And the new WZ Admin is....

Honestly I am not ashamed to admit that I fell for it either. Honestly how in the hell would I get a shot at something like an Admin? Let alone a MOD due to how lazy I am. During this whole process I was actually thinking to myself if this was a prank or not. I wasn't going to get my expectations too high for something like this. And Lee, the only reason I changed my display name was to at the very least get some votes if it was serious. Weather or not you believe me is your prerogative.
I think we ought to enjoy this a little longer. It was nice to have something different to do.
Yea, i could see that... guess it'll be time for the same 'ol same 'ol soon enough... That said rather than jumping on this or the Superbowl (Sports?) I just finished watching Redbelt on cable... never saw it before; it was pretty cool. Carry on with the mocking.
You had no idea it was a prank, Crashin.

If you weren't such an asswipe that nobody liked, you would have been in this poll. But no one would believe you would have a chance to get near the AdminCP.

For once, being a douchebag paid off for you. In a manner of speaking.
I guess I'll be the first one to admit that my first reaction was to be pissed. I know I should have realized that I had no shot of being on staff, but I got excited. It's cool though, there's no point to laughing at anything if you can't laugh at yourself first
If you weren't such an asswipe that nobody liked, you would have been in this poll. But no one would believe you would have a chance to get near the AdminCP.

For once, being a douchebag paid off for you. In a manner of speaking.

Yeah, but you came pretty close to blowing your cover with Crashin, no offense.
I wasn't pissed, but slightly let down. This was excellently done and I'm gullible anyway. After a few seconds though, I thought it was really funny. So yeah. Good job all around. :)
I guess I'll be the first one to admit that my first reaction was to be pissed. I know I should have realized that I had no shot of being on staff, but I got excited. It's cool though, there's no point to laughing at anything if you can't laugh at yourself first

Uh, especially when you asked me, and I told you it was a work
i knew it would never happen, I thought Luthor was kidding on the retirement angle but hey best prank in the world IMO
I should have guessed, considering your line "Doc would be a better choice than Jane" isn't exactly brimming with praise. :lmao:
Now the question is, who out of the people that don't know yet, do you guys think will get the most upset?

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