American Football Recomdations?


Staff member
I watch American Football from time to time but not frequently enough that I ever watch the same team more than twice. That said, I've always liked the game and want to really pick a team and start following them as best I can. The only problem I have is that I can't pick a team to follow.

So feel free to suggest some teams that I might like here. I don't want to hear suggestions of the Patriots, however. They are like the Man United of American Football I think. People who don't know anything about it go with them for the sheer glory but that's not what I'm about. I like an underdog story in the end.

So go on, who should I follow.
Good on ya for hating on the Patriots.

Steelers could be a good pick for you. They have a loyal fan base and are a well run team that are usually contenders. The main drawback is that their quarterback is probably a racist.

You can also never go wrong with the Packers. Small market team that is a contender nearly every season in recent memory, owned by its fans, and is probably tue most respected team in the league.

The Panthers could be a good pick if you don't mind jumping on a hot bandwagon. Cam Newton may be the biggest star in the NFL right now and they have an excellent chance of returning to the Super Bowl.

What are you looking for in a team?
I'm a Colts and Broncos fan. Wouldn't suggest supporting Denver unless you wanna seem like a total bandwagon fan. Indy every year seems to be the team that should be amazing and then isn't. I guess that makes them an underdog story...but really until this year they drafted stupid the last 2 years. They do have a good young core to the team though that has me excited for the future.
At your age, considering where you live, and your lack of depth with football I highly recommend you start gambling on the sport. Find a team that pays off and continue to bet on them. That is the best way to grow an allegiance in your situation to a really stupid sport that I love (due to being raised on it in a city without much else going on and now fantasy sports being so accessible).
If you like pain and misery, be a Lions fan (like me). It is so much fun. You get to see ineptitude at a level you never thought possible. It is not boring ineptitude. They suck in spectacular fashion. They find new ways to lose and blow leads. They are truly amazing. Also they went 0-16 once. The most amazing season in the history of ever. And that season coincided with the final year of the Bobby Layne curse (a QB the Lions traded in 1958 which he responded by saying they would not win for 50 years). No Superbowls. Had and wasted mega talents like Barry Sanders and Megatron (Calvin Johnson).

All this and more can be yours if you become a Lions fan.
If you like pain and misery, be a Lions fan (like me). It is so much fun. You get to see ineptitude at a level you never thought possible. It is not boring ineptitude. They suck in spectacular fashion. They find new ways to lose and blow leads. They are truly amazing. Also they went 0-16 once. The most amazing season in the history of ever. And that season coincided with the final year of the Bobby Layne curse (a QB the Lions traded in 1958 which he responded by saying they would not win for 50 years). No Superbowls. Had and wasted mega talents like Barry Sanders and Megatron (Calvin Johnson).

All this and more can be yours if you become a Lions fan.

Or you could be a Vikings fan and actually enjoy a season before failing in epic fashion in the playoffs...

On second thought better pass on my team Dave.
Let me try to sell on jumping on the Colts wagon.

Good young quarterback in Andrew Luck. Also, he is a huge herd and looks like a bridge troll, so he isn't some sissy pretty boy like Tom Brady.

Good young receiver in T.Y. Hilton. He has his own touchdown celebration, it's even included in Madden this year, finally.

Our punter, Pat McAfee, besides being arguably the best punter in the league, is hilarious. He has his own podcast and is one of the NFL's biggest personalities.

Our defense is......well we have Vontae Davis, who might be the most underrated corner in the game. We also have Robert Mathis who was a beast until he got popped for PEDs and then tore his Achilles tendon. Still decent enough in bursts.

So yeah, if you want a team that is good but not great, but has the potential to be better than good, then Indy is for you.

Oh and Indianapolis is nicknamed Nap Town, and naps are awesome.
I'm a Bears fan myself. They'll more often than not frustrate you, but occasionally, they put together something amazing, particularly on defense. Plus, they're one of the most storied franchises in the NFL, so if your a history buff, reading up on their history would be lots of fun.
Keeping my eyes on this thread. Like Dave, I don't live in the US. My location has the games on when it's very early in the morning, around 3am-4am. But anyway, I'm a big NBA fan and enjoy MLB as well so if you're a NBA/MLB fan and a NFL fan, I guess you can say I'd be a fan of a team that's up-and-coming. As of now, I'm a fan of the Lakers and Yankees. Yes, I know they're storied franchises and powerhouses, but these teams are undergoing a youth movement. So yeah, guess that's all the useful info I got for you to recommend a team.
New idea, wait for the greed of the NFL to catch up and put a team in the UK so you have a team you can see once in a while. Jacksonville may be a way to get ahead of the game.

Oh wait. Will you be able to get in to England at that point?
I don't live in the U.S either and I go for the Philadelphia Eagles. No particular reason why I originally picked them other than they had Donovan McNabb and he was awesome in NFL street 2. However after actually following the NFL for the past 5 years and getting a true/better understanding of the game, this season makes me feel as good as ever to be an Eagles fan and here is why. We fired our coach in the off season and he was a douche. His system just didn't work for us and he didn't understand it. We just traded probably the most frustrating and I like the say biggest spud QB in the NFL (I like to say history because I hate him that much) in Sam Bradford. So hard to root for the Eagles when he follows a good pass with 16 billion interceptions, fumbles or incomplete passes. To be fair he has been injured for a lot of his career and the system he was in didn't really help, but it was a really rough year last year especially. Our special team is the best in the comp. be prepared to see a few crazy long ass runs or kick return touchdowns. Very exiting to watch. The biggest bright spot we have though is our new #2 draft pick young quarterback Carson Wentz and he is going to a big time player one day. His first year, first game on the weekend and he threw 200 odd yards and got a couple touchdowns with no interceptions. Getting behind a potential superstar in the making while he is young.

Basically we haven't been all that relevant ( I mean we were winning the conference only a few years ago so take that how you will but were no real threat for anything) for a while now and made some questionable moves over the last few years but I like where we are going. Come join us as you see this team frustrate you but then excite you the next week. We will be the heavyweight one day , just be patient and then rub it in everyone's face.
I didn't used to like American football, until I started playing Madden. I seemed to win more when I played as the Packers. Then they became my team IRL.

So yeah. That's one way you can pick your team. Try out a few on Madden.
Panthers, Broncos, Giants, Falcons, Bucks, Bengals (small market but the team is consistantly good) Chiefs (again same thing).

Not only are the NY Giants not a small market team, they are in fact the team with the largest market in football.

Also, none of those teams are consistently good.

Shut the fuck up, Doug.
Not only are the NY Giants not a small market team, they are in fact the team with the largest market in football.
I think he was just talking about the Bengals & Chiefs with that comment.

I could be wrong though if that's the case Shut the fuck up Doug
Don't know much about Football myself. I'm a basketball fan all the way.

Being from the southeast, though, I've always been a Panthers fan and a Titans fan. Neither have bore much fruit in the past. Here recently, though, the Panthers have been the team to watch. With their brash young quarterback Cam Newton.

So if you like controversy and want to be involved with a successful team that is usually the topic of conversation on sports shows and with fans, I'd go with the Panthers.

If you like mediocrity and being a fan that doesn't have much joy or much to be excited or talk about with the sport, go with the Titans.

I'm just gonna leave this here.

As for reasons, well let me list them for you.
1. The defensive line is arguably the best in the league, and very well may destroy a few quarterbacks this season. Did I mention that the 3 main components of that line are all 26 or younger? As such it's highly unlikely that they'll be leaving anytime soon.
2. Darelle Revis is still among the greats at his position (Cornerback).
3. Brandon Marshall and Eric Decker are an excellent 1-2 punch at Wide Receiver.
4. While out quarterback (Ryan Fitzpatrick) has since shaved, anyone who could grow a manly beard such as this deserves rooting interest.
5. While they haven't made the playoffs in a few years, they are a contender to do so this year and as such it's a good time to get on the bandwagon before it fills up.
6. They play in the same division as the Patriots, so if you don't like them you get 2 chances a year to beat them.
So feel free to suggest some teams that I might like here. I don't want to hear suggestions of the Patriots, however. They are like the Man United of American Football I think. People who don't know anything about it go with them for the sheer glory but that's not what I'm about. I like an underdog story in the end.

So go on, who should I follow.

Clearly you've never met a Steelers or Packers fan. Most annoying people on the planet. Patriots just get a lot of hate because they're so controversial right now. Once they're not good again, it'll die down drastically. Steelers and Packers fans are always annoying. If you want a bead on Packers fans, most of them are St. Louis Cardinals fans too. Not even close together geographically.

Also, Philly fans are the worst kind of fan. You have about 4 seconds of poor play before they boo you off their home field/court. I say both because it's the entire town with every sport.

Then you have Cowboys fans. If you don't know what I mean, you're just going to have to find that one out for yourself.

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