Anderson as TNA's Top Heel?

Definitely, Anderson could go as a top heel. His current role is annoying. How many times I have to hear him scramming like a mental patient that he deserves a rematch. We know it! Stop crying and screening about it on every promo you have and do something. Become a heel and take what is yours.

Maybe as a heel he will be more interesting to watch.
i think anderson needs to turn heel at this point. he is the only person tna can really turn that makes sense and fills the main event spot in immortal. ever since fortune left and hardy got suspended, the faction has been composed of mid carders and non-wrestlers.
I for one see Mr. Anderson as much more of the anti-hero character than I do a face or a heel character. Much like SCSA, I see his character evolving into that mindset, if you will, than needing to necessarily be with one side or the other.

I think there are some key differences between Anderson and Stone Cold which make your idea difficult to execute.

1. A huge part of what got Austin over was how many great villains he had to go against. From HBK to Undertaker to Rock to Foley (as "Dude Love") and of course McMahon himself; the fans WANTED these guys to get beaten and Austin delivered on it. Does TNA have any villains who can bring that out of the fans for Anderson to tap into? Doesn't feel like it.

2. Never to be underestimated in Austin's rise was how well Jim Ross put him over on a weekly basis. JR portrayed Austin in a positive light despite heelish behavior and helped to mold fan perception. Can Tenay and Taz direct the flow of public opinion like that?

3. Austin was simply more naturally funny, while Anderson sometimes seems very forced. His attempts at humor can be pretty annoying (aka "Cena-like").

4. Getting very simplistic here; Austin looked like a badass, while Anderson looks like a douchebag. I know that's just my opinion, but it's a very real aspect of perception. We all do it every day; walking around town we see someone and immediately think, "man... what a jerk!" Anderson comes off that way to me, and it would make it harder for me to perceive him as a hero.
I think that TNA dropped the ball with Mr Anderson's face character. He can be a good enough face and his character did start out well. There was a lot of sympathy for him when he was doing the concussion angle and looked good initially when he was telling Bischoff that he was going to lose the war and when he was taking Immortal on single handedly.

But soon after they turned him into this whiny little bitch who started begging for title shots. I think what really helps any antihero character is if he is seen as the SOLE challenge to a dominant opposition. But with guys like Sting and RVD floating around that was never going to happen in TNA. This is whaat has made him into that whiny bitch we see on TV these days. The fact that there are so many challengers.

Returning to the question posed by the OP, sure he can be the top heel in TNA. In fact he looks like the best option. However, to say that Anderson cannot portray a face character would be far from the truth.
As much as I personally would not like for him to turn heel, I can see a few viable reasons as to how it's very plausible for a heel turn soon. However, I can see reason for him to remain a face. I will address both.

The first reason being...Jeff Hardy is gone. Immortal is without a top-level heel at the moment. Face it - Bully Ray, Abyss, and Matt Hardy are not seen as main event-caliber performers...they don't cut it. Anderson fills the void left by Jeff. Established.

Secondly, it is a given that there will be a top-level babyface for a heel Anderson to feud with. Sting, Angle, and RVD are right there in the picture. Also, you have a kayfabe injured AJ Styles somewhere out there. What better capacity for him to return in, than to challenge and deride Anderson for associating himself with men like Bully Ray, who injured him? wrestling gold speaks louder than dignity at some points. Anderson "will do anything" to regain the World is not farfetched to see him take the easy route and join Immortal, when he is known to have the capacity to beat down his associates (Morgan, RVD) to get what he wants. His actions as a face are no different than theirs....only they work for Hogan and Co.

Now....he can still remain a face and achieve great things. His "asshole" gimmick has really taken off, and is more suited for a face. There were people cheering for him as he took on a then-huge face Jeff Hardy...simply because of his character and his promos. Character, if done right, can transcend heel/face guidelines.

And lastly, sure it's been done before but the "rebel against authority figure" type character is suited for Anderson. And it works, no matter how many times it's been used. The only problem is...who would a face World Champion Anderson feud with? Matt Hardy? uhhh...Gunner? There is a severe lack of main event heels and the scales tip way in the favor of faces at the moment. The only advantage the heels have is that they are "in control."

So it could go either way. I just personally think it's too early for him to turn heel, especially after Fortune became faces along with several other sudden face/heel changes on the roster.
I think there are some key differences between Anderson and Stone Cold which make your idea difficult to execute.

1. A huge part of what got Austin over was how many great villains he had to go against. From HBK to Undertaker to Rock to Foley (as "Dude Love") and of course McMahon himself; the fans WANTED these guys to get beaten and Austin delivered on it. Does TNA have any villains who can bring that out of the fans for Anderson to tap into? Doesn't feel like it.

2. Never to be underestimated in Austin's rise was how well Jim Ross put him over on a weekly basis. JR portrayed Austin in a positive light despite heelish behavior and helped to mold fan perception. Can Tenay and Taz direct the flow of public opinion like that?

3. Austin was simply more naturally funny, while Anderson sometimes seems very forced. His attempts at humor can be pretty annoying (aka "Cena-like").

4. Getting very simplistic here; Austin looked like a badass, while Anderson looks like a douchebag. I know that's just my opinion, but it's a very real aspect of perception. We all do it every day; walking around town we see someone and immediately think, "man... what a jerk!" Anderson comes off that way to me, and it would make it harder for me to perceive him as a hero.

You make some great points and clearly you're an educated fan who looks past what is just 'seen' on tv. No question that SCSA looked the part and it's true that Ross was able to put him over thru his commentary and was indeed able to shape the perception of fans. Also no question that Austin had that subtle heelish behavior (aka the anti-hero) that people could relate to. (I saw it as McMahon being seen as the teacher or 'rich guy' that everyone wanted to punch out at some point in their lives.) His character (Austin's) allowed fans to live vicariously thru him in that respect. Now, I do believe that Anderson has the ability to pull off the anti-hero gimmick but I agree the writing for his character has been overdone as of late with respect to his whining about getting his shot at the title. But that's TNA isn't it? Always too much of everything which shows their desperation to get ratings or gain attention thru any means possible instead of using truly creative writing for the characters and other on-air personalities. Had they written this as Anderson v. TNA Mgmt., i.e. Hogan. Bischoff, and Immortal, I believe that fan perception could have been shaped. Then you ask Anderson to tone it down on the mic even though that's not necessarily his schtick, and to build toward the inevitable showdown at a big PPV for the title. I also think the ambiguity of the writing concerning RVD has not added, but detracted from the overall product. Now perhaps that's at the insistence of RVD or maybe Hogan, but it will eventually lead to either RVD or Anderson turning heel and whomever it is probably winds up with the belt. (Cause I don't see Sting as the long term solution to their problems.) Which means you then have to write AJ back into the picture somehow, get him past the Bubba Ray Dudley issue, and then focused on the title. My guess is it's Anderson they turn heel (sorry getting way off track here I know) so I see Anderson v. AJ for the title at their big PPV, Bound for Glory.

As for the look, true enough Anderson doesn't have the look, but these days look doesn't seem to be the issue in TNA. Note: Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and the like who don't have 'the look' that say the WWE has always looked for. So although you're right about that look issue, I don't think in the long run it's really a make or break issue for the writing part of it.

On the humor side, no question TNA needs to have Anderson tone it down a bit, but it's just another example of the nuts running the asylum. Nuff said there.

On your last point, I actually think that Anderson coming off as a jerk actually works in favor of writing him as the anti-hero. Let's not forget that part of the SCSA schtick was that he never met anyone he wouldn't stun. Even those who 'appeared' to be on his side, were often met with the stunned fate. Now true enough SCSA could make it look funny with the beer and all, but I think this is something that can be learned by Anderson. The problem is that right now it's being used more as his frustration at not getting his shot, rather than a jumping off point for humor in using his finisher during interviews, run-ins and the like. If played differently, I do believe this part can be overcome.

No question though that you bring up great points and a lot for me to think about concerning this issue.

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