Another WZF Posters E-Fed?

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Since JKO can't write for shit, how about I start my own? I am the sole writer of my own e-fed in the BT! section who has able to write great shows using only female wrestlers/personalities. If I can do that, I'm pretty sure I can create shows by using only WZ posters...

Would you be interested? Trust me, it won't flop.
Neither of you can compare to OCW.

OCW is perhaps the greatest thing to ever happen, surpassing sliced bread.
Forget comedic stylings other than jobbers and some backstage segments. This is going to a serious e-fed.

Here is a hint:

Your status within the company reflects your activity on the site. For instance, if you post frequently with great posts, you will rise the ranks. Do absolutely nothing and you will job or get fired.
can someone explainto is a book this classed as an e-fed. Surely you'd need people to RP to do an efed?
An e-fed is an online federation, what you find in the BT section. So, a BT = E-fed. Now, the rules on how you conduct the e-fed can be different. You can do it booker-style, where you can just write matches or you can get other people involved where they have to write RP's and a select few to run the organisation.

Or have I completely gone off from the mark?
It's in inverse proportion to the amount he gets shit on. Someone has to stand up for him, since he isn't nearly as bad as people say.
Maybe I should just stick with the one I already have in the BT section then before this turns into a thread about JKO.
How? I just asked if people wanted a good-quality e-fed/book this using WZ posters. The last one of good-quality was OCW. I was only suggesting because the BT area needs more traffic and this could provide some of this.
Screw an e-fed im on my way to becoming a wrestler and you are to JM, that beats pretending to be a wreslter on the internet.
At least he's occasionally funny outside of RPs.

Stop being a dick. You all of a sudden turned on him when everyone else did, despite basically being on his level.
Damn Doc, I'm sorry to get you upset. It's just, I don't find JKO amusing at all, not even in his CKD thingy. I always felt this about him... and no-one is above anyone else. Everyone is equal to each other... its their actions that can be determined as being on "levels"

No shit brother, im only weeks away from training so an e-fed to me is boring.

I'll meet you there soon.

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