American Wrestling Entertainment

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Dark Match Jobber


American Wrestling Entertainment

Introduction: The date is June 25th, 2007. Both the WWE and TNA promotions have been hit hard by injuries, lagging PPV revenues, and sagging television ratings. As a result of these continual problems, TNA management is forced to place the upstart company on the auction block. Much like the sale of WCW in 2001, the industry is abuzz about who will purchase TNA. When the smoke clears a most unusual investor steps forward and lays claim to the company. The only seemingly unfortunate news in all of this is that the individual in question is an employee, more or less, of the WWE.

On Monday Night Raw following Vengeance, a major announcement is scheduled where the person in question who purchased TNA will appear in the ring for the very first time. Vince McMahon, the owner of WWE, has stated that he will be there personally to greet the new owner of TNA.


Raw Lineup:

WWE Women's Championship Match: Candace Michelle (c) vs Jazz

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Cade & Murdoch (c) vs Cryme Tyme

WWE United States Championship Match: MVP (c) vs Matt Hardy

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match: Chavo Guerrero vs Gregory Helms

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Santino Marella (c) vs Umaga vs Finlay

WWE Championship Match: John Cena (c) vs ????


Rosters and more following the first Raw...

This show is looking good. Keep it up and i will be looking out for raw


Monday Night Raw,
Madison Square Garden,
New York City, New York

Madison Square Garden is packed to the rafters with rabid fans who've come from all across the country to witness what is sure to be a most historic night. The camera pans quickly around to showcase the excited fans, and ultimately comes to rest directly in front of Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler...

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, we welcome you to a most auspicious edition of Monday Night Raw! I'm Jim Ross, and with me as always, is the enigmatic Jerry "The King" Lawler! King, I am so excited about tonight! I can't to see just who indeed has purchased the competition!

King: J.R., I am so pumped up, I can barely contain myself! Do you realize. JR, that almost all the titles are on the line tonight?! This is incredible!

JR: Indeed it is, King! It's a night we're not sure to forget, and look at this! It's starting off already! Here comes McMahon!


In-Ring Moment:

Indeed, as "No Chance" blares over the loud speakers, Vince McMahon struts down to the ring, obviously very pleased about something. Vince enters the ring, asks Lillian Garcia for her microphone, and then addresses the booing crowd...

Vince: Good evening, Ladies and Gentleman! Mind you, from the look of this crowd, I use those terms loosely. (crowd boos mercilessly, which causes Vince to change moods from jovial to plain-out-pissed off) Shut the hell up! (The crowd just boos even louder for several minutes, and then finally quiets down. Vince surprises everyone by suddenly plastering a huge grin on his face. Vince then continues speaking...) Now then, If I could have your undivided attention, we can then get down to business. I have come out here to find out just who is the new owner of TNA. So, without further ado, come on out here!

the crowd strains to see if anyone comes out to the entranceway, but no one does. As the camera view switches back to the ring, it is immediately apparent why. Vince's smile has gotten even broader, and then he stunningly breaks out into laughter. Once he composes himself again, he speaks and everything suddenly falls into place...

Vince: If you haven't already guessed, then let me fill you all in! The reason no one came out is because there's no need for anyone to come out! I fooled everyone in this arena, Ha ha ha! No one's coming out, because you're already looking at the new owner of TNA!

JR: OH MY GOD! Vince owns TNA! Good God Almighty! The wrestling world will never be the same!

King: Oh my gosh, JR! Mr. McMahon is a genius! Ha Ha Ha!

JR: The hell he is, King, the hell he is! This man is despicable! Damn it, he's playing mind games, and I don't like it one damned bit!

McMahon literally seems to be reveling in the moment. The fans, however, are livid and voice their displeasure loudly. Vince ignores them as if he doesn't hear them, and continues speaking...

Vince: Damn it, I feel like it's 2001 all over again! Once again, yours truly, Vincent Kennedy McMahon displays his testicular fortitude and crushes the competition! Mark my words, I will indeed crush TNA just as I did WCW! (crowd boos some more) Yes, this is surely a momentous occasion and it's one I shall cherish for years to com--

Vince is cutoff mid sentence as the WWE theme hits, and out walks Linda McMahon!

JR: Land sakes, it's Linda McMahon! I have a feeling that Vince is in for a surprise here, King!

King: Oh no, JR! Not Linda, anyone but her!

Linda stands in the entranceway, as Vince stares at her with an utterly confused look upon his face. He mouths the words "what the hell?" and moments later, gets his answer...

Linda: Hello sweetheart. I know you're a little confused right now, so let me help clear things up. Last night at midnight, I officially stepped down as the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of the WWE. Before I vacated my position of power, however, I made several decisions that you need to be aware of, Vince. First of all, you did indeed buy TNA, and for a very good price, I might add. What you fail to realize, Vince, is that financial matters of that sort eventually wind up on my desk. Up until midnight last night, I was the person who either okayed or accepted such financial endeavors or I would veto them. Now, I originally accepted your business proposal, Vince, and allowed that transaction to be completed. Upon further introspection, however, I realized that I made a huge mistake...

As the fans roar with approval, Vince's emotions quickly shift from shock to anger, and he glares at his wife. Linda, however, seems unfazed by it all, and pushes ahead...

Linda: Vince, make no mistake about it. I still love you, and you are my husband. I will also stand here and say without hesitation that when it comes to this industry, you are most certainly a jackass!

JR: My God, King! She just called her husband a jackass! This is absolutely astounding!

King: JR, I can't believe that she'd talk to him that way!

The fans cheer loudly at that statement, which only serves to infuriate Vince all the more. The camera watches him closely and he seems to mouth the word "bitch" in reference to his wife. Linda continues her speech, undaunted...

Linda: Vince, you came out here and referred to this moment as being likened to 2001. Well, you're right. It seemed exactly like 2001, and I was not about to let that happen again! As such, Vince, I have another surprise for you. See, you were right when you said you bought TNA, but I'm here to inform you that as of this very moment, you no longer own TNA!

JR: What the hell? I don't believe this! She sold TNA right from under Vince McMahon! This is unbelievable, King!

King: JR, who in the world would by it from her, that's the question I want answered!

Linda: You see, Vince, I sat back the first time this sort of thing happened, and I watched as you destroyed a huge money-making opportunity on account of your ego. I decided I wasn't going to let that happen again. To that end, I went out and made a few calls. I then discovered that someone did indeed want TNA very badly. We exchanged phone calls and emails, Vince, and at the last split second we came to an agreement. As a result of our negotiations, I can stand here and announce to the world that TNA has new independent ownership, and the person who purchased TNA is even here tonight! Vince, allow me to introduce the new owner of TNA...

Linda stops speaking, motions off to her left (to the backstage area, outside of camera range) and suddenly a most familiar theme hits! "I'm Back" blares throughout the arena, as fans instantly realize that Eric Bischoff is the mystery TNA owner in question! They erupt with cheers and applause, as Vince absolutely loses it...

JR: OH MY GOD! Bischoff is the new owner of TNA! This is history in the making, King!

King: JR, I never saw this coming! What an amazing moment!

In the ring, Vince is now yelling at the top of his voice, obviously pissed off at what's just happened. What Vince doesn't realize, however, is that it's only about to get worse for him...

Vince: Damn you, Linda! How the hell could you so this to me! You sold TNA to him? Damn it, I will not rest until I bury TNA once and for all! Bischoff, I don't how the hell you pulled this crap off, but I guarantee you this: TNA will die!

The fans boo, but it is very apparent that Linda's not done speaking to Vince yet...

Linda: Sweetheart, remember your blood pressure. I really think you need to calm down a bit, because I'm not done yet. (crowd cheers) Vince, the other thing you need to know is that the deal I made with Eric Bischoff hinged on three provisions, which I agreed to. The first is that effective immediately ECW is done. Finished. Secondly, in two weeks time, TNA will officially take over and own Smackdown...

JR: OH MY GOD! TNA and Smackdown together! Unbelievable, King!!

King: JR, I'm not sure if things just got better or worse!

Linda: The third and final provision is that in two weeks time, on Monday Night Raw, there will be a Lottery Draft, but this will be a first ever inter-promotional Lottery Draft. TNA and WWE Superstars will be together in the same arena for the very first time, as the two companies make their numerous selections! Eric, I do believe the floor is now yours...

Linda hands the microphone over to Eric Bischoff, who is being soundly cheered by the crowd...

Bischoff:Hey there, Vince. Remember me? The guy you unceremoniously fired a few months to a year back? Well, just like they say, Vince, this one's gonna come back and bite you in the ass! (crowd cheers loudly, but then they quiet down as Eric speaks...) Vince, back in 2001, I wanted to give you a war you'd never forget, but financially speaking it was impossible. WCW had become a sieve, losing money left, right, and center. Everything is different this time, Vince. I have an up-and-coming promotion, bonafide superstars who are ready to take it to the next level, and mark my words, Vince: We are gonna kick your ass! Vince, you claim you're gonna bury TNA. Not likely. We will fight with every fiber of our beings. Vince, get ready for a whole new war!

As his theme plays throughout the arena, Eric laughs, drops the microphone, and then he and Linda head backstage. This leaves Vince to fume over what's just happened...

JR: What a bombshell Linda dropped here tonight, King! All of that, and we still have a hell of a lot of action yet to come!

King: JR, I'm still stunned myself! I can't believe that Eric Bischoff is back!

JR: At any rate, we'll be back in a moment with more action and excitement!

To be continued...

Opening Segment was outstanding, love the direction of your show.

However, I am confused as to why you are waiting so long to post more of the first show, I figured you would post a full show at a time but I guess not. Will review it when the whole thing is up.
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