Are Johnny Ace's Days Numbered As Raw IGM?

ECW Sandman

Getting Noticed By Management
We all just heard and saw that Next week HHH is coming back to evaluate Oll Johnny Boy. So here's the question

1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.

2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed

3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.
I feel like it is too predictable that Johnny Ace will be fired. It seemed like WWE pushed the letter too far, and adding the fact that Triple H will be "evaluating" him is making it again, too predictable. I think that HHH comes back, evaluates, and at the end of the show decides to keep him as the RAW GM. But hey he could be just fired, considering WWE is beyond predictable these days.
1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.
Possible. I do think they need a change though. The heel GM has been overplayed on RAW. I think either a face or neutral GM would be a good change of pace.

2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed
Hardly. WWE has since given up on that when they brought Triple H in as GM for the short period and then JL. Is it possible that it comes back? Yes, but I wouldn't bet money on it.

3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.
No. Triple H resolved his issues with Punk so there is no need. Its JL's actions as of late that are bringing Triple H to RAW next week.

I actually think Triple H and "the board" are going to appoint Foley as GM. His segment with JL last week was kind of a tease. Did you see how once JL heard Trips was coming to evaluate him, he tucked his tail and played nice with Punk?

Foley as GM would be a good way to change the atmosphere a little biut on RAW. There has been this dark cloud as of late with all the heel tactics that have been going on, and heels seem to be in control. Kane taking out Ryder and pursuing Cena, Vickie and her men; Swagger taking the title from an injured Ryder and Dolf going after Punk, JL going after Punk...there needs to be something to break all of that up.

All I know is, RAW has been great lately and I hope it continues.
1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.
Possible. I do think they need a change though. The heel GM has been overplayed on RAW. I think either a face or neutral GM would be a good change of pace.

2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed
Hardly. WWE has since given up on that when they brought Triple H in as GM for the short period and then JL. Is it possible that it comes back? Yes, but I wouldn't bet money on it.

3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.
No. Triple H resolved his issues with Punk so there is no need. Its JL's actions as of late that are bringing Triple H to RAW next week.

I actually think Triple H and "the board" are going to appoint Foley as GM. His segment with JL last week was kind of a tease. Did you see how once JL heard Trips was coming to evaluate him, he tucked his tail and played nice with Punk?

Foley as GM would be a good way to change the atmosphere a little biut on RAW. There has been this dark cloud as of late with all the heel tactics that have been going on, and heels seem to be in control. Kane taking out Ryder and pursuing Cena, Vickie and her men; Swagger taking the title from an injured Ryder and Dolf going after Punk, JL going after Punk...there needs to be something to break all of that up.

All I know is, RAW has been great lately and I hope it continues.

I agree with your 2nd and 3rd point.

Regarding your first point I think a neutral GM would work best. While I like the idea of Foley being the GM, and he has been in the past for a few nights as special GM, I don't know how long the face GM would work. One of the big reasons a heel GM works well is because it gives the main faces an obstacle to overcome. Just my opinion though. Solid points overall
im thinking maybe JL lied about the fax just to get out of the match and it will be explained that someone played a prank on him or something. Maybe its unlikely but i wouldnt put it past the wwe. It seems pretty silly that a board would hire the guy to replace HHH and then have HHH evaluate his performance.
I dont see him getting fired, that seems too predictable. They are done with the mystery GM. And I dont think Triple H is turning heel.

I get the feeling John Laurinites will be wrestling someone at WM. Or he will align himself with someone (jericho maybe?), and screw Punk out of the title. They spent a lot of time building up this angle. I would think their has to be some sort of big payoff for this.

If they do just fire him or something than it just seems like a big waste of time.
This whole GM nonsense has been overplayed. They need to build credible heel wrestlers who pose a threat against the top face, instead of replaying the tired old evil authority figure GM doing it.

I say bring back a straight man WWE President like Jack Tunney!
Well as far as being predictable goes maybe maybe not!! I dont think Mr johnny will be fired but you never know!! Thats too damn obvious right now. Mystery Gm i think is the most possible timing seems right with Foley all of a sudden being on TV!! I think Foley is the mysterious GM all this time it just seems weird that hes on tv and Hunter is going to give Johnny a performance review sort to speak!! I like the idea of Hunter being on the same page as Ace but very unlikely!!
Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.
Doubt it. And if he does, he'll be back real soon after.

Will the mystery GM finally be revealed?
I don't think that's where they are going with all of this. I think they could easily wrap it all in with the Jericho angle seeing as how he "knew" who it was before he was unceremoniously punted in the head by Orton... I would still be surprised if that's where they went with it.

Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.
I also thought about that. Triple H is way better as a heel, and I do think Ace is forming a new Corporation to further the Laurinaitis/Punk feud as the new Austin/McMahon feud. If that is the case, Jericho could reveal the "she" as Stephanie McMahon, Triple H could turn, and Jericho could also side with them. New Corporation-style faction to take on Punk.

I doubt that they'll actually follow through on any of that, but it'd be damn cool if they did.
I think Triple H. will come out and make John L. fight Punk, possibly at EC.ppv. If Punk wins he gets to be in the Raw EC match for the WWEC. and if J.L. wins he keeps his job and Punk losses his chance to defend the WWEC. I say punk wins and J.L. gets replaced on raw the next day by maybe Stephanie?
1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.
Honestly no. I dont see that happening yet. To be honest I see them pulling a stunt they did years ago with Bischoff/Stone Cold. The way Jhonny has been acting with mick I see Jhonny taking the role of manipulative Bischoff-esque. While Mick takes over as the Stone Cold-half. Jhonny first couple weeks gets arrogant that his job is essentially safe but forgets that Mick also has power so Mick keeps over ruling Jhonny's decisions.

2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed
No. That angle is done and buried.

3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.
While Trips was a bad ass heel I dont see this happening again. What purpose would it serve? Trips save for maybe 1 or 2 matches a year doesnt really wrestle anymore. I see Trips as the permanent CEO with him always waiting in the shadows if someone in a position of power gets out of hand. Either another fax or he just decides to show up. Besides if u remember Jhonny was the one triple h grew to hate during his short feud with Punk. It was Punk who pointed out the Jhonny wanted Trips position and since then Trips has been an asshole to Jhonny.
im thinking maybe JL lied about the fax just to get out of the match and it will be explained that someone played a prank on him or something. Maybe its unlikely but i wouldnt put it past the wwe. It seems pretty silly that a board would hire the guy to replace HHH and then have HHH evaluate his performance.

Well think back to the night Kevin Nash attacked Trips with Sledgehammer. Their conversation its as if Vince never released Trips cause Trips told Ace that he is still CEO and ace STILL answers to him. I think the super stars will look at things differently now. Under Trips regime no one got hurt like Ryder did. No one had "their back broke" and they'll see Trips as the lesser of the 2 evils now that Big Kev is gone.
We all just heard and saw that Next week HHH is coming back to evaluate Oll Johnny Boy. So here's the question

1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.

2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed

3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.

1. No, Johnny Ace will not be fired, I feel he will be part of a heel stable, the suit of the stable.
2. The Anonymous Raw General Manager Im hoping will be revea;ed, and it is Mick Foley. After screwing Ziggler, Foley to be shown to be the Mystery Raw G,

3. Yes, yes yes, I fully expect HHH to return and be heel, in a stable with Laurinatis, Nash and The Miz. I expect them to have opposition to running the WWE from the returning Stephanie McMahon, who Im expecting to show up on Raw the night after Rumble
Yes I believe he will be given a chance to prove himself, the usual stuff like that, hold his job until wrestlemania and after that be fired for a face GM. The problem the E have is no GMs have come close to being as good as bischoff and Steph. They need someone to be there over a long period and keep it interesting. It cant be Foley again hes been GM/commissoner and he does well but then huffs with the E becuase he wants to wrestle. Get a known face who will stick around and keep it interesting on Raw.
1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.
He will not be fired, if I say so myself and a lot of fans, he has grown on me and his blandness has lead to him having a character that works and really wants you to hate him. Always prefer the heel GM to face as it provides more controversial and interesting stories. I believe he will stay as GM.

2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed
No, not a chance. But would love this line to be said again:

3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.
I think he will not go heel instantly, but he will let JL keep his job and slowly I think start backing decisions. I can see him playing it out to get one over Punk, leading to a corporation type return with JL, Steph, Jericho (assuming that steph is the one being talked about in the videos), all leading to a bigger picture of resuming power since Vince got relieved as his duties. Ultimately I see the power going back to HHH with JL relieved down the line.
It's a good thing some of you guys aren't writers. It's obvious he's going to get fired & replaced by Triple H's wife Stephanie! It makes no sense for HHH to all of sudden side with Jhonny. He hates him & threatend him more than once. Now they're friends or even on the same page? Could you imagine the backlash on here if that happened? And why would they rehash another storyling like the corporation? It's been done. Why not bring back DX again too? And maybe the Nation? I think, like most have said, the mystery Raw GM storyline is dead. They aren't going to reveal anyone for that. Doesn't make sense for it to be Foley. The mystery GM was more of a heel.
Jericho is going to win the Royal Rumble. Triple H will show up to fire Laurinitis or whatever but he'll be interrupted by Jericho who will then bring out Stephanie McMahon. She will tell her hubby that she has been in control all this time and that Laurinitis takes orders from her.

Punk (still WWE champion somehow) will come out to confront Jericho.
A lot of it depends on what Triple H intends to do; I'm not talking about the storyline, but rather how he plans to spend his time with the company now that he's coming back.

When Trips first showed up dressed to the hilt (looking like a refrigerator wearing a suit), I thought he was going to function permanently as an on-air authority figure, climbing into the ring only when he felt that someone needed to be taught a lesson (C.M. Punk). But after the short program with Kevin Nash, we no longer know what Triple H will be doing.....and what he plans for himself will also dictate what happens with John Laurinaitis.

As far as I can see, Johnny Ace's on-air role was intended from the beginning to be of short duration. They needed someone to act as an authority figure while Triple H recovered from his injuries at the hands of Nash, so they picked someone who already worked for the company in an administrative capacity (in real life). This way, they didn't have to hire an outsider to come in and play GM for awhile. Really, the plan was terrific because when it ended, Laurinaitis could just go back to his off-stage job.

Now, though, I wonder if the whole GM angle has played out better than Vince McMahon thought it would. Perhaps they'll keep Laurinaitis in the role, or find some other on-air part for him to play. We'll see.

Of course, if this were 10 years ago and WWE wanted to go in-house to find someone to portray the GM, they probably would have used Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson in the role. If that's the case, I'm glad they didn't think of this whole idea until 2011.:blush:
im thinking maybe JL lied about the fax just to get out of the match and it will be explained that someone played a prank on him or something. Maybe its unlikely but i wouldnt put it past the wwe. It seems pretty silly that a board would hire the guy to replace HHH and then have HHH evaluate his performance.

I think he snuck in his office and faxed himself!!! Think about it, it makes total sense and nothing like this has ever been done bef... oh.

Unfortunately I wouldn't put it past the WWE either though. In fact my first thought when Mr. Hudson said "you have a fax" was "JL figured a way out of the match."

That being said. Point 1: JL is NOT getting fired as GM. If anything I have a feeling they will make him "permanent". My other option would be they wouldn't fire him, but would make a co-GM with him and Foley, although I don't prefer that. And like someone else said, a face GM isn't as exciting. See: Smackdown. (like the matches and the stories, dislike Teddy, he's been there toooooo Long... not intentional... maybe).

Point 2: No the mystery GM is long gone. As well as anything related to Nexus and all that stuff people are still hoping for a wrap up for. He's gone. And unless the anonymous GM makes a comeback, they aren't going to mention it again. Except maybe Punk likes to talk about shit sometimes I think I heard.

Point 3: While I'd like to see a HHH heel turn, if it happened it wouldn't have anything to do with this story line, and wouldn't happen until after Wrestlemania either. In fact the only thing I could see happening is HHH being heel and taking over INSTEAD of JL, but according to my first point I don't think JL is going anywhere. He just found his character, he's money right now, and they would be foolish to take him off TV yet. This is the best thing he's ever done in his career, and he's GREAT at it. So HHH is not joining sides with him, even though his Ego might want him to be the center of it, JL is doing great.
I'm thinking we are getting ready for the start of the next generation corporation with Triple H, Johnnie Ace and Chris Jericho leading the pack. Anyone else think this could happen and, if so, think this could be as good if not better than the original corporation.
It's an interesting hook to generate even more interest for next week's Raw and the aftermath of the Royal Rumble.

I don't look for Big Johnny to be "fired" by Triple H next week. To be honest, I won't be all that surprised if Triple H were to suddenly turn heel next week and wind up supporting JL. JL has done a great job in his role as the corporate asshole as the Raw GM and I expect Triple H to "recommend" to the WWE Board of Directors that JL be made the permanent Raw GM instead of the Interim Raw GM.

Why am I expecting it? I think most of us are expecting CM Punk to somehow retain against Dolph Ziggler at the Rumble and there's still tension & general dislike between Triple H's & CM Punk's characters. The angle could be that Triple H has seen that JL has become a take charge kind of guy, someone that doesn't take crap from the guys on the roster. It would further put heat in JL, increase the tension that exists between JL & CM Punk and between Trips & Punk. It could also be the potential reemergence of the "conspiracy" to get the WWE Championship off of CM Punk. At the same time, the idea is for Triple H and The Undertaker to have a return match at WM, so Trips aligning himself with JL will instantly get him back over as a top heel and definitely someone that the fans can root against come WM.
In comes Triple H to take over the story as usual.

He ruined Punk's Summer of Punk II story and somehow turned it into HHH vs. Kevin Nash.
i really pray a huge stable comes into view come sunday or monday night i want to see chaos come to play. just this huge force that can't be stopped for at least the next 6 months. something that causes unexpect heel turns, uses both brands. something on a huge scale that makes us relive the nWo days!
No. There will be no more stables as Vince himself has said that he no longer wants them in wrestling. I could see Triple H turn heel and align himself with JL and whoever is behind him whom I think could be Stephanie and perhaps even Jericho and/or Ziggler. JL won't be fired no matter the case that's just way too predictable so I can't see it happening. Theyre done with the mystery Raw GM so we can throw that away.
1. Is John getting ''fired'' as Interim GM.
I hope not, I mean yeah he's kind of bland but at least hes a stable part of a weekly ongoing story that's semi interesting unlike the Teddy Long and Aksana love angle/storyline on Smackdown. Love him or hate him Jonny Ace is Vince and CM Punk is Austin. This is just a rehash of their love/hate relationship during the attitude era, just not as entertaining.

2. Will the mystery GM Finally be revealed
Is the laptop even out near the announcement table? I thought we figured out it was Triple H all along to begin with. Or Maybe it will be revealed that the person Johnny Ace is always texting/emailing is actual the laptop for Cole to read from, and we learn that Johnny Ace has been the man in charge for the past two years.......

3. Will HHH turn heel and side with Johnny Ace.
What would be the point? We know WM28 will feature Jericho vs CM Punk for the WWE Title, and it seems very likely that were going to have to endure another Triple H vs Undertaker match... so turning Triple H heel does what?

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