An Icon Turned into a Joke

@The Killjoy : You are what the people refer to as fanboy.
Nope. I just have a knack for thinking and not speaking as some deluded smarky fanboy. Kindly analyse before choosing your words.

Undertaker is a zombie. Yes he is, but does he look like a fucking zombie to you? As far as I can remember zombies are supposed to have rotten skin, torn clothes and have craving for a fresh brain. I don't remember Undertaker ever having rotten skin, wearing torn clothes, or wanting to eat people's brain. He could have gone a similar route of copying a zombie look but decided to "reinvent" the zombie character.
Oh. Wow. And I'm a fanboy. Wrestling has always revolved around CHARACTERS. It's what brings fans in. Aside from how you clearly never saw 'Takers early work, wrestlers makes characters that are above the norm to grab a fan's attention and imagination. Sting chose to emulate The Joker, because just like how The Crow was popular in the 90's The Joker is today (and technically always). As such, he reaches into a fan's (as in a mark who enjoys the show and doesn't give a damn about stupid details like yourself) imagination and gives him something to relate to.

I don't see how Vince Mcmahon would ever want to put his top guy like the Undertaker against an overrated "A con" Sting.
I'm still the fanboy here. Stings just as big a name as The Undertaker. Learn to deal with it. History isn't gonna re-write itself to favor your ignorance.

I think we can finally say that Undertaker vs Sting will now officially never ever happen.
Yup. Because 'Taker is not wrestling. Thank you Sherlock.
Like someone else said, the Crow gimmick was from a movie as well. Wrestling has always been influenced by TV or the big screen and to call sting on it when we have so many other guys doing the same thing (John Morrison-Jim Morrison, Cena's rapper days-Eminem, The Undertaker-undertaker from old west movies, etc.) is not right. Sometimes its time to reinvent yourself. I dont watch TNA much but from what I've seen its not hurting the product. As far as ending his career on a high note in WWE, he hated how they burried the WCW guys there and did the right thing. He might be open to it now but hes more needed in TNA than WWE.
Nope. I just have a knack for thinking and not speaking as some deluded smarky fanboy. Kindly analyse before choosing your words.

Yes but the problem is you are thinking out of your ass instead of giving reasonable and constructive opinion. Instead of endorsing a known fact that the "A con" of tna is blatantly ripping off not just the character, but also the copying the make up and the clothes. Also, did you notice the "nervous" t-shirt he was wearing. Wow! how original. From "serious" to "nervous" just like that. Not even trying to improvise. But improvising is something you can't really associate with the "A con"

The problem with sting is not only is he copying the character, he is not adding more dimensions to it. Basically, what he is doing is a copy paste job

Undertaker is not wrestling right now because he will be wrestling at Wrestlemania in front of 70,000 people. Unilke your" Acon Sting" who will be wrestling a 70 year old man for the millionth time next week in the impact zone in front of 500 screaming fools we call tna fans.

Stop being so delusional. Undertaker is miles ahead of A con as far as legendary status is concerned. You don't become an Icon just by putting the name "ICON" in front of your name.

Sting is like a gold fish in a shark infested ocean. Always was, always will.
Yes but the problem is you are thinking out of your ass instead of giving reasonable and constructive opinion.
Wait. Wait. I got something here.

Me! ^0^ said:
Wrestling has always revolved around CHARACTERS. It's what brings fans in. Aside from how you clearly never saw 'Takers early work, wrestlers makes characters that are above the norm to grab a fan's attention and imagination. Sting chose to emulate The Joker, because just like how The Crow was popular in the 90's The Joker is today (and technically always). As such, he reaches into a fan's (as in a mark who enjoys the show and doesn't give a damn about stupid details like yourself) imagination and gives him something to relate to.
Clearly, you don't read.

Instead of endorsing a known fact that the "A con" of tna is blatantly ripping off not just the character, but also the copying the make up and the clothes. Also, did you notice the "nervous" t-shirt he was wearing. Wow! how original. From "serious" to "nervous" just like that. Not even trying to improvise. But improvising is something you can't really associate with the "A con"
Meanwhile, John Cena ripped off the G-Unit symbol, CM Punk took a nickname from a Rage Against The Machine song, Hulk Hogan is a suburban commando and The Undertaker was "The Last Outlaw". Your point is crap and has been dismissed by several people here. Get over it. Wrestling is affected by the mainstream. You think Sting lacks originality, but you seem to lack understanding. But it seems you need enlightening. TNA has not hidden the fact he's imitating The Joker. The idea is part of the storyline to drive Hulk Hogan into wrestling Sting. He's not ripping off The Joker, he's emulating him. There is indeed a difference mind you, too. Sting ripped off The Crow. Because it was never acknowledged. Sting is emulating The Joker. People have alluded to it and Flair pointed it out. Explanation enough for you?

The problem with sting is not only is he copying the character, he is not adding more dimensions to it. Basically, what he is doing is a copy paste job
Right. Because he never did that with the Brandon Lee throwback.

Undertaker is not wrestling right now because he will be wrestling at Wrestlemania in front of 70,000 people. Unilke your" Acon Sting" who will be wrestling a 70 year old man for the millionth time next week in the impact zone in front of 500 screaming fools we call tna fans.
Funny. At least Sting can work a full schedule.

Stop being so delusional. Undertaker is miles ahead of A con as far as legendary status is concerned. You don't become an Icon just by putting the name "ICON" in front of your name.
Yup. Which is why Sting was labelled one.

Sting is like a gold fish in a shark infested ocean. Always was, always will.
Nope. That would be you. After all, you keep trampling on the same point.
I can read but the thing is you are basically making the same point which holds no relevance. You might think these are strong points but with thinking is clearly not your strong point.

Hahaha. Working a full schedule? really? He spends the whole time basically showing his stupidity portraying a ******ed joker. I haven't seen him in a match on Impact for weeks now barring the ppv match. Oh yea he showed up with a crow which scared the crap out of bitchoff. Hahaha, Like I said, silly delusional fanboy.

Labbeled by who? Vince Russo or dixie carter. The only label he deserves his the lable of "A Con" but you already knew that.

Only TN'gay fanboys have agreed to your points. Go and check out the latest WWE roundtable featuring Kevin Nash. Check out what your fellow Wcw/Tna idol has to say about your "A con"

In the end all I have to say is stop being so ignorant toward popular beliefs that this sting joker gimmick really does suck and even sane Tna fans are saying it so.
Now i know nobody really watches impact but i happened to catch it this week. And i know how awful that company is with booking and character development..but really..Sting? Turning down WWE for understandable reasons..but to stay with TNA to do a lame cheap rip off version of the Joker from Batman?? How desperate and ridiculous could they get. He used to be my all time favorite wrestler and now they stuck him with this stupid ass gimmick which i read Dixie is high on so no luck in it stopping any time soon. Just find it sad that Sting could of ended his career on a high note with WWE but now this is going to be our last memory of him. Given he still has alot in him in the ring and no word on retirement..but still..ripping off movies now? Could just be sour grapes from me being a fan of Sting and Batman..turned into a joke..but just wanted to get the point across.

I am a big fan of the new joker ( heath ledger) and how much I hate sting. I don't get the gripes. Sting was original years ago, back when he was WCW and had bight colors. Then he started to rip of the Crow, then it was a new version of the crow using red, then back to the black and white direct rip off of the crow....SO what is the problem? Sting has almost always be a rip off something or other, and people loved him for it. But so are so many other wrestlers. Scott Hall - Scarface, ADR - New version Scarface, Hogan - the true hulk, Mexican America- Real Mexicans, CM punk - Cool Hand Luke, Hurricane - Green Lantern, the list goes on and on. Pop culture plays a role in building characters. So times they are good other times they are horrible. Sting is a Moron for saying yes to the crow and to joker, but since that is all he know is ripping people off let the man steal what he can.
I don't see why tna fans called this reinventing. Blatantly copying someone is not called reinventing its called plagiarism, copyright infringement or being a copycat.

Nobody has a problem in sting copying the joker, the problem is he is doing a very shitty job and stupid tna fanboys are endorsing this stupidity.

It's hard to take you seriously when you contradict yourself like this. First he's copying, then it's not a problem, then it's bad he's copying because he's not doing it right... eh?

He's changing enough of his character from the one he's paying homage too that it's not straight-out stealing. Or if you want to be legal about it, "being a copycat." The style of facepaint is similar. Similar, but not the same. The mad tendencies are similar but NOT the same.

Sting is being entertaining by embracing the eccentricities of this new gimmick based upon a popular pop-culture character. That's all there is to this.
Sting has been Dead to me for about 5 years. i really DGAF about Sting personally. and on an off note, He shouldnt be called an Icon because he hasnt performed at Wrestlemania or WWE for that matter. Shawn Michaels, thats a fucking icon. EVERYONE knows who HBK is. and i bet that eats Sting up. anyway. I Watched about an hour and a half on IMpact and Sting's gimmick and showing struck me as the most repugnant. WTF happened to sting. please FFS sting go to WrestleMania and finish off the rest of your pathetic career before people just dont give a shit about you anymore. oh wait. they do.
Sting...its a shame he stayed at TNA. I was hoping to see him lose to Taker.
Don't you get it? Sting didn't wanna be fed to Taker; he'd rather become a jester of sorts in TNA. He'd rather his career go down the toilet...
Sting has been Dead to me for about 5 years. i really DGAF about Sting personally. and on an off note, He shouldnt be called an Icon because he hasnt performed at Wrestlemania or WWE for that matter. Shawn Michaels, thats a fucking icon. EVERYONE knows who HBK is. and i bet that eats Sting up. anyway. I Watched about an hour and a half on IMpact and Sting's gimmick and showing struck me as the most repugnant. WTF happened to sting. please FFS sting go to WrestleMania and finish off the rest of your pathetic career before people just dont give a shit about you anymore. oh wait. they do.

How pathetically ignorant. For God's sake, did reason die along with the Monday Night Wars? Sting isn't a legend because he hasn't wrestled at Wrestlemania? What about Mil Mascaras or Bruno Sammartino? They aren't legends either? Starracade doesn't mean anything either? Kids these days, sheesh.
Lol This thread is a joke. I laughed at this entire exchange.

Nobody watches TNA....Yet they draw 1.8 million viewers in the US, 300,000+ in the UK ratings database, online following of 80,000, etc. Nobody watches, right?

Sting's gimmick is not a rip off. This is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Since we have some WWE marks in the thread, let's use this example of "ripoffs" according to their logic.

-John Cena ripping off Eminem.

-John Morrison ripping off Jim Morrison.

-Cryme Tyme ripping off Brooklyn thugs (I live in Brooklyn, I would know)

-Kane ripping off various comic book characters.

-Undertaker ripping off various gimmicks such as Deadman, Badass, Ministry of Evil.

-Triple H ripping off Sabertooth from X-Men.

Randy Orton ripping off various gimmicks.

Do I need to continue? I'm sure if WWE pulled this Joker gimmick nobody would be hating it or calling it a disgrace.

Should I also mention, he loves doing something different with his character? He considers it fun for himself at this stage of his career?

Sure, I'm sure I will be labeled a TNA fanboy for telling the truth.
haha a Joke. Is that a pun?
To me his current gimmick is his most entertaining, every other one was bland

could also be seen as a ripoff of someone else that had contacted TNA and sent them tapes of his character and then a few weeks later Sting started doing a very similar thing and Crimson name was taken by the freak brother of Amazing Red

as for Stings reason for not going to WWE, well he's an idiot :) He didn't go there back in the day because it went against his beliefs the way they were potraying the product yet he stayed in WCW for years running a very similar controversial product and went to TNA which also was racey. I think it's more to the point that he knew he was nothing but a name and his flaws would shine through going up against the likes of Undertaker.
I hope McMahon pays you well after you blow him sweetheart.
Lol This thread is a joke. I laughed at this entire exchange.

Nobody watches TNA....Yet they draw 1.8 million viewers in the US, 300,000+ in the UK ratings database, online following of 80,000, etc. Nobody watches, right?

Sting's gimmick is not a rip off. This is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Since we have some WWE marks in the thread, let's use this example of "ripoffs" according to their logic.

-John Cena ripping off Eminem.

-John Morrison ripping off Jim Morrison.

-Cryme Tyme ripping off Brooklyn thugs (I live in Brooklyn, I would know)

-Kane ripping off various comic book characters.

-Undertaker ripping off various gimmicks such as Deadman, Badass, Ministry of Evil.

-Triple H ripping off Sabertooth from X-Men.

Randy Orton ripping off various gimmicks.

Do I need to continue? I'm sure if WWE pulled this Joker gimmick nobody would be hating it or calling it a disgrace.

Should I also mention, he loves doing something different with his character? He considers it fun for himself at this stage of his career?

Sure, I'm sure I will be labeled a TNA fanboy for telling the truth.

You hit the nail on the head with this. I was going to say the exact thing but you beat me to it. Nothing but comedy reading this bullshit thread
Im siding with the people who think its dumb its sometimes entertaining but he over due it and it doesnt look natural the whole lame jokes over da top body movement i remember he and hulk i think where doing a promo and hulk said shut up sting was like yes sir and suluted him?????? lol but even tho he is doing the dark night joker the dark night joker wasnt that hyper most of da movie he was calm but crazy... Its more entertaining then the crow but still not dat great
Sting has been Dead to me for about 5 years. i really DGAF about Sting personally. and on an off note, He shouldnt be called an Icon because he hasnt performed at Wrestlemania or WWE for that matter. Shawn Michaels, thats a fucking icon. EVERYONE knows who HBK is. and i bet that eats Sting up. anyway. I Watched about an hour and a half on IMpact and Sting's gimmick and showing struck me as the most repugnant. WTF happened to sting. please FFS sting go to WrestleMania and finish off the rest of your pathetic career before people just dont give a shit about you anymore. oh wait. they do.
OK, are you a dumb kid who sleeps in his John Cena pajamas with his WWE night light on (who knows nothing about wrestling)? That's my best guess, because if you're not a kid and you're actually an adult with that attitude, that's just sad!
.but still..ripping off movies now? Could just be sour grapes from me being a fan of Sting and Batman..turned into a joke..but just wanted to get the point across.

Not only did he have the huge run in the late 90's with "The Crow" gimmick, but he broke into the biz in a tag team with the ultimate warrior known as "The Blade Runners" which was taken from the early 80's Harrison Ford classic "Blade Runner". Not to mention his name is Sting, which also happened to be the the name of one of the biggest Rock stars in the world when he hit the scene. Sting has been taking from films and pop culture his whole career so I don't see what the problem is now.
DAMN wanna rip some one for gimmick stealing and all this bull shit how about GLACIER from WCW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

leave Sting alone if he don't entertain you change the channle!!! Or does your copertunnel (however you spell it) hurt so bad you can't pick the remote up and change the channle???? Damn everything is a rip off of everything, Pepsi ripped of Coke when they came out with Vanilla COKE and PEPSI came out with PEPSI VANILLA!!!! Start a fucking complant on that. Jezzz this is why i stop reading the post for months becuase EVERYONE thinks they are always RIGHT!!!!!! Opinions are opinions look the damn word up if you want to bash everyone on here.
In my opinion, Sting is only doing what is asked of him to try to make the show entertaining. I'm hoping he "snaps" out of it soon and goes superman on everyone, including Kurt Angle. He is an icon in the business but he's always worn makeup so who cares if it's original or not? I really don't want to see him wrestle Flair or Hogan at this point but we all know that's what's coming.
He has the power that if he thought he was being turned into a joke that he could have probably said no and been able to do it.

Pro wrestling has ALWAYS ripped movies either in a subtle way or not so subtle (Magnum TA?).

Sting is more entertaining as this joker (I see more beatlejuice honestly minus the smile makeup) than he has been in years.

He's still in the ring because he likely needs the money. In the Flair/Piper shoot, Flair said even though he loves wrestling, he has to do it because he pays 20K/month in alomony to 3 ex wives. Maybe Sting has his own reasons.

Sting actually DOESN'T need the money, he was smart enough with his money to not have to work another day after WCW closed if he chose to, he just loves the business a lot and wants to be able to entertain fans until he can't do it any more and help put over new talent.

Flair's fault he's still wrestling for being dumb enough to keep marrying people he'd end up divorcing, you'd think one of his friends would tell him by now. Legend in the ring, one of the top 5 of all time, just a total dumbass when it comes to money and relationships.

What I find funny though is that an obvious WWE fan in the first post of this thread bashes TNA claiming that "we all know nobody watches it" and talking about TNA's alleged "horrible booking"? It's WWE with the horrible booking, funny cause I watched last week's Raw after not watching since the night after MITB and it was horrible start to finish but Impact Wrestling from last week (the show after the ppv) was immensely entertaining with awesome wrestling).

Next time pal can you not put your WWE mark-like head on when you wanna talk about TNA? If you come in insulting the (IMO superior) product then that's not the way to go unless you want pages of people bashing your opinion.
I agree with you man...Sting is spitting on the legacy he created...But i also have to say that that's what Impact is to me(A joke)...Many westlers have gone there and done the same thing(Hulk Hogan, Eric Bishoff, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Goldust, Dusty Rhodes, Booker T, RVD, Jeff and Matt Hardy the list can go on and on),but out of all those guys Sting has has held more TNA gold and had more TNA success than any of those guys...why go to WWE and get beet by The Miz:whatthe:?...Point being, I dont want Sting in The WWE...So he might as well be top dog in TNA...
I find it funny that all these WrestleZone Idiots piss and moan about how wrestlers should expand their characters, and keep things fresh. Yet when Sting keeps reinventing his character, you guys still piss and moan. By the way, he may look more like the Joker, but he seems to act more like Jim Carey in The Mask.

You want a bad rip-off. How about Cena? Is he Stone Cold? The Rock? Hogan? He's basically took a little of each to make his current gimmick.
I know this isn't a solo wrestler but why isn't Nexus considered an nWo ripoff? Why isn't The Corre considered a nWo Wolfpack ripoff?

Zack Ryder isn't a ripoff of a Youtube skit?

The Rock was a ripoff of Johnny Bravo.

Alberto Del Rio is a ripoff of JBL.

Just another idiot trying to bury TNA while making himself look stupid. I don't get it. If you dislike TNA that much, that shows you care about it enough to make a stupid thread criticizing it because you do watch it. If you hate it, don't watch it.
@ Dizzy: You really do go by your name?, because every time I hear you talk, I fell nauseous.

All the names that you have mentioned of supposed ripoffs are only to stupid wcw and tngay fans. Nobody else thinks they are ripoffs.

Alberto Del Rio is a ripoff of JBL. You stupidity is quite apparent with this point that you make. JBL was made by WWE, they have every right to copy their own gimmick.

Sting doesn't own the crow, joker or the name sting. They are all owned by a talentless hack who couldn't come up with something of his own.

He is only icon to dumbass Wcw fans who are still bitter about seeing WWE putting them out of business. Same trend is being followed by dumbass tna fans because they know in their wildest dreams, they couldn't come close to WWE in any way possible.
Either the jocker gimmick or going stale, the old sting clam thing was ganna die eventually and this sting is his last hope for a push and he pulled it off good. After this he will be all dryed up but he just wanted something fresh for his final months.
I'd be more inclined to say this thread was the joke TBH. As the OP couldn't be further from the truth. Sting is only enhancing his legacy by adding another layer/evolving his character. I think it's testament to the Icon that at this stage of his career he's still willing to try new things and is still gaining more fans.

Sting is more entertaining in this role than he's been for years. He's totally reinvented himself and some of the promos he's been cutting as of late are some of the best I've seen from the Stinger. And the thing I like most about Sting now is that he's giving this role 110% and at this stage of his career that really is something IMO. He could easily just carry on playing the same character he's been playing for years and be one of the best, but he's switched it up and it's worked wonders for him (as is evident by the fact only 1 or 2 people are bitching and everyone else is enjoying it).

I really don't understand why some of the posters on here even watch pro wrestling. If you don't like outlandish, over the top, larger than life characters - then pro wrestling really isn't for you. It's that simple. And my best advice would be if you don't like something, instead of bitching about it like a little school girl, just don't watch it. No one forces you to watch a TV program, unless you're a child and you're parents watch something, which would explain a lot actually.

p.s. What a numpty this "Ice Cream" guy is. Please just come up with an opinion you actually believe to be true, rather than constantly contradicting yourself and spouting shit.

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