Anyone Else Like Sheamus Better As A Face?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
For the past few years I have read countless posts about how Sheamus is boring. I never understood it. I liked Sheamus. His matches against Daniel Bryan and Big Show a few years ago were surprisingly good. It got to the point where a great match from Sheamus was no longer a surprise, but expected. Still though a lot of people just did not care for him. The general consensus seemed to be Sheamus was much better as a heel when he first came in and feuded with John Cena and Triple H. People liked the gladiator warrior better than the guy who told tall tales from his homeland. Those people finally got what they wanted when Sheamus went back to his old character upon his return from injury after WrestleMania. Unfortunately for me I'm the one that's now bored with Sheamus.

I understand the appeal of the ruthless monster heel, but we've been there done that and will be there over and over again throughout the years. Sheamus has some personality. He doesn't need to be painted with that broad brush. Personally I found it a lot easier to like Sheamus than to hate him. He may have been a little corny at times but I thought he could be pretty funny and it was easy to get behind him when he was making a comeback on offense. I just haven't cared about him since his heel turn. It doesn't help that he's feuding with Randy Orton for the hundredth time. Even with the MITB briefcase I find myself uninterested in Sheamus. I don't want to take anything away from his talent in the ring. He's just one of those guys I find more valuable as a face than a heel.
No, not at all. When Sheamus was face, all you heard on these threads was how Sheamus should turn heel. Justifiably so, he was pretty boring. I like him a LOT more as a heel. This is just a really good example of people never being happy.
No, not at all. When Sheamus was face, all you heard on these threads was how Sheamus should turn heel. Justifiably so, he was pretty boring. I like him a LOT more as a heel. This is just a really good example of people never being happy.

No, this is not an example of people never being happy. I was happy when he was a face. I thought I made that clear. I was not one of the people that wanted him to turn heel. I know there were a lot of posts about people wanting him to turn heel. People usually make threads when they want a change rather when things are going the way they want. Now that Sheamus has been heel for a few months I'm wondering if there fans out there that liked him better before the turn. Rather than it being an example of people never being happy (which comes across as insulting) it's an example of you can't please everybody at the same time.
No, this is not an example of people never being happy. I was happy when he was a face. I thought I made that clear. I was not one of the people that wanted him to turn heel. I know there were a lot of posts about people wanting him to turn heel. People usually make threads when they want a change rather when things are going the way they want. Now that Sheamus has been heel for a few months I'm wondering if there fans out there that liked him better before the turn. Rather than it being an example of people never being happy (which comes across as insulting) it's an example of you can't please everybody at the same time.

Sorry, I wasn't trying to be insulting. It's just that almost everyone wanted Sheamus to turn heel, but now they want him to turn face. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I wasn't really replying to you, and I apologize if you did like Sheamus when he was face.
No thank you. I am with you on his ring work. I've always been excited to a degree for Sheamus matches (especially when he works with someone comparable to his own size), but I never liked the creative behind him as a face. Other than a few Irish stereotypes, he was virtually indistinguishable from Cena's character.

That being said, I am worried about the state of his heel character. Upon his return, I loved his vendetta against the fan favorites, but that specific element in his character won't work in too many other programs; the program with Ziggler is done, Bryan's out. Other than Neville or maybe Cesaro, who's left that fans hold in high regard like that?
Sheamus was boring as a face because they didn't utilize him properly. They would throw him out there in meaningless matches because they didn't know how to book him as a babyface. He just works better as a heel and he's too talented to be an irrelevant face.
I didn't mind that he was a babyface. I minded that he tried to be funny. Sheamus is a lot of things, but funny isn't among them. 1-800-FELLA. *GROAN* This isn't even his fault. He is not writing the scripts. But they kept pushing him as this happy-go-lucky joker and it just killed him.
Sheamus is a bad-ass and needs to be utilized as such. So for a long time they undermined his progress by booking him this way, to the point that many people felt "Oh no, not HIM!" every time his music played. Then he was gone for quite a while, a blessed relief. Now they changed gears - babyface, heel - doesn't matter, but he's no longer a wannabe-funnyman, so he is on the right track again. But a lot of damage had been done that needs to be undone. They got their work cut out. Give it time.
I've always preferred Sheamus as a heel. Especially with his new look and attitude his current run is working quite well. As a face, or at least with his last face run, he just screamed mid card worker. Which was fine, but at the same time his run as US champion was underwhelming. As a heel at least he can tap into that natural intensity that he has. And I should also clarify that I too enjoyed Sheamus as a face. It really depends on how he's used. His feud with Mark Henry a few years ago, was brilliant.
I like Sheamus both as a face and as a heel. During his initial heel run I quickly became a fan. I genuinely wanted to spend money to see faces defeat him on PPV. When he was a face I found his promos hilarious and enjoyed supporting him in his matches. Now he has returned as a heel again, and I once more find myself looking forward to seeing him get defeated by the faces he is up against. Sheamus does his job well. Whether heel or face, it doesn't matter to me. I liked his whole run so far, even his earlier work in WWE's version of ECW. There's few wrestlers I can say that about on today's roster and I really don't see the problem people had with his face run. If I had to pick, yeah I probably did like his face persona more due to how silly he was in his promos at the time, but I have no problem with him being a heel for a while.
The guy can take a beating (The Hunico incident) just put him in some street fights, TLC matches and pretty much any match with a lot of physicality and he'll be interesting. Him being face or heel is not that important it's how they use him. Unless he goes back to being the brawler he won't get any interesting.

I liked him better as a heel during his first run. Heel Sheamus is better.
I definitely prefer Sheamus as a heel, although I'm still not a big fan of him. I can't really put my finger on why, he's just never "clicked" with me. He certainly is better as a bad guy though, his move set and look suit the heel persona much better, and I couldn't stand his cheesy face character.

The current Sheamus is probably my favourite version of him so far.
I like Sheamus regardless to be honest. As a face, he could actually be quite exciting in the ring. Many powerful, high impact moves. His promos, however, didn't really do much for me. Sometimes he could be funny but for the most-part it was just a little silly.

As a heel, however, his promos are way more entertaining. There were some really good ones in his feud with Ziggler. In the ring, it's probably the same. His physicality as a heel really comes across well.

I like Sheamus heel or face but, because of his promos, I prefer him as a bad guy. It does seem where he is more natural.
I prefer this heel version of Sheamus, but my problem with him in general is a lack of intensity in his promos. I'm only speculating, but it always feels like he's trying so hard to enunciate so that the accent doesn't get in the way that it makes him sound a little robotic.

I didn't mind face Sheamus, but I always felt he seemed too family friendly for a brawler and too laid back in all of his feuds. The Rusev storyline could've potentially saved him, but it wasn't really a storyline. When he debuted as a villain, he was much more compelling, but I feel like he's falling back into the same pattern, just now as a heel.
Sheamus is one hard worker and is an amazing superstar WWE has got, not to say the least. His matches are solid; he's strong, charismatic and can draw heat. I do prefer him as a heel albeit he had a decent run as a face when he had the United States Championship. But there's something wrong in the context of Sheamus which I could never identify. I'm not sure whether its the way his matches are booked or its just him, but he barely connects with the crowd as the match continues. I still don't understand, because in the start of the match amid the strong reaction for the face, Sheamus would draw lots of boos but as the match continues the crowd goes almost reaction less.

Could somebody explain the reason? Would be wonderful if you do so.

I personally prefer Sheamus as a heel, I like him okay as a babyface but I'm of the opinion that he just fits better as a heel. To me, he seems more natural, more comfortable and just more entertaining.

Sheamus' schtick is generally that of a big, strong Irish brawler and that's all well and good, but he was too much like a stereotype as a babyface for my liking. What're the two most common Irish stereotypes? They like to drink and they like to fight, which is how Sheamus was generally portrayed and he had the personality of this jovial Irish lug that made it even more of a stereotype. Sheamus now is basically just a big, brutal, physical bully and I just think it works for him.
Nope. You have him as a face or as a heel, He was, is and always will be a boring guy.

There's just nothing that interests me about this guy. His matches aren't technically great to watch, mic skills are ordinary (if not downright pathetic) and neither does he have a Reigns-Cena kinda look.

As to why they've decided to five him the MITB is beyond me.

I remember the post WM New Jersey crowd shi*ting all over his match with Orton. That's like an on your face reaction.

Rather than turning him face, make him a tweener. He'd be more effective as a lone wolf Orton kinda character.
No, not at all. When Sheamus was face, all you heard on these threads was how Sheamus should turn heel. Justifiably so, he was pretty boring. I like him a LOT more as a heel. This is just a really good example of people never being happy.

This. The IWC can NEVER be unanimous on anything.

If this board existed in '97, people there would be saying that Stone Cold shouldn't get a push as the top dog because he isn't kid-friendly enough or something.
Heel or face, Sheamus need a complete character makeover (including his "fella" speeches), and fresh feuds, until then he will continue to bore the fans.
No thank you. I am with you on his ring work. I've always been excited to a degree for Sheamus matches (especially when he works with someone comparable to his own size), but I never liked the creative behind him as a face. Other than a few Irish stereotypes, he was virtually indistinguishable from Cena's character.

That being said, I am worried about the state of his heel character. Upon his return, I loved his vendetta against the fan favorites, but that specific element in his character won't work in too many other programs; the program with Ziggler is done, Bryan's out. Other than Neville or maybe Cesaro, who's left that fans hold in high regard like that?

What about Dean Ambrose? Maybe have Sheamus feud with him, with the fans solidly behind Ambrose?

Also, Sheamus could bully Ambrose, and is surprised when Ambrose fights back, and they could be stuck in Extreme Rules Matches.
Well, the truth is I have never liked his character. Not once. As a heel he's boring and corny(in that order) and as a face he's corny and boring(in that order).

On the positive side, I have always liked his ring work. He's always been very solid there.

I had high hopes for him returning as a heel, because I figured he'd be with The Authority. It makes too much sense. This is the reality era. The Authority LOVES using things that the internet smark fans complain about against them. Bringing in HHH's old "workout buddy" and protecting him would have the potential to be GOLD. Not to mention their enforcers are either 87 years old or midgets. It's too perfect. Huge disappointment that this hasn't happened, and frankly they are running out of time to make it happen. Sheamus' return and MITB run have been major letdowns so far.
No, not at all. When Sheamus was face, all you heard on these threads was how Sheamus should turn heel. Justifiably so, he was pretty boring. I like him a LOT more as a heel. This is just a really good example of people never being happy.

A lot of folks on this forum would apparently be happy if everyone were a heel. When you take a consensus of each performer, one by one, most folks prefer him/her to be a bad guy. Of course, we have to have good guys to oppose the bad guys so everyone isn't going to get their wish.

When Sheamus first came up and was bad.....he was very, very bad. I remember thinking there was no way this guy could ever be a convincing face.....yet, he was. I admired the flexibility of character it took on the fella's part to be able to handle either part.

Sheamus is a brawler....plain & simple. If you're looking for finesse, look somewhere else. If you like wrestlers who fight in as rough a style as possible, call Sheamus. It doesn't really matter whether he's face or heel; he's going to fight in the same manner.

He can make it as a bad guy again, but needs more of a defined program than just waving the MITB briefcase around. A good old multi-contest feud against a rough, tough good guy might get him on the right path again.

Randy Orton?
A lot of folks on this forum would apparently be happy if everyone were a heel. When you take a consensus of each performer, one by one, most folks prefer him/her to be a bad guy. Of course, we have to have good guys to oppose the bad guys so everyone isn't going to get their wish.

I have to agree with this. How many threads have we had about John Cena, Roman Reigns or Dean Ambrose turning heel? Too many. I've always said that the majority of the IWC won't be happy until everyone is a heel, with the exception of Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziiggler.

On topic. Sheamus was okay as a face, kind of a jolly type, but boring. As a heel he has no intensity to him at all. Compare him to the intensity of a Roman Reigns, and it's like apples and oranges. Maybe he has to bring out more of his personality, but I'm afraid deep down inside he's not a heel. He might be a brawler, but that doesn't make him a bad guy. Ambrose is a brawler and he's a great face. Mind you he'd make a good heel as well.

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