Anarquia Finished With TNA

TNA has lost a great talent indeed, Hogan and Flair hogging the spotlight as usual, holding the young guys down! Maybe if TNA showcased the X Division more and brought back SIX SIDES, Anarquia could've been the new face of TNA.

Anyway what were your favourite Anarquia moments?

Update: is reporting that after having his name removed from the company website, Anarquia is indeed done with TNA Wrestling.
How would any of those things affect Anarchy in any positive way?

Hell, the man sucked as a mouthpiece for Mex-Am and was a lousy wrestler. Maybe now TNA will turn Hernandez into the monster face he's best suited to play.
Is this on TNA's site? I've yet to come across any article that Anarquia has been released from TNA. If its true, though, no big deal. I highly doubt that this was a result of Hogan and Flair hogging the spotlight like you put it. The man was trying to sound like Eddie Guerrero and he was just bland in the ring. Maybe he can develop a following on the indy circuit, but matches with him were boring at very best.
Hell, the man sucked as a mouthpiece for Mex-Am and was a lousy wrestler. Maybe now TNA will turn Hernandez into the monster face he's best suited to play.
I'd rather they also let Hernandez go, send Rosita down to development for a year or so before bringing her back with a new gimmick. Mexican America should be dead and buried at this point, and Sarita & Rosita need some seperation. Of course, I also feel the Knockout's Tag Team Championships should be retired...
This would be the first mention of Anarquia on these boards in what, four, five months? Let's not have anyone pretending they care about him now.
Lets see...

He came across as Homocide lite (both in gimmick and appearance) had very poor mic skills and was not very good in the ring. The only reason he's a bit of a loss is that TNA have one less tag team.

The thing is if they sent him down to OVW for a year or two he might actually become decent
How would any of those things affect Anarchy in any positive way?

Hell, the man sucked as a mouthpiece for Mex-Am and was a lousy wrestler. Maybe now TNA will turn Hernandez into the monster face he's best suited to play.

This would be the first mention of Anarquia on these boards in what, four, five months? Let's not have anyone pretending they care about him now.

Haha sorry guys I was only joking. Didn't I give myself away when I said I thought he'd be the next face of TNA? LOL anyway Anarquia was for me easily the WORST guy on the roster. He was bad in every way, don't remember any good matches or promos from him.

And I found out the other day he is 38, good lord what did TNA ever see in him? Glad he's gone. Not sure about Hernandez's future though. What will they do with him next?

Is this on TNA's site? I've yet to come across any article that Anarquia has been released from TNA.

He's gone from the roster on their website, so that's a sure bet. They don't seem to officially announce releases, I don't remember them doing it with Kendrick or Steiner.
Just checked it out on their site and noticed he was gone. But I thought they announced when Kendrick was released. And Steiner was released just last month and he proceeded to go on his typical rants in the aftermath. But Anarquia was lesser known than both so I suppose it was worth mentioning.
Anarquia is a poor man's Guerrero. He was good on the mic, but never really got a chance to do much. Adios amigo.
Who's Anarquia? You mean less talented Homicide? Didn't care about him or the LAX ripoff. The team was boring as hell. Every time they came on TV I turned Jersey Shore back on, but that's what I do most TNA segments.
Anarquia... he had the look, the mic skills, and the charisma. He was a license to print money!

Except for the fact that he wasn't.

At best, Anarquia was a low-rent semi-hybrid of Eddie and Chavo Guererro. At worst, he was your stereotypical "mexican" wrestler with the all too familiar gimmick to match. His in-ring skills were average, his voice grating (and not in a good way) and his appearance wasn't imaginitive or defining in the slightest.

He was just there... now apparently he's not. No big loss. TNA will do just fine without him.
I'd rather have Chavo or Homicide back in his place (if Mex-Am stays around). Agreed on Rosita, I haven't seen her have one decent match, and she is holding Sarita back (legit great wrestler).

Only thing I can recall from an Anarquia match was Chris Sabin being injured.

Send Rosita to OVW, which has a great women's division. I like her attitude and her segments on Spin Cycle, but that doesn't translate very well on TV. The other fact that Angelina Love was carrying her around, and I could lip read "Wow, she's light". Doesn't match up well size wise with the other ladies. Generally, smaller wrestlers are geared towards high-flying/quicker offense against larger opponents....ala A-Double V Bully (Crash Holly and Spike Dudley not withstanding). She needs to devlop offense that is sell-able on TV or turned into a valet.

Sarita is stuck with Rosita, and the fact she is "Mexican". Unless they are disbanded I don't see anywhere for her to go.

Hernandez is a mixed bag. Horrible mic skills, great look, sloppy (at times) wrestling. Couldn't create heat without anti-American gimmick. I'd send him back to OVW, and if he doesn't like it....see ya later. Many guys on the roster would love the extra time (X-Div specifically)
*Moderator's Note*

Until I see a relatively credible report of this, this thread is going to be treated as a rumor, because the word of a user with 42 posts, quite frankly, is hardly concrete.

I've read nothing myself, nor have a number of users here that this has actually happened, so until I do so, or I'm sent a report, this will remain a rumor.

*Moderator's Note*

Until I see a relatively credible report of this, this thread is going to be treated as a rumor, because the word of a user with 42 posts, quite frankly, is hardly concrete.

I've read nothing myself, nor have a number of users here that this has actually happened, so until I do so, or I'm sent a report, this will remain a rumor.


Yeah, I doubt he's really gone. At the least, I suppose he's permanently working OVW. Apparently, he's very over down there. I doubt TNA and OVW would him go when he's such a high fixture down there.
Anarquia is terrible! i hate watching him on impact every week. its such a shame Hernandez can't seem to do a good job on the mic because he would be great as a singles competitor and great to give someone like Hernandez the TV championship. Wish they could just bring Homicide back to team with Hernandez
No loss what so ever. I agree with The Killjoy, Hernandez should be a Monster Face now. SuperMex was way over.

Also, Sarita and Rosita are awesome and hopefully this leads to more time spent showcasing their talents.
I certainly hope the OP is joking as Anarquia is easily one of the worst members of the TNA roster both inside the ring and on the microphone. Hernandez certainly isn't anything to crow about, but at least he has a look if nothing else. Anarquia is perfect example of dead weight. The only possible reason to keep him around that I can see would be to job him out to wrestlers that are actually worth a damn. If he is gone, however, it can hardly be chalked up as any sort of a loss.
This is a sad day in TNA history for sure. I can't believe TNA let this happen. This guy had it all.

The Charisma Of John Laurenitis
The Mic Skills Of Former ECW General Manager Tiffany
The In Ring Skills Of Mike Tenay
And The Look Of Ricardo Rodriguez

.....too many moments..... I need to go cry.....

oh wait he sucks and nobody cares about him hahahaha no loss here besides we dont have a jobber team in the divison anymore in mexican america now hernadez should get fired and let sarita and rosita go their seperate ways both are talented enough for it.
Never gave a crap about Anarquia. I've been a fan of Hernandez since LAX and the first time I saw him border toss someone over the top rope for the first time. He would be better off on his own. What has he ever done that was memorable on TV? Nothing except cover the 40-50 people at the impact zone with a giant flag. Does Anarquia even have a signature move?

Let him go. More money in Hulk's pocket.
Great news if you ask me.

Hopefully TNA takes Hernandez, Sarita & Rosita's characters in completely different directions from this point forward.
no longer a rumor" Star Done w/TNA is reporting that after having his name removed from the company website, Anarquia is indeed done with TNA Wrestling."
I really like the guy. He's friends with a friend of mine who works for OVW (that's where he came from). I remember hearing a story when he was first signed to TNA a year ago.

Well, it's less of a story and more of complaining, "You know, everyone just hates it there. Just fucking hates it. You're either in the 'nWo' or you're jobbing crew".
Didn't like him from the first time I saw him. A much less talented Homicide indeed. Glad he is gone and hope they put the whole Mexican America thing to rest.
Good riddance! Anarquia wasn't anything special. He sucked in the ring and was even worse on the microphone. He came off as a less talented version of Homicide and Chavo Guerrero. Mexican America was just a horrible attempt at recreating LAX! I don't mind Hernandez at all (much prefer him as a babyface) and Sarita and Rosita are nice additions to look at, but they all would be better off if they ended Mex-Am and went their separate ways.

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