Anyone Else Like Sheamus Better As A Face?

Uh one thing, notice his entrance and music; he has one of the best babyface entrance themes for me at the moment. The lights go off, the music is good. They pop back and it continues and its a real rallying tune.

I dunno where I see him but I did like him as a face. He had good matches.
When Sheamus first turned face, I was okay with it because I never expected it to last in excess of nearly 4 years. I loved his work as a heel at the start of his run and expected him to go back to that not long after turning face, but it seemed as if WWE was completely happy in leaving him as the "international John Cena" no matter HOW stale he'd gotten. He and ADR single-handedly turned me off of Smackdown because they dominated the show and I legitimately found them as the two most boring characters on the roster.

When he returned as a no-nonsense brawling heel I was ecstatic. As much as I respected his ring-work and his solidity as a talent throughout the years, I found his character dull as all hell. He finally returned to the ring in the role I thought he was meant for and he's done very well in that role since coming back. He's one of the best true heels on the roster and (despite what some may claim) he does garner a true heel reaction.

If you haven't guessed yet, I prefer him as a heel.
I prefer him as a heel as well, and I think his new look is brillant to be honest, kinda wish He had kept the "beating smaller guys" gimmick, or at least that he was booked stronger but really monster ish strong, maybe squashng a Zack Ryder or two something like that.

Also, it's very cliché, but am I the only one who thinks an Irish mythology heel team with Finn Balor could potentially be great? I thik they would complement each other quite well, no?
I don't particularly care for him as heel or face. The guy likes to whoop ass! Plain and simple. It doesn't matter one way to me. I've always enjoyed his matches.

My main issue with him is, that in my opinion, they rushed his ascent too quickly. 166 days is too fast to attain the top prize in any organisation. Not saying (entirely) that he didn't earn it. It's just that it was too soon. He did make it work however.

The part about being jovial as a face, though. Isn't that how most big wrestlers as faces act (Big Show, Khali, Kane at times, Batista to name a few) outside of combat, yet retain some of their heel ruthlessness (excluding Khali)? I don't pay too much attention to the promos, because I tune in to see people beat people up.
For the past few years I have read countless posts about how Sheamus is boring. I never understood it. I liked Sheamus. His matches against Daniel Bryan and Big Show a few years ago were surprisingly good. It got to the point where a great match from Sheamus was no longer a surprise, but expected. Still though a lot of people just did not care for him. The general consensus seemed to be Sheamus was much better as a heel when he first came in and feuded with John Cena and Triple H. People liked the gladiator warrior better than the guy who told tall tales from his homeland. Those people finally got what they wanted when Sheamus went back to his old character upon his return from injury after WrestleMania. Unfortunately for me I'm the one that's now bored with Sheamus.

I understand the appeal of the ruthless monster heel, but we've been there done that and will be there over and over again throughout the years. Sheamus has some personality. He doesn't need to be painted with that broad brush. Personally I found it a lot easier to like Sheamus than to hate him. He may have been a little corny at times but I thought he could be pretty funny and it was easy to get behind him when he was making a comeback on offense. I just haven't cared about him since his heel turn. It doesn't help that he's feuding with Randy Orton for the hundredth time. Even with the MITB briefcase I find myself uninterested in Sheamus. I don't want to take anything away from his talent in the ring. He's just one of those guys I find more valuable as a face than a heel.

I like him better as a heel. When he was a face, he was John Cena lite. As a heel, he seems more natural. I just wish WWE booked him better. Like when he feuded with Ziggler, he should have destroyed him. Basically book him like Brock Lesnar or Kevin Owens.
I had high hopes for Sheamus' new heel run, but man I'm having a hard time caring about him winning MITB and his feuds since the return.

I'm a big fan of Sheamus, but I think we're reaching a point, where his character has suffered too much damage in the past. It all goes back to Wrestlemania 28, and the Daniel Bryan squash. Sheamus was supposed to be the face, but WWE horribly underestimated DB's skyrocketing popularity, and it hurt Sheamus. Sure, he had a great match with Bryan at Extreme Rules, and a good match with Big Show at Hell In A Cell, but his run as WHC was forgettable.

On top of that, around this time WWE crossed the overkill line for goofy, comedic bullshit attached to Sheamus' character, with terrible jokes, and cringeworthy folktales. And I'm drawing a blank for the time period, but for some strange reason, Sheamus was stuck in a dead end feud with Cody Rhodes and Sandow for a while.

I believe Sheamus is more entertaining as a heel, but Sheamus needs something big to resurrect his career, because he's more than capable of delivering good matches. Maybe we're reaching a point, where Triple H and Stephanie are seriously considering turning on or giving Seth Rollins the boot, with plans to use Sheamus as his replacement.

Sheamus as The Authority's handpicked guy could be the spark he needs, because he doesn't have enough momentum on his own right now, and I don't see the potential for a big change in the near future. Sheamus can stand in the background as the champion, while Triple H and Stephanie do all the talking, and when you look at the big picture, it's a better fit for him.
Sheamus as The Authority's handpicked guy could be the spark he needs, because he doesn't have enough momentum on his own right now, and I don't see the potential for a big change in the near future. Sheamus can stand in the background as the champion, while Triple H and Stephanie do all the talking, and when you look at the big picture, it's a better fit for him.

And this might be the problem that Sheamus has had all along. It always feels like he's been in the background. 6-7 years in the WWE and how much do we really know about him.

Personally I know nothing other than the fact he's Irish, needs a tan, is a brawler and puts on good matches. He basically has no personality at all to speak of, so he needs to be front and centre. He has to show his personality, people skills and make that connection with the fans. Because what I'm not seeing or feeling with Sheamus is any sort of connection to the audience.

I get the terrible feeling that if he didn't show up for a match, no one would even bat an eyelash or care. The mohawk and the beaded beard was a shocker but it didn't take long for that to wear off, and now he's back to being plain old Sheamus again. He needs to be more in your face and get people to get invested in him, otherwise it was a waste of time to give him the MITB. Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose managed organically to make the fans care about them, they didn't have to try. Sheamus on the other hand will never have that luxury.
And this might be the problem that Sheamus has had all along. It always feels like he's been in the background. 6-7 years in the WWE and how much do we really know about him.

Personally I know nothing other than the fact he's Irish, needs a tan, is a brawler and puts on good matches. He basically has no personality at all to speak of, so he needs to be front and centre. He has to show his personality, people skills and make that connection with the fans. Because what I'm not seeing or feeling with Sheamus is any sort of connection to the audience.

I get the terrible feeling that if he didn't show up for a match, no one would even bat an eyelash or care. The mohawk and the beaded beard was a shocker but it didn't take long for that to wear off, and now he's back to being plain old Sheamus again. He needs to be more in your face and get people to get invested in him, otherwise it was a waste of time to give him the MITB. Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose managed organically to make the fans care about them, they didn't have to try. Sheamus on the other hand will never have that luxury.

zero character depth, thats why his return fizzled into nothing.

You need to give him a personal feud where someone tracks down his lineage, trashes his roots and pretty much calls him anything else than a really white guy. I didnt even remember he was gone, till he returned.

Such sadness.
I've never liked Sheamus because he was a Triple H guy and they give him the title way too soon during a heel run and even now it didn't make sense that he lost his belt and returned (not to regain it from a heel Russev)

That being said he work better for me as a face and could easily have had the spot Rey Mysterio had as the 2nd best face behind John Cena on the roster but they went in a different direction.

The lack of chemistry displayed last night between Sheamus and Randy Orton was kind of discouraging, didn't you think? It was a tough, brawling-type match, yet there was little drama.

Still, I'm guessing the reason Randy got the clean win was because he was in his hometown. The rumor mill has been saying Sheamus was to receive a championship push in the next months....and I was sure it would begin last night.

Wrong again. I have no idea how much 'political' power Randy has in the locker room, especially at this point in his career, yet I felt the storyline would be better served with a Sheamus victory.......which brings me back to the subject of this thread: maybe the WWE brass simply doesn't like Sheamus as a bad guy and is ready to let him grow back his hair on the sides of his head and return to being the rough, hammering bully of a friendly fella he used to be.

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