Another Cena should be Heel Thread


Pre-Show Stalwart
I keep hearing other people say that it would be bad because he still sells merchandise.

I think of it the other way... he'd still sell merchandise (the teens won't stop buying his t-shirts, etc. regardless) and he'd sell PPVs because the kids who he turned his back on and the regular Cena "haters" would order the PPVs to see Cena get his ass kicked.

Think about it. IMO, a Cena heel turn would be at this point the biggest heel turn since Hulk Hogan. I'm not saying it would be as big as that one but it would definitely be the biggest since. Here's a guy who does the whole "Respect" thing and acts like the ultimate babyface. Imagine him coming out and turning heel and telling the fans off. It would be great for business if they handled it the right way. They could push some new guys to come in and feud with him and the big matches are all there. A face Triple H vs. heel Cena, Undertaker vs. a heel Cena, HBK vs. a heel Cena.

There are just so many things they could do with a heel Cena. It would be the best move they could make.

The fans would LOVE to boo him.
Well i suppose it wouldnt be too big of change from how he gets booed in some situations now depending on who he is facing and where they are.

I would like to see this turn as well mostly because his act is gettin old now and its pretty much the same thing week in and week out it really is getting old
Ok......bear with me, this has the potential to be a looooooong one. So I got to thinking the other night about faces and heels and this is what I came up with. It is my humble opinion (and I'm sure that I'm correct) that the main purpose of a heel (not heal as some idiots on here like to say) is to get the face over. Now I'm not talking about in a feud, just any regular match. Lets pretend that we have 2 green wrestlers and we put them in a match. One is the heel and the other is the face. Now, basic ring psychology tells us that in order for the match to capture and maintain the imagination of the audience and to move up in this business, you've got to get a reaction out of the crowd and get over. The heel's way to get over is to get heat by cheating, being overly aggressive towards his opponent and verbally (interviews and ranting to the crowd), while the face gets over by, well, being a good guy. Simple stuff so far right?

Ok now, in my eyes, a wrestler is deemed a good worker based upon technical ability (I have a hard-on for people like Benoit, Angle, Swagger), promo skills, and ring psychology. When I say ring psychology I mean the ability to get your opponent over while still being able to put yourself over in the process. I feel that this is number one on the list of things you need in order to be a star. Lets look at it like this. Jobbers = get opponent over, mid-carders = put on a great match, try your hardest but make sure the winner of the match gets over, Main Eventers = being able to put your opponent over while elevating yourself.

Now on to John Cena. Before I start, let me just say that I don't like him, but even if I did, I still think that I would see things my way. Ok, so, I got to thinking about John Cena turning heel because, IMO, he is getting stale. His music is old, he's being pushed down the fans throats and he's portrayed as some type of superman or something. He needs a fresh start and I, like many others on this board, thought that a heel turn was the way to go. But then I got to thinking......

I'm sure we can all agree that John Cena, while entertaining to some, still has a very limited move set. Having said that, let's take a look at a general John Cena match:

Entrances, Cena takes a beating, reversal, 2 shoulder block looking things, reverse a clothesline into a back-drop slam thing, 5 knuckle shuffle, F-U, 1, 2, 3. That's with NO exaggeration, seriously watch one of his matches not as a Cena fan, but as a wrestling fan and you'll see what I mean. He gets over by being Hulk Hogan 2 and his superman comebacks. None of this is a shot against John Cena, keep in mind I'm trying to prove a point.

Now lets say that this coming Monday night on Raw Cena does the unthinkable and turns heel. What would his future look like? As a heel, he wouldn't be able to do his infamous superman comebacks, wouldn't get beaten all match just to come out winner in the end, and would have to actually *GASP* zOMG do more than 5 moves. Impossible for John Cena? Well never say never, but seriously what are the odds of him getting over as a heel? Slim to none in my estimation. Mic work can only take you so far when your creative team hasn't come up with a seriously good angle since.....2004?

I guess what I'm saying is that after thinking about it for some time and really breaking it down, a John Cena heel turn is definately not the way to go based on the fact that as a heel, he is incapable of getting both his opponent and himself over in the course of a match.
I keep hearing other people say that it would be bad because he still sells merchandise.

I think of it the other way... he'd still sell merchandise (the teens won't stop buying his t-shirts, etc. regardless) and he'd sell PPVs because the kids who he turned his back on and the regular Cena "haters" would order the PPVs to see Cena get his ass kicked.
No different than now. The "kids" buy to cheer him, the haters buy to boo him. It's happened intentionally since 2006. Where have you been?

They could push some new guys to come in and feud with him and the big matches are all there. A face Triple H vs. heel Cena, Undertaker vs. a heel Cena, HBK vs. a heel Cena.
Why bother? Cena is almost always booed like a bad guy against Hunter and Michaels anyway and he'd be booed against Taker. Why is risking the merch sales smarter than leaving things as they are?

There are just so many things they could do with a heel Cena.
Would they do better business than face Cena? Aside from HHH and a couple broken down guys like Batista and Michaels, are there even that many big faces on Raw ready for a feud with a heel Cena? I think not.
Your analysis is halfway there.... but not accurate... the Heel's job is to put the business over, not just the faces.. if there are no heels then there is no one you "want" to see win... It becomes like boxing, where choice becomes more based on where you come from...

Smarks wanted Cena to fail... but for the the wrong reasons... They hated him in the way you hate a boxer cos he's got a shot that should have been someone elses etc... cos you just dislike him... its why guys like Jericho are so good, why Orton is where he is and why Taker could never pull it off past 1991...

turning Cena heel would fail cos it would just turn people off... like a David Haye cutting promo's on the Klitchkos... like Brock fell on his ass the other week...

Heeldom is an art that Cena never had... Jericho has it... Trips has it... Orton has it... Cena will never have it....
Sorry to disagree, but you're thoroughly incorrect. A heel Cena would harm the promotion more than help it. First and foremost, Cena is the number one selling and drawing baby face, and he is exceedingly over. A Heel Cena would theoretically and possibly diminish and shrink his fan base and drawing ability significantly. He has youthful, young fans that kindly look up to him, sort of speak, and would be very turned off if he went all antagonistic on them. It isn't limited to kids however and WWE might decrease in ratings and overall revenue. Could be drastically, if he is the supposed draw people say he is, which I honestly don't know - but I know he is a big draw, so it would affect WWE negatively, in some way, on some level.

That's the primary reason/s a heel Cena couldn't possibly work very well. To recap, Cena is a huge draw, perhaps the biggest today, and if he turns heel there's a very likely chance the fans he does draw will not like him or wrestling and therefore his drawing magnitude and fan base will decrease - and it's likely a consequential, substantial decrease. So, you could say considering he isn't a huge draw as heel, he'd be less entertaining.
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Loyal fans are going to buy the PPVs regardless. A lot of people only buy the PPVs cus there is one match on the card that appeals to them. However, a Cena heel turn is out of the question. He is the ultimate hero of this generation. If he were to turn heel, here is his competition:

Triple H: We've seen this fight way too many times. Whether it's one on one or in a triple threat match with Randy Orton.

HBK: He's retiring soon.

Batista: Same too.

Those are the other 3 main event baby faces. Nobody else is ready for a feud with a heel Cena. Plus, Cena plays his face character almost perfectly. If they made him heel, they'd have to do a lot of reconstructing.

A lot of people always whine about how they want to see a Cena heel turn. But let's face it, it's almost as impossible as seeing Bret Hart returning to wrestle in the WWE.

As for his limited move set: how many established superstars don't have those? Let's see who does: Hogan, HBK, Taker, etc. Mega superstars have to limit their move sets, they are main eventing 5 times out of the week and if they do more risk taking moves, they are more prone to injury. Plus when they finally step out of their "comfort zone", they create INCREDIBLE matches.
Turning Cena heel would be as disasterous as it was when Hogan turned heel. Yeah the NWO got over, but by and by people shit on Hogan and the whole Hollywood thing and he wasn't really embraced again until the feud with The Rock. Anyways I digress, back to Cena, it's mainly smarks that hate Cena, and a few jealous guys in the crowd and the hardcore HHH lovers, but by and large if you listen to his pops, they are huge and people love him. If he were to be turned heel, he wouldn't be booed because they love to boo him, they'd boo him because they would be disgusted. He's a role model for younger kids, eye candy for the ladies and hero to all like Hogan. Cena is fine were he is at, as for ragging on his moves... hello all the top tier guys and actually pretty much all talent stick to a few key moves, why? Because it's what works for them. If it's not broke, don't fix it and as some of you would like to think, Cena is not broken. He's the mega-face and Vince's go too guy.
Heeldom is an art that Cena never had... Jericho has it... Trips has it... Orton has it... Cena will never have it....
Are you unfamiliar with 2003? Cena was hella-over feuding with Eddie, Brock, Taker, and Angle. He has the art of the heel down. Just because we haven't seen him do it in recent years, doesn't mean he doesn't have it. Heck, he embraced the crowd at One Night Stand in 2006 in a way that shocked many people, doing everything they didn't want him to do. He tossed the shirt over and over, he put a sign up to RVD's face, he dominated, and he did his FKS with such glee to that chorus of boos that you'd think he was a full-time heel. This "he doesn't have it" it stuff is a crock and another lie made up to garner Cena hate on the intrawebz.
Turning Cena heel would be as disasterous as it was when Hogan turned heel. Yeah the NWO got over, but by and by people shit on Hogan and the whole Hollywood thing and he wasn't really embraced again until the feud with The Rock. Anyways I digress, back to Cena, it's mainly smarks that hate Cena, and a few jealous guys in the crowd and the hardcore HHH lovers, but by and large if you listen to his pops, they are huge and people love him. If he were to be turned heel, he wouldn't be booed because they love to boo him, they'd boo him because they would be disgusted. He's a role model for younger kids, eye candy for the ladies and hero to all like Hogan. Cena is fine were he is at, as for ragging on his moves... hello all the top tier guys and actually pretty much all talent stick to a few key moves, why? Because it's what works for them. If it's not broke, don't fix it and as some of you would like to think, Cena is not broken. He's the mega-face and Vince's go too guy.

Kay, I have to throw this out to you, it wasn't heel Hogan they were shitting on. It was the fact that WCW booked the NWO to be dominant and make everyone else in the locker room look like shit, and the fact that Hogan had complete creative control over his character written into his contract. Those two things made for bad television. Yes, when the NWO came out it was a novel concept, but instead of making it like a regular heel stable, that can win OR lose, the vast majority of the time Hogan came out on top, and people got tired of seeing it.

On to Cena being a heel. I think he could pull it off, and I think he could pull it off well. People talk about how much the kids love Cena, but don't stop to think that kids are pretty fickle, and will glom onto the biggest thing going at the moment, and they could give any of the faces on RAW a push to get them there. As for a limited moveset being the reason he couldn't, well, he's gonna have a limited moveset either way for reasons explained by other users. The only thing that would change is that instead of getting pops for hitting the moves, he'd get heat for hitting them. As for saying he never had what it takes to be a heel, go back and look at some old Cena, circa 2003. Then come back and say he doesn't have it in him to be a heel. And just so you know, changing someone the kids like to a heel isn't the end of the world (kids enjoy cm punk, and he's a good role model, being straight-edge and all, but look what they're doing with him now, and guess what? it'll work.). As I said before, the kids that enjoy WWE will either find a new face to "love forever." That, or they'll love the hell out of heel Cena.
Kay, I have to throw this out to you, it wasn't heel Hogan they were shitting on. It was the fact that WCW booked the NWO to be dominant and make everyone else in the locker room look like shit, and the fact that Hogan had complete creative control over his character written into his contract. Those two things made for bad television. Yes, when the NWO came out it was a novel concept, but instead of making it like a regular heel stable, that can win OR lose, the vast majority of the time Hogan came out on top, and people got tired of seeing it.

On to Cena being a heel. I think he could pull it off, and I think he could pull it off well. People talk about how much the kids love Cena, but don't stop to think that kids are pretty fickle, and will glom onto the biggest thing going at the moment, and they could give any of the faces on RAW a push to get them there. As for a limited moveset being the reason he couldn't, well, he's gonna have a limited moveset either way for reasons explained by other users. The only thing that would change is that instead of getting pops for hitting the moves, he'd get heat for hitting them. As for saying he never had what it takes to be a heel, go back and look at some old Cena, circa 2003. Then come back and say he doesn't have it in him to be a heel. And just so you know, changing someone the kids like to a heel isn't the end of the world (kids enjoy cm punk, and he's a good role model, being straight-edge and all, but look what they're doing with him now, and guess what? it'll work.). As I said before, the kids that enjoy WWE will either find a new face to "love forever." That, or they'll love the hell out of heel Cena.

I'm not saying he couldn't be a heel, I know he can, but I still think right now, he'd get shit on if they tried it, but that's what opinons are for. I just don't believe it would be genius to do it, the fans just wouldn't buy a heel Cena right now, not at all. Yes he does get some boos, but not enough to turn him heel or think it would work to do so.
Oh I'm good with either way they decide to keep him, I'm just saying that it is plausible, and that the fans are bright enough to roll with the punches on it. The product will still sell, no matter how you have a certain wrestler aligned, and you need to make these changes every now and again to keep things fresh
Cena will turn heel when there is a face to replace him, and there's absolutely no-one near popular enough to do that currently. I would have said Kennedy but fuck you Vince.
I don't care about merchandise, Cena fails as a face. You can look back through history at all the faces and none of them got the abuse he does. The guy is a smug goody-two-shoes and you may think "Hey he works as face and heel so that's why Vince loves him" but in all honesty he doesn't. When he's the champion I don't watch to see him get his arse kicked, I simply don't watch at all. In terms of entertainment, a heel turn is essential. In terms of money, it's suicide and well, you know which Vince cares about.
I really think the PG rating is somewhat killing the face/heel divide, especially for anyone over 12, as heels can't actually get proper heat anymore. Their tactics basically equate to being a bit mean and making excuses and I'm really fucking bored of it. The WWE thinks this is increasing product loyalty at a young age, I think it's just making kids more likely to turn off when they get older.
Ok......bear with me, this has the potential to be a looooooong one. So I got to thinking the other night about faces and heels and this is what I came up with. It is my humble opinion (and I'm sure that I'm correct) that the main purpose of a heel (not heal as some idiots on here like to say) is to get the face over. Now I'm not talking about in a feud, just any regular match. Lets pretend that we have 2 green wrestlers and we put them in a match. One is the heel and the other is the face. Now, basic ring psychology tells us that in order for the match to capture and maintain the imagination of the audience and to move up in this business, you've got to get a reaction out of the crowd and get over. The heel's way to get over is to get heat by cheating, being overly aggressive towards his opponent and verbally (interviews and ranting to the crowd), while the face gets over by, well, being a good guy. Simple stuff so far right?

Ok now, in my eyes, a wrestler is deemed a good worker based upon technical ability (I have a hard-on for people like Benoit, Angle, Swagger), promo skills, and ring psychology. When I say ring psychology I mean the ability to get your opponent over while still being able to put yourself over in the process. I feel that this is number one on the list of things you need in order to be a star. Lets look at it like this. Jobbers = get opponent over, mid-carders = put on a great match, try your hardest but make sure the winner of the match gets over, Main Eventers = being able to put your opponent over while elevating yourself.

Now on to John Cena. Before I start, let me just say that I don't like him, but even if I did, I still think that I would see things my way. Ok, so, I got to thinking about John Cena turning heel because, IMO, he is getting stale. His music is old, he's being pushed down the fans throats and he's portrayed as some type of superman or something. He needs a fresh start and I, like many others on this board, thought that a heel turn was the way to go. But then I got to thinking......

I'm sure we can all agree that John Cena, while entertaining to some, still has a very limited move set. Having said that, let's take a look at a general John Cena match:

Entrances, Cena takes a beating, reversal, 2 shoulder block looking things, reverse a clothesline into a back-drop slam thing, 5 knuckle shuffle, F-U, 1, 2, 3. That's with NO exaggeration, seriously watch one of his matches not as a Cena fan, but as a wrestling fan and you'll see what I mean. He gets over by being Hulk Hogan 2 and his superman comebacks. None of this is a shot against John Cena, keep in mind I'm trying to prove a point.

Now lets say that this coming Monday night on Raw Cena does the unthinkable and turns heel. What would his future look like? As a heel, he wouldn't be able to do his infamous superman comebacks, wouldn't get beaten all match just to come out winner in the end, and would have to actually *GASP* zOMG do more than 5 moves. Impossible for John Cena? Well never say never, but seriously what are the odds of him getting over as a heel? Slim to none in my estimation. Mic work can only take you so far when your creative team hasn't come up with a seriously good angle since.....2004?

I guess what I'm saying is that after thinking about it for some time and really breaking it down, a John Cena heel turn is definately not the way to go based on the fact that as a heel, he is incapable of getting both his opponent and himself over in the course of a match.

Who cares if he has a limited move set? It would definitely sell PPVs just for entertainment alone. Fans would want to see him get his ass kicked.
loveless said:
Cena will turn heel when there is a face to replace him, and there's absolutely no-one near popular enough to do that currently.
Actually, John cena will turn heel when he isn't such a huge draw, and when the fans start universally hating him. That doesn't seem likely, at least not in the near future. This was exactly how "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan was born.
I would have said Kennedy but fuck you Vince.
Kennedy had potential, no denying that, but he just couldn't live up to it fully, and when he was in the ring, he became a liability. He was injury prone, not only to himself, but to others as well. He injured Cena, and almost injured several others including Randy orton.
I don't care about merchandise, Cena fails as a face.
In what way does he fail? He is doing his job arguably better than anyone today, and that is to entertain the fans, and bring the promotion cash.
You can look back through history at all the faces and none of them got the abuse he does. The guy is a smug goody-two-shoes and you may think "Hey he works as face and heel so that's why Vince loves him" but in all honesty he doesn't.
What are you talking about? He is a solid face, nothing more. Certainly not a heel, or tweener. Some fans boo him because of a combination of them thinking they're being "cool", and because they don't completely understand professional wrestling.
When he's the champion I don't watch to see him get his arse kicked, I simply don't watch at all. In terms of entertainment, a heel turn is essential. In terms of money, it's suicide and well, you know which Vince cares about.
Well, that's really a contradiction because you said a heel cena would be entertaining, but if he's making money, as you suggested, then that would mean he's entertaining to the fans, otherwise he wouldn't be a draw, no?
I really think the PG rating is somewhat killing the face/heel divide,
No, that would be the fans that cheer the heels, and boo the faces, because that's not the way it supposed to work.
Their tactics basically equate to being a bit mean and making excuses and I'm really fucking bored of it. The WWE thinks this is increasing product loyalty at a young age, I think it's just making kids more likely to turn off when they get older.
Your last statement really doesn't relate to Cena turning heel.

John Cena as heel in this point would be plainly murderous to the business.
Turning Cena heel would be as disasterous as it was when Hogan turned heel. Yeah the NWO got over, but by and by people shit on Hogan and the whole Hollywood thing and he wasn't really embraced again until the feud with The Rock. Anyways I digress, back to Cena, it's mainly smarks that hate Cena, and a few jealous guys in the crowd and the hardcore HHH lovers, but by and large if you listen to his pops, they are huge and people love him. If he were to be turned heel, he wouldn't be booed because they love to boo him, they'd boo him because they would be disgusted. He's a role model for younger kids, eye candy for the ladies and hero to all like Hogan. Cena is fine were he is at, as for ragging on his moves... hello all the top tier guys and actually pretty much all talent stick to a few key moves, why? Because it's what works for them. If it's not broke, don't fix it and as some of you would like to think, Cena is not broken. He's the mega-face and Vince's go too guy.

What are you talking about? Hogan wasn't accepted as a heel? Dude, did you even watch Nitro back then? Hogan was one of the greatest if not the greatest heel to step into the ring. The fans were throwing garbage... not just one or two things but the ring would look like a dump when the nWo came out because the fans loved to boo them. Hogan played a fantastic heel.

I'm so tired of hearing it would be horrible for business for Cena to turn heel. You know what him being a face is doing crap for the company besides selling merchandise and really I'd like to see how much he really sells. The ONLY reason the WWE won't turn him heel is because they're not creative enough to pull it off and they have no balls.

Someone brought up that people order the PPVs already to see Cena lose which isn't really true. As a heel more people would order because as a heel he'd more likely lose. No one is buying the PPVs right now to see Cena lose.

Cena would be the best heel in such a long time. And to the person who said Cena can't play a heel... I guess you missed out on 2002/2003 when he was pretty damn over as a heel. Though that was the only time Cena has been entertaining.
What are you talking about? Hogan wasn't accepted as a heel? Dude, did you even watch Nitro back then? Hogan was one of the greatest if not the greatest heel to step into the ring. The fans were throwing garbage... not just one or two things but the ring would look like a dump when the nWo came out because the fans loved to boo them. Hogan played a fantastic heel.

I'm so tired of hearing it would be horrible for business for Cena to turn heel. You know what him being a face is doing crap for the company besides selling merchandise and really I'd like to see how much he really sells. The ONLY reason the WWE won't turn him heel is because they're not creative enough to pull it off and they have no balls.

Someone brought up that people order the PPVs already to see Cena lose which isn't really true. As a heel more people would order because as a heel he'd more likely lose. No one is buying the PPVs right now to see Cena lose.

Cena would be the best heel in such a long time. And to the person who said Cena can't play a heel... I guess you missed out on 2002/2003 when he was pretty damn over as a heel. Though that was the only time Cena has been entertaining.

Hogan was a HUGE heel. If people aren't admitting it, then they're spouting off on some revisionist history.

Furthermore, Cena as a heel has HUGE potential for one major reason: If you line up an up and comer opposite heel Cena, you create a huge superstar for the fans to rally behind. Who was the last superstar Vince created? Orton? Its been four years now, give Morrison or someone a shot! Heel Cena would be enormous because so many people love him right now and if he turned his back on them, well, it'd be very huge.

However, i understand the fear to do it. Top merch seller, no one established enough to feud with him. When Rock or stone Cold turned, they had each other. HHH is by far at his best when he's a heel but there's no one remotely good enough to match the Cerebral Assassin at his best.

Unless of course we get Rocky back. Heel Cena vs. Rocky would be a dream. Mostly because Rocky is back.
Ok now, in my eyes, a wrestler is deemed a good worker based upon technical ability (I have a hard-on for people like Benoit, Angle, Swagger), promo skills, and ring psychology.

Technical ability does not a good wrestler make. Angle was horrible at playing the heel role, and Swagger isn't good just because he can mat wrestle. He's got the promo skills to back it up, and he knows what he's doing in the ring.

Now on to John Cena. Before I start, let me just say that I don't like him,

From reading the rest of your post, I'm not surprised at all.

His music is old,

Because the crowd knows him by it.

he's being pushed down the fans throats

No. The crowd calls for him, and he answers. That's like saying Triple H or HBK has been shoved down the fan's throats.

and he's portrayed as some type of superman or something.

If Cena is Superman, then so is HBK and Taker. Taker fucking sits up in the middle of the ring like Cena rallies. HBK will jump up even if the match has been 60 minutes of "Let's fuck with HBK's back." Find a better excuse.

I'm sure we can all agree that John Cena, while entertaining to some, still has a very limited move set. Having said that, let's take a look at a general John Cena match:

Like every other wrestler who is main-event. Orton, Edge, Trips, HBK, they all have the same match sequence to end a match.

Entrances, Cena takes a beating, reversal, 2 shoulder block looking things, reverse a clothesline into a back-drop slam thing, 5 knuckle shuffle, F-U, 1, 2, 3.

Taker: Take a beating, Snake Eyes, Some corners shit, get knocked down, sit up, Snake Eyes again, choke slam. And that's if you're lucky. It's normally just sit up, choke slam out of nowhere.

HBK: Take a beating, jump up, Sweet Chin Music

Triple H: Rally, Pedigree

Orton: Get his ass beat, Spear

Edge: Get his ass beat, run away, come back, Spear

Hardy: Get his ass beat, Swanton Bomb miss, get his ass beat, Whisper in the Wind, Swanton Bomb

Punk: Bulldog, GTS miss, kicks, GTS

See? Cena isn't alone.

That's with NO exaggeration, seriously watch one of his matches not as a Cena fan, but as a wrestling fan and you'll see what I mean.

Only if you promise to realize every other main-event wrestler does the same thing.

He gets over by being Hulk Hogan 2 and his superman comebacks.

Just like every other main-event star makes a "Superman" comeback.

None of this is a shot against John Cena, keep in mind I'm trying to prove a point.

Sure does sound like it.

Now lets say that this coming Monday night on Raw Cena does the unthinkable and turns heel.

It's obviously not unthinkable. People on these forums say everyday "I want Cena to turn heel because it's unexpected and no one will see it coming"...except for everyone on these forums. And when he does turn heel, everyone will say "Oh come on, I totally saw that coming."

As a heel, he wouldn't be able to do his infamous superman comebacks, wouldn't get beaten all match just to come out winner in the end,

Why not? Orton and Edge regularly get beaten up before they just use one move and win the match. I'm sure Cena can do the same thing.

and would have to actually *GASP* zOMG do more than 5 moves.

If that's not a shot at Cena, I don't know what is.

Impossible for John Cena? Well never say never, but seriously what are the odds of him getting over as a heel?

He was hated as a heel, and he's loved as a face. Cena has that crowd in his hands. Cena could get them booing him tomorrow if he wanted them to.

Slim to none in my estimation.

Did you even see him as a heel?

Mic work can only take you so far when your creative team hasn't come up with a seriously good angle since.....2004?

Then how are Orton, Edge, Cena, Miz, MVP, Swagger, Punk, or Hardy as over as they are? If creative sucks soo much ass, and mic skills can only take you so far, how did they get over?

I guess what I'm saying is that after thinking about it for some time and really breaking it down, a John Cena heel turn is definately not the way to go based on the fact that as a heel, he is incapable of getting both his opponent and himself over in the course of a match.

Right. Because Orton totally didn't put over Dibiase in their match on Raw. Heels just can't put over other wrestlers.
A Cena heel turn would be the perfect idea. Cena is cheered by the young teenagers and females. Most males over the age of 18 hate that guy. Having him turn, with a stable would be great. It would also give us something to actually watch wrestling for. Cena as the main heel, with an I'm bigger than the industry attitude, I have been in hollywood films, mainevented Wrestlemania several times, too good for anyone style. Giving credibility to anyone he alligns himself with. Throw in a couple guys, a tag team that is not doing well like Cryme Tyme. They could be so sick of being stereotyped as a typicall african american and forced to act like they do. Maybe Zigler as your Midcard guy. Possibly also a Diva. Let them become so hated and let Cena cut promos and be funny, soon the fans will turn Cena back, NOT THE WRITERS! Cena turns back bigger than ever with everyone cheering him(similar to the Rock). Then the midcard guy, I say Zigler cause I love him, but whomever becomes the group leader and can jump up to mainevent status. But Thats just my thoughts.
Agent-67 said:
A Cena heel turn would be the perfect idea. Cena is cheered by the young teenagers and females. Most males over the age of 18 hate that guy.
Where's your source that many males over 18 hate Cena? There's a lot of older males that like Cena. Obviously more than you know. There's a lot on this board, and in the audience.
Having him turn, with a stable would be great. It would also give us something to actually watch wrestling for.
Cena turning heel would be a horrid move on many levels, stable or no stable. And, there's a lot of things interesting in the current product that are worth watching.
Cena as the main heel, with an I'm bigger than the industry attitude, I have been in hollywood films, mainevented Wrestlemania several times, too good for anyone style. Giving credibility to anyone he alligns himself with.
Why? He's so good right now as a face, he doesn't need to adopt a heel attitude. He's entertaining right now, as is. Also, he does give credibility to guys he faces, recent examples include Miz and Jack Swagger.

I don't see why anyone would think John Cena turning heel would be so intriguing and solve so many problems. Right now, he's entertaining as he's ever been, especially more entertaining than his heel, rapper gimmick. The man is a huge draw, and would be very bad for business, and the entertainment level for many fans would decrease.
a think it would be more affective if cena was a tweener. He could come out and beat up lets say cody rhodes. then in the same night cost hhh matches. i no this will never happen and it doesnt necessarily have to be cena but i want a credible superstar who's gimmik is to go to ever brand and just kick ass. kind of like stone cold, he wouldnt care who he fought. If cena did that i think he would be extremly over
*Sigh* Why am I not surprised to see this pop up again?

Ohkay, I'm sorry... but I would have to say that the worst thing in the world for the WWE as a business is to turn John Cena heel. If I had to give the immunity to one guy to keep as a face, it would be him. Why? Very easy to analyse... which I hope will actually end discussion about the Cena heel turn.

1) John Cena is the face of the WWE, mainly outside the professional wrestling community. If you watch RAW, they sometimes show John Cena out & about in the world, in society. The man is like an icon of the wrestling business. He is the incarnation of Hulk Hogan... & for those Cena fans, Hulk Hogan was the prototype before they built Cena [get it, Cena reference?] If he goes heel, who has the company got to use to replace Cena?

2) The reactions Cena gets is completely crazy. This guy acts as a face, yet he gets some of the loudest reactions... which are mixed at that. Watch some of his PPV matches with the uber-heels with cult followings like Edge & Orton. You have the whole crowd on Cena the whole time. One side says "Let's Go Cena" with the other chanting "Cena sucks." Why would you want to take away this experience? It gets you amped for his matches!

3) There are more viable people who could take the heel position. Cena is a good idea, but there are other guys who can work that position better. Like Triple H. Evolution days really made me care for the man, it got him even over than he was... such great heel work. Cena is better at the face character & can pull off easily than being a heel.

4) If Cena is doing a double profession in wrestling & acting, then how are you supposed to sell moves with someone who is hated by the fans? The Great Khali turned face as he was in a movie with a semi-major role... "Get Smart." He did very well in landing a role in a star-studded cast in a great action-comedy movie, which he played exceptionally well for a guy whose face isn't heel material per say. Why do you think the WWE is doing with Ted DiBiase, Jr? Pleasing the IWC? :lmao:

5) Cena's "superman character" can defeat the likes of Triple H. This man is critised by the IWC as "The Undertaker due to the fact he is the one who buries people." So, if he suddenly switches to the heel side... this means that he would have to cheat & need help to beat people, ultimately to get the face over by leaving himself defeated. How would anyone buy that Cena can beat Triple H as a face, but when he becomes a mean, aggresive heel cannot manage to score the pinfall?

Unless Cena stops getting reactions from the crowd, stops his acting as the good guy & suddenly gets overtaken by another superstar as the face of the WWE... I believe Cena will be a face for years to come. These type of "heel turn" swerve balls need either to be sudden after a long lengthy face run or an ever so slow turn into a heel. Like CM Punk, but at least 3x as long.

It's not because he is the top face of the company,biggest draw and bigger percentage of fanbase is children and other shit like that if it was true then heels wouldn't draw.He has one huge reason to not to turn heel and it's because this turn might even create the 3rd boom period of wrestling so it's very valuable to waste.Everyone knows the biggest heel turn ever Hogan's one of the most memorable turns and creating one of the biggest stables of all time.When he did that he had already been a huge legend and accomplished everyting that a superstar can.What made that turn so special was no one ever thought about that turn.Cena is right now still in his hottest time in his pride and needs to accomplish much more to make himself accepted as a legend.If John Cena turns right now no one shocks because everyone demans,wants and expects.When it's the right time when no one expects him to turn heel and accomplished much more it should be done and it may even be one of the biggest heel turns of all time.But first WWE need to have patience which they lost in these days.If it's done right now it's throwing a huge opportunity to bin.WWE should be patient and wait for the right time and I don't think even smarks could ruin his heel turn nWo was cheered also by some people but it is still accepted as one of the biggest stables of all time if not the biggest.So it should be done and Vince knows it could create some impact but why do you always bitch about something when you want it so much.Everything has a time and is done it's time.People all whined about Edge face turn or Cm Punk heel turn and look what WWE is doing right now.They now what they are doing.Just be patient and wait Cena heel turn will be happened at some time but not RIGHT NOW.
Think about it. IMO, a Cena heel turn would be at this point the biggest heel turn since Hulk Hogan.

THIS is the issue. Right here.

In 1996, WCW turned Hulk Hogan heel, the one thing nobody ever thought would happen. It was ludicrous to dream of this. And yet, there it was, live and in living color.

At Wrestlemania 17, Vince tried to duplicate that feat by turning Steve Austin heel at the conclusion of his fight with The Rock in the main event. It was fairly-well received, but not nearly to the level Hogan was.

Why is that? Maybe because the Hogan turn was a one-time mega deal, but the magnitude of it desensitized us to the idea of top faces becoming top heels. How many times since then had Triple H, The Undertaker, Edge, etc. wavered back and forth from heel to face? Hell, look at Jericho!

If Cena turns heel, I'll tell you exactly what'd happen. People would balk, nobody would buy it. It would occur at a PPV or a big event, and people would accuse the WWE of trying to force a heel Cena down their throats. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

It's vastly more important for Cena to become a "cooler" face. Not a heel. If only because it would be just unexpected enough for people to see it coming a mile away.

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