beer truck into the ring, smashing a truck into an ambulance, and whatever other crazy shiz wernt down isnt really soap operaish is it? I mean seriosuly wrestling was way more soap opera back then, and to be honest thats what wrestling is about, storylines its called ENTERTAINMENT.

Alright, first of all, you & Sammy act like there is 25 hours of wrestling on EVERY WEEK! Well, we already know that you lack reading and comprehension skills, how's your Math Skills? Lets do the math.
Raw = 2 Hours
Smackdown= 2 hours
ECW = 1 hour
TNA = 2 hours
Total hours = 7

There are 7 days in a week X 24 hours= 168
7 hours of a week containing 168 hours means the percentage of time I spend watching wrestling is .041%​

Well, I don't know about you, but not even a HALF of 1% of my time is spent watching wrestling in a week. Thats not even factoring in the FACT that I DVR ALL of them to skip commercials and such as I have mentioned. After that, it become .023% of my time. WOW Thats alot of time. Hell, you spend more time taking a dump. Guess we should get a life and stopped taking a shit too! What a loser I am. :lmao:

Yes because when TNA were thinking about signing Booker T, Kurt Angle or any other high profile star, they first logged onto wrestlezone forums to see if it would go over with the fans by starting a TNA? thread.

Not that you will understand this either, but here it goes. Say you want to buy, um, a toilet to attach to your ass so you can save time and get a life. Would you just buy ANY brand? Or would you shop around and see what OTHERS THINK ABOUT IT before wasting your money? If "I" am TNA, I would go to a website that TNA Staff was writing for and just take a look at how the fans are responding to any rumors. It make perfectly good business sense. Also, Look at the wrestling companies that scream about these websites ruining returns and such, BECAUSE THEY READ IT!

Seriously TNA doesnt care what the fans want if they think its a good business move by picking up a high profile superstar with tones of expeirnce in a major wrestling organisation then they will do it no matter how many thread we start!

They should.

TNA didnt pick up a NOD until they got Kurt Angle or any of the others ok they were hot but not as hot as they are now, thats what the business is about, you cant build a big time promotion on wrestling stars that no one knows because they dont draw money wrestling rule 101.

If TNA was not a BLIP on the WWE'S Radar, Angle would NEVER have signed. Be serious. Even Angle said that in one of his first interviews. He seen an up and coming company and thought he could make a difference.

Ok so if it did acomplish more than WCW, why do you constantly compare it?

Because I want TNA and Fans to realize that they do NOT need to be ANYTHING like WCW. There were doing FINE.

I like they way you write Konnan and Jarrett afterwards, they were the tip of the iceberg when it came to TNA making it, yeah sure wrestling fans wanted to see these new guys doing highspots etc. but they more wanted to see another company, that had wrestlers left over from the monday night wars with no where to go, fans wanted to see what they were up to. Sure I love TNA because of the great homegrown talent like AJ and MCMG but the real reason I like it is because I get to see main eventers I have seen elsewhere in a different company, and maybe im just a mark for them or maybe Im a sensible wrestling fan who likes to watch younger guys but still likes to see them main eventers because I bet you know im not the only one.

I AGREE. I like seeing SELECT FEW come and do that. But after they have established themselves in that new company and their wrestling time is nearing an end, PUSH THE YOUNGER Talent on your way out (Ex. FLAIR) WITHOUT hurting thier legacy. I personally would love to see ROODE get the TNA title. Don't get me wrong, I like seeing Nash, Sting, & some others, but I don't like seeing them in this light. It's like their desperate to hold onto the spotlight for one last time before hanging up boots for the last time (Nash Steiner & Sting).

Everyone has to agree that Nash & Steiner ESPECIALLY are looking really bad in the ring compared to the days of old. But Steiner ESPECIALLY as he has yet to get through one storyline in TNA without suffering an injury. He is a liability. After all Nash & Steiner has done for wrestling, who wants to remember them this way. I DON'T.
Not only are the fans the reason TNA sucks but they are age biased too I mean "Oh no a wrestler 30 year old well he too old to wrestler he should just kill himself he so old" fans like that who just hate a wrestler because their old are not real fans of the sport.

I mean look at the last 5 year of WWE when they push wrestler too young a perfect example is John cena he was push too fast his first year that now his wrestling career has to be base around the World title or else he boring.

Same thing with AJ styles TNA push him too fast because of the fans liking him and now he the most boring TNA wrestler ever. So yes the fans are the reason TNA is in the shape it is in just plain and simple,

Its because of the fans that I stop wacthing TNA because its impossible to enjoy one of their shows without the fans chanting Kill this, or fire him Rape her. It really sad
Not only are the fans the reason TNA sucks but they are age biased too I mean "Oh no a wrestler 30 year old well he too old to wrestler he should just kill himself he so old" fans like that who just hate a wrestler because their old are not real fans of the sport.

This is the promotion that has a stable comprised of 40 plus year olds. All of whom are more over than most of the younger wrestlers on the roster.

I mean look at the last 5 year of WWE when they push wrestler too young a perfect example is John cena he was push too fast his first year that now his wrestling career has to be base around the World title or else he boring.

Cena didn't do nothing for almost 18 months. Nice try buddy.

Same thing with AJ styles TNA push him too fast because of the fans liking him and now he the most boring TNA wrestler ever. So yes the fans are the reason TNA is in the shape it is in just plain and simple,

How dare the fans cheer somebody they like. That's just evil.

Maybe the reason TNA pushed Styles hard was because he was over and they didn't have anybody who could work that well in 2002.

Its because of the fans that I stop wacthing TNA because its impossible to enjoy one of their shows without the fans chanting Kill this, or fire him Rape her. It really sad

Depends how you look at it. Are the ''Fire Russo'' chants stupid? They don't happen often and they usually accompany some total trash.

You've got the TNA fans who react to everything, so each crowd appears hot. As a result the divisions aren't as defined. Or you've got the WWE fans who only cheer the big stars, leaving most of the mid card wrestlers with no support.
wow how little we forget Cena was in the WWE title hunt for 18 months and TNA had amzing red and Dinals and CM Punk but they fire them and plus AJ untalnted styles

Oh No the fans didn't cheer for the midcard How dare they try to enjoy a match without the girl cheers dude its WRESTLING not cheerleading if you want that go to one of the fake sport like UFC
wow how little we forget Cena was in the WWE title hunt for 18 months

Err, no. Cena's only PPV title shot in his first 18 months was against Brock Lesnar at Backlash 03. He was making infrequent appearances on PPV after than for another 6 months.

It was 3 years till he got the WWE Championship

and TNA had amzing red and Dinals and CM Punk but they fire them and plus AJ untalnted styles

Styles has more talent than all of them. For one Daniels is still with the company, Amazing Red isn't so amazing anymore and Punk was green with an attitude problem.

Oh No the fans didn't cheer for the midcard

Yup, they do. They cheer for everything. Find me a You Tube clip from TNA where there's silence.

How dare they try to enjoy a match without the girl cheers dude its WRESTLING not cheerleading if you want that go to one of the

I really didn't understand this sentence

fake sport like UFC

Is that the one with the real punches?
How the hell would the fans of the product be "killing" it? That is so unbelievably assinine I'm in disbelief.

Without the fans, TNA doesn't exist. Who cares if they chant "Fire Russo" or "This is Awesome" after every miniscule move? They're the ones paying for the product. They can be the biggest assholes on the face of the planet and come into the Impact Zone with a sign saying "Pedophilia Is Awesome!" and it wouldn't change the fact that they're the reason the product exists.

Are the fans killing TNA? No. Nothing is. TNA is doing perfectly fine; they're doing their best business ever if I'm not mistaken. If thats the result of the fans "killing" TNA, then I'd start handing a machete to every person walking into the impact zone.
How the hell would the fans of the product be "killing" it? That is so unbelievably assinine I'm in disbelief.

No, "Assinine" is your words under your profile name.

Without the fans, TNA doesn't exist. Who cares if they chant "Fire Russo" or "This is Awesome" after every miniscule move? They're the ones paying for the product. They can be the biggest assholes on the face of the planet and come into the Impact Zone with a sign saying "Pedophilia Is Awesome!" and it wouldn't change the fact that they're the reason the product exists.

Another reading and comprehensionally challenged person that can't read and comprehend anything before talking. I may have mentioned fans in the iMPACT ZONE being mentally challenged, but that was NOT the basis of this thread PERIOD. I am talking about the people begging TNA in these forums to hire ANYONE fired from the WWE. ANY sport or Entertainment industry needs "Live Fans" to get people to feel the excitement even if there isn't anything exciting going on.

Are the fans killing TNA? No. Nothing is. TNA is doing perfectly fine; they're doing their best business ever if I'm not mistaken. If thats the result of the fans "killing" TNA, then I'd start handing a machete to every person walking into the impact zone.

TNA is NOT doing as good as they were. You see, YOU may think they are, But I do NOT think they are. Thats called OPINION, look it up before commenting alright Junior? You say they are doing their best business yet you fail to debate how you came up with that. Which to me means, your just a person that comes into forums and say big words like Asinine to get attention and show your age.

I have said it several times, TNA was an innovator in wrestling coming up with fresh ideas (6 sided ring, ALL steelcage match PPV's, X Division), but lately, they have rehashed SEVERAL WWE gimmicks and charactors (Austin AKA Sharkboy, Goldust AKA Black Reign, Hurricane AKA Super Eric). Now they have a brillant idea surrounding the MEM, while copying the "Millionaires Club" with the possiblities ENDLESS on how this story could turn out, TNA turns it into an nWo rehash using the WRONG wrestlers to pull it off.

They should have used Foley, JEFF JARRETT, Team 3-D, Sting, Christian Cage & Angle. Then they could have used the current MEM to help the young guys saying they have been there and tried this and it got them nowhere, Blah Blah Blah. Like I said, this storyline could have been HUGE if they would have done it right and it could have propelled TNA into a spotlight the WWE would no longer be able to avoid. But nope, TNA drops the ball.

But I don't expect you to understand that since you can't read the original post and comprehend anything. Or think for yourself.
As far as people saying the fans are killing TNA goes, I disagree.

I dont think that TNA bringing in former WWE talent in is such a big deal as its a business at the end of the day. TNA wouldn't be half the company it is today if not for former WWE talent such as the whole of the MEM.

Not only are the fans the reason TNA sucks but they are age biased too I mean "Oh no a wrestler 30 year old well he too old to wrestler he should just kill himself he so old" fans like that who just hate a wrestler because their old are not real fans of the sport.

Wrestling is an industry that thrives on young talent and the majority of fans think that young talent is better than older talent because it lasts longer, I disagree.

Older wrestlers are generally more over than younger ones because they have more experience, Angle is an example.

I think that TNA need to push their youth more, but they need older superstars too, a good mix is the best option for glory.

I mean look at the last 5 year of WWE when they push wrestler too young a perfect example is John cena he was push too fast his first year that now his wrestling career has to be base around the World title or else he boring.

John is one of the most popular superstars WWE has, I agree with the fact that they could have done a better job though as there are an army of fans who boo him.

Same thing with AJ styles TNA push him too fast because of the fans liking him and now he the most boring TNA wrestler ever. So yes the fans are the reason TNA is in the shape it is in just plain and simple.

AJ is partly the reason I watch TNA.

He is phenomenal and immense to watch and he has at least some enthusiasm for his job.

In terms of you thinking TNA is boring, I agree at times. I think they need somebody like Santino to spice things up a little.

In conclusion to this post.. no. I do not think that the fans are killing TNA.
No, "Assinine" is your words under your profile name.

It's this crazy, wild thing called satire. Look it up. I voted for Obama.

Another reading and comprehensionally challenged person that can't read and comprehend anything before talking. I may have mentioned fans in the iMPACT ZONE being mentally challenged, but that was NOT the basis of this thread PERIOD. I am talking about the people begging TNA in these forums to hire ANYONE fired from the WWE. ANY sport or Entertainment industry needs "Live Fans" to get people to feel the excitement even if there isn't anything exciting going on.

A) I read your post perfectly fine. It wasn't exactly Thoreau.

B) The TOPIC of your thread asks "Are the fans killing TNA?". Your post asked that question. I answered it. Please explain what nugget of genius from your post that I wasn't able to comprehend.

And if TNA were smart, they would hire almost anyone the WWE releases. Which is exactly what they do. And you know why? Because it attracts fans. Very simple logic. Further more, it doesn't matter what the online fans are asking for, because TNA wouldn't and doesn't listen to them.

TNA is NOT doing as good as they were. You see, YOU may think they are, But I do NOT think they are. Thats called OPINION, look it up before commenting alright Junior?

It's not an OPINION on whether or not TNA is doing their best business; that's a fact. It doesn't matter if they have 10 of the greatest in-ring matches per show or 10 of the worst matches ever performered per show, because their business is going up.

Please, further enlighten us inferior ones on how financial success is an opinion. Should be fun for a laugh or two.

You say they are doing their best business yet you fail to debate how you came up with that. Which to me means, your just a person that comes into forums and say big words like Asinine to get attention and show your age.

Excuse me, but who the fuck are you? I've been posting on these forums for a long time, and to judge me as someone who comes into thread and throws out big words to look smart is simply false, considering that I criticize people for doing that exact thing.

Also, when exactly did the word asinine become a big word? Most people with an education above middle school know the word.

And how is TNA doing better then ever before? Let's see...they've expanded Impact to 2 hours, made it live, updated all of their equipment to broadcast in High Definition, their average Impact rating is up, they've begun expanding their shows further and further across the US, they've begun airing in more countries, should I continue or is that enough proof? Because I can continue to embarass you if you'd like.

I have said it several times, TNA was an innovator in wrestling coming up with fresh ideas (6 sided ring, ALL steelcage match PPV's, X Division), but lately, they have rehashed SEVERAL WWE gimmicks and charactors (Austin AKA Sharkboy, Goldust AKA Black Reign, Hurricane AKA Super Eric). Now they have a brillant idea surrounding the MEM, while copying the "Millionaires Club" with the possiblities ENDLESS on how this story could turn out, TNA turns it into an nWo rehash using the WRONG wrestlers to pull it off.

They should have used Foley, JEFF JARRETT, Team 3-D, Sting, Christian Cage & Angle. Then they could have used the current MEM to help the young guys saying they have been there and tried this and it got them nowhere, Blah Blah Blah. Like I said, this storyline could have been HUGE if they would have done it right and it could have propelled TNA into a spotlight the WWE would no longer be able to avoid. But nope, TNA drops the ball.

But I don't expect you to understand that since you can't read the original post and comprehend anything. Or think for yourself.

Jesus Christ . Tell me, when's the last time you helped write a wrestling program? Oh wait, you haven't. You're a fan. Nothing else. stop acting like you've got the best ideas to put TNA to the very top. These guys have been writing wrestling storylines longer then you've been alive, and Vince Russo is one of the most successful writers in the history of wrestling, if not THE most successful. So tell me, when was the last time you helped write a wrestling phenomenon as Russo did with the Attitude era?

What's even more hilarious is that you claim the MEM storyline could be "huge" and put the spotlight on TNA, yet you don't supply a single reason as to why that is. How is that storyline any different from 10,000 stable storylines before it? It isn't.

You are the very worst kind of wrestling fan there is. The one who thinks he can do better then the people who's job this is. You've never been in the wrestling business, so please explain to me how you're going to save TNA. TNA doesn't need to be saved.

The bottom line is that it doesn't fucking matter if you don't like TNA and think the fans are killing it, because you're wrong. And I've already proven that you're wrong. The quality of the program means NOTHING as long as they are doing consistent business.

So please, go crawl back into your hole. Because everyone here is laughing at you.
It's this crazy, wild thing called satire. Look it up. I voted for Obama.

You have my sympathies.

A) I read your post perfectly fine. It wasn't exactly Thoreau.

Either is you spelling capabilities.

B) The TOPIC of your thread asks "Are the fans killing TNA?". Your post asked that question. I answered it. Please explain what nugget of genius from your post that I wasn't able to comprehend.

You could have done it WITHOUT the name calling. Listen, If you can't figure that out from my RESPONSE, Why bother trying to explain it to you now? Its ALL there in Black and White.

And if TNA were smart, they would hire almost anyone the WWE releases. Which is exactly what they do. And you know why? Because it attracts fans. Very simple logic. Further more, it doesn't matter what the online fans are asking for, because TNA wouldn't and doesn't listen to them.

Is that why their ratings have been 1.1 on iMPACT for over a YEAR now? You call that "Attracting Fans"? LOL I will tell you like I tell everyone else, READ SLOWLY and TRY to keep up. IF, I were TNA, I WOULD be listening to online fans as they have their finger on the PULSE of wrestling. I am definatly NOT saying to take them 100% seriously, but some people on this forum truly have some great idea's. People coming here give their true feelings about whether or not they would watch if they brought in certain people. Business 101 says that the customer service is KEY to a successful business. If they are NOT going to listen to the people PAYING thier paychecks, why be in business? I hear Doink "The Clown" is availible for bookings! TNA should hire him too! He would turn the X-Division around in a week! LOL

It's not an OPINION on whether or not TNA is doing their best business; that's a fact. It doesn't matter if they have 10 of the greatest in-ring matches per show or 10 of the worst matches ever performered per show, because their business is going up.

It IS an opinion that TNA is doing their best business because the RATINGS say otherwise. They have leveled out. IF, they were doing their best business, they would be getting better and better numbers as the MEM story progresses, until they go NOTICED like the WWE has been noticed for a JUMP in RATINGS with Cena's Return. Common sense here.

Please, further enlighten us inferior ones on how financial success is an opinion. Should be fun for a laugh or two.

I never said anything about financial success. Those are your words. However, if you call TNA a financial success, You have NO IDEA about business. See, Like Disco pointed out in his recent article, TNA could be RICHER (Financial Success) if they ADVERTISED. I do not in any way consider TNA a "Financial Success" and how you can is very laughable. They are doing good, but why settle for Good, when by Advertising they could be GREAT. Why settle for second best? I see several WWE commercials (NOT video game commercials either) while watching TNA. Besides an occasional video game commercial from TNA on WWE programming, you see nothing. Now imagine what TNA could do if they were advertising iMPACT on RAW?

Excuse me, but who the fuck are you? I've been posting on these forums for a long time, and to judge me as someone who comes into thread and throws out big words to look smart is simply false, considering that I criticize people for doing that exact thing.

Why, I am Hellspawn Demon, since you can't read or comprehend the name either. You verbally attacked me. You can't deal with the response, the door is thata way, don't it hit you where the good lord split you.

Also, when exactly did the word asinine become a big word? Most people with an education above middle school know the word.

Since your response was that of a Middle Schooler, I would think it was a big word for you. Sorry.

And how is TNA doing better then ever before?

I didn't say they were doing better. YOU DID. Anyone there?

Let's see...they've expanded Impact to 2 hours, made it live, updated all of their equipment to broadcast in High Definition, their average Impact rating is up, they've begun expanding their shows further and further across the US, they've begun airing in more countries, should I continue or is that enough proof? Because I can continue to embarass you if you'd like.

They made it 2 hours and the ratings have NOT INCREASED regularly. It was LIVE for ONE WEEK. STOP THE PRESSES! TNA IS GROWING! HD? Still no rating increases. Rating up? LOL NO it has NOT increased. It has been a 1.1 for OVER A YEAR NOW. Long before anything you have mentioned yet! Expanding shows accross the US? But they are NOT 20,000 people venues. Even ECW started in a Bingo hall. Would they have been considered Financially Successful as well? Thier airing in more countries yet their RATINGS ARE NOT GOING UP. Should I continue or should I keep embarrassing you?

You can do everything you said, but until their ratings go UP, they have accomplished all for NOTHING. Ratings is your KEY to success! Without them, they are throwing good money after bad.

Jesus Christ . Tell me, when's the last time you helped write a wrestling program?

Don't recall saying I was a writer for a wrestling program.

Oh wait, you haven't. You're a fan. Nothing else. stop acting like you've got the best ideas to put TNA to the very top.

Never said I had the best idea's. But thanks for the compliment.

These guys have been writing wrestling storylines longer then you've been alive, and Vince Russo is one of the most successful writers in the history of wrestling, if not THE most successful.

OK, I NEVER said he was not "THE most successful" writers in wrestling. How you got that out of me commenting on ONE STORYLINE is beyond me, but continue.

So tell me, when was the last time you helped write a wrestling phenomenon as Russo did with the Attitude era?

What exactly has he done since then to make me jump out of my seat?

What's even more hilarious is that you claim the MEM storyline could be "huge" and put the spotlight on TNA, yet you don't supply a single reason as to why that is. How is that storyline any different from 10,000 stable storylines before it? It isn't.

Are you kidding me? I sincerely hope you are joking here. All wrestling is, IS A COLLECTION of STORYLINES. Its how they are written that determines their success. Even you can't be THAT blind to think otherwise. As for giving my "Reason" on how the MEM storyline could have been HUGE is all there in BLACK AND WHITE. If you can't read and see my point of view, then I will NEVER be able to do so. "Jesus Christ" (As you said it earlier), You skipped the whole part of who should have been in the MEM in my OPINION, and made a stupid comment saying I didn't explain when I DID. Its not my fault you lack the skills of reading a complete story BEFORE making assumptions.

You are the very worst kind of wrestling fan there is. The one who thinks he can do better then the people who's job this is. You've never been in the wrestling business, so please explain to me how you're going to save TNA. TNA doesn't need to be saved.

You are a typical fan that thinks anyones OPINION other than YOURS is completely "ASININE". Which makes you the ABSOLUTE Worst Fan. I never said I could do a better job writing a wrestling show. Those are your words to try and make me look laughable when you are turning YOURSELF into the Laughable one. Read my post. Tell me where you see me proclaiming myself the "Wrestling Writer", Or "TNA'S SAVIOR"? Tell me where I said TNA needs to be "SAVED". You can't because those words NEVER came out of my mouth and never will. I was talking about ONE STORYLINE for Christsake and you turn me into someone trying to run TNA. LOL You are definatly LAUGHABLE.

The bottom line is that it doesn't fucking matter if you don't like TNA and think the fans are killing it, because you're wrong.

The bottomline is, it doesn't "fucking" matter if you DO like TNA and you don't think the fans are killing it because thats your OPINION. I have said SEVERAL times now that TNA IS DOING FINE without the WWE nobodies. I have also said that I love TNA. Its not my fault your too busy bashing me because I have pointed out some flaws and I got your panties in a bunch that you didn't take the time to READ before speaking. I have been VERY clear on my stance on EVERYTHING in this thread. You can take a horse to water, but you can't make them drink, or read in your case.

And I've already proven that you're wrong.

The only thing you have proven is just how clueless you truly are.

The quality of the program means NOTHING as long as they are doing consistent business.

If they are doing consistant business, then the QUALITY must get BETTER unless they are staisfied or too LAZY to take their business to the next level! This is once again, Business 101. I am sorry that I believe that TNA'S GOAL is to become bigger than the WWE and surpass them in the wrestling world. By your standards, I must be shooting to high for them. Maybe I should have your expectations and be satisfied with ECW status. But wait, ECW got the attention of the WWE and got mentions on WWE TV and TNA, well, they haven't even gotten a fart that resembled TNA from the WWE.

So please, go crawl back into your hole. Because everyone here is laughing at you.

Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you. HAVE A NICE DAY! :guns:
You have my sympathies.

I suppose this is your way of trying to save face because you weren't able to pick up on the most basic of satire.

Either is you spelling capabilities.


A) I spelled every word in that sentence correctly.

B) "Either is you spelling"? Are you serious? Tell me you did that on purpose just for a laugh, otherwise that is irony at it's funniest.

You could have done it WITHOUT the name calling. Listen, If you can't figure that out from my RESPONSE, Why bother trying to explain it to you now? Its ALL there in Black and White.

Wow, you're not only an idiot, but a hypocrite as well. YOU started the name calling, not me. I said not one word about you in my original post, and then you replied with a slew of insults.

Are you purposely trying to look foolish?

Is that why their ratings have been 1.1 on iMPACT for over a YEAR now? You call that "Attracting Fans"?

Wow. You just can't stop supplying me with ammo, can you?

You're arguing with me that hiring famous wrestlers who have had a ton of media exposure is bad for business?

So if TNA hired Hulk Hogan tomorrow, that wouldn't be a smart move?

You clearly know absolutely nothing about how the wrestling business works, at all.

LOL I will tell you like I tell everyone else, READ SLOWLY and TRY to keep up.

Yes, because your posts tend to be such enlightening works of prose that us mere peons can barely comprehend your posts. They're monuments to the intelligent thought.

IF, I were TNA, I WOULD be listening to online fans as they have their finger on the PULSE of wrestling.

No, they don't. Do you honestly believe that what you are saying right now hasn't been said 10 million times by 10 million other smarks before you?

Online fans make up an absolutely miniscule percentage of wrestling fans. What your asking is that instead of TNA market their product towards a majority of their audience, you want them to market to the minority?

You have got to be the worst businessman I've ever encountered. You're basically saying that you want TNA to lose money in order to satisfy the fanboys pipe dreams.

I am definatly NOT saying to take them 100% seriously, but some people on this forum truly have some great idea's. People coming here give their true feelings about whether or not they would watch if they brought in certain people. Business 101 says that the customer service is KEY to a successful business. If they are NOT going to listen to the people PAYING thier paychecks, why be in business? I hear Doink "The Clown" is availible for bookings! TNA should hire him too! He would turn the X-Division around in a week! LOL

Again, you are living in some fantasy world where the online community of fans makes up a majority of wrestling fans. You're wrong. Incredibly.

The wrestling business has never taken the online communities ideas seriously. Did they listen to the online fans during the Attitude era, when wrestling was at it's highest point of popularity? No. So why would they listen to the minority now?

Forget about Doink the Clown. You're insinuating that hiring former WWE wrestlers is a bad idea, and that is just so wrong in so many ways that I would need to give you a Cliff Notes for you to even be able to understand that.

Or was TNA hiring Booker T, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, & Christian Cage all bad ideas? If you believe that, you're a fool. Well, you're already a fool, but I suppose that would make you an even larger one.

It IS an opinion that TNA is doing their best business because the RATINGS say otherwise.

My god. With every paragraph the stupidity takes another level. Are you seriously going to debate with me that TNA expanding their entire business into the global market and improving their product and budget is a sign of them doing bad business?

You seriously do not understand a single thing about how a business works. At all.

They have leveled out. IF, they were doing their best business, they would be getting better and better numbers as the MEM story progresses, until they go NOTICED like the WWE has been noticed for a JUMP in RATINGS with Cena's Return. Common sense here.

WWE has had a built-in fanbase for over 30 years. It's pretty hard for a company thats not even a decade old to compete with that. It's akin to saying that some small MMA operation without even 1/10th of the UFC's funds/promotion/fans should be able to compete with the UFC because of one good fight.

In other words, you're wrong. Again. As always. And their ratings haven't leveled off, they've remained consistent. Or are you going to argue with me that consistently above-average ratings are bad for business? I'm sure you will.

I never said anything about financial success. Those are your words. However, if you call TNA a financial success, You have NO IDEA about business.

...ROFL. My god. Did you really just say that I don't know anything about business?! Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of how to operate a successful business would beg to differ. You'd run a business into the ground within months.

Further more, please explain to me what kind of success there is for a wrestling program besides financial success? Are there a Wrestling Show Emmys that I'm unaware of? What you percieve as the lack of quality on the show means absolutely nothing if they continue to do well.

Sorry, but wrestling shows don't recieve any special rewards for pleasing a minority of smarks opinions.

See, Like Disco pointed out in his recent article, TNA could be RICHER (Financial Success) if they ADVERTISED. I do not in any way consider TNA a "Financial Success" and how you can is very laughable.

Again, so you are saying that TNA expanding their market and becoming more and more available to other parts of the world is bad for business?

You're just one joke after another, aren't you?

They are doing good, but why settle for Good, when by Advertising they could be GREAT. Why settle for second best? I see several WWE commercials (NOT video game commercials either) while watching TNA. Besides an occasional video game commercial from TNA on WWE programming, you see nothing. Now imagine what TNA could do if they were advertising iMPACT on RAW?

You seem to have this false idea that TNA can compete with the WWE, and you're insane to think so. Can AAA baseball compete with the MLB? No.

You also seem to think that TNA can just go ahead and ask Spike TV to stop airing WWE commercials and start airing TNA commercials more often. They don't decide that, the executives of Spike TV do.

Why, I am Hellspawn Demon, since you can't read or comprehend the name either.

Yes, because Hellspawn Demon is such an intelligent name. It doesn't at all sound like the screen name of a disgruntled 14 year old boy who plays too many video games, not at all.

You verbally attacked me.

You're the one who attacked me first. You ought to check out your reading comprehension skills considering you just happened to have forgotten that.

You can't deal with the response, the door is thata way, don't it hit you where the good lord split you.

Can't deal with the response? If thats your way of saying that I've made you look like an absolute fool and that no one here even slightly respects anything you have to say, then yes, I suppose so.

But please, continue to respond so we can all have a good chuckle.

Since your response was that of a Middle Schooler, I would think it was a big word for you. Sorry.

Again, the irony here is just amazing. Someone needs to save this post to a hard drive so that we can never lose it, and pull it out to laugh at whenever need be.

I didn't say they were doing better. YOU DID. Anyone there?

Wow. Again, thank you for clearly proving that you are an absolute moron. Perhaps if you had connected that sentence with the next few sentences, you would have realized that I was asking a rhetorical question that I supplied the answers for. Thanks for playing, but yet again, you lose.

They made it 2 hours and the ratings have NOT INCREASED regularly.

Again, you show absolutely no grasp of what success is. Apparently you think that sustaining a 1.1 over a one hour time period as opposed to a 2 hour time period is the same thing. Fail.

It was LIVE for ONE WEEK. STOP THE PRESSES! TNA IS GROWING! HD? Still no rating increases. Rating up? LOL NO it has NOT increased. It has been a 1.1 for OVER A YEAR NOW.

Wow it's been 10 seconds since I've last embarassed you, let's have another go.

TNA's average Impact rating from January 4th 2007 to May 24th 2007 --- 1.004

TNA's average Impact Rating from January 3rd 2008 to May 22nd 2008 --- 1.109

So tell me, which number is larger?

Expanding shows accross the US? But they are NOT 20,000 people venues.

No shit. As I've mentioned already several times, TNA does not have even a fraction of the fanbase that the WWE has. And running 50 hours more of advertising per week isn't going to make 20,000 people venues a reality.

Do you even realize how many people 20,000 is? When the NWA was at it's very peak they were only filling arenas between 5-12,000 seats, with the occasional supershow here and there.

You just don't get it. TNA is the Arena Football League, and the WWE is the National Football League. And you honestly think that the AFL can compete with the NFL. Is that analogy simple enough for you?

You can do everything you said, but until their ratings go UP, they have accomplished all for NOTHING. Ratings is your KEY to success! Without them, they are throwing good money after bad.

I've already just proven to you that ratings HAVE increased.

Don't recall saying I was a writer for a wrestling program.

Are you seriously this dumb? Go look up what a rhetorical question is.

Never said I had the best idea's. But thanks for the compliment.

How could that possibly have been construed as a compliment? Or do you enjoy being humiliated?

OK, I NEVER said he was not "THE most successful" writers in wrestling.

I never claimed that you said that. Where are you getting this shit?

What exactly has he done since then to make me jump out of my seat?

Does his lack of recent success somehow void his previous success? No.

Are you kidding me? I sincerely hope you are joking here. All wrestling is, IS A COLLECTION of STORYLINES. Its how they are written that determines their success. Even you can't be THAT blind to think otherwise.

Again, where the fuck are you pulling this from? I did not once claim that wrestling wasn't a collection of storylines. How could you even get that idea from my post? Please explain to me why you feel the need to make things up.

As for giving my "Reason" on how the MEM storyline could have been HUGE is all there in BLACK AND WHITE. If you can't read and see my point of view, then I will NEVER be able to do so. "Jesus Christ" (As you said it earlier), You skipped the whole part of who should have been in the MEM in my OPINION, and made a stupid comment saying I didn't explain when I DID. Its not my fault you lack the skills of reading a complete story BEFORE making assumptions.

I read your idea, and I commented on it. Apparently I'm not the one who has trouble reading. Or did you not read the part that you JUST quoted in which I said that your idea was no different from 10,000 ideas before it?

You are a typical fan that thinks anyones OPINION other than YOURS is completely "ASININE".

Again, I said nothing at all even like that. Where are you getting this shit?

I respect plenty of wrestling fan's opinions. Just not yours. Because you're an idiot.

Which makes you the ABSOLUTE Worst Fan. I never said I could do a better job writing a wrestling show.


They should have used Foley, JEFF JARRETT, Team 3-D, Sting, Christian Cage & Angle. Then they could have used the current MEM to help the young guys saying they have been there and tried this and it got them nowhere, Blah Blah Blah. Like I said, this storyline could have been HUGE if they would have done it right and it could have propelled TNA into a spotlight the WWE would no longer be able to avoid. But nope, TNA drops the ball.

You're saying right there, in your own words, what the writers SHOULD have done. How is that not you thinking you could do a better job then them? The very fact that you explain what they should have done (not could have) proves my point.

Those are your words to try and make me look laughable when you are turning YOURSELF into the Laughable one. Read my post. Tell me where you see me proclaiming myself the "Wrestling Writer", Or "TNA'S SAVIOR"? Tell me where I said TNA needs to be "SAVED". You can't because those words NEVER came out of my mouth and never will. I was talking about ONE STORYLINE for Christsake and you turn me into someone trying to run TNA. LOL You are definatly LAUGHABLE.

This is ridiculious. Everything you've just asked me to prove you wrong on, I already have in this post.

I'm not sure which is funnier, your post, or that you actually think that I'm the one who's coming out of this debate looking "laughable". Several people have already told me how hilariously badly I've made you look in this thread.

The bottomline is, it doesn't "fucking" matter if you DO like TNA and you don't think the fans are killing it because thats your OPINION.

No, it's not an opinion. You apparently don't know the definition of the word fan. To be a fan means that one supports something. So explain to me how supporting a product kills that product?

This has got to be the most epic failure of a post I've ever seen.

I have said SEVERAL times now that TNA IS DOING FINE without the WWE nobodies.

Bullshit. You're going to tell me that TNA was doing better before they had Kurt Angle, Team 3-D, Booker T, Christian Cage, Kevin Nash, etc? Almost the entire roster are people who previously worked in the WWE. You continue to fail at an alarming rate.

The only thing you have proven is just how clueless you truly are.

Yes, it's not as though I've suppled facts and numbers while you've done nothing but insult and claim to know how to run a business. Yes, I am the clueless one all right.

If they are doing consistant business, then the QUALITY must get BETTER unless they are staisfied or too LAZY to take their business to the next level! This is once again, Business 101. I am sorry that I believe that TNA'S GOAL is to become bigger than the WWE and surpass them in the wrestling world. By your standards, I must be shooting to high for them. Maybe I should have your expectations and be satisfied with ECW status. But wait, ECW got the attention of the WWE and got mentions on WWE TV and TNA, well, they haven't even gotten a fart that resembled TNA from the WWE.

Again, this post is proof that you know absolutely nothing about how to run a business. Consistency is GOOD in a business if they are consistently good. A 1.1 may not seem like a high rating compared to WWE shows, but a 1.1 is a very good rating for a cable television show.

So if you had a company that was consistently profitable, that company would not be a success? You seriously need to get an education.

Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you. HAVE A NICE DAY! :guns:

Good luck with that. Trust me, no one agrees with you, and everyone here is laughing at you. I'm quite certain of this fact.

That had to be the most epic failure of a post, ever.
First of all, I can't believe I am agreeing with Ecko. This hurts me personally, but when you're right, you're right.

First of all, last nights Impact was the most viewed epsiode ever, so I'd say that business is good. Secondly, a 10% jump in the ratings coincides with a signifigant jump in ad revenue, and also brings new advertisers on board, which leads to marketing partnerships, which leads to exposure, which leads to another jump in the ratings, which leads to.....

Ecko is wrong about one thing. Hellspawn Demon sounds like a 14 year-old boy who plays too many videogames who will never touch a boob.

Russo isn't a failure. I would venture a pretty good guess that he has something to do with the current storyline. I would also venture that he has something to do with it not taking over the whole show. The NWO was at it's coolest when they would break into parts of the show that had nothing to do with them. They got stale when the whole show was about them. So if Russo is part of the MEM or part of the rest of the show, or even both, he is doing a good job. Not every idea turns into Stone Cold vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania, but one of those for every ten Hornswoggles makes you a good writer.

I like TNA. Their young talent is amazing in the ring, and the older guys are great at bringing them along.
wow! good battle here. allow me to chime in, as an insider with complete and irrefutable knowledge of the subject under discussion.

It seems that there has been an argument being made that TNA shouldn 't try repeating the millionaire's club angle because it failed. But what nobody realizes is the reason why it failed. That's because the veteran's like hogan, luger etc.. refused to comply with the storylines that were written, and management sided with the wrestlers instead of the writers. so the angle fizzled out.

The recent points i've been making in my articles is that the creative team is more than doing their job in holding and expanding their audience, because upper management is not willing to spend the money to create growth of the product. i guess tna just had a record rating thursday. hard to provide a compelling argument that the creative doesn't know what they're doing.
Without having read anything but the posts on this page, and having little past a basic knowledge of the wrestling business, I'd say that the fans are hurting TNA, simply because they've seen everything there is to see there and are simply bored. It was one of the main reasons the NWA territory system went under: when the show came to town once or twice a year it was epic. When you could see it every week on tv, it wasn't anywhere near as special. Now I have no earthly idea if TNA could afford to take the show on the road weekly, but it seems to me that the fans would get a lot more excited if they didn't see the show there live every two weeks. Maybe do like they were doing with PPVs: have some in Orlando, then some on the road.
I suppose this is your way of trying to save face because you weren't able to pick up on the most basic of satire.


A) I spelled every word in that sentence correctly.

B) "Either is you spelling"? Are you serious? Tell me you did that on purpose just for a laugh, otherwise that is irony at it's funniest.

Wow, you're not only an idiot, but a hypocrite as well. YOU started the name calling, not me. I said not one word about you in my original post, and then you replied with a slew of insults.

Are you purposely trying to look foolish?

Wow. You just can't stop supplying me with ammo, can you?

You're arguing with me that hiring famous wrestlers who have had a ton of media exposure is bad for business?

So if TNA hired Hulk Hogan tomorrow, that wouldn't be a smart move?

You clearly know absolutely nothing about how the wrestling business works, at all.

Yes, because your posts tend to be such enlightening works of prose that us mere peons can barely comprehend your posts. They're monuments to the intelligent thought.

No, they don't. Do you honestly believe that what you are saying right now hasn't been said 10 million times by 10 million other smarks before you?

Online fans make up an absolutely miniscule percentage of wrestling fans. What your asking is that instead of TNA market their product towards a majority of their audience, you want them to market to the minority?

You have got to be the worst businessman I've ever encountered. You're basically saying that you want TNA to lose money in order to satisfy the fanboys pipe dreams.

Again, you are living in some fantasy world where the online community of fans makes up a majority of wrestling fans. You're wrong. Incredibly.

The wrestling business has never taken the online communities ideas seriously. Did they listen to the online fans during the Attitude era, when wrestling was at it's highest point of popularity? No. So why would they listen to the minority now?

Forget about Doink the Clown. You're insinuating that hiring former WWE wrestlers is a bad idea, and that is just so wrong in so many ways that I would need to give you a Cliff Notes for you to even be able to understand that.

Or was TNA hiring Booker T, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, & Christian Cage all bad ideas? If you believe that, you're a fool. Well, you're already a fool, but I suppose that would make you an even larger one.

My god. With every paragraph the stupidity takes another level. Are you seriously going to debate with me that TNA expanding their entire business into the global market and improving their product and budget is a sign of them doing bad business?

You seriously do not understand a single thing about how a business works. At all.

WWE has had a built-in fanbase for over 30 years. It's pretty hard for a company thats not even a decade old to compete with that. It's akin to saying that some small MMA operation without even 1/10th of the UFC's funds/promotion/fans should be able to compete with the UFC because of one good fight.

In other words, you're wrong. Again. As always. And their ratings haven't leveled off, they've remained consistent. Or are you going to argue with me that consistently above-average ratings are bad for business? I'm sure you will.

...ROFL. My god. Did you really just say that I don't know anything about business?! Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of how to operate a successful business would beg to differ. You'd run a business into the ground within months.

Further more, please explain to me what kind of success there is for a wrestling program besides financial success? Are there a Wrestling Show Emmys that I'm unaware of? What you percieve as the lack of quality on the show means absolutely nothing if they continue to do well.

Sorry, but wrestling shows don't recieve any special rewards for pleasing a minority of smarks opinions.

Again, so you are saying that TNA expanding their market and becoming more and more available to other parts of the world is bad for business?

You're just one joke after another, aren't you?

You seem to have this false idea that TNA can compete with the WWE, and you're insane to think so. Can AAA baseball compete with the MLB? No.

You also seem to think that TNA can just go ahead and ask Spike TV to stop airing WWE commercials and start airing TNA commercials more often. They don't decide that, the executives of Spike TV do.

Yes, because Hellspawn Demon is such an intelligent name. It doesn't at all sound like the screen name of a disgruntled 14 year old boy who plays too many video games, not at all.

You're the one who attacked me first. You ought to check out your reading comprehension skills considering you just happened to have forgotten that.

Can't deal with the response? If thats your way of saying that I've made you look like an absolute fool and that no one here even slightly respects anything you have to say, then yes, I suppose so.

I am not even going to break this down. You, like all the other TNA "Fanboys" will pick words out of a post and then post about them. When I talk about hiring WWE wrestlers, I am talking about Rhyno, Super Crazy, Joey Mercury, Davari, all of which are NOT making people change the channel and actually WATCH TNA. Even though I hate Booger T with every ounce of my being, He did get them to watch, Angle is a NO BRAINER, so was Cage, & Mick Foley. Not that I haven't said this 10 MILLION times now, I am talking about undercarders that amounted to jack and SHIT in the WWE. You can throw an X Division title on them all day long, but you can't polish a TURD.

The Comment about having sympathy was directed towards you voting for Obama. Nothing more. But, Like a typical Obama Follower, if you talk bad about something they believe in or have a different opinion about, then out comes the "Idiot" name calling and so on. I suppose I am racist to? Also, Like I haven't been called a 14 year old playing video games before. Hell, all you people do the same thing. Either I am a kid that hasn't felt a tit, or I am a 55 year old man living in my Mom's basement. The sad thing is, Thats the best you got.

The wrestling shows may not have an "Emmy" show, but am I, a Business owner (YES, I currently OWN a SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS), But am I going to advertise with TNA or the WWE? Lets see, a rating at 2.0 or better versus a 1.0 rating and generally higher?

So, TNA drew their record rating! I am happy for them! Thats what I like to hear. I will be the first to admit I am wrong about anything I say. BUT, This does not mean I am wrong. This is only ONE WEEK. No matter what you think, I am behind TNA all the way. I love watching TNA and seeing the wrestlers that have buttloads of talent. More so than the WWE. Thats why I get harsh on them sometimes. I don't want them to become a talk show with some wrestling sprinkled in.

Listen, TNA SHOULD HAVE used the others in the MEM. I am glad you can pick out certain things and make your case. Before that, I also said I LOVE the MEM storyline. While I do believe that storyline would work, I THOUGHT (Meaning MY OPINION!), they SHOULD have use the wrestlers mentioned. Listen, you can sit here all day long picking certain things I say and turn them around, ANYONE reading this post completely through will see that at no point have I said I could write the storyline better. I simply stated what I would have done which equals MY OPINION. Doesn't mean I am right or wrong, but you oviously have no clue what opinion is. Its NOT fact, It's NOT me claiming I could write a storyline better, Its IS me saying how I would have done it to avoid people like HULK HOGAN saying it looked like the NWO in its latter half of Failure. Its all OPINION. But you keep telling everyone here that I am the Savior of TNA and BLAH BLAH BLAH.

It seems that there has been an argument being made that TNA shouldn 't try repeating the millionaire's club angle because it failed. But what nobody realizes is the reason why it failed. That's because the veteran's like hogan, luger etc.. refused to comply with the storylines that were written, and management sided with the wrestlers instead of the writers. so the angle fizzled out.

Really, how can you avoid doing a storyline that hasn't been done before. All you can do is tweak it and hope for the best. If it doesn't work, then scrap it an move on. BTW, I am not the one saying the Millionaires club should not be repeated, I am simply saying you don't want it to follow the same steps as even you said, "TNA shouldn 't try repeating the millionaire's club angle because it failed". When it didn't get the ratings I was hoping for, the first thing that poped into my head was, this storyline doesn't follow the millionaires club as much as it does the NWO storyline because of the spotlighted wrestlers.

Thats what my OPINION was. Then I thought maybe if they had used the people I mentioned, Maybe it would have already gained enough steam to start drawing better numbers. I still LOVE the way TNA is doing the storyline. I will never argue that, but I still have to question the members.

The recent points i've been making in my articles is that the creative team is more than doing their job in holding and expanding their audience, because upper management is not willing to spend the money to create growth of the product.

They have definatly been holding steady with numbers, but why put that kind of pressure on creative when spending a little money goes a long way if done right?

Russo isn't a failure.

Hellspawn Demon sounds like a 14 year-old boy who plays too many videogames who will never touch a boob.

Fromthesouth, I never said he was. BTW, I bet you haven't had pussy since pussy has had you.
Fromthesouth, I never said he was. BTW, I bet you haven't had pussy since pussy has had you.

These are the words of a successful business owner? I don't know how much money your lemonade stand makes, but you need to shut the fuck up.

X already fucked you up. I could do it too, but I'm not one for piling on. You know that there is an entire thread devoted to calling you an idiot right?

And as a successful business owner, you would know that the choice of advertising is with USA or Spike, and there are more factors involved than what wrestling show is on. USA reaches more homes. You would also want to research which audience buys more products advertised on the shows. You see, twice as many people buying a third of what's offered doesn't make sense. You need to look beyond ratings. Demographics are important too. For someone who claims to be as successful in business as you do, you really are an idiot.

And your folksy colloquialisms like polishing a turd and pussy had you really convince me that you aren't lying about your business. Go jerk off to Lara Croft and let the adults talk about business.

Thats what my OPINION was. Then I thought maybe if they had used the people I mentioned, Maybe it would have already gained enough steam to start drawing better numbers. I still LOVE the way TNA is doing the storyline. I will never argue that, but I still have to question the members.

I love what they're doing, they should just change it...

Once it got the ratings you were looking for? WHat the fuck are you talking about. Your posts are so full of contradictions and nonsense, you make me wonder if you're even 14.

Don't step to the plate against big leaguers if you sat the bench in teeball bitch.
These are the words of a successful business owner? I don't know how much money your lemonade stand makes, but you need to shut the fuck up.

No, On this forum I WILL defend myself from arrogant little pricks like you that wanna run your mouth on here saying I am 14 years old and haven't felt a tit. You are what we call an instigator that prowls forums, probably all accross the internet looking to add DUMB as FUCK comments like you did. This conversation was between me and "X" whatever he is going to change his name to today. If you wanted to comment on what I said, Fine. But coming in here and attacking me with the 14 year old and tit comment shows your lack of maturity and credability.

X already fucked you up. I could do it too, but I'm not one for piling on. You know that there is an entire thread devoted to calling you an idiot right?

I could careless. Do you honestly think I give two shits what there is or isn't about me. LOLOLOLOLOL OH MAN! Thats HILARIOUS. The funny thing is, thats all you have to do with your life is set up threads bashing me. LOLOLOLOLOL Get a life.

And as a successful business owner, you would know that the choice of advertising is with USA or Spike, and there are more factors involved than what wrestling show is on. USA reaches more homes. You would also want to research which audience buys more products advertised on the shows. You see, twice as many people buying a third of what's offered doesn't make sense. You need to look beyond ratings. Demographics are important too. For someone who claims to be as successful in business as you do, you really are an idiot.

Alright, IDIOT, The WWE was on BOTH NETWORKS at one point in time. If the WWE was still with Spike, NO MATTER HOW MANY HOMES IT REACHES, I would STILL advertise during the Timeslot they were running. Because regardless on how many people get Spike TV, The WWE's Ratings are STILL 2.0 or better which means I have reached over 2 MILLION PEOPLE. What do you think happens when you advertise on TV, you pay them money and they put your spot in at ANY TIME? What does Demographic have to do with TNA? That might make a difference to me, But we are talking about TNA and their advertising right now. I just myself as an example. They want to advertise to anyone who will visit their WEBSITE (You know, the place where people who don't live in TNA's General area can still get their merchandise?), or get people to know they EXSIST.

And your folksy colloquialisms like polishing a turd and pussy had you really convince me that you aren't lying about your business. Go jerk off to Lara Croft and let the adults talk about business.

Wow. Did you come up with that one all by yourself? Try not to hurt yourself there.

I love what they're doing, they should just change it...

Another person in need of some more schooling. I never said I didn't like the MEM storyline. Are you really this stupid in real life? Could you take more than 5 seconds to read a post before flaming someone?

Once it got the ratings you were looking for? WHat the fuck are you talking about. Your posts are so full of contradictions and nonsense, you make me wonder if you're even 14.

Let me guess, One day you were sitting on a park bench and told some old bitch that "Momma said life is like a box of Choco-Late's". I will say it slowly for the reading impared. Once the MEM storyline started, It took more than 2 months to finally get a spike in the ratings. When the NWO, Millionaires club and hell, even the D-X faction started, ALL of them seen immediate ratings jumps. With the nature of the storyline, and who was representing it, It should have seen a BOOST out the gate. Maybe not the same as the ones I mentioned, But more than what TNA got. Which is the basis of me saying that MAYBE (OPINION here for the reading impared), TNA should have used the wrestlers I mentioned and MAYBE (OPINION AGAIN), it would have made a healthy boost instead of maintaining ratings.

I am not telling TNA how to "write a storyline", or even suggest that the MEM will not work. But OMG, MORONS like you that see 1 week of ratings boost think automatically that its working. "Your wrong Hellspawn Demon! Let's go make a thread making fun of him! HE HE HE" said the moron from the south.

Don't step to the plate against big leaguers if you sat the bench in teeball bitch.

:lmao: Is this the "Big League"? You consider jumping into a conversation with nothing but name calling and disrespectful comments the Big League? :icon_rolleyes: You have just confirmed what I said earlier about you just being someone running around forum flaming people. I honestly hope your life gets better so you won't have to feel better about yourself by projecting your feeling about yourself onto someone else. Your not worth the time of response anymore.
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