Sheamus' face turn..

Sheamus as a face would kick so much ass. Could definately be the next Gen. Stone Cold or Goldberg. Imagine a fued between a face Sheamus and heel Kane( not goofy face, but sinister-monster-rape-Lita-steelchair-esophagus-crushin' Kane) culminating in street fight a Wrestleman 28.
Sheamus as a face would kick so much ass. Could definately be the next Gen. Stone Cold or Goldberg. Imagine a fued between a face Sheamus and heel Kane( not goofy face, but sinister-monster-rape-Lita-steelchair-esophagus-crushin' Kane) culminating in street fight a Wrestleman 28.

yeah Heel Kane vs Face Sheamus feud is interesting, about him being the next gen. Goldberg thats a pretty good comparison although I think that since there high on Skip Sheffield hes gonna get that role, but really Sheamus as a badass babyface would be one of the only face I would cheer, cause today's faces are all cheesy.. well.. atleast most of them
Sheamus being face, while not impossible, is very unlikely in the near future. He'll work best as a heel given the attitude of the American audience towards foreign wrestlers. That's a little to generalized, but it's true to a degree. Sheamus having a face turn is also unlikely to get him anywhere. He seems like one of those guys that will only hold the world title if he's heel. He's too easy to make fun of due to his skin color, and his Irish nationality makes him easier to boo. Both of those things work against him with a face turn.
Sheamus, a guy who, IMO, needs a good face turn in the very near future, this thread idea came to me when I was reading some house show results from Dublin, Ireland, and the word is that Sheamus worked a pretty good face against a heel Daniel Bryan with Gail Kim, and after the match Sheamus would get a mic and tell the Irish fans how he loved them, maybe they were testing a face turn or just making him play a home town hero, honestly I think think they were doing both, now what I think is that a face turn is needed and IMO it can also put him back in the ME level, so my questions to you are these :

- Would You Like To See A Sheamus Face Turn?

- If So, Then How Would You Book It?

Shameus IS NOT GOOD, NOR WILL HE EVER BE.He is Boring as hell. Whether hes a heel/ face. If he turns face, he would suck even more. Its a disgrace how the wwe just put the title on these big guys so quick. They'll give it to Wade Barrett in the future as well.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Sheamus face turn. I would book it as a slow shift by having him retain his title a lot and slowly acting nicer to his opponents until it becomes about respect and a battle between warriors, since he is the Celtic Warrior. He is better as a heel but I would not be against a face turn because he has the mic skills to function as either a face or a heel and it would give him something new to do.
He was only a face in Dublin because thats his home town... e.g. CM Punk in his home town last month was cheered the most...

Sheamus will always be a heell imo especially in America, because he's well... not american! Look at people like Drew Mcintyre and Wade Barrett, no matter what they do, majority of the crowd will consider them not worthy.
Sheamus makes a pretty good heel but I expect that 5 years or so down the line he could get stale. But if he were to be face, which I'm not against (but I'm not supporting the idea right now either), I'd say, book him like Angle.

Wait, WHAT?

What do you mean, book him like Angle? That's ridiculous!

Now, I'm not talking title reigns or doing a American Hero parody gimmick or anything.

Sheamus is ... well, to put it simply, an absolute meme fountain. He's hilarious without even trying to be. From the skin jokes, to the ginger jokes, to the "It's a shameful thing, Lobster Head!" he's a comedy act.

So, I'm saying, book him as pre-TNA pre-WWECW Powerhouse version of Angle. Which means he's still a badass. But he's a slightly silly/dorky badass who sometimes gets his words muddled, things come out wrong ... in short, he's easy to make fun of. But do not mess with this guy, because when push comes to shove, he will eff you the hell up. So he's a face and (hypothetically) over because he's funny but also powerful.

And just a reminder: I am not comparing Kurt Angle with Sheamus or suggesting they are in the same league or anything! This is just a post about character booking!

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