Are Johnny Ace's Days Numbered As Raw IGM?

Exactly! Why turn HH heel? Just for the shock factor? Not going to happen! Also, how can they play out JL did a good job as GM? Kane is running wild, he cost Ryder the US title, he's caused Punk to lose to Ziggler like 4 times & also caused Ryder to have a "broken Back". He's interesting storyline wise but really, how can it be justified that he's done a good job? Plus, HHH lost his role as GM due to JL, why would he join him?? It makes most sense for Steph to come in & be in charge.
No...I do not see Johnny Ace getting fired. With everything going on with Jericho's end of the world, the chaos that always is the Rumble, C.M. Punk possibly getting screwed...I think some way, some how Johnny will keep his job because a BIGGER problem will arise. Possibly Vince McMahon. Maybe there will be a war for the company. Maybe this is some big changing of the guard. Even if Johnny gets "fired"; keep in mind the Road to Wrestlemania has begun. The road is usually good or great...but I am more worried about the payoff at Mania than I am Johnny Ace getting fired on Monday
I've read Jack Hammers post, and I agree with almost everything he said, except for the part that Triple H should be a heel for his match at WrestleMania.
Big Johnny is here to stay, and lets be honest the guy is a decent heel and he is a real corporation guy and that brings some reality to the storylines and we all know how reality turns out when used in angles.

I sincerely hope that HHH gives JL a last chance if he manages to beat CM Punk in a one o one match, a match that later would be interfered by HHH in order to screw CM Punk, but to not make a fast heel turn, he could also Pedigree JL, making him a somehow a tweener character, with the right attitude to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania.
i see one of two things happening after the RR laurenitis is fired and foley is made gm, during that time john will use his power as a vp stateing he is foleys boss and interfere with his decesions, or have dave utonga do it like he does on smackdown. Or they do like they did with Bischof and austin, john is on probation, with mick foley being co gm, this goes on on for several weeks them argueing. now both scenerios end at Wm with john vs mick winner gets control of raw
1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.


2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed


3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace


I think we're going to find out who John Laurenitus has been texting all this time, and I think they're going to have absolutely no interest in John's future. John will be revealed to be expendable. HHH will be revealed to be a pawn. We're possibly going to find out who sent Kevin Nash that text all that time ago.
1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.
Possible. I do think they need a change though. The heel GM has been overplayed on RAW. I think either a face or neutral GM would be a good change of pace.

2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed
Hardly. WWE has since given up on that when they brought Triple H in as GM for the short period and then JL. Is it possible that it comes back? Yes, but I wouldn't bet money on it.

3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.
No. Triple H resolved his issues with Punk so there is no need. Its JL's actions as of late that are bringing Triple H to RAW next week.

I actually think Triple H and "the board" are going to appoint Foley as GM. His segment with JL last week was kind of a tease. Did you see how once JL heard Trips was coming to evaluate him, he tucked his tail and played nice with Punk?

Foley as GM would be a good way to change the atmosphere a little biut on RAW. There has been this dark cloud as of late with all the heel tactics that have been going on, and heels seem to be in control. Kane taking out Ryder and pursuing Cena, Vickie and her men; Swagger taking the title from an injured Ryder and Dolf going after Punk, JL going after Punk...there needs to be something to break all of that up.

All I know is, RAW has been great lately and I hope it continues.
So Raw has been great and now you want to change one of the dynamics that's making it good? JL is finally becoming an outright evil heel and has more momentum and heet than ever. He's feud with Punk seems like it's just hitting the iceberg and has a lot more in store. We already had a change of pace when it went from HHH to JL now you want another face? They have been building JL up for ages now and it seems to have a point behind it so I can't see them ditching him now, Foley as much as I love the guy would not make the show more interesting at all as GM and we have already seen him do it in the past anyway.

JL is the perfect heel in control at the moment and he is getting better on the mic, the feud between him and Punk is working and the crowd is enjoying it, changing that now would kill all it's momentum unless another heel comes along as the person he has been texting this whole time.

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