And the new WZ Admin is....

Wait, didn't I just see a post by Siddy calling out Snorks? Huh now it disappeared. Pumps teh ironz? creatine. That is all.
I think this has to be the first prank I have seen here which had no one crying foul at any point. I really believed it and was waiting for Slyfox to name Lariat or Razor:D Next time, next time!! ...... I will probably fall for it all again :)
I think this has to be the first prank I have seen here which had no one crying foul at any point. I really believed it and was waiting for Slyfox to name Lariat or Razor:D Next time, next time!! ...... I will probably fall for it all again :)

You would ;)
I can see Game getting the most pissed just because he almost never goes into the bar so he will probably get caught by surprise the most. At least Baller knows the kind of shit that goes on in the bar
ST I don't think has seen it. You should make a thread saying he is the new admin or something.

Yes. Delete this thread and say he is Supreme King of WZ or something. See what his reaction is.

Go ahead and make the thread. I said I would be on my blackberry to see this since I was outside.

I'll admit, I fell for it. And while I am a little let down, it was kind of funny. Good one guys :).
Since Baller isn't on, you should continue this with him, make him believe he's going to be the Admin or something, that would make it even funnier when it pans out.
I like Game Rage (and do think he's a good poster), and Baller already has enough to deal with. Plus, he was here when I announced it and then signed off.

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