Another Diva in trouble for weight issues


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From wrestlezone:

"WWE officials are said to be down on WWE Diva Mickie James presently. According to reports, the main focus with Mickie right now are her weight gain and work rate in the ring. While there's no doubt Mickie James is an attractive lady and in good shape, she is held to a high standard as a WWE Diva. She has put on some weight, most visibly in her abs/lower body, which hasn't gone unnoticed.

In addition to that, the feeling is the quality of her matches has been slipping as of late as well. Apparently she isn't seen as the "reliable hand" that she once was."

i hate to hear this about mickie. i mean i kinda understand candice becuase she sucked but mickie is the best diva they have.

is her gaining a few pounds really that big of a deal and is this why she jobbed to jillian on raw instead of just facing melina?

I can see that her matches aren't up to par, but I don't get the weight issues. She's always had a little bit of a gut, and has always had those amazing thick thighs. What I don't get, is if they think she's fat, why are they putting her in all these costumes on 24/7? They dressed her as a French Maid!

It all makes me scratch my head. Even if the problems are in her thighs and ass, she doesn't wear outfits that show it all off like Candice did. I don't think there's a problem, but I'm only 1 person.
I concur that Mickie James is perhaps one of the best Divas they've got in the WWE. If there were one Diva left that is, by comparison to the other Divas, the "Triple H" of the Diva roster, that'd be Mickie James. Therefore this whole weight gain thing is just stupid. If anything, she is one of the very few Divas on the roster that actually looks healthy instead of twig-like. This is important to note in that, when Mickie James puts some force behind her moves it actually looks believable (as opposed to someone like, say, Kelly Kelly.)

Bearing all that in mind, I think some of the other Divas could stand to be a little less bony.

Besides, my wife brought this to my attention (very insightful of her), what about Beth Phoenix. Are we going to hold her to the same standard? Because, it does seem to me that she's probably a good deal heavier than Mickie James. Something to think about.

And I'm not even going to go in to the whole male/female double standard issue, except to say that, as in every aspect of modern media, the men can look how ever they please and women are confined to a Barbie-inspired ideal.
What they call excess weight, I'd call the only Diva in WWE with an attractive body. Her matches... I dunno. Yeah, I guess. But it's not like they've been putting her up against good competitors lately. Alicia is just terrible, and Jillian botched every move they attempted.
I love how they slip in "Her matches haven't been that great" recently just right at the end, after the weight complaint. Now, I don't watch the divas properly so I can't comment, but I don't think Mickie James is fat in any way, I hadn't even noticed a weight gain. I'm not going to say looks aren't important, as her job is to look good, but I think they're being a bit fussy here.
Good god. I mean really I don't think Mickie James is fat. Like NSL said she's always had a gut so to speak & she's actually one of the only healthy looking divas on the roster compared to the divas that look like anorexic models. Now as far as her in-ring performance goes, I don't think her performance has dropped at all, but the quality of her opponents has sure as hell dropped a whole lot since Trish & Lita left & maybe that's why their judging her in-ring performance, but who the hell knows nowdays on what the WWE is literally thinking. At least to me I think Mickie is just fine the way she is & there's nothing wrong with the way she looks at all.
Mickie James is not overweight. She maybe a little on the thicker side but she's not fat. Mickie is only of only a few Divas that can actually wrestle so how they could say that about her yet overlook the Divas that can't wrestle is total BS. Micke is also attractive perhaps not the most attractive Diva but attractive regardless. She is the perfect combo of what a Diva should be: looks, real wrestling abilty, nice body. I'm sure TNA doesn't discriminate their Knockouts (Awesome Kong, ODB) so why would WWE even go there? Although I hate to see it happen I'm sure Mickie would be very welcome in TNA and they would apprciate her for what she is.
i hate to hear this about mickie. i mean i kinda understand candice becuase she sucked but mickie is the best diva they have.

I literally have no idea what to do with this...

I could laugh at you for thinking that she is the best Diva in the WWE, when she has botched every single move she has attempted in the last month. Or I can stay sad because I legitimately think that she is still considered one of the better Divas even though she is fucking horrible recently. I mean, Mickie is fine as a person and I did like her gimmick in the past but now she is washed up and she is getting heavier no doubt about it. I honestly cannot believe that you are sticking up for Mickie when Candice was so much lighter than she was and then defending yourself with the argument that Mickie is better in the ring, when you know just as much as I do that she sucks at the time being.

I think I will go for the laughing option.

is her gaining a few pounds really that big of a deal and is this why she jobbed to jillian on raw instead of just facing melina?


Because Melina is better than Mickie James and they didn't want Mickie to injure one of the best (yes, legitimate best) divas on their rosters. They needed to get the title off of her and they would happily risk Jillian Hall, with the added effect of a rub on her behalf than run the risk of Mickie fucking up her finisher and killing Melina. That's why.
So, compared to guys like Mark Henry and Big Show, Mickie James is a whale? Sure, she's got a bit of meat on her, but when has that ever stopped anyone from being a capable wrestler (with the exception of the two mentioned above)?

See, to me, the extra "meat", as it were, helps James stand out. She's not just there to be anerexic eye candy, she's there to wreslte! Just like models, all those skinny divas portray unrealistic expectations for woman. And given that WWE is apparently being geared towards kids? So, let's just say there's a 14 year old girl watching Raw, who's just a tad overweight, and she sees someone like Kelly Kelly in skimpy outfits. Chances are, she'll probably think to herself "I'll never look like that", and either start binging out on ice cream, or start on a joureny towards anerexia. Now, say this same girl sees Mickie James come to the ring (sans "cutting the meat"). She'd probably say, "Wow, if she can do it, so can I".

Now, granted, I know nothing about the female psyche, but I think allowing James to stay how she is (which, really, is nowhere NEAR that bad), it'd help present a positive influence for teenage girls (or, at least, those who watch WWE).
Oh yeah, Mickie has dropped her ringwork performance, and may be a little soft in the butt region. So have he drop the title to Jillian, have Melina come in, screw up her finishing move, talk to Jillian about doing it again, do the screamin mimi, pin Jillian. Made perfect sense. It's not Mickie, it's her competition! Hell, Maria from Access Hollywood was in there for five minutes and put half their Diva talent to shame. Don't blame Mickie, she's only as good as what she has to work with....which is SHIT!
Oh yeah, Mickie has dropped her ringwork performance, and may be a little soft in the butt region. So have he drop the title to Jillian, have Melina come in, screw up her finishing move, talk to Jillian about doing it again, do the screamin mimi, pin Jillian. Made perfect sense. It's not Mickie, it's her competition! Hell, Maria from Access Hollywood was in there for five minutes and put half their Diva talent to shame. Don't blame Mickie, she's only as good as what she has to work with....which is SHIT!


Don't be so fucking stupid. Are you seriously trying to pass the blame from Mickie onto other people. I guess it was the other Divas who made her put on 20 pounds and botch her moves consistently, wasn't it? Of course not. You are correct that wrestling is about two people working in cohesion to make the move come off but it is ridiculous to blame others for her bad performances. You look at the Gail Kim match from about a month ago. Gail could not support Mickie's weight when she went for her finisher and she ended up getting dazed and half knocked-out. I guess that is Gail's fault though isn't it? I also can't believe that you are defending Mickie for being shit in the ring when she botches everything and then continue on to say that Melina should be hounded because she botched something.
Mickie is in the top wrestling organization in the world, this may seem like a petty issue, but she is getting payed to look a certain way, she is getting payed to stay in shape. I can understand where Vince is coming from on this one.

I strive to keep my body in shape, and I'm not getting payed to do it. Mickie gets a pretty fat paycheck, and part of the reason she gets that money is because of her body, If she can't keep her body in shape like the rest of the divas than she deserves what she gets.

On a side not, I find Mickie very hot, and would tare that shit apart, I'm just taking the other point of view.
The Divas in WWE are a joke...
they are just something to look at and nothing more...
look at the ones who can actually wrestle:
Gail Kim -no where to be found over the last 2 months after her mistake with Mickie
Beth -just traded to smackdown but they haven't been using her for about 3 months now

and now this comes out about Mickie...geeesh
she always had a little to her, which like others are saying made her more appealing to some and she is still just as hot as the rest of them. Skinny minis that can't wrestle aren't really appealing to me...

the only other one who can carry herself in the ring is Melina but she is not as good as these other three....and great way to return to raw by botching your first move back...

wonder if she is gonna cry and complain about moving to RAW and get Morrison moved with her again to RAW? hmmm...
my post may be a little confusing...

I want to add Beth and Gail are the only 2 real good female wrestlers in the WWE IMO

Mickie is okay but a little overrated IMO to stay on top of the division for so long, she is just popular with the fan because there aren't many female faces
This is pretty hilarous.

Mickie has an alright ass. It isn't too good, but the standards in the WWE for the "top" diva, are very high. I think Beth Phenoix is off the hook because she's naturally that big.

Oh well, say good bye to another diva.
Mickie James is sexy as hell! I dig them thighs, hips, and booty she got, its refreshing to see! We need more like em'! Direct quote from me, "women wrestlers should NOT be skinny. Not all of them anyway!" Her stomach is stickin' out a lil more lately tho and honestly I couldn't give any less of a f*ck!
Yes lets forget the fact that she's the most over diva in the company! Because she weighs a few more pounds than everyone else. WHO CARES! It's because she looks so normal, she's the easiest diva for fans to attatch to her.

I will grant people the fact that Mickie has a history of botched endings, but some of that attributes to the lack of effort on her opponents part.

I mean, if she's taking heat for the Rosa Mendez match, well, is it really Mickie's fault that Rosa is an awful wrestler? No.

So Mickie looks a little meaty?? I call it LOOKING NORMAL!!! Man alive, Kelly Kelly and Maria could both use a little bit of that weight (and talent too), just another reason for me to be pissed off at this company.

Mickie should leave before she's humiliated.
I just think this is just a Rumor even thought Mickie has put on a few pounds in the past few months doesn't mean a thing. She is not as tall as a kelly x2 or a Gail kim so when shw puts on a few pounds in comes off noticiable. All of these stupid website r just reporting what they find from other website, I do not think this is true, The reason i think Mickie was moved to smackdown was because she was probably just tired of being the main diva on Raw and officials were probably tired of it too. I say with this move to Smackdown Mickie will get a fresh start she wont have so much weight on her shoulders to perform at her best and know she will be able to face great divas unlike working with Rosa and seller Alicia.
Who cares if she gains weight?? I know us Texas boys like em thick!!!haha
put a little umph in it like Jagged Edge would say

Mickie should just go over 2 TNA where the REAL women's division is at
i'm sure if she had better wrestlers 2 work with her match quality would sky-rocket
Mickie vs. ODB or Tara, or hell Awesome Kong

The Divas division is a joke
Mickie looks good thick!!
Mickie's days are numbered, man, and this has nothing to do with her weight. This year, the woman turned 30 years old, which is the age of a dinosaur in Diva years. Unfortunately for her, it looks like age isn't going to treat her well. Yes, Gail Kim is older, but she's aging really well, which means that she'll be able to hang around until she's about 35 or so until WWE decides to put her out to pasture.

In conclusion, no one should worry about her weight (like the majority of the posters in this thread, I don't think that's really an issue, although her new wrestling gear is quite unbecoming, as is her hat). Rather, her fans should worry about where she's going to get stem cells/baby fetuses to keep her incipient crow's feet and jowls from becoming more prominent.
And I'm not even going to go in to the whole male/female double standard issue, except to say that, as in every aspect of modern media, the men can look how ever they please and women are confined to a Barbie-inspired ideal.

Several men have been dealt with for the same problem. A-Train and Eugene instantly come to being dealt with for not being or looking in good shape is not only done to women. I think Mickey looks fine, but I think her in ring work has been sloppy at times during this last title reign.
I'm not going to question the validity of the report, but just state that regardless of if true, it's a shame this even needs to be a conversation. Now, I'm only one man, and one man's opinion doesn't always matter, but the WWE has created a terrible image of women over the years. Somehow, they have created the image that you come in at under 120 pounds over 5'6" tall (which is quite thin for females taht tall), then if your breasts are a B cup or smaller, you get them enlarged. The top-heavy diva has become the norm over time, and it's not a good thing.

I can't speak for how young females see this, but it certainly is not a realistic image to portray, nor is it one I particularly enjoy. A girl like Mickie looks to me like someone you could see as "the girl next door". Natural beauty, dark tan skin, dark hair, and womanly curves. If we are to get on a woman because she gains 5-10 pounds, we are basically saying that any normal woman who's weight fluctuates (and every man and woman in the world has this happen), is to be disciplined. Of course Mickie's situation is exaggerated by comparing her to other divas who are excessively below the norm in terms of weight/height ratio. For instance, comparing Mickie to Kelly Kelly who is like 5'10 and I dunno, 85 pounds it seems, is utterly ridiculous and as an average WWE fan, I'd take Mickie's physique 11 times out of 10. Girls like Kelly with no female curves aren't attractive to me. The point is, put your arms around Mickie and and Kelly and you'll find even if you are my size (5'7" 145 pounds), you arms will fit around both, which says that Mickie is still a healthy female, just not "skinny" as compared to someone like Kelly.

If you want to sit Mickie down and talk to her about being a leader as an experienced Diva and to get better matches out of everyone you work with, that's fine and I agree with that as I've seen her do amazing things until lately, but to use most of that convo like the one in Knocked Up "we dont' want you to lose weight, just 'tighten'" is ludicrous. If anything, have her do a few situps to tighten the stomach then take the rest of the divas out and teach them to fucking eat!

PS: I also feel obligated to stand up for Mickie as I have a family connection to her as my Uncle and her have crossed paths due to their Morgan horse hobby. From what he tells me, she's a real sweetheart.
Mickie is getting paid to stay in shape and perform in the ring. She has gained a lot of weight and has been botching a lot of moves...I'm surprised that most people are supporting her. She has had MONTHS to work on her weight, but all she does is get fatter. When you don't do your job correctly, you get punished or's just that simple.
I know I am proabably in the minority, but I for one can't stand mickie james at all. To me she is not attractive at all to me, like her looks do nothing to me. So when people talk about how they find her so attractive I am thinking what are they smoking. I would say someone like natalia or rosa is a lot more attractive then mickie could ever hope to be, and this is coming from someone who doesn't necessarly mind women with some meat on them.
As far as the trade went, I was happy she moved over to smackdown, since I really only watch raw, and sometimes I dvr smackdown but not all the time and now I don't have to sit though or fast foward the mickie james matches any more which is a very good thing
Btw just to clarify I am a 26 year old male who has been watching wwf and wwe since I was way younger around the late 80's early 90's

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