Anderson as TNA's Top Heel?


Championship Contender
If you're reading the signs, than it sure looks like Mr. Anderson will soon be joining Immortal and become the top heel in TNA. While he's always been more of a tweener than face, Anderson's behavior has become increasingly heelish with more whining and displays of selsfishness. He also seems to be getting in more heated conflicts with true faces like Sting and RVD while his animosity toward Immortal is limited to just getting what he wants. It also would seem that Hogan has his eye on turning Anderson to the dark side based on their recent interactions.

Do you think Anderson can do the job as the number-one villain in TNA? Do you think he'd have to join Immortal to fill that role, or is there a way he could go heel and stay his own man? Also, do you think maye we're being set up for a swerve and Anderson will actually get screwed by Hogan?


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I think Mr Anderson is doing a great job of being the ‘I don’t give a shit loner’, but it does look as though he could join Immortal in the near future (especially if he doesn’t get the World Title back). Anderson looks as though he’s the type of guy that could definitely pull off being the top heel in a promotion. After all he’s an asshole. And his mic work is top notch (something a top heel needs more than anything).

I’m just enjoying his current character too much to actually want to see him join Immortal. Mr Anderson is one of the most entertaining guys in TNA. And a lot of that comes from him just being his own man and being able to enter into a feud with absolutely anyone. He’s gone from feuding with one of the top heels (Jeff Hardy) to one of the top faces (Rob Van Dam) and both feuds have been intense. There's just soo many possibilites with Anderson at the minute and I think he's left best as a one man show, rather than one of many.

That’s not to say that he won’t join Immortal of course. I also don’t want it to happen because I want to see how far Bully Ray can go in his current role. He's really impressed me and is probably the best heel at the moment. And if Anderson was brought into Immortal, that pushes Bully down the Immortal pecking order. Hopefully Hogan is just trying to lure Anderson into a false sense of security so he can screw him out of the Title again. And then maybe have Bully Ray go after Sting (if he retains at Lockdown).
To answer your question - yes. Anderson CAN become TNA's top heel.

As far as his recent actions go, here's my theory:

I see Anderson joining Immortal at LockDown in order to eliminate any probability of them screwing him up. He's been talking about how he can't do anything without them running down for MONTHS. This is a good reason, plus - he's made it very, very clear that he'll do ANYTHING to regain the belt. Anything means joining Immortal.

However, I see Anderson screwing Immortal on the same night if (and when) he wins the TNA Championship. Hogan comes down to celebrate with him and Anderson lays him out with the Mic Check. He used Hogan and Immortal to capture the title, and perhaps we'll also see the death of Immortal prior to the World Title match.

Maybe have Dixie regain control of TNA in the Immortal vs Fourtune match. Have The Network add that as a stipulation.

AJ Styles makes a heroic save and takes the final pin, killing Immortal. It seems like they're all dead, except that Anderson joins them and he's their very last hope if he wins the World Title. He does, everyone thinks Immortal's still alive and well since The Champ is one of them, then whamo, Anderson screws them and establishes himself as a major bad-ass, plus he gets the title win he deserves.

That's how I see it.

However, if Anderson goes down the dark side path, he can become the top heel without a hitch. The guy came back last year and garnered good heat for himself in a matter of weeks. Anderson can do it, he's versatile. Just give him the ball, he'll run with it. Or run with it and injure himself. Whichever.
I have no doubts Anderson can act as TNA's top heel, and frankly it's where he belongs. He was well on his way when he was working that program with Angle last year heading into Lockdown, and he's more than capable of doing the same now.

His character works best as a heel naturally regardless as he's boastful and quite the loud mouth.

He'll be a better option than Jeff Hardy — that's for sure.
I can easily see Anderson joining Immortal. Usually, I would bitch and complain about how the entire Immortal storyline has been botched, with plot holes and tons of shit that doesn't make sense. However, I'll refrain this time around.

I'm not going to say it makes sense, but Anderson needs a change. He isn't a great babyface, especially when he spends 97% of the time bitching and moaning. He's always been better as a heel, so this is a change I'm welcoming.

However, what does that do for TNA? Does it draw money? Is it a big deal? No, to all questions. Immortal will still be a terrible group that should have died with Jeff Hardy (before that, actually). Who is TNA bringing along to be their #1 babyface? TNA, Hogan, Bischoff, etc. always seem very concerned with who the top heel is, but never pay much attention to who the real moneymaker is going to be. Until they figure that out, it's just more shuffling. However, any change for Anderson, at this point, is fine in my book.
Personally, I think it's where Anderson belongs. Or, at least, it should be at least what TNA has him aiming for in my opinion. To me, Anderson's general persona firmly rests within heel territory. The guy is a world class loud mouth and carries himself with a bragadocious attitude & swagger, it's a role that he absolutely excels in.

It's a natural fit for who the Mr. Anderson character is so why try and fight it? I think TNA is in real need of a strong heel character whose entire career hasn't revolved around WWE and/or WCW. WWE may have, to some degree, brought Anderson to the dance but Anderson is a good opportunity for TNA to make a legit, rock solid main event star and make his most significant moments be within TNA.
anderson could easily have the spot of TNAs top heel and is the best person for it! it looks as though he will join immortal! although my feelings on that aren't so great! i think immortal has run its course! anderson would be much greater as the top heel in a different situation! immortal needs to end so they can start something new! immortal seems to be cursed with all the failed storylines! lets hope this doesn't ruin anderon's career somehow!
Whether Anderson joins Imortal, or not doesn't mean a thing when the slime of Internet called the IWC will bitch about it either way. His joining is so predicable. Not joining is a blown opportunity for TNA, etc, etc.

Anderson is a natural heel in the mold of Stone Cold (since he got into wrestling because of him, and trained with him). The only reason he turned face was because he was getting more cheers than boos. I wouldn't mind seeing Anderson heel as lone as he's not with any group, and just being the Asshole of TNA.
I think TNA is in real need of a strong heel character whose entire career hasn't revolved around WWE and/or WCW. WWE may have, to some degree, brought Anderson to the dance but Anderson is a good opportunity for TNA to make a legit, rock solid main event star and make his most significant moments be within TNA.

Nice point! The best comparison would probably be Jericho when he flipped from WCW to the WWE; a known entity but still just at the beginning of his potential. Let's remember this point when the WWE fans come on here and bash TNA for having no homegrown talent.
Anderson works best as a heel. His asshole routine is getting stale and annoying at this point. I don't think Anderson could chant asshole a hundred times outside the Impact zone and get the same reaction in the impact zone. His feud with Angle last year was one of the best feuds of the year and best matches. If he cut out the comedy and became the old heel he once was he could be the top heel in the company. God knows no one else in Immortal or Fortune are up to it.
To answer the question, yes Anderson can become the top heel of TNA. Then again, actually Anderson is more of a Stone Cold type. He is not Stone Cold he is just that "type". He is the guy who doesn't want you to cheer for him, or he doesn't care if you cheer for him. That's what Mr Anderson SHOULD be. He can be the top heel, but he can be better with acting like an unpredictable, doesn't care type guy, who can act against anyone stepping in to that ring
Anderson is definitely a natural heel and should be turned soon in my opinion. I for one have gotten bored with him as a face and him saying the word asshole over and over is getting old as well. I wouldn't be surprised if TNA puts him in Immortal. To fill Jeff Hardy's spot as the main event level/top guy in the group.

I do think he could be the top heel in TNA, but I'm not sure if joining Immortal is the right move for his character. His cocky better than everyone persona doesn't really fit in a faction he's more of a loaner. However the way the storylines are in TNA right now. The top heel in the company pretty much has to be in Immortal.
At first when Anderson turned face, I hated it. I wanted him back as a heel.

But overtime, it's really evovled. It has really grown on me. I think he has the chance to be the top guy in TNA (Styles is in the midcard).I mean Anderson has been such a badass lately. It doesn't matter who it is. No need to pick sides. He just goes out there and mic checks everyone in sight to get what he wants. I freaking love it. Him joining Immortal would be a disappointment.
Anderson should'nt be top heel. He's Stone Cold 2.0. Give him glass shattering at the beginning of his song, what's the different? Seriously, bobbing his head, cursing ever sentence, being against the bosses, against the group's, he wear's the same fuckin' attire! Just make him drink beer, shave his head, nobody will know the difference. You knowwhy it's not drawing? Stone Cold has been done before.

Is there any face's in the company? The whole company is a one bad heel who can't draw. Their all "bad-ass heel's."

You know what TNA need, a top face! Top heel's don't work. They atleast need a top face to use against Anderson. And if it's Sting, good luck at that being a good fued. Seriously, I'm sorry I sound careless right now, but they need a top face. They need to build up a legit top face like Cena to build the company around. Having these heel team's, and heel-face turn's left and right, having a guy on the television to fuel his own ego and get money (Hogan). TNA is taking a really bad turn for the worse rigt now. Jeff's Victory Road debacle, Angle being arrested, Carter's twitter being suspended. :lol:

The need a whole turn around or their not making it past two year's. I'm as optimistic as I can be, but the way their going, it's not looking good.
I agree with Jackal and itssoeasy's posts to a extent.

Anderson is more of an Austin character. You can't really label him as a Face or a Heel, so he'll remain in purgator..... a tweener. It suits him as he's just a natural at it so why fix what's not broken.

I'm not gonna lie, I do enjoy his antics. They amuse me. I wanna see where this goes, however I will say that if he does end up joining Immortal, he's just gonna turn on them. He's more of a loner character, mainly because he's an asshole.

Which going with the "Asshole" gimmick was smart on TNA's. They should just change his theme song to "I'm an Asshole" by Denis Leary. Seriously TNA. You waste enough money on Jersey Shore cast offs and Survivor winners. Why not do something useful and enhance one of your characters? Besides, you pay Leary enough, he might perform it live on Impact. It'll get you more ratings than what you have now.

TNA really doesn't have a top babyface other than Sting, which is pretty sad. They had a really good shot at it Pope, but pissed it all away on an extremely ******ed heel turn that makes ZERO sense whatsoever. AJ is choice number two, but with his "injury", they've essentially taken that one away, but his eventually return might change that. RVD just shouldn't talk and he'll be a solid third stringer.

TNA can make it, they just have to put a cap on Russo actually start pushing the home grown talent. With a roster like that, they should be warring with WWE right now, but the writing for the most part is
Well i can see it happening because if not Anderson then who else? Sting no chance in hell, they tried it in WCW and it failed. RVD no chance in hell either, he is the hippy stoner he would be against the system not with it. Bully Ray maybe, but it wouldn't be so shocking. So Anderson is the only one that could pull it off. By the way, yes i know they are trying to make him Stone Cold 2.0, but he is the only one that would be shocking.
Anderson could, nay, makes a great heel.

If only he carried on his heelish ways since Lockdown last year, we could have a superstar on our hands. Instead, we get an over-acting, whiney character currently portrayed on our screens every week. He needs to be more........bad-ass.

Also, his Mic Check finisher needs to be more smoother and less awkward. It's like, it needs to be more fluid, like one less forward movement or something. Kinda hard to explain. :icon_neutral:
I just want to point out that I predicted weeks ago in the Impact LD that Anderson would turn. At the time, people said I was nucking futs due to Anderson being the Austin type tweener that would hopefully get over as a badass and be the greatest face the company can ask for. Weeks later after countless, annoying promos that drag ass more than a dog on a white carpet, people are finally ready for this to happen.

The writing has been on the wall for a long time. Anderson as Austin isn't worked and he has been a whiny baby. Nobody likes a whiny baby, but more than that, this has been set up like the typical Russo swerve. It seems that Anderson has beef with Immortal, but he also has plenty to gain from them. They keep "screwing" him, so if you can't beat 'em, join 'em right? That's what I've been predicting for a long time now. I stand by that.

Worst case scenario, Anderson THINKS he joins, only for RVD to actually be the one to join. Now THAT would be a typical Russo swerve that would make no sense and leave people not caring at all. Anderson would work with Immortal as I think he could make the sellout character work. He's a heel already based on everything he does, but the Impact zone won't boo him just yet. Based on 2011 TNA, the only way to truly be a heel is to join Immortal. Thus, I think we'll see that. Granted, it's going to happen in an unoriginal way. I mean, a triple threat of 3 faces with a heel faction looming? When have I seen that before.........
now im a HUGE mr.anderson fan and i think hes great with the whole asshole gimmick but i think him joining immortal would be kinda stupid i mean come on because of immortal/meth hardy Mr.Anderson got a concussion,has been screwed out of the TNA title more then once and for awhile he was in a fued with their top guy meth hardy so y would anderson wanna join immortal? :confused: i think anderson is better off as a twigger and still being his own man then as part of immortal...lets be honest do we really need the immortal stable in order to have hogan & bishoff in control? :shrug: i honestly hope anderson stays his own man and slowly immortal comes to a end but then again i just have a funny feeling were gonna see a top guy join immortal along with Shannon Moore :banghead:

(NOTE: idk if this stuff will happen its just what i THINK will happen!)
Honestly Anderson would be great if he's a heel or a face. His mic work is that good. however, TNA's lack of top heels leads me to believe that it's most likely him to turn (IF they have someone turn and join Immortal) because Sting likely wouldnt make too much sense, plus he seems to want to be against them. RVD has said he doesnt want to be a heel, but Anderson doesnt mind being a heel, so if there's a heel turn, i think it's Anderson.
IMO Anderson should have been the top heel long ago. TNA made the biggest mistake ever turning Hardy instead of him. Should he join Immortal? Personally the Immortal storyline is so played out and they should just accept it for the failure it is and move on, however this is TNA and they will play it out. I can see Anderson joining Immortal for one reason only, it can get him the one thing he wants, the World Title. His asshole gimmick means he'll do whatever he wants for the better of him. Well he wants the belt and Immortal calls the shot so for him that means join them and he gets what he wants and they can get what they want however after he ever wins the title he leaves Immortal why? cause he's an asshole and he used them. This doesn't mean he needs to go back face but he just needs to cut the ties there. I truely believe that come this years Bound For Glory PPV the Main Event will and should be A.J. Styles vs Mr. Anderson for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. It should also be based around Styles being their biggest face and Anderson being their biggest heel. To make it a reality they have untill October to build them up to that potential. A long deep storyline to build these 2 stars to be the top of the company. It can and should be done but in terms of TNA booking they'll try their usual swerve and have it be RVD or the less likely suspect of Sting be the one to turn rather than the guy who has half his antics already lean towards being a heel.
Anderson pisses me off in his current role, I find his character really cheesy and annoying, but I think he could be perfect as Immortal's top heel. I do not think there is anyone else in TNA who would be a better pick.

If Anderson could become a more sadistic, evil heel, while still maintaining some elements of his current character, then I think he would be great. There are too many heelish elements of him to make me like him, and his natural arrogance really suits the dark side.

I fully expect him to join Immortal in the near future, they desperately need a main event level heel, Bully Ray is good but come on, he will not be the main heel in the company, he is far from being in his prime. Anderson would be a wise choice.

There are alot of main event level faces he could feud with if he beat Sting for the title at some point. Definitely a good move for TNA I feel.
If you're reading the signs, than it sure looks like Mr. Anderson will soon be joining Immortal and become the top heel in TNA. While he's always been more of a tweener than face, Anderson's behavior has become increasingly heelish with more whining and displays of selsfishness. He also seems to be getting in more heated conflicts with true faces like Sting and RVD while his animosity toward Immortal is limited to just getting what he wants. It also would seem that Hogan has his eye on turning Anderson to the dark side based on their recent interactions.

Do you think Anderson can do the job as the number-one villain in TNA? Do you think he'd have to join Immortal to fill that role, or is there a way he could go heel and stay his own man? Also, do you think maye we're being set up for a swerve and Anderson will actually get screwed by Hogan?

First let me give some credit to TNA for a couple of things, since I'm normally very critical of their product.

1. I sincerely applaud their removal of Jeff Hardy from programming. I'll leave it at that.

2. I also applaud their efforts with current storylines involving Mr. Anderson, and the Immortal v. Fourtune storyline. Both very compelling, or as compelling as pro 'wrasslin' can be.

Now as to Mr. Anderson. I'd like to take a slight deviation from most of what I've read for the responses to this question.

I for one see Mr. Anderson as much more of the anti-hero character than I do a face or a heel character. Much like SCSA, I see his character evolving into that mindset, if you will, than needing to necessarily be with one side or the other. Let me take everyone back just a bit in time.

Remember when he was waiting out his 90 day no complete clause and posted those youtube vignettes? Now, I'd like to believe that much of what we see on tv with him is, in some small way, parts of his real life personality in that I'm sure that like many pro wrestlers, he's had to work his butt off to get to where he is today. He seems to relish that 'lone wolf' personality whether it was in WWE, those vignettes, or in TNA. He's found a niche that I believe works no matter who they have him in a program with and whether or not that person is a heel or face. Keeping him as a tweener affords TNA the ability to adjust his storylines on the fly from week to week, whereas having him pick a side means they would need to write him that way for weeks, and maybe months in order to get a payoff out of it. If you recall with SCSA people tuned in each week to see who he would "Stun" next and you never knew who it was going to be until SCSA came thru the curtain to interrupt someone. Heck as Santa Claus SCSA stunned Cena if memory recalls during a "Tribute To The Troops" show. So the biggest face in WWE at the time got the short end from SCSA who was then and is now still seen as the anti-hero character, breaking the rules, giving the boss the finger (literally) and getting HUGE pops each time he came thru the curtain.

In the end I think Anderson needs that anti-hero slant to his character so as not to pigeon-hole himself or the writing of his character.

Just my humble opinion.
IMO Anderson should have been the top heel long ago. TNA made the biggest mistake ever turning Hardy instead of him. Should he join Immortal? Personally the Immortal storyline is so played out and they should just accept it for the failure it is and move on, however this is TNA and they will play it out. I can see Anderson joining Immortal for one reason only, it can get him the one thing he wants, the World Title. His asshole gimmick means he'll do whatever he wants for the better of him. Well he wants the belt and Immortal calls the shot so for him that means join them and he gets what he wants and they can get what they want however after he ever wins the title he leaves Immortal why? cause he's an asshole and he used them. This doesn't mean he needs to go back face but he just needs to cut the ties there. I truely believe that come this years Bound For Glory PPV the Main Event will and should be A.J. Styles vs Mr. Anderson for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. It should also be based around Styles being their biggest face and Anderson being their biggest heel. To make it a reality they have untill October to build them up to that potential. A long deep storyline to build these 2 stars to be the top of the company. It can and should be done but in terms of TNA booking they'll try their usual swerve and have it be RVD or the less likely suspect of Sting be the one to turn rather than the guy who has half his antics already lean towards being a heel.

I really like your idea of a program between Anderson and Styles. I've been a fan of both their work in TNA and feel this could work very well with the right build. I think A.J. needs to break free from the need to be part of a faction to pursue moving to that next level. It's what made Flair great in his early days in The NWA prior to the formation of The Four Horesmen. He was a singles wrestler, mostly wrestling as a heel in those days, but he made his own way is my point. I think back then Rhodes was doing the booking? and so may have felt the need to freshen the storylines by booking himself v. The Four Horsemen which worked for a long time. But it's a different time now and I think since The NWO the faction thing may have run its course in that fans have been there, done that. Now, I still do believe that Anderson is better as a tweener, anti-hero but again to make the comparison, SCSA never needed to be face or heel to work a program with any # of WWE superstars, most of which were elevated by his character. (The Rock, Brett Hart, HHH, The Undertaker) I really believe these two can elevate not only each other, but the TNA brand if the angle is right. It needs to be A.J. climbing the mountain to Anderson who is seen as the lone wolf, who while beatable, always finds a way to either win, by hook or by crook but never with the brass knucks, but maybe a chair shot at ringside. Or maybe the crotch shot while the refs back is turned. (again a couple of things SCSA used from time to time in his day) I'm not saying they should book him as though he's the 2nd coming of SCSA, but let's face it, that slant and writing had a HUGE effect on the WWE and the response it garnered from fans.
I think the immortal would have worked perfectly if anderson was in jeff place at Bound for glory, remember year ago anderson was major heel one of the best in the business and that face turn looked like he was just pretending to be nice so he can screw the other guys, also I think immortal would have looked a lot stronger if anderson had a long title reign lets say until now from bound for glory, and now turning him heel and becoming immortals nr 1 guy i think its to fukin late, couze the storyline become really annoying and I think its time to end it, they wasted this storyline by picking jeff instead of anderson in the first place

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